Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 60 Reconciliation

Chapter 60 Reconciliation
"Master Huang! Master Fan! Remember to come to our Tongque Tower often!"

"Hey! Good, good! Next time! Definitely!"

Early in the morning, the curfew had just been lifted, and Fan Ercheng and Huang Dongsheng, who had worked all night, walked out of the Tongque Tower in a frivolous step.

Behind him, Chun Niang, the old bustard of Tongque Tower, reluctantly came to see the two big customers who had spent so much money yesterday to leave, and kept reminding them to come often.

Although the two of them were already sloppy, their faces were pale, and they looked like old clappers who had been squeezed dry, but after hearing the old bustard's greeting, they still responded repeatedly. In fact, the spring night last night really made the two of them have endless aftertaste .

The peony really deserves to be the head of the twelve golden flowers. At first, Huang Dongsheng couldn't handle it by himself. In the middle of the night, he directly pulled over Fan Ercheng, who was already asleep next door. The two of them worked together to satisfy the oiran .

After working so hard, the two of them became what they are now, but although they were exhausted, they did not regret it.

If you are really a person here, how do you know how the various tastes are so lingering and unforgettable!

After parting, the two went back to their homes and slept comfortably until three quarters before waking up. Huang Dongsheng didn't dare to delay too much thinking about what he had done in Beijing this time, so he hurriedly informed Fan Ercheng, and the two finally They each took their account books to the Huang family's office in Beijing to start reconciliation.

Both Huang and Fan's families are one of the eight major merchant families in Shanxi, and the eight major merchant families in Shanxi are:

The Fan family where Fan Yongdou is the head of the family,

Wang Dengku is the head of the Wang family,

Jin Liangyu is the head of the Jin family,

The Wang family headed by Wang Dayu,

The Liang family headed by Liang Jiabin,

The Tian family headed by Tian Shenglan,

Zhai family headed by Zhai Tang,

Huang Yunfa's owner's Huang family!

These eight merchant families are all local merchants in Shanxi. Among them, the Fan family has been in business since the early Ming Dynasty, gradually expanding the family business and passing it on.

These eight companies originally only traded some goods allowed by the Ming Dynasty to the Jurchens outside the customs and Mongolia through the city reward treaty port granted to Mongolia by the Ming Dynasty to obtain benefits.

But people are always greedy. Since the wild boar Pi Nurhachi rebelled against the Ming Dynasty in the Wanli period, due to the shortage of supplies outside the customs, he began to secretly purchase food, military and other urgent supplies through Zhangjiakou.

Among them, Fan Ming, the father of Fan Yongdou, the current patriarch of the Fan family, discovered the benefits. Regardless of the imperial court's prohibition, he began to resell these urgent supplies to Nurhachi and other Jurchens and Mongols in private. smuggling together.

Up to now, these eight merchant families have been completely tied up with the Tartar Jurchens. They continue to sell Ming food, ironware, gunpowder, muskets, and other materials and Ming military information to Houjin to obtain a steady stream of Constantly high income, starting from Nurhachi's business with them, the countless financial assets that Jiannu robbed each time they entered the customs were cashed out through the eight of them in exchange for various materials needed for Jiannu.

This accelerated the expansion of the power of the Eight Families. In order to ensure their own safety, they began to spread a lot of money and bribed all officials related to the border throughout Ming Dynasty.

Some people refused, but most of them did not go through the temptation of gold and silver to collude with them, and now the whole Zhangjiakou has almost become the fiefdom of the eight families, ranging from the immediate chief official to the ordinary people who live in Zhangjiakou. The common people, almost all hold the money of the eight families and do things for the eight families.

In the court, they even trained a large number of lackeys to inform them and cheer for them!
Nowadays, the Eight Families have even started to blatantly sell all kinds of supplies outside the customs to help Huang Taiji and other Jiannu continue to grow their strength, but no one dares to control them.

Because everyone who knows has become theirs, and they don't need to hide anymore.

A large number of people who have been bought by them will do their best to cover up the finishing touches for them, and the price they need to pay is only a tiny bit of money in the huge profits they get every year.

This time, Huang Dongsheng came to the capital to reconcile accounts with Fan Ercheng. Since the eight companies traded with Guanwai, although they are competitors, they have also formed an offensive and defensive alliance at the same time.

Up to now, in order to tie them together, the eight families have shared a general ledger, which records all the transaction records since they traded with Jiannu, and reconciles with the eight families every year to update the transaction records.

The general ledger is jointly owned by eight families, and each family takes turns in charge of it for a year. Today, the Huang family is in charge of the general ledger, and this time Huang Dongsheng came to the capital to resell the Fan family's account of this year's military rations in Beijing with Fan Ercheng.

After a whole night of busy work, the two finally finished reconciling the account books when the sky was bright.

"Brother Fan, the ledger has been reconciled. Huang will return to Zhangjiakou in a few days. I don't know when we will see you next time."

"Hahaha! Brother Huang, don't worry, you must inform me, Lao Fan, when Brother Huang is about to leave. Then we will see you off! Send you off well!"

As he said that, Fan Ercheng winked obscenely at Huang Dongsheng. Huang Dongsheng instantly understood the meaning, and also smiled inexplicably.

After laughing, Fan Ercheng wanted to say goodbye and leave. After a short exchange of pleasantries, Huang Dongsheng sent Fan Ercheng out of the mansion.

Before leaving, Fan Ercheng casually picked up one of the two ledgers on the table and put it hastily into his cuff without looking at it.


Leaving Huang's office in Beijing and walking home, the fatigue and drowsiness of the night began to invade Fan Ercheng's brain. Fan Ercheng shook his head, trying to cheer up and continue walking home.

When I walked to Dongshi, I suddenly heard a tempting fragrance, and at this moment, my stomach, which hadn't eaten a grain of rice overnight, began to growl.

Fan Ercheng frowned and rubbed his belly, then decided to eat something before going back. Thinking of this, Fan Ercheng came to a steamed stuffed bun shop following the scent he asked about just now.

Looking at the drawers of steaming steamed buns in the store, and smelling the tempting aroma wafting from them, Fan Ercheng swallowed involuntarily, and was about to speak immediately.

At this moment, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop saw the fat man standing in front of his shop for so long and didn't say buy or leave. He suddenly felt a little impatient and started to chase him away.

"Hey! What are you doing! Buy it or not! If you don't buy it, go away, don't delay my business here!"

Fan Ercheng saw that the shopkeeper had such an attitude and wanted to get angry and argue with him, but at this moment, the desire to eat kept coming from his stomach, forcing him to give up this idea.

In the end, under the constant protests from his stomach, Fan Ercheng didn't bother with the steamed stuffed bun shop owner, and started to order steamed stuffed buns.

"Hey! You're a shopkeeper, you really don't know how to do business. The visitors are customers. How can you drive away customers like this?

That's all, master, I don't care about you, give me ten big meat buns!Another bowl of soy milk!eat here! "

"Tch! Those who eat are the customers, and those who don't eat are beggars. To waste your voice, ten meat buns and a bowl of soy milk, right? Fifty renminbi, do you want it?"

Seeing that Fan Ercheng ordered something, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop muttered a few words and asked.

"What? You want fifty cents for this little thing? Are you selling gold?"

After hearing the boss's quotation, Fan Ercheng's eyes widened. Isn't the boss of this mere steamed stuffed bun shop clearly trying to kill customers?
Normally, a meat bun costs three renminbi, and a bowl of soy milk costs only two renminbi. What he ordered can cost up to 32 renminbi elsewhere, which is the most!
The boss actually wanted to charge him fifty cents, isn't that clearly a scam?
I saw the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop glaring at him, picked up a rolling pin and said loudly: "At this price, whether you like it or not! Let me tell you, you ordered it just now. Whether you eat it or not, you will have to pay for it." Give it! If you don’t give it, I’ll send you to see the official!”

"You! You black shop!"

Fan Ercheng pointed at the boss who was furious, but the bun shop owner just looked at him with a sneer, waving the rolling pin in his hand from time to time.

He looked at the rolling pin, and then looked at a few guys who suddenly appeared beside him. They vaguely surrounded themselves in a circle.

In the end, since he had to pay the money, he decided to eat it!

"I eat!"

"Give the money!"

A piece of silver was handed over to the boss. The boss smiled coldly and didn't mean to change the money. He told Fan Ercheng to wait and then ordered a waiter to pick up the things.

Fan Ercheng saw that his teeth were itching with hatred, how could he not see it, the store owner definitely wouldn't give him change after seeing this attitude, it's a pity that the smallest money on his body was lost, no matter how small it was No more, otherwise how could I suffer so much for nothing.

But finally looking around at the guys who were still staring at him, Fan Ercheng sighed and could only recognize it.

He found a random table and sat down. After a short while, the waiter put his order heavily on the table. Finally, under the watchful eyes of several strong men, Fan Ercheng finished his breakfast tremblingly, and then left in a hurry.

It's just that what he didn't notice was that because he left in a hurry, the account book he had been keeping in his sleeve fell to the ground without noticing it.

After Fan Ercheng left, a clerk picked up the ledger curiously. On the cover of the ledger was a gossip pattern made up of eight square-hole copper coins. After looking through it, it was blank. Even to the side of the ground.

Not long after, a dirty young man passed by with his head down, accidentally tripped over the ledger on the ground, picked it up, looked at it, put it in his arms, and left the place in a hurry with his head down. The location of the steamed stuffed bun shop seemed to be afraid that the people inside would notice his face.

On the surrounding streets, the owners of several other shops saw the scene of Zai Fan Ercheng, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop, and started discussing in a low voice.

"Hey! Look, this horse cannon is killing customers again!"

"Hmph! Because of his behavior, our reputation here is terrible. My business has dropped a lot this month. People dare not come over, for fear of being targeted by him!"

"I am the same, but what can I do, who will let me have a good brother-in-law."



ps. This chapter is not well written, mainly for the sake of the plot, sorry, forgive me.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for collection!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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