Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 75 Little Grandpa, Don't Be Afraid!

Chapter 75 Little Grandpa, Don't Be Afraid!
In the middle of the night, it was pitch black everywhere.

A ruined temple stands in a secluded place, surrounded by no one, only the singing of frogs, birds and insects is playing music here and there.

In the ruined temple that was dark in the past, there is a little light today.

Walking in, someone actually lit a few candles in the ruined temple, making the originally dark ruined temple a little brighter.

pain!My whole body hurts, I feel like I'm falling apart!
Zhu Jingze, who had been in a coma for a whole day, finally woke up. The first thing he felt when he woke up was pain all over his body.

Originally, he wanted to call out for someone, but the sudden conversation made him suppress the thought of speaking out immediately.

"Why are you still taking him with you? It's all caused by his father. If Zhu Chunchen hadn't been stupid enough to assassinate His Majesty, my Zhu family is still a high-ranking Duke's mansion. How could we have ended up like this?"

"Hmph! I think you are stupid, do you really believe this?
Didn’t all the people who were placed in the Beijing camp in our mansion tell us when they came back? The little emperor already knows all about the situation in the Beijing camp.

It must be because of the incident in the Beijing camp that the father-in-law was killed on trumped-up charges by the little emperor! "

" can blame him! Who told him Zhu Chunchen to be greedy for the military pay of the Mojing camp? With so many properties in our country's government, is there any two silver coins that are missing?
If he doesn't go greedy for that little money, nothing will happen to us! "

"Oh, that little silver? Nearly 50 taels of silver every year is actually a little silver in your eyes. You said it lightly.

Although my government has a lot of property, but the family has a big business and a lot of people, how can we support such a big family without earning more money?

How can there be money for you ungrateful bastards to squander all day?

If there is a fault, none of us here are innocent!

You did not spend less money, but now you blame the Duke for being greedy for military pay.

Why didn't you think about where the money came from when you spent a lot of money? "

"Uh... this... hum! Anyway, I don't care! Now the Duke's Mansion is gone, the title is gone, and Nuo Da's family business is gone! There is nothing left, so there is no point in talking about it, everyone should think about it quickly How should we live in the future!

If you want me to say, let's share the things we sneaked out and find ways to survive. If we stay together, we may all starve to death. Look at this big family, women, women, old and young. It's so small, it might be difficult to survive! "

A crisp slap sounded.

Then, the old man who had been saying good things for Zhu Chunchen just now shouted angrily: "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking!
The old man will tell you directly, which money is specially reserved for us to go back to our hometown and settle down!
This old man will never allow you to make up your own mind, you should stop thinking about running away with money! "

Then I heard the young man who had been pushing all the faults on Zhu Chunchen just now shouted loudly: "Old man! How dare you beat me? Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. If you are sensible, quickly hand over all the money to me. I don't care where you burdensome people like to go in the future!

Otherwise, I will beat you to death today, and then sell all these women to brothels, and sell all the children to some Shanxi people to make them slaves to Jiannu! "

The old voice was full of anger and anger!

"You beast, these are all your blood clansmen, how can you do this!"

"Hehe! When this fat man dies, I will be the only adult male in the Zhu family, so I can do whatever I want!
By the way, don't you feel sorry for the dead fat man?Let me tell you, if you don't hand over the money, I'll kill him right now, and let your heart go to hell! "

"You bastard! You bastard! My God, why didn't you send down a thunderbolt and kill the beast!"

"Hmph! Old man! If you want me to be struck to death by lightning, I will kill you first, and then slowly find money!"

As soon as the young man's voice fell, he heard an exclamation from the old man's voice, followed by screams from the old man and his wife, and at this time Zhu Jingze had already recognized who the two were speaking, one was a caregiver since childhood. His old servant is also Uncle Zhong, the chief steward of Duke Cheng's mansion.

One is his cousin Zhu Wuyong, this kid is just a playboy, he misses fireworks and willow lanes all day long, squanders a lot of money, he is a standard dude, and he is very unreasonable on weekdays.

Hearing Uncle Zhong's panicked cry, Zhu Jingze knew that Zhu Wuyong was definitely going to make a move. Dang even slightly opened his eyes and peeked over, and sure enough, he saw that guy Zhu Wuyong was pinching Uncle Zhong's neck with both hands and exerting strength.

Maybe it's the reason why this kid misses the place of fireworks all day long, so his body has long been weak. The young man in his early twenties was almost broken away by Uncle Zhong.

But Uncle Zhong was getting old after all, gradually lost his strength, and his face turned blue from being pinched by Zhu Wuyong, and he seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.

At this point, Zhu Jingze knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and Uncle Zhong would die if he continued like this!
So, Zhu Jingze immediately stood up quietly in the dark, tried his best to restrain his movement, picked up a piece of wood from the ground, and hit the back of Zhu Wuyong's head with his back facing him hard with a stick!

A crisp sound!
The stick in Zhu Jingze's hand broke in two.

The wood in this kind of ruined temple has long been rotten, and it can't withstand such a strong force at all, and it broke immediately after this force.

At this moment, Zhu Wuyong was hit with a stick, and subconsciously let go of his hand. Uncle Zhong fell to the ground with a thump and began to gasp for breath, his face gradually recovering.

And Zhu Wuyong covered the back of his head after being hit, and slowly turned his head with a ferocious face.

He saw Zhu Jingze who was still holding a broken wooden stick in his hand and looking at him with embarrassment.

"'s useless, I said brother, I just want to test whether this wood is hard, do you believe it or not?"

Zhu Jingze took half a step back indistinctly, looking at his cousin Zhu Wuyong with a bright face.

Although Zhu Wuyong's body was hollowed out, the problem is that he is also a sick person now, and his whole body is in great pain. He has no idea whether he can beat this cousin, so after the surprise attack failed and was discovered, Zhu Jingze Feel a little guilty.

Touching the bulging bump on the back of his head, Zhu Wuyong's expression darkened completely, and he shouted loudly: "I'll fuck your mother's Zhu Jingze!"

Shouting angrily, he threw his fist at Zhu Jingze and hit him!

Zhu Jingze looked at the fist that was getting closer, and subconsciously closed his eyes.

After hearing a bang, there was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Zhu Jingze, who didn't feel that he was hit, slowly opened his eyes, and at a glance he saw himself standing opposite Zhu Wuyong, holding a piece of paper in his hand. The blood-stained stone was grinning at him, his loyal uncle showing eight old yellow teeth.

"Hey! Little Grandpa is not afraid, Uncle Zhong will protect you!"

Zhu Jingze's eyes became moist immediately, and the memory of when he was punished by his father when he was a child, Uncle Zhong always reminded him to bear the punishment, and said to himself: "Don't be afraid, little father-in-law, Uncle Zhong protects you!" !" scene.

At that time, Uncle Zhong still had black hair, and every time he was hit by a board, he could still endure the pain and comfort himself with a smile.

But now, Uncle Zhong has gray hair all over his head, but he has been practicing his words.

"Young master is not afraid! Uncle Zhong...protects you!"

"Woooooo! Uncle Zhong!!!"

Zhu Jingze cried out, stepped down, stepped on Zhu Wuyong who fell to the ground, and came to Uncle Zhong, and hugged this old man who had been protecting him since childhood!

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(End of this chapter)

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