Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 401 The court meeting - the bewildered Huang Liji

Chapter 401 The court meeting - the bewildered Huang Liji

Chaotang was silent for a long time, and finally someone stood up.

Huang Liji stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I think the most urgent task now is to quickly notify the state capital where the refugees are going, so that they can retain these people who have left the province as soon as possible, and then explain the matter clearly to them. Go back, otherwise it would be too great for so many people to spread security risks everywhere in the country.

And the one going to the capital should also be stopped and repatriated by the officials of Shuntian Mansion as soon as possible, and the safety of the capital should be the top priority.

But it is worth noting that when ordering the chief officials of these state capitals to stay and persuade these people, they must make them explain clearly. Man-made disaster.

Of course, the guards in various places should also prepare for war when the refugees enter the country, because we don't know whether there are any ambitious people among these refugees. up. "

After listening to Huang Liji's suggestion, Zhu Youjian nodded in satisfaction, and shouted at the courtiers: "Look! Look! You all have a good look!

No wonder he is the first assistant, but you are in the current position. Huang Shoufu's old-fashioned words of seeking the country can be regarded as a model for all officials, you all should learn more from me! "

After saying that, Zhu Youjian snorted coldly, turned his head and said to Huang Liji:

"Huang Aiqing, since you proposed this policy, I will let you handle it. I will ask the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Household Affairs to assist you. We must calm this matter down as soon as possible."

"The minister leads the order!"

After Huang Liji led the decree to retreat, Zhu Youjian turned his head to look at Cui Chengxiu, Minister of the Ministry of War, and asked: "Shangshu Cui, after the Southwest War is settled, will the compensation, rewards and punishments for the officers and soldiers in the army go smoothly?"

Cui Chengxiu hurriedly stood up and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, all the pensions, rewards and punishments have been carried out according to the system, and this time the pension has also been increased to three times the previous one according to Your Majesty's wishes. The soldiers in the army can be grateful to Your Majesty!"

Zhu Youjian nodded in satisfaction, and said randomly: "You have done a good job in the southwest, and there will definitely be small-scale rebellions in the southwest. For this situation, your Ministry of War should come up with a feasible solution as soon as possible The probability of an event occurring is minimized.

Don't let these remnants affect the progress of the land reform, do you understand? "

"I understand!"

"very good!"

Zhu Youjian nodded, so the matter in the southwest can come to an end, but it doesn't mean that he can relax.

Although the Southwest War has been settled, a greater challenge has come. According to the historical records of the previous life, since the first year of Chongzhen, the entire Ming Dynasty suffered from natural disasters all the time during the 17 years of the predecessor's reign.

Although the severe drought in Shaanxi today is terrible, it is just an appetizer compared to the years to come. Although before the drought started, Zhu Youjian had asked the Huangming Chamber of Commerce to cooperate with the local government to fill up all the official warehouses in various places. .

But food is precious, it cannot be created out of thin air, and the food stored in the official warehouse today is only enough to support the local area for three years.

For three years, this means countless grains. These grains were shipped from overseas by the Huangming Chamber of Commerce at a loss. In addition to the necessary expenses, the profits of the entire chamber of commerce in the past two years have been posted in it, which is why it has stored so much food. food.

But this is not a long-term solution. This natural disaster is not temporary. For the next ten years, the grain in Guanzhong is estimated to be in a state of default, and the little grain in the official warehouse cannot sustain it.

It is also impossible for the Huangming Chamber of Commerce to continue to transport grain from overseas at a loss. He still has to operate, and after spending such a large amount of profit to purchase grain, the Chamber of Commerce's plans for next year have already been affected.

Therefore, before the food in the official warehouse is exhausted, Zhu Youjian must find another way to keep the affected people alive.

Zhu Youjian, who was thinking about it, suddenly raised his head and asked directly: "I remember that there is a small country on the border of Yunnan?"

Huang Liji frowned slightly and then replied: "My Majesty, Yunnan connects two small countries, one is Annan, and the other is Laos."

"Annan, Laos..."

Zhu Youjian tapped the armrest of the dragon chair lightly with his fingers, thought for a long time and suddenly said: "I remember that Annan was originally my territory, right?"

Huang Liji didn't understand why the Holy Majesty asked this suddenly, but he answered honestly: "Your Majesty, during the Yongle period, Cheng Zu sent troops to recover Annan and set up the Third Division of Jiaozhi, but Annan is located in a remote place, and the people there are even more immoral. During the recovery period of the imperial court, the rebellion continued, and the imperial court spent a lot of money on it, so it was abandoned during the Xuanzong period.

Now that the Li clan is in power in Annan, the old ministers heard that in the past two years, the Li clan's power minister, the Zheng clan, was fighting with the Ruan clan in the south, and the country was in chaos.

Even Laos, which is on the sidelines, has suffered from a catastrophe for a long time and has been occupied by both sides, but there is nothing they can do. "

After hearing this, Zhu Youjian smiled and said, "This is quite interesting. Annan's two powerful ministers fought, and Laos suffered instead."

The officials in the hall also laughed, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly relaxed.

Huang Liji also smiled and said: "Your Majesty, since ancient times, it is the small forces who suffer the most from the battles between the big forces around. As the saying goes, the boss and the second child fight, and the third child is gone in the end."

"Oh, then let's hit Annan!"

"Ah this..."

All the courtiers who were laughing happily just now suddenly froze.

Why did you say that you are going to fight again?
Didn't we just finish the fight? Liaodong fought the Southwest, and the Southwest was finished. You are eyeing Annan again. What are you going to do?

All the ministers were slandering in their hearts, but no one dared to refute. Their own Majesty, they have seen clearly about this. It is only a matter of thinking. The problem is that once he has made up his mind, he will not give you a chance to refute, and he will just go his own way. This made them not know what to do.

But in line with his duty as the head of the hundred officials, Huang Liji both stood up again!

"Your Majesty! No!"

"Oh, that's fine."

"Your Majesty, you have just finished fighting the Southwest, and the national treasury has already been spent too much. How can you start a war again? You are... eh?


You just said forget it? "

Huang Liji looked at his majesty in a dazed manner, never expecting that the other party would say such a thing as forget it, shouldn't you scold me, scold me hard, and then insist on beating me, I advise you not to Listen, then do I back down helplessly?

Why did you suddenly not play your cards according to the routine?
This old man can't fix it...

Seeing Huang Liji's bewildered look, Zhu Youjian secretly laughed.

Are you stupid, can you guess what I'm thinking?
In fact, my real purpose is to...

"Let's fight the Japanese country!"

Huang Liji was dumbfounded again.

Why did you get involved with the Japanese country again?
Your Majesty, you really want to come up with it.

I can't keep up with your rhythm, please slow down and take me!
 I don't know what's wrong with the consumption, I'm not happy...

(End of this chapter)

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