Chapter 45
After leaving Wang Gong's factory, Zhu Youjian's face was always gloomy, obviously in a bad mood.

Wang Chengen waited carefully, and suddenly thought of an idea, so he proposed: "Your Majesty, since we entered the palace, we haven't visited the East Market for a long time, why don't we take this opportunity to visit the East Market?"

Zhu Youjian nodded in agreement after thinking for a while.

Indeed, in the past few days after entering the palace, the mourning hall and sleeping palace are two o’clock and one line every day, and there is nothing interesting happening. Check the accounts, it's almost the end of the year, and I don't know how much money the chamber of commerce has made for me this year?
After confirming the next itinerary, Zhu Youjian didn't delay, took Wang Chengen together, and the master and servant headed towards Dongshi.

Dongshi, a collective name, almost every slightly larger city has an Dongshi, where all the common people trade and buy, and gathers all walks of life here. It can be said that a single Dongshi, you can live here. Buy anything you want in there.

It's just that this place is for the low-level people, and those high-ranking officials and nobles generally don't come here, but go to the West Market where all luxury consumption is the main thing.

People from the two classes do not interact with each other, which also avoids many unnecessary conflicts, but occasionally some dudes come here to make trouble and cause troubles to the originally calm Dongshi City.

But generally speaking, Dongshi is very peaceful most of the time.


Zhu Youjian brought Wang Chengen and Wang Chengen, dressed as masters and servants of wealthy young masters, to Dongshi, and they were greeted warmly by vendors as soon as they entered.

After all, in Dongshi, where almost all the lower class people are, the most popular people on weekdays are these rich families. This kind of people are usually the children of merchants, with rich families but low status.

Because according to the regulations of the Ming Dynasty, people were divided into different classes of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen. No matter how rich a businessman was, they were looked down upon by the other four classes in the Ming Dynasty. city.

And what these rich kids like to do most is to shop lavishly in the East Market and squander gold and silver generously, so as to get the envious and jealous eyes of everyone and satisfy their own vanity.

But now, Zhu Youjian is undoubtedly regarded as such a son-in-law.

Zhu Youjian also lived up to expectations, fully showing the generosity and generosity of the son of a rich family, and directly bought all the goods in the hands of the first wave of traders who surrounded him.

No matter what it is for, let them send them to the three courtyards of Dashi Yongfang, and treat them as benefits that the big boss gives to his employees. Zhu Youjian didn't care about the question of why they used a bunch of rouge and gouache.

The vendor Zhu Youjian who surrounded him later stopped buying. He said: "I, Mr. Zhu, only buy the number one! The number one product, the first product that comes to me, the second one like you Bo Lai, will you see me in my capacity?"

To explain this, other vendors in the second wave and behind responded with a cordial and friendly middle finger gesture, and at the same time sent a word of Gan to their heroic Mr. Zhu as a tribute.

After getting rid of these vendors who left angrily, Zhu Youjian took Wang Chengen for a leisurely stroll in the entire East City.

The turbulent crowd, the noisy voices, the loud hawkers from the small stalls on both sides of the road, the blushing vendors and customers who were fighting for a penny and almost stabbed each other twice with a knife on the spot, as well as the people who kept coming from all directions. The tempting taste of food constitutes a moving picture of the market, showing the life of ordinary people. This is the fireworks in the world!

Walking in it, Zhu Youjian felt as if he had let go of everything. Where did the panic and uneasiness brought about by the strange era come to the bottom of his heart? The heavy pressure on the future of the nation and the future of mankind was all left behind. , now he just wants to enjoy the fireworks in this world.

The leisure of ordinary people.

(Note: ordinary people with money.)
Taking Wang Chengen along the way stop and go, not long after, the two of them had their hands full of things, all of which were food, and the two of them walked and ate all the way.

Suddenly, there were bursts of heart-piercing terrified cries of girls from the noisy crowd ahead, which made Zhu Youjian's heart twitch involuntarily.

"Xiao Wang, what happened in front?"

Zhu Youjian frowned and asked.

Wang Chengen stood on tiptoe to look at it, then shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, my lord, the villain doesn't know, everyone is surrounded by people, let's go and have a look."

Zhu Youjian nodded, and then took Wang Chengen and walked quickly towards the place where the crying sound came from.

When I came to the place where the cries came from, I was surrounded by a group of people watching the fun, but I still couldn't see anything, I could only hear the cries of girls and Some people shouted and cursed.

"You damn little beggars actually stole something from the uncle. I will beat you to death today! Beat me! Beat me hard!"

"Wow wow wow!"

With the sound of crackling and slapping wooden sticks, the heart-piercing cry of the girl who was already crying became even more miserable.

Seeing that the front was blocked tightly by people, and hearing the heart-wrenching cry of the little girl, Zhu Youjian couldn't hold back, and kicked a strong man in front of him. .

Hearing an ouch, the strong man who was kicked suddenly fell forward uncontrollably.

So, the next thing is like a domino effect, one by one, and one by one brings all the spectators in front, and soon the front of Zhu Youjian becomes empty, only the ground is full of people The angry shouting and cursing of people kept ringing out.

Zhu Youjian ignored them, and walked towards the center of the incident with Wang Chengen stepping on a kind of person, startled and cursed again and again.

"Oh! What bastard is stepping on me! When I pull out my head, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

"Hey! What a bastard! You dare to touch my old lady! If my old lady catches you, I will cut off your hands!"


"I go!"


Compete for crossing, compete for crossing, startle a sea of ​​gulls and herons!
Amidst the scolding of the trampled people, Zhu Youjian and Wang Chengen finally came to the center of the event, and finally saw what happened!

In the middle of the crowd, in front of a steamed stuffed bun shop, several people dressed as men were kicking two children on the ground with their feet. The two children were a teenager and a girl.

The boy was holding the girl tightly in his arms to protect her, preventing the attacks of several guys from falling on the girl in his arms. Even though his body was covered with bruises, he gritted his teeth and remained silent. One sound.

And the girl who was protected by the boy curled up holding two buns in her hands, crying heart-piercingly as she watched her brother stand in front of her in pain and was beaten.

"Don't beat me! Don't beat me! Don't you eat buns! Give me the buns! Don't beat my brother! Brother! Wuwuwuwu! Stop beating! Wuwuwuwu! Stop beating! Wuwuwu! Nannan Don’t eat steamed stuffed buns again! Whoa whoa whoa whoa!”

On the side, a middle-aged man who looked like a shop owner, dressed slightly better, was looking at the two children who were beaten with an angry face, and kept muttering, "Let you dare to come and steal my buns, beat me to death!" You two little beggars! You dare to eat buns without money, go ahead and dream, even if I lose it, I won’t give it to you!

You guys, grab the buns and feed them to the dogs! "


Several guys responded, and immediately bent down to grab the buns from the girl's hand, but the boy firmly blocked them, preventing them from getting close to the girl.

This angered a few fellows, and immediately one of them picked up a shoulder pole that someone left behind and was about to hit the boy on the head.

The boy on the ground saw this scene from the corner of his eyes, and his face turned pale in an instant, but he kept protecting his sister in his arms, not daring to hide, because he was afraid, he was afraid that his sister would be hurt if he avoided it !
Seeing that this shoulder pole, which is as wide as an adult man's hand, is about to fall on the young man's head, at the critical moment, an angry shout suddenly resounded behind everyone!

"Stop me!!!"

 Ask for investment!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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