Douluo: a deer

Chapter 107 Murals

Chapter 107 Murals
Compared with the thickness of the spiral staircase on the first floor, when Ning Junyi stepped on the spiral staircase on the second floor, a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

The footsteps became inexplicably erratic, as if they had no weight.

The speed has more than doubled, and even the nerve reactions of all parts of the body are much faster!
He didn't stop, but thought for a while.

The Jiujue Town Prison Tower has nine floors. Except for the first floor, which he has seen before, he has not explored the other floors due to safety reasons.

But now the answer seems to be coming out...

If each layer represents a demon god's remains, then the second floor must also have a demon god's remains suppressed there.

His second soul skill is extreme speed, Ning Junyi understood that this second-tier guy must have something to do with speed.

Sure enough, before he could touch the black abyss above his head, the sound of howling wind came from his ears.

There was an inexplicable glint in his eyes, and he was already in the second layer of space in a moment of daze.

It is also a misty area, but there are countless spots of light flying rapidly, and a narrow and long black shadow can be vaguely seen.

Ning Junyi focused, not daring to be negligent. His senses were stretched to the maximum, but he could only see a range of more than ten feet around him. The broken sword in his sleeve was trembling slowly. It seemed that this could bring Ning Junyi a little comfort. .

Dark and simple, at the corner of the wall clinging to the moss, more than once, a long and narrow outline flashed, fleeting and elusive.

Ning Junyi slowly approached the corner.

On this kind of empty and unknown platform, standing in the middle foolishly will take greater risks.

Now I can only ensure my own safety first, and then slowly catch the guy in the dark.

He stepped down quietly, trying not to make a sound.

Like playing hide-and-seek, the figure in the dark is also silent.

They all played chess at the same time, waiting for the opponent to show his flaws first.

In the oppressive atmosphere, even the sound of human breathing could not be heard, only the moving spots of light were still rising and falling tirelessly.

Ning Junyi frowned, and his face was slightly pale.

Time seemed slow and unpredictable in the mist, and Ning Junyi didn't know how long it had passed.

It seems that he has held his breath for about four hours.

Even though he was already considered an intermediate soul master, he still couldn't bear it.

The surroundings were as quiet as ever, but just when Ning Junyi thought he was suspicious and was about to lose his grip.

Suddenly, a cry tore into the cochlea, and the shock was painful.

Ning Junyi's expression changed drastically, and he quickly groped in the mist. He knew that the other side couldn't help it.

Suddenly, the white mist billowed and billowed, and a long and narrow black shadow flew rapidly.

Even though Ning Junyi reacted quickly, he only took a rough look.

Hairy, like a kind of hair...

But before he came back to his senses, there was a wet, slippery snake-like touch from the back of his neck.

The sound of gentle breathing was close to his ears... Ning Junyi's face changed, and he didn't dare to act rashly. The speed of the thing behind him was too fast, so fast that it could instantly block his mental perception.

After waiting for a while, the other party still didn't seem to have any changes, and there was even no sound behind him.

But Ning Junyi knew that it was still behind. Looking at the small shadow under his feet, he judged that the demon god should be small.

"Maybe we can talk." Ning Junyi calmed down and turned around slowly.

Every part of his body was tense, Ning Junyi didn't dare to push it too hard, and the broken sword in his sleeve robe was ready to go.

Finally, after turning around completely, Ning Junyi let out a long breath.

The demon god in front of him also instantly stunned him.

"Just behind me..."

He looked at the white horse flying in the air and fell silent,
"A pony with wings."

Different from the gigantic size of ordinary horses, this little guy is only the size of a human head. Its hair is as white as fresh snow, fine and dense like a steaming cloud, and its whole body is flowing with silver.

Rolls of extremely fast wind spun around the little white horse's body, with its hair flying, it could be regarded as a trace of the might of an ancient demon god.

The little white horse opened its cute eyes wide, and looked at Ning Junyi suspiciously.

It seems to be saying, why don't you play anymore?

It tossed around in the air, as if extremely happy, then stretched out its small red tongue and licked Ning Junyi's face.

This was the first other creature it had seen in the endless years in the soul tower, so it seemed extremely excited.

Ning Junyi touched his wet and slippery cheeks, he couldn't help but be speechless, thinking that there was some kind of horror, he trembled with fear for several hours, fighting wits and courage, but in the end it turned out to be such a thing.

"Little guy, can you talk?" Ning Junyi hugged the little white horse that was pounced towards him, and asked, stroking its head.

But the little white horse in his arms looked at him suspiciously, and then,


Ning Junyi: "..."

"Forget it, it's useless to ask. This thing doesn't look very smart." Ning Junyi looked at the white horse in his arms with contempt.

Devil?That's it?
"Forget it, I'll find out by myself."

Ning Junyi walked through the misty white mist for an unknown distance, and finally came to the wall on the second floor.

In the flickering candlelight, on the mossy ancient wall, there are several murals that can be seen from a long time ago.

After the erosion of time, the mural is slightly mottled. Although it is very blurry, it can still be seen clearly that there is a Pegasus flying through the clouds.

It raised its head to look at the sky, screamed, and stood majestically in the clouds. In front of it, facing it was a huge vertical pupil that was level with the sky.

There seemed to be a strange magical power in the darkness in the vertical pupils, and Ning Junyi was a little dazed for a moment.

He hastily bit the tip of his tongue, until the fishy sweetness overflowed from his mouth, and he finally came back to his senses.

At this moment, Ning Junyi was really a little scared.

This eye... what the hell is it?

It was so terrifying!
You must know that countless epochs have passed since the age of the demon gods, but this eye can still affect people's mind through a rotten mural.

just outrageous...

"Almost caught my eye."

Ning Junyi sighed, the demon god's methods were really hard to guard against.

The power of some natural powers is simply unimaginable.

This little guy is actually facing this kind of existence?

Ning Junyi looked at the little white horse in his arms in a moment of astonishment, he couldn't believe it, and even suspected that it was a demon god who had been swapped.

Why is the one in the painting so hanging?

His one is just like the fake one.

Ning Junyi resisted throwing away the little white horse, and continued to look at the mural in front of him.

After all, he is a demon god who prostitutes for nothing, so he should be raised first.

Ning Junyi thought in his heart, but his eyes were attracted by the content of the painting.

Looking at it, Ning Junyi couldn't help trembling, and his breathing became urgent.

What is painted on it is...

(End of this chapter)

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