Douluo: a deer

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
"Make him stop!"

Dazed Ning Junyi held his head in severe pain, and he looked at the increasingly scarlet sky outside the giant city, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Jian Douluo didn't dare to stand still, he knew that the time left for him was running out.

After the extreme radiance passed, the broken iron sword was replaced by a three-foot green blade, filled with blood and filled with an unparalleled will to kill.

It is Sword Douluo's Wuhun Seven Kill Sword!
The advection is like water, and after the ripples and waves, not only the rotten green plants, but everything behind.

The endless canopy seems to be moving a little bit.

At this time, the figure called Yan stood upright and let out a beep!
The sword light all over the sky disintegrated and disintegrated in an instant, and Jian Douluo shot away with a look of astonishment on his face.

The space of several thousand meters around was wrinkled and cracked in an instant, and a large circle of the huge tree crown was severely cut off.

Just a neighing sound is the power of Limit Douluo...

Jian Douluo's face was pale, he was bleeding continuously in the air, the flesh and blood on his chest collapsed, and his lungs were faintly visible, he fell straight down from the treetop thousands of meters high.

At the moment of crisis, the Seven Killing Sword behind him flashed with blazing brilliance, and a ray of sword shadow galloped out!

The purple awns flickered, and a flash of electric arc ruthlessly nailed to a solid treetop.

The falling figure of Sword Douluo suddenly disappeared, looking back, he swept out from the shadow of the electric arc sword, approached instead of retreating, and Yan didn't even react for a while.

Arc light sword shadow!

The seventh soul skill after Sword Douluo's martial soul has been amplified can teleport the main body at the marked position, and the arc-like swift sword light can not only limit the enemy quickly, but also create an unexpected effect.

Just at that moment, the stiff figure was stunned, and the sword light like a torrential rain approached in an instant.

The assimilation started, and the sword light turned into crystal emerald willow branches, and the next moment there was a rustling sound in the air.

Sword Douluo was waiting for the battle, thinking in his heart:

It's hard to get close, and I won't have such an opportunity next time.

He raised his eyebrows angrily, his heart froze, and the silver and white sword brakes around his body protected him, and he rushed over directly.

Yan let out a terrifying neigh, wanting to fly Sword Douluo again.

But at this moment, Ning Junyi flashed in front of Yan at an incredible speed.

With a flick of his hand, he held a shining divine pestle in his hand, without the slightest hesitation, he directly nailed the divine pestle to the top of Yan's head.

Yan, who was neighing in his mouth, froze, his distorted face froze for an instant, and dark green bloodstains flowed down his forehead.

A phantom of a white elephant carrying boundless prison-suppressing power suddenly crushed on top of his head, trying to crush him completely.

White Elephant is wrapped in thick white clouds, which cannot be seen clearly, but the space is chapped and chaotic under the pressure of every wisp of falling mist.

It shook slightly, and the continuous canopy sank several meters straight, all the vegetation collapsed into a pile of green mud, and the shaking willow branches suddenly shattered.

The round sword brake on Sword Douluo's body was directly crushed into a square, which was still not intentionally targeted.

On the other hand, Yan was not feeling well at this time, the chest that he had just raised was bent again, and it turned into that shrimp ball-like appearance again.

How could he not be shocked by everything in front of him!

"The treasure tooth of the prison, why is it in your hands..."

Yan's head rotated 360 degrees directly, and the scene looked very horrifying. He looked at Ning Junyi behind him, puzzled.

He recognized that the divine pestle that suppressed him was a piece of jade ivory from the Prison Demon God, which had been refined into a treasure.

You must know that in the ancient years of their strife, all the demons and gods in the world rose up together, and the turmoil was unbearable, but even so, the prison town was not weak at all, and it belonged to one of the higher demon gods.

But now, his precious tooth, which is so precious to him, has come to such an end, and Yan sighed for a while. It seems that the prison is also constantly worn out by the scouring of time.

The era belonging to the demon gods has finally come to an end...

"You should know that it won't keep me stuck for long."

Yan looked at Ning Junyi calmly, without much emotional ups and downs.

He was stating the fact that the slough born from the body of a demon god is also very good against ordinary descendants of demon gods or human beings.

But if you want to use it to deal with demon gods, it is tantamount to fantasy.

Ning Junyi nodded indifferently, and also understood the serious relationship.

"One minute." He said to Jian Douluo, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Yan watched his disappearing figure without saying a word, but Sword Douluo beside him became impatient.

In case of indecision, cut two swords first.

The first soul ring flickered, and the three-foot green front was sharper and colder.

Next, Sword Douluo used his strongest attacking skills.

The eighth soul skill, one sword!
A sword was thrown out one after another, and the wind swept through the clouds.

Sword Douluo Xu Fei flew high into the sky, thousands of sword sounds rang out, and countless sword lights shot out from the sky. They merged together and gathered into a huge sword that tore the sky, pointing straight at the figure in the center of the tree crown.

Between the sky and the earth, the sharp air is connected in a line, hanging down from the sky, and the entire space is divided into two along the way.

There was a rumbling sound, and visible to the naked eye, the crown of the tree was plowed into a bottomless abyss, which was directly cut through. Looking down from the edge, one could see the dead city thousands of meters below.

The gorge of the abyss has been extending, getting smaller and smaller, and finally the dark green figure at the end can be seen.

At this time, Yan was extremely embarrassed, under Jian Douluo's sword that was approaching the gods, his body was almost pierced directly.

It's a pity that this almost is not a star and a half...

Jian Douluo looked at Yan who was severely injured but not completely injured with an ugly expression, and he regretted it for a while.

The suppressed divine pestle was visibly loosened under this sword, and the assimilation was started unhurriedly, everything around him rotted in an instant, wriggling granulation sprouted on his damaged body, and his injuries were extremely serious. Reply fast.

At this moment, Jian Douluo's face turned green, and he wished he could cut himself with the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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