Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 67 Touring the Beijing Camp

Chapter 67 Inspecting the Beijing Camp ([-])

The lack of personnel in the Beijing camp is serious, which Zhu Youjian has known for a long time, and he is also prepared.

But what he never thought of was that the actual number of soldiers in the Beijing camp was far more serious than he imagined, and it could even be said that the Fifth Army Battalion had existed in name only!

The only ones left are those who still continue to ask the court for military pay every month, and only the so-called Fifth Army Battalion on the roster!

The Fifth Army Battalion had nearly 7 soldiers in its heyday. Although it experienced civil fortresses and subsequent generations of weakening, at least Zhu Youjian knew that the Fifth Army Battalion still had at least [-]% of its soldiers when his brother took power.

However, ever since the Fifth Army Battalion was handed over to Zhu Chunchen, what Zhu Youjian didn't expect was that this damn guy's appetite was so big that he was reluctant to take out the remaining [-]% of the military salary, and gave it all to greed. Lost!

Zhu Youjian turned his head to look at Zhu Chunchen with cold eyes, looking at him without emotion as if looking at a dead person, which scared Zhu Chunchen into panic, but he didn't know how to make it up.

Glancing at Zhu Chunchen coldly, Zhu Youjian quickly turned his gaze back to the remnants of the Fifth Army Battalion who only had a few hundred people left.

The Fifth Military Battalion in front of him was an eye-opener for Zhu Youjian, why did you say that?
This is because Zhu Youjian actually saw that among the remaining remnants of the Fifth Army Battalion, there were a large number of eleven or twelve-year-old children with snotty noses, and there were also a lot of old people who were trembling when they walked. , the only thing is that there are not many people who are in their prime of life and have good health.

Zhu Youjian felt that the Fifth Army Battalion was like a concentration camp for the old, weak, sick and disabled, without any combat effectiveness at all.

If they were allowed to fight, it would be a complete joke. It would be better to drive the same number of pigs to cause more damage than them!
"Looks like it's going to be all over again!"

Looking at these people, Zhu Youjian thought about it secretly.

The appearance of these people has no value for training at all. Only by releasing them all to Ming nationality and recruiting some young and strong men to train again can they form combat effectiveness at the fastest speed.

Sighing, Zhu Youjian looked up at the crowd and said loudly: "Those over 35 years old come out!"


Dozens of old men wobbled out of the queue leaning on crutches. Zhu Youjian, who looked at them like this, was trembling with fear, for fear that some old man would suddenly fall to the ground if he was not careful.

After the old men with gray beards came out and stood still, Zhu Youjian said again: "Those under the age of sixteen, come out!"

"Swipe, swipe, swipe, slap, slap! Thunderbolt, bang, bang!"

In an instant, a large number of children came out, and some ignorant children who didn't understand what Zhu Youjian meant were followed by the older children around them and walked out of the team.

So when these people came out, the entire team caused a commotion, and various voices could be heard. It was known that after two quarters of an hour, these children finally finished and stood up in front of the queue.

Seeing that all these children came out, and after a rough scan, there were no fish that slipped through the net, so Zhu Youjian breathed a sigh of relief.

Then looking at the sparse Beijing camp team due to the appearance of children and old people, Zhu Youjian's originally stretched brows frowned again.

Originally, there were only a few hundred people in Beijing Camp, but now after some selection, there are not even 200 people.

Moreover, these people have to go through several selections, and Zhu Youjian has no idea how many people will be left by then.

"Those with physical disabilities, those with physical disabilities, come out!"

There was another crackling sound, and another large group of people came out. Now there are only less than 50 people left in the capital camp!
A dozen or so of them looked decent, but the remaining thirty or so were all wearing leather armor, holding excellent weapons in their hands, and their faces were even more rosy and full, with an overnourished look. quite different from other people in the Beijing Camp!
Zhu Youjian already had guesses about the identities of these people.

Don't need to think too much, these should be Zhu Chunchen's servants in the Beijing camp, and they are his confidantes who are in charge of the Beijing camp. Only these people can get sufficient material supplies, and all the weapons are the best!

Looking at these people, Zhu Youjian narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous sternness flashed in his eyes.

If I want to rebuild the Beijing camp, I have to firmly control the general camp for so long, and these servants are undoubtedly Zhu Chunchen's people. Once they are included in the rebuilt Beijing camp, they have Zhu Chunchen's support behind them. Under such circumstances, there is no doubt that other people cannot compare with them, and they will be left far behind in all aspects of promotion.

In this way, slowly, the rebuilt Beijing camp will fall into Zhu Chunchen's hands again, and by that time, all his hard work will be in vain.

So for the sake of the purity of the Beijing camp, these people cannot stay!
They must be excluded from the Beijing camp from the very beginning, and they must not be allowed to get involved in anything related to the new Beijing camp. Only in this way can the Beijing camp be reborn safely, smoothly, and healthily in its own hands!

And finally broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly, recreating the great prestige of the Taizu when he became the ancestor!What reasonable grounds should be used to exclude them?

Zhu Youjian, who was thinking, suddenly saw those members who were yellow and emaciated, and their clothes were torn, and they seemed to be living in hardship, and their eyes suddenly lit up!
Got it!

"Cough cough!"

Coughing twice, after drawing everyone's attention, Zhu Youjian looked at the crowd and said: "In view of the current situation of the Fifth Army Battalion, I have decided to abolish the existing Fifth Army Battalion. Let them all return to their citizenship!"

"Wh... what! We... all return to citizenship!"

An old man suddenly threw away the crutch in his hand, and looked at the emperor on the high platform with an incredulous expression on his face, he couldn't believe what he heard just now!
"Old Zhang, you heard me right, His Majesty said just now that we should be released as citizens!"

Old Zhang's eyes widened suddenly, looking at his old friend, he still couldn't believe it and asked: "Old Liu, don't fool me, His Majesty really said just now that he wants to let us go back to our citizenship?"

Lao Liu nodded fiercely with excitement on his face: "At this time, can I still fool you? Just now His Majesty did indeed say that we will be released as citizens, and we will be ordinary people in the future! We There is no longer any need to inherit from father to son, brother to brother, as long as there is a male in the family, he must inherit the military status and become this Qiuba!

From now on, we are the people!It's the people!

Peasants in Shi Nong Business and Industry!
No!wrong!We don't have land, where is work!
At least he's no longer a military member who eats people and doesn't spit out his bones!Hahahahahaha..."

Lao Liu laughed excitedly, the excitement on his face was beyond words, and he didn't hide it!

But the old Zhang was stunned for a while, then suddenly knelt on the ground, and shouted loudly: "God! You have finally opened your eyes! My old Zhang family, I don't have to be Qiuba anymore! I don't have to work for others for nothing. But Qiu Ba who can't even eat!

only!Why did you open your eyes so late!My father, my son, and my grandson were all starved to death. What's the use of leaving me, an old man, to see this day?Any functions!Ahhhhh! ! ! ! "

Old Zhangtou's cloudy eyes were constantly streaming tears, crying about why this day came so late!

His father, son, and even his grandson all died under this military status. After his grandson died, those damn dignitaries would not let him go, even the old man, and still pulled him out to replace his grandson's military status, and continued to give They work!
If it wasn't for thinking about what my wife said before he died, I was afraid that no one would burn paper money for her (them) after I also went down, so I survived the hard work, and I lived to see the day of liberation.

But, for him who has nothing now, what is the meaning of all this?
He no longer has anyone to share this joy with him.

The whole family, only he is left as a lonely old man...

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!Ask for investment!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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