Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 423: Singing and dancing for peace or...

Chapter 423: Singing and dancing for peace or...

After the officials who were in their early years were dragged down to ransack their homes and beheaded, the co-interested parties who originally planned to come out to support them were like frost-beaten eggplants—withered!
All of them became shrinking turtles and hid in the crowd, not daring to speak out against it.

Regarding these people's petty movements, Zhu Youjian could see clearly from the throne, and it was clear that several people's feet had stepped out. As a result, as soon as he dealt with those officials in their early years, those feet immediately moved with lightning speed. The momentum shrank back, and those people still pretended to be innocent people.

Regarding this, Zhu Youjian was very contemptuous in his heart, but his eyes only flickered twice, and he didn't continue to pursue it. No one could see what he was thinking.

Without obstructers, it seems imperative to open the sea, but opening the sea is not something that can be done with a simple sentence.

The sea has been banned by the imperial court for hundreds of years, and the forces involved in the Daming Customs are as complicated as a mess. Even if Zhu Youjian's imperial decree goes directly to the place, the sea cannot be opened just by saying it.

Among other things, it can be seen from the tricks commonly used by officials in the officialdom, that there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.

I'm afraid that the order to open the sea was deceived and covered up by the local rich officials as soon as it was spread to the local area.

It's as if even though the guards of Jinyiwei's East Factory and West Factory's three major factories are famous, some people still think that their actions can be hidden from the eyes and ears of the factory guards, and their self-confidence can be described as overwhelming.

Of course, under the mopping up of the three major factory guards, these self-confident elements could not escape the knife in the end.

But no matter how many people were killed by the three major factory guards, this kind of people continued to grow like weeds, constantly popping up to cause trouble for the court and the factory guards.

So Zhu Youjian has no doubt that there will be people who don't open their eyes and will cover this matter. There is no way, there are many smart people in this world, but there are more stupid people!

So if you want to open the sea, the court must be prepared to deal with these "stupids".

Of course, Zhu Youjian doesn’t need to worry about this issue. It is the elders who stand out from thousands of officials who deal with these issues. They are professional in dealing with those idiots. The reason why I promoted them to this position Isn't that what they are used for?
And as an emperor, what I need is to entrust professional people to do what I want to do, and then sit firmly on the dragon chair to balance left and right, and be ready to make a decision with one blow.

As a result, the matter of opening the sea naturally fell on Xu Guangqi, who was born in the coastal area and is familiar with the local conditions, and Huang Liji, who was the chief assistant and skilled in politics. people.

As for those Westerners who asked to open the sea, Zhu Youjian did not directly answer them whether the sea was open or not. People, Zhu Youjian doesn't want to get in touch with the other party so soon.

Because he knew very well that although these Westerners treat him respectfully now, they still don't know what they think of Daming behind their backs.

The present West is no longer the West of the past. After years of great voyages and development, the various national powers of the West have continued to expand along with the expansion of the colonies of their respective countries. Perhaps today’s Ming Dynasty is just a huge body with no power in their eyes. A fat pig whose combat power is at the mercy of others, it's just that the strength here is not enough now, so it's temporarily making false claims with him.

Contacting them at this time is not necessarily a good thing, maybe they will dig a hole for Da Ming, and Zhu Youjian has also thought about the time to really contact them, he must have a battle with Da Ming Afterwards, only when Da Ming really showed his strength in front of these Westerners, would they sincerely trade with Da Ming, even if they made small moves, they would not dare to go too far.

And this opportunity, Zhu Youjian has vaguely seen it.

Thinking of the news he received recently, the corners of Zhu Youjian's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

On the way back to the embassy from the court meeting, the main and deputy envoys of the Dutch side were led forward by the officials of the Ming Dynasty while talking in a low voice:

"Heerenveen, what does the emperor of the Ming Dynasty mean? Why didn't he give us an accurate answer, but instead left us perfunctorily?"

Zhu Youjian's perfunctory appearance is not hidden at all, and the Dutch can feel it clearly no matter how stupid they are.

It was Groening, the Deputy Envoy of the Ming Dynasty who was on behalf of the Dutch forces in the Far East, who made the inquiry.

As an envoy, Heerenveen thought for a moment after hearing the words, and first secretly glanced at the Ming Dynasty official who was leading the way, and then suddenly whispered in Spanish: "Gronin, I don't think the Ming Dynasty has opened up trade at all. The idea of ​​the port, our mission this time should have failed."

Groening was very smart, and immediately understood that Heerenveen was afraid that the next conversation would be overheard by the Ming officials leading the way, so he also switched to Spanish for the conversation.

Hearing Heerenveen's judgment, Groning frowned deeply immediately, and said with a sad face: "If this is the case, it will be a disaster. Many businessmen in our country have stayed in the Far East for a long time. , The things in their hands can’t be sold, and they can’t buy the things they want from Ming Dynasty. If they go back like this, they will definitely go bankrupt. Many of them still have stocks of our East India Company. They sell at a low price, which is extremely bad for the company's stock.

Moreover, the bankruptcy of such a large-scale businessman will also affect the domestic judgment of the value of the Far East. If the country thinks that there is no interest worthy of large-scale investment in the Far East, then the resource dumping in our Far East will definitely decrease. It will be a huge loss for us! "

Heerenveen waited for Groening to finish speaking and nodded in agreement: "Groning, you are right, so we can't let this happen, the trading ports in the Far East must be opened, and we must not let those who come from afar Dutch merchants are bankrupt!"

Groening shook his head dejectedly and said, "That's what we said, but what else can we do now?

Could it be that you want to start a war with the Ming Dynasty and force them to open a trading port?

This is simply not possible!

As far as the strength of our Netherlands in the Far East is concerned, there is no chance of winning against the monster-like iron-clad ships of the Ming Dynasty. It's not like you haven't seen the powerful combat effectiveness of those iron-clad ships.

At that time, those short Japanese people, the most elite naval force in the whole country, had no strength to fight back when they were directly beaten on the iron armored ship. Although our strength in the Far East is definitely stronger than those Japanese people, it is not much stronger, not at all. opponent of the Ming Dynasty. "

Seeing Groening's desperate appearance, Heerenveen smiled mysteriously, and quietly leaned into Groning's ear and whispered: "Groning, if only we rely on the Netherlands, we can't defeat Ming, which dominates the entire Far East. Huge country with most of the territory in the region, but what if we have their insiders to help?

I once heard the saying El castillo más fuerte a menudo se rompe desde adentro (the strongest castle is often breached from the inside). Just after we came to the land of the Ming Dynasty, someone came to me. And they claim to be from the subordinates of a Marquis of the Ming Dynasty, and these Marquis also have the blood of the royal family, and it is said that they have secretly mastered the most elite military forces in this huge country of the Ming Kingdom, and he only has one purpose in approaching me, That is to form an alliance with me. He wants us, the Netherlands, to help him hold back the Ming emperor’s naval forces so that he can take the opportunity to launch a coup. Originally, I didn’t want to participate in this kind of crushing by Ming’s internal forces, but now it seems that this may be Our only chance. "

"Yes! But we are no match for the Ming Empire's armored fleet!" Groening said solemnly.

Heerenveen shook her head and smiled: "Oh! Groning, don't you understand? We don't need to defeat the ironclad fleet of the Ming Kingdom, we just need to hold them back and prevent them from launching a coup d'état when the Marquis of the Ming Kingdom Just come back and make trouble. We don't need to confront Ming's armored fleet head-on. We just need to lure them away, far away. I believe that we in the Netherlands should still be able to do this.

And the next thing you need to do is to secretly reconnect with the Marquis and express our goodwill to him, but you must also tell them our request. After he wins the power of this empire, he must open the coastal ports to We trade, that's what we deserve for helping him, and he's banning Spain and those damn Brits from trading!
do you understand?

We, the Netherlands, want to monopolize the trading port of the Ming Dynasty! "

"I see, Heerenveen, you are such a genius! This is a trading port that we paid a price for, how can we let the evil Spaniards and the disgusting Brits share the cake! They must be banned from coming! I really I really agree with this proposal!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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