Chapter 404
Inside the Nagasaki Executive Office, there was a rush of footsteps.

A short man wearing the official uniform of the Nagasaki Magistrate walked into the office of Jin Kazama in Nagasaki Port with a pale face.

Walking in here, instead of saluting respectfully as usual, he directly spoke to the middle-aged man who was looking at the Nagasaki Port taxation book this month behind the table: "Practice, it's not good! The official warship of the Ming Dynasty Came without any notice and is now approaching port!"


Kazama Jin, who was still as stable as Mount Tai just now, stood up instantly, looked at the subordinate official with a face full of disbelief, then walked out from behind the table in three or two steps, grabbed the official by the collar and asked eagerly:

"What did you say? Ming's warship is here? It's almost approaching the port? What you said is true, are you sure it's Ming's warship? Didn't you also misidentify the merchant flag of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce last time? "

Jin Kazama couldn't believe what he heard. Why did the warship of the Ming Dynasty come to Nagasaki in such a good manner?

He hasn't heard of the recent conflicts between China and the Ming Dynasty?

The subordinate official replied with a bitter face: "Feng Xing, how dare I lie to you, it is really an official warship of the Ming Dynasty. They are flying the sun and moon with the same brightness flag on a red background. At the same time, there is another flag that only the army is going to fight." The flag with the surname of the leader of the army will be hoisted at the time of the war, and the Zheng character of the Ming Dynasty is embroidered on this black flag, and this subordinate official can still recognize it."

After getting the exact answer, Jin Kazama took a breath instantly, feeling his head buzzing!
But he still couldn't believe it, hang the flag of commander in chief?This is the rhythm of the war!
Giving himself a slap in the face to wake himself up a bit, Kazama Jin immediately said with a grim face: "Go! We are going to the port now, you better not lie to me, otherwise I will make it impossible for you to survive or die! "

"Hi! This subordinate will never deceive Mr. Xing Xing!"

The subordinate officials hurriedly straightened their posture and swore to promise.

But at this moment Kazama Jin wished that he was just here to make himself happy, and everything he said was not true.

Taking a deep breath, Hitoshi Kazama took the lead and walked quickly towards the port, but before he walked out of the office, he immediately turned his head and gave an order to his subordinates behind him:

"In this way, I will go to the port to look at it myself, but you should immediately notify the defense forces on the shore, go on alert immediately, and send someone to ask about their purpose.

But they can't be allowed to approach the port. Once they approach the port regardless, even if they are the army of the Ming Dynasty, they must immediately fire to guard Nagasaki port. Do you understand? "

"Hi! This subordinate understands!"

The subordinate officials did not dare to be negligent, and immediately took orders to notify the guards sent by the shogunate to guard Nagasaki Port after answering.

Kazama Jin rushed to the port non-stop. Fortunately, the government office was not far from the port and arrived soon. Standing on the shore of the port and looking into the distance, the huge fleet densely packed like black clouds at the end of the line of sight immediately came into view. .

And this scene instantly crushed the last sliver of luck in Kazama Ren's heart!

Hands and feet are also cold at this moment!
The warships of the Ming Dynasty have really come!

The subordinate officials did not move slowly, they arrived at the barracks in less than a quarter of an hour, and as soon as they entered the barracks and delivered the order, Takumi Sawamura, the commander of the guard army barracks, immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Not daring to be negligent, he immediately ordered the entire army to enter a state of combat readiness, and canceled all vacations. In addition, according to Kazama Jin's instructions, he selected a person as an envoy to sit in a small speedboat and fly towards the rapidly approaching warships of the Ming Kingdom.

At the same time, they also quickly started defensive work, and the three "coastal defense guns" at Nagasaki Port were also aimed at the direction of the Ming fleet.

In fact, these coastal defense guns in the hands of the guards are just inferior products bought from Xiyi. The range is only about one kilometer, and the effective range is 700 meters.

Just these three doors were bought from Xiyi by the shogunate at a high price, and they were specially used to protect Nagasaki Port. The local army still used a kind of hugging style modified by arquebus guns more often, but Even if this kind of equipment is not much in the Japanese army today, otherwise the forces like Oda Nobunaga who had a large number of matchlock troops would not have won so many victories in the island country so easily.

Even though he had made all the preparations, Takuichi Sawamura still felt uneasy. It was only these three "coastal defense guns" and their defense force of 600 people who faced the huge Ming Dynasty. Fleet group, he really didn't have the slightest determination to defend it.

I just hope it's all just a misunderstanding!
Sawamura Takuichi secretly prayed that the envoy sent out would bring back good news.

And at this moment, the unlucky guy who was chosen by him as an envoy can't wait to cut him into pieces!

The unlucky Da Dao Nan has been cursing his mother since he was selected as the envoy. Anyone dares to scold him, because he thinks he is doomed.

But the military order is hard to violate, he has no right to choose, only the fate of being chosen.

In the end, he boarded the boat while cursing, and drove the boat towards the Ming army fleet.

As soon as he approached the front ship of the Ming army fleet, he felt his hairs stand on end.

Not because of anything else, but because at this moment, the muzzles of dozens of black holes on the ship are all aimed at him, and there are countless Ming soldiers with cold faces on the ship who are aiming at him. The sense of danger of death makes him tremble all over. with.

"Who is coming!"

A Ming army who looked like an officer on the ship walked up to the bow, condescendingly looked down at him from the top of the ship and asked.

Oshima Minami was naturally selected because he understood Ming dialect. Before joining the Defense Force, he was an interpreter in Nagasaki Port to make a living.

At this moment, after hearing the officer's question, he immediately replied in Ming dialect: "The general of the Ming country on board, I am the envoy sent by the Nagasaki magistrate, my superior asked me to ask the generals why they came here with the warship. ?”

Da Dao Nan was trembling in his heart when he said this, he knew that if something was wrong, maybe the Ming army on the ship would give him a shot, oh no!I am not worthy, I should be shot to death.

But he had to say it.

After hearing his words, the Ming army officer on the ship narrowed his eyes for an instant, and instead of answering his words, he ordered to his subordinates: "Fill him up and move on. Go to the marshal and see what we do?"

"My subordinate understands!"

Soon Da Dao Nan on the small boat was fished onto the boat with a fishing net.

After picking him up, the officers and soldiers of the Ming army just tied him up and threw him aside.

And he didn't dare to yell anymore, because he had already seen that these wise people had no interest in entangled with him, and they probably were determined to fight Nagasaki.

At this moment, if I want to beep, maybe my life will be gone, so I should be honest and reduce my sense of existence, and hope that there will be a way out later...

Soon, the main ship in the middle sent back Zheng Zhilong's order, and the whole army speeded up to sail, and stopped around the coastline of Nagasaki Port, and first persuaded Nagasaki Port to surrender. The wave cannon fire washed the ground and destroyed all the threatening shore defense facilities, and then marched in a large scale!
After receiving the order, the first ship quickly moved again, heading towards the predetermined four miles at a high speed...

(End of this chapter)

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