Chapter 434

In the palace, the three top experts in the world are fighting fiercely.

A fierce confrontation was also going on outside the palace.

After the Liaodong warlords who surrounded the capital failed to surrender in the early morning, and did not receive news of Zhu Wushi's success, Dang even judged that Zhu Wushi must be in trouble in the city.

Just as Zhu Wushi and Xie Xiaofeng were fighting fiercely in the Guangting of Huangji Hall, the Liaodong warlords who had been besieging the city for many days also began to attack the city.

Long before going to court today, a group of military generals headed by the British Duke Zhang Weixian had received a secret order to preside over the defense of the capital with peace of mind, and they did not need to intervene in the affairs of the palace.

Therefore, all the generals were in place, and when the Liaodong warlords outside the city launched an attack on the city, they responded quickly.

The high walls and thick walls of the capital are well-known throughout the world, and most of the Liaodong warlords are cavalry, so naturally they are not very good at siege warfare, but they are shameless enough!
Maybe it was thinking that it was an act of rebellion, and if it failed, there would be no way out, so they didn't say the bottom line at all, and captured a large number of refugees and captured people as soon as possible when they entered Beijing along the way.

Attacking the city at this moment, they actually moved the common people to the front like the Eastern captives in the past, trying to force the defenders to throw their hands at them.

Their move really hit the weakness of the generals guarding the capital.

The city in front of me is densely packed with innocent people who were driven out by the subsequent warlord troops, and a group of generals headed by Zhang Weixian were stumped.

Originally, they were all ready. Once the warlords in Liaodong began to attack the city, let them taste the mighty cannon specially made by the Ministry of Industry for the capital!

This Shenwu cannon is not the cannons of the past, but a heavy cannon far surpassing all the cannons of the Ming Dynasty!
The sixteen Shenwu general cannons that were only recently placed on the four walls of the capital were produced by Zhu Youjian himself, who proposed the plan and supervised the provision of technical support to assist the Ministry of Industry. Plus the behemoths improved by local craftsmen!

The Tsar Cannon of the previous generation weighed 80 tons, with a body length of 5.18 meters and a height of
With a huge caliber of 915 mm, it is known as the cannon king in the 16th century and even for several centuries after that!
But now, how could Zhu Youjian, who had returned to the Ming Dynasty, allow the title of King of Cannons to be exclusively enjoyed by that good neighbor whom he coveted for a long time?
Even the tsars of the last century were capable of making giant cannons of this caliber. Could it be that Ming could not?

Sure enough, after receiving Zhu Youjian's imperial decree and technical support, it took only half a year for the Tiangong of the Ministry of Industry of the Ming Dynasty to create the cannon king of the Ming Dynasty—General Shenwu Cannon for the Ming Dynasty!

The Shenwu General Cannon not only has a size and weight far away from the Tsar Cannon, which has reached a terrifying weight of only [-] tons, but its cannon body is seven meters long!
Correspondingly, the caliber has also reached the terrifying level of 1000mm!

The huge gun body, the terrifying caliber, everything about these powerful general guns made Zhu Youjian and other generals feel a deep sense of security when they saw it for the first time!

As the saying goes, the truth is only within the range of the cannon, and the caliber represents the degree to which your truth can be convinced!
With a huge caliber of 1000mm, the Shenwu General Cannon is undoubtedly the artifact that can convince outsiders of the Ming Dynasty most in this era, and it is also the confidence that can give Ming a sense of security the most!
But in this situation, Zhang Weixian and others are entangled.

He is obviously an enemy who can be easily beaten, but because of the opponent's shamelessness, he and others are in a dilemma.

Just when the generals didn't know what to do, a calm but cold voice sounded beside the generals' ears.

"You don't have to worry about the people, you can fight as big as you want, and all the consequences will be borne by me afterwards. If your Majesty and all the officials are held accountable afterwards, I will be responsible for everything!"

Swish! ! !

Everyone turned their eyes to the place where the sound came out, wanting to see which such a madman would say such "cruel" words.

That's right, it's cruel. You must know that once they start defending the city according to the established procedures, the densely packed innocent people under the city will definitely suffer heavy casualties. It is a blessing to be alive two or three out of ten!
Such a cold-blooded act that does not take the lives of the people at heart, no matter what the cause is, the person who ordered it will inevitably attract condemnation from the whole world, and the name of a bloody butcher cannot escape.

The generals expressed their curiosity as to whether it was that tough guy who dared to say what he said just now.

However, when they cast their gazes away, they saw that the person who said this was actually Bai Polu, who had been wearing a bronze mask all year round. This time, Bai Polu, the deputy commander who presided over the defense of the capital together with Zhang Weixian!
Seeing the generals looking over, the bronze mask on Bai Polu's face made it hard to see what his expression was, but from his cold tone without a trace of warmth, everyone could hear the determination in his words meaning.

"Wait, do you still have to hesitate? The chance of war is fleeting. If at this time you allow the people driven by the rebels to approach the city wall because of the benevolence of women, how can you know how many rebels have mixed in? At that time, the capital will lose an important distance to defend the city, and the safety of the capital will also be in great danger!

Once the capital is forced, everything will stop, and then your women's benevolence will not let the rebels show mercy!
Now that the responsibility is borne by me, don't you have the guts to fight bloody? ! "

The generals are silent.

Yes, even if they are merciful, once the capital is oppressed, they will be reduced to fish and meat. No matter how good their reputation is, what good is their own life?Will live up to His Majesty's expectations!
At this moment, they can no longer tolerate soft-heartedness.

It is a truth that all generals know that kindness does not command soldiers, but sometimes public opinion can make the generals reviewed by Bai Xiaobai on the battlefield helpless. Now that someone is responsible, they no longer have any scruples.

Having figured everything out, all the generals immediately cupped their hands and said in unison: "Since the commander dares to take on this great responsibility, we will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations, and the thieves outside the city will not be allowed to set foot on the city wall of the capital!"

All the generals bowed heartfeltly to Bai Polu who was exuding the cold air all over his body, and then left quickly, and began to arrange the things they were responsible for.

The sixteen Shenwei general cannons wrapped in red cloth were opened, and the huge beast-like volume shocked the surrounding soldiers, followed by a strong sense of security gushing out crazily.

Although the Shenwu General Cannon hadn't fired yet, its mighty figure had boosted the morale of the defenders on the first day of the new year.

Huge cannonballs with a diameter of nearly one meter were transported by the auxiliary soldiers, and then put into the cannons of General Shenwu. After all the cannons of General Shenwu on the four walls were loaded.

Following Bai Polu's cold and emotionless military order sounded.


These sixteen cannon kings showed their terror for the first time in this world!
Sixteen huge roars that resounded through the capital made people's eardrums hurt!

Sixteen giant cannonballs fell like meteorites from the sky towards the crowd who were constantly being drawn closer to the capital.

The shells streaked across the sky and fell into the crowd, and then a cloud of small mushrooms suddenly rose on the battlefield!
The shells are not solid, but special cracked shells. The shells with a diameter of nearly one meter are filled with gunpowder and iron pieces.

The place where the cannonball landed is not as exaggerated as the erosion of tens of miles, but within a radius of one mile from the cannonball as the center, it can be said that there is no living thing left!
The shock wave of the explosion and the flying iron pieces created a horrifying scene. There was not a single complete body, all the corpses were dismembered by the splashing iron pieces, and all those left on the ground were stumps and broken arms!In the center is a puddle of meat paste that has turned black, and the burnt smell can be smelled clearly from far away!

Sixteen shells means that sixteen such scenes of hell on earth have appeared.

The range of Shenwu General Cannon is not far, about one mile, but its huge power can make no less than half a living thing within its range.

Looking at the terrifying scene under the city, Zhang Weixian sighed, turned his head to look at Bai Polu who had been silent since he gave the order just now, shook his head slightly, and said softly something he himself didn't believe:
"Polu, after all, you did it for the sake of defending the capital. With your majesty's wisdom, you will definitely be able to find out that Chaqiu will never punish you."

Bai Polu didn't respond at all, and Zhang Weixian couldn't say any words of comfort for a while.

This time, so many people were killed by mistake, even His Majesty might not be able to keep the person who gave the order. Frankly speaking, this kind of behavior has violated the big taboo of the world!

It's not that the emperor said that he can save it.

Moreover, the emperor is not necessarily willing to fight against the pressure of public opinion all over the world for a general.

Alas, Bai Polu has no way out, this is the consensus of all the generals, including Bai Polu himself...

(End of this chapter)

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