Douluo: a deer

Chapter 109

Chapter 109
"Heroic soul?"

Ning Junyi was thoughtful, but still couldn't figure out why, he couldn't help but look at Yi Huai.

Yishui didn't make a fool of himself, and when he spoke, his tone was a little heavy, and it revealed some secrets.

"The war of demon gods is so cruel. There are winners and there are also losers. Even if the losers do not die, they will be robbed by other demon gods to grow their bodies."

"But even so, there are still some individual exceptions. There are many ruthless people. They chose to kill the grass and roots, and want to completely eliminate the defeated demon god."

"Devil gods are born with the energy of heaven and earth, and some are even transformed by a side of mountains and rivers. After their death, the harm to the mainland is undoubtedly huge. In this way, not only weak creatures, but even some weak demon gods cannot survive Survive the disaster."

"This..." Ning Junyi was a little shocked, feeling as powerful as a demon god would die.

Also, the gap between top demon gods and ordinary demon gods is simply too great.

He couldn't help but wonder what happened next,

"and then?"

Yi Hua paused, then continued:

"The Foul God is one of the demon gods who died in the war. He himself is gathered by the obsession of thousands of evil spirits. Before he died, this power could still be controlled. But after his death, the evil spirits They can no longer be restrained and vented."

"In the same year, there were constant disasters in the world, and people were devastated. From time to time, some people went mad and even started to fight each other."

"Then what should we do?!" Ning Junyi didn't expect that a demon god would have such a big impact after his death. One can imagine how miserable the creatures were back then.

One or two demon gods will die every other day, so they don't live, just lie down and wait to die.

Yi Hua shook his head, the whole meatball seemed to tremble with excitement.

It said with a touch of reverence:

"At this moment, the Prison-Suppressing Demon God has made a move! He couldn't bear the suffering of the common people, so he gave up the fight for miracles, and incarnated tens of thousands of times, he traveled to every corner of the continent, releasing the huge prison-suppressing divine power to suppress evil spirits."

"He taught the law of suppressing prisons to the human race that is blooming everywhere on the mainland. Although this race is weak, its cohesion is quite strong and the number of human races is the largest on the mainland. The prison suppressor believes that even if one day he is gone, the human race will Protect the land that gave birth to him for him."

"In this way, after decades of hard work, the heavens and the earth finally regained their vitality, but the white jade idol shrouded in beautiful clouds can no longer be seen on the land..."

Yishe has some emotions:

"I don't know how many years have passed since I felt His existence again. Although I have just been born with intelligence, as a remnant of the Martial God, I recognized Him the first time."

"He is no longer the size of a person, and even forgot what happened before, and just fell asleep in this desolate solitary tower..."

The story is over.

Ning Junyi was silent for a while, feeling slightly astringent.

"The town prison is really amazing..."

Protecting the common people and carrying on the unique learning, this is a great merit.

But he can only spend the rest of his life in this tower.

Ning Junyi was filled with emotion, what did he think of, looked at Yi Hui and asked: "So the Tianma on the second floor, and you on the third floor..."

Yi Hua was silent, nodded, and then said:

"At the end of the war, the mainland was disintegrated by powerful demon gods. At this time, they realized that no one could sit on a complete miracle, and began to choose to form cliques and wait for the victory to share the results equally."

"So the demon gods divided the world. The most powerful ones are the Tianwu League led by the Martial God and the Void God Yuan led by the Chaos Demon God. They have fought for countless years, but they still can't win each other."

"At this time, Chaos had a twisted brain. He began to crazily seize the energy to improve his strength, and finally extended it to innocent creatures. He sacrificed flesh and blood and devoured souls. In the same year, the world wept, and all souls mourned. The sky is filled with blood all year round."

"After hearing the news, the Valkyrie was furious! He broke into the False God Abyss alone, and attacked nine peak demon gods alone, and three of them even turned into extreme existences. On that day, the entire abyss was razed to the ground. The small world transformed by Shenyuan was beaten to pieces alive, and the blood of the demon god was poured out of it."

"In the end, the Valkyrie was bleeding, and was torn into countless pieces by the chaos that came out of the retreat. Because the god body entered reincarnation, even Chaos couldn't really kill him. If this is the case, it will be nothing."

"Thus, there is our Yi Huai..." Yi Huai was a little sad, and there seemed to be grief and indignation in his heart, although he could not remember the later memories.

But he knew what the fall of the Valkyrie would bring to the Tianwu League and the world.

What happened afterwards is unclear, and it is even impossible to know who is the final winner.

But after saying these things in his heart, Yi Hua felt suddenly relaxed.

Yes, no matter what the result is, at least seeing the appearance of the human beings in front of him, Yi Hua knows that the era of misery and disputes is finally over.

Perhaps this is what the Valkyrie wanted, the elusive thing in that era...peace.

When Ning Junyi heard the deeds of Martial God, he couldn't help yearning and admiring in his heart. Some people were in a daze at that time, but there were always some people who always kept a clear mind, and even wiped away one side for the sake of the common people. This is extremely commendable.

At least, Ning Junyi felt that he couldn't do it.

Sacrifice yourself for the righteousness of the human race?He can't do it!
However, if you can, it is still possible to help him. For example, he went deep into the soul tower at this time, not only for the sake of the world, but also for himself.

If he returned empty-handed at this time, Yan, who had broken free from the shackles, would kill him immediately, completely powerless to fight back.

So even if it was to save himself, he had to bite the bullet and make a breakthrough.

But fortunately, he seems to be very lucky, at least he has been safe and sound since the three floors, and even encountered the remnant of the Martial God who is not in the state of soul body.

This means one thing...

It can come out of the tower!
Ning Junyi looked at Yi Huai.

"Junior implores the Martial God, save the common people again!"

(End of this chapter)

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