Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 90 Our East Factory Needs Talents Like You!

Chapter 90 Our East Factory Needs Talents Like You!
Beizhen Fusi
"That's how it is with adults."

As soon as Yuhuatian returned to Beizhen Fusi, he begged to see Tian Ergeng and told Tian Ergeng everything that happened after he went to Luo's house in detail.

After Tian Ergeng heard this, he was silent for a while, and then he began to think deeply. He knocked on the table unconsciously with his right index finger, and then murmured after a while: "Silencer, murderer, expert, mocking?"

"Hehe, it seems that the other party doesn't take our Jin Yiwei seriously at all, so arrogant, I don't know what to rely on?"


Speaking of this, Tian Ergeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a fierce cold light in his eyes.

"So what if there is the emperor behind you? I will peel you clean layer by layer, and then completely step on the ground, step on the dust, and crush you all into powder like an ant. !"

After saying that, Tian Ergeng waved his hand and said to Yu Huatian: "Okay, go back and rest, don't meddle in this case, I will arrange for other people to accept it, you have been tired for several days, Go back and have a good rest."

After all, get up and leave.

Yu Huatian looked at the back of the commanding officer who was about to leave, gritted his teeth, and said loudly, "My lord! Please give this subordinate another chance! Next time! Next time, this subordinate will never miss again. The murderer behind the scenes will be caught!"

He was not reconciled, he was in charge of this case from the beginning to the end, and now that it has progressed to this point, I don't know how much effort he has spent, how can he be willing to hand it over like this lightly, to others?
Moreover, he has not taken revenge yet!That masked man, that disdainful look in his eyes, he will never forget in his life, this is the shame of Yuhuatian, he must kill the other person with his own hands to completely wash away the shame!

He will never allow others to kill him, he can only kill himself!Otherwise, the masked person will become his demon for the rest of his life, a demon that will never be erased!
Tian Ergeng stopped walking without looking back. The indifferent words came to Yuhuatian's ears coldly, but made him feel icy cold: "Opportunity? Xiao Yu, everyone has only one chance , If you miss it, you won't be here anymore!

If you don't catch it, you can only watch it pass away. There is no medicine for regret in the world.

Besides, you can't even beat the killers sent by the black hands behind the scenes, so how can you find out the people behind the scenes?
Go back and take care of other lighter things in the future. "

After speaking, Tian Ergeng took another step, drifting away without looking back.

In the same place, Yuhuatian knelt on the ground with a pale face, he knew that he was given up by Tian Ergeng who failed, he!It's worthless!

But, how could he be willing!

He is not reconciled ah ah ah ah! ! !
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Yuhuatian raised his head and let out a desperate roar!The voice is terrible!Full of despair and helplessness!

In September, the hot summer is gradually passing, and the harvest autumn has quietly come.

The weather is no longer as hot as the days before, and the autumn rain suddenly appeared and fell...

The dark clouds gathered quietly, and in a short while, there were lightning and thunder, and the big raindrops fell down immediately.

At the beginning, only a few raindrops fell sparingly, and each raindrop fell on the ground like pearls rolling on a jade plate, making a burst of crisp crashing sound.

Pedestrians on the street didn't pay much attention to this, they still walked unsteadily on the street, letting the sparse drops of rain fall on themselves.

However, it didn't take long for such a scene to change suddenly!
The torrential rain poured down like a floodgate, and large drops of rain fell on the ground, completely soaking the ground!
"Er Gouzi! It's raining heavily! Go home and collect your clothes!"

Pedestrians on the street no longer walked slowly as before, and rushed towards the house like wolves, but it was too late!

In just a moment, all the passers-by on the street were drenched by the falling rain, and turned into a mess of drowned rats!

Under such a covering rain, Yuhuatian staggered forward in the rain like a walking dead.

Suddenly, a thin and strange voice sounded in his ear.

"Hey! Isn't this the rain hundred households of Jinyiwei? Why didn't you go to investigate the case today, but started walking in the rain instead?"

Yuhuatian raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that the person who made the sound was dressed in Dongchang fanzi.

Wearing a pointed hat, white leather boots, brown clothes, and a small sash.

I am also quite familiar with him. The other party is a big stall in Dongchang. His surname is Wu Chen. It's an "old acquaintance"!

In the past, Yu Huatian would have had a few words with Wu Chen, but today he was really not in the mood, so he just replied flatly: "None of your business!"

Then he ignored Wu Chen, turned around and continued to stagger forward.

Wu Chen was stunned, and was about to get angry, but then he suddenly stopped his anger when he thought of what his ancestor said just now, and looked at Yu Huatian whose back was facing him, suddenly smiled faintly, and said loudly:
"Yeah! It's a pity that your matter of raining hundreds of households has nothing to do with my East Factory. It seems that we don't know each other. I want to help you and let you avenge it." , I heard that Yu Baihu was severely humiliated by the masked man who escaped today.

Tsk tsk, it's really shameful to be so disdainful by a killer for the dignified Jinyiwei hundred households!Hahahahaha! "

Yu Huatian's forward steps suddenly stopped, his fists were clenched tightly, and he couldn't put it down after a while.

Laughing at himself, Yu Huatian endured the sadness in his heart and moved forward again.

It really was a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by a dog!
I have fallen to the point where I am so mocked by this hermaphrodite but cannot refute it!

This is really, good fortune tricks people!
Yuhuatian wanted to leave here, but Wu Chen refused!

Seeing Yu Huatian taking another step, after a moment of contemplation, he suddenly spoke out as if talking to himself: "Oh! A few days ago, I heard from my ancestors that our Dongchang has a martial arts secret book handed down from the Song Dynasty. What is it called Sunflower Treasure Book? It is said that it can make a person become a master of the rivers and lakes at an unimaginable speed. I don't know if it is true or not!
well!People are old, confused, and can't remember anything! "

Yuhuatian's footsteps stopped again.

The scene at noon today, the masked man's disdainful eyes kept reappearing in his mind, as if the eyes of a high-ranking god looking at an insignificant ant on the ground!

He will never forget it in his life!

Yu Huatian turned around abruptly, strode up to Wu Chen, and grabbed the hermaphrodite by the collar!

He asked with a gloomy face, "What do I have to pay?"

Yu Huatian firmly believes that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and this hermaphrodite must have a purpose to lure him like this, but he can't care less, as long as he can wash away his shame, he is willing to do anything!

Wu Chen was not angry when Yu Huatian grabbed his collar. He knew that he had achieved his goal. Little by little, one by one, he broke off Yuhuatian's fingers holding his collar one by one, and then backed away. With a half-step, he straightened his messy collar.

Then facing Yuhuatian, Wu Chen grinned:
"Yu Baihu, our East Factory needs talents like you!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for collection!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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