Douluo: a deer

Chapter 1 White Deer Mother

Chapter 1 White Deer Mother
Star Dou Great Forest.

Qin Huan opened his hazy eyes, and before he could see the surrounding situation clearly, a huge tongue continued to enlarge in its pupils.

What the hell! ! !

Qin Huan narrowed his eyes in fright and passed out again.

After a while, warmth spread all over his body, Qin Huan felt comfortable all over his body, and his consciousness regained consciousness again, he felt as if a wet but soft feather was gently stroking its body.


Qin Huan yelled out loudly, but what reached his ears was a kitten-like 'wow' sound.

Something is wrong!How could I call it so sao?

Qin Huan struggled to open his eyes, and what he saw was a fluffy white patch. His body was buried in this whiteness, like the fur of some animals.

Before he could figure out where it was, Qin Huan's gaze faltered, but it froze in front of his eyes.

He saw a pair of slender, plush forelegs.

And its own forelimbs!
That's right, the forelimbs, not the hands.

Fuck!A bolt of lightning struck from the blue sky, and Qin Huan's mind went blank for a moment.

What the hell?I'm not a human anymore?

After being stunned for a long time, Qin Huan reluctantly accepted the fact.

He turned into an animal!
Well...and a very white animal.

This doesn't seem to be the point, okay!
Qin Huan shook his head and put away his wild thoughts. He tried to control his body to stand up, but he felt weak in his limbs, and fell down on his knees limply.

At this time, there was movement in the distance.

"What an active kid."

The gentle voice seems to be able to moisten the soul, and the fragrance of licorice rushes to the face.

Qin Huan looked up and was stunned.

This is a spirited and snow-white deer, its whole body seems to be embroidered with white clouds, the golden lines are twisted into ancient textures and plated on its soft hair, the small and delicate horns shine like crystal white jade, and the tail is Like a white tassel, the blazing flame at the end dances slowly.

Most importantly, the face of this deer.

beautiful!Qin Huan actually read the word "beautiful" from the face of a deer.

Cute, handsome, handsome, Qin couldn't think of any words to describe it.

Anyway, it is very beautiful!
Being single for a long time, even a deer feels pretty.

Qin Huan said that he was not to blame, it was mainly because you were too beautiful.

Moreover, Qin Huan's heart trembled when he saw this appearance.

This light effect!
This texture!
This scent!
Putting it in the card-drawing game of the previous life, this white deer is a proper ssr golden legend!
The beast is gone!
No way (▼皮▼#), this thigh must be hugged.

Qin Huan stretched out his forelegs and waved hello to the white deer. His small eyes were wide open, fluttering, and he was still yelling 'Yi Ya Yi Ya', extremely cute.

In order to get close to the boss, he already lost his face, otherwise it would be impossible for him to act cute like a big man!
Qin Huan's operation attracted Bailu's attention, and then he walked towards Qin Huan gracefully.

Qin Huan was overjoyed.

"Are you hungry?"

Bailu looked at his lively child suspiciously, completely puzzled.

Didn't you feed it just now?

Although it only went out to find food for a while, it won't be so hungry so fast!

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Bai Lu still walked towards Qin Huan.

And Qin Huan couldn't understand any animal language (=_=), seeing Bailu's strange mouth shape, Qin Huan thought it was saying hello to him.

So, Qin Huan hurriedly patted his farts.

"Hello, boss!"

"Boss, you are so beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful deer like you!"

"I didn't know what a beast was before, until I met you, the boss."

"Don't mention Qinglong Baihu Suzaku Xuanwu to me, now I only know Bailu."

"I have a friend, her name is Princess Yaoyao, she is also a deer, maybe you know her."


Qin Huan babbled and praised for a long time, until Bai Lu knelt down beside him and stopped him completely in his arms, Qin Huan felt something was wrong.

No, it's very wrong!

Qin Huan: "..."

"Drink, baby."

Bailu looked at Qin Huan tenderly, and at the same time stretched out his head, combing Qin Huan's hair with his tongue.

Wet...feathers...ah, comfortable~
It turns out that the feeling in the dream is like this, Qin Huan has black lines all over his head.

So, my mom is a deer?

Is there anything more outrageous than this?

The other traversers start off with cheats and are invincible, but I... start with a deer?

Without a golden finger, at least let me be a human being!
What's going on now?Qin Huan expressed that he wanted to cry but had no tears...

"About my reincarnation as a deer mother is also a deer"

Forget it, it's good to be alive.

Well, now it's time to tackle the problem of eating.

Qin Huan had black lines all over his head, and what's more disappointing was that he swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva himself.

Qin Huan: Ahem... It's not that I want to be pornographic, it's just that the child is hungry now.

Ah, this...

After taking a sip, Qin Huan burst into tears!

It turned out to be Wangzai!Wangzai-flavored breast milk, is there anything better than this?
In the previous life, Wangzai sold a bottle for five yuan, and a child like Qin Huan, who was so miserable, couldn't drink a few bottles in a month.

A bottle of Wangzai makes the family that is not rich even worse, not to mention the Wangzai Niubi candy that makes people want to stop. Usually watching other children eat it, Qin Huan is always envious and greedy.

And now, he can drink as much as he wants.

After hiccupping, Qin Huan rested comfortably on the soft belly of Mother Bailu.

The home of the two of them is a small cage made of vines, next to a towering giant tree more than ten meters high.

The snow-white and soft fur is spread under the cage, which is comfortable and warm. Qin Huan knows these furs, which are exactly the same as those on the mother deer, maybe they are left when she molts.

In the center of the cage is a hollow circle.

Looking up from here, you can see the night sky outside, with a few twinkling stars, quiet and brilliant.

Is it already evening?
Qin Huan was stunned.

At this time, I should lie on the bed and play games!Then, my sister would ask me to get up to eat, and if she didn’t respond, she would come in and drag me away. My mother would attack me with a spatula in the kitchen, and finally she smiled and slapped me on the head. My father sat on the sofa looking at the newspaper...

However, these, these, and these will never exist again...

Qin Huan felt a little lonely for a while.

A soft tongue stretched out at this time, and Bailu gently licked his silent child.

Qin Huan turned his head and met Bailu's watery eyes, which reflected his own petite figure, which slowly overlapped with the self in his memory.

The night in the forest is cold and terrifying, but in the vine cage under a giant tree, there is a blazing flame rising.

The wet feeling appeared again from the dream, and Qin Huan also dreamed that there was a white flame wrapping himself.

Warm and cozy, like a feather...

(End of this chapter)

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