Chapter 44
Goulan in the deep alley, listening to a Shengge, makes people mesmerized.

Ma Hongjun expressed his purpose to the old lady, she shook her fat buttocks, and said flatteringly: "Everyone come with me~"

Beside the long and narrow corridor, there are more than a dozen private rooms, which are different from Qin Fantasia's. There is no buzzing, erm, erm~ Waiting for the strange sound to appear, in short, I am afraid that this song is not worth listening to.

How can you be so serious? !

There is no one living in this room, and it's still a woolen yarn!
After walking a few hundred meters, everyone suddenly realized that there is a pavilion hidden here!
Looking down, the spiral corridor circles dozens of times from top to bottom, but I don't know how deep it is.

It is hard to imagine such a huge space hidden in a fireworks shop.

According to Qin Huan's visual inspection, the number of floors in the inner building of this room may be more than ten floors deep, and it is more than a few hundred meters underground, which is really spectacular.

In the hollowed-out place in the middle, the crystal chandelier falls down vertically, reaching the platform below, which is somewhat similar to the modern shopping mall that Qin Huan visited in his previous life.

Under the leadership of the old bustard, several people walked down the spiral staircase on the side of the wall, walked back and forth for more than ten circles, and finally reached the platform below.

The platform was round, like a huge millstone, the size of a football field, but it was relatively cold at this time, with a few people in the same attire as Qin Huan and others standing scattered.

With the uniform black robe and mask, Qin Huan even felt like an illegal assembly of a mysterious church.

Shout the name "fff" and cast out heresy!

Those people were talking in low voices, and they were not surprised by the arrival of Qin Huan and others. In their view, Qin Huan and others had the same purpose as them.

Qin Huan has better ears, but he can hear what they are saying clearly.

"Have you heard? Today's Jinghongle, Fuyao Dance Troupe will participate together! I heard that Fairy Ziyun will also come!"

"Really!" The other person was a little excited, and his voice raised a little unconsciously, "On weekdays, it's just a fairy's dance music that makes people want to stop, let alone a group performance! Even Fairy Ziyun can Come out!"

"Ah, no, I'm wet!"

"Hey, you're a big man, you're a wet ass, you give me an erection... ah!"

"More! And! Have you heard? After today's dance music, there will be a mysterious event, and the winner will have the opportunity to spend a good night with Fairy Ziyun!"

"One night of spring breeze, I'm afraid it's not as simple as drinking tea, hehehe!"

"You fart, fairies can't be touched by mortals, at least they have to be as handsome as me."

"I think brother, what you said is wrong. Being handsome is just superficial. You should have a temperament like mine to be favored by fairies!"

"You fart!"

"You are!"

Neither of the two could convince the other, and in the end they directly wrestled together. The two black robes rolled around on the ground like two balls.

Qin Huan had black lines all over his head.

Dance?Strings?Fairy invitation?
I may have listened to a fake song, but they seem to be serious! ?

Could it be that this is the Pantao General Assembly, looking at the two wrestling on the ground, Qin Huan is a little speechless, and this is also called handsome and temperament?

They are trying to fart!

Want to talk about handsome?
Qin Huan felt that he had already committed a heinous crime.

But when it comes to temperament, Ning Junyi is definitely at the top of the list.

Therefore, the mystery prize has been rounded up!

Look at the center of the circular square again, there is a high platform, carved like a crystal, with bright luster shining, clusters of ice edges are laid and bloomed, extremely gorgeous, rolling white clouds roll, wrapping the high platform, especially like wonderland!
No need to guess, this is the stage.

Qin Huan was a little surprised, those ice crystals that were smoky like clouds were actually Xuanbing Essence!

You know, this is a heaven and earth spirit that was born in the extreme north after decades. It is condensed with countless cold air. It is a rare treasure to be able to condense spiritual power and speed up cultivation around one's side.

And only the environment of the extreme north can be formed!

That's why Qin Huan was so shocked, but at this time there is such a large piece of land for the stage?

Simply inhumane!
Qin Huan, who was used to being extravagant, felt a little humble at this moment.

Looking closely at the texture on the ice, the inside is crystal clear, transparent and flawless, and the outside is coated with a layer of dark blue shell, which is beautiful.

Don't underestimate the dark blue shell. Ordinary Mysterious Ice Essence cannot grow out. Only the Mysterious Ice Essence that is more than 500 years old will grow naturally.

So... Qin Huan couldn't imagine the wealth in such a large piece of ice with its huge shell.

The reason why Qin Huan knew the Xuan Bingsui was not because Di Tian held it up and showed it off to him. Since then, he has known this beautiful ice crystal.

Even Di Tian, ​​a scrap dragon who loves gold coins and treasures, only has a piece of black ice essence that is one person tall in his hand. Compared with this huge stage, with a radius of tens of meters, it is nothing more than a small witch.

However, what Di Tian held seemed to be Wan Zai Xuan Ice Essence, which was snatched from the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's mouth. It was as if there was no ration left for the big bug.

Tianmeng Iceworm is suffering, not only is it being wheeled by several soul beasts day and night... Bah, squeezed!And there is no food to eat, it is simply too pitiful.

As a silkworm that grew up eating black ice marrow, the reason why the Tianmeng ice silkworm was able to cultivate to a million-year soul beast was because of an accident, it accidentally fell into a cave of mysterious ice marrow, and ate and slept all day In order to eat, he cultivated into a million-year soul beast.

It's a joke to say that, compared to Ditian's kind of soul beast that has been slaughtered and baptized by the catastrophe, Tianmeng Iceworm lives too comfortably. Although it is a million-year soul beast, it is very weak.

So it was captured and squeezed. Except for its stronger mental power and ice element, it has no combat power at all. It doesn't need to be shot out with Di Tianlong's claws, and ordinary claws will dry it out.

This is simply dog ​​food for ssr star promotion!
is it you?white egg!

Qin Huan couldn't help complaining.

But it was nothing more than a glimpse of the leopard. Although the Tianmeng Iceworm failed, it could still see the preciousness and value of the Xuanbing Essence.

That's why Qin Huan's eyes are very keen on this lump of ice in front of him. If he absorbs all of these, his soul power level will definitely be able to pile up into a Title Douluo.

Do you want to deduct some points?
Qin Huan looked around, slowly separated from the team, and moved forward carefully.

There was a group of people sighing at the coolness of the stage, but they had no intention of looking forward.

Maybe it's because they don't know the Xuanbing Essence, or maybe they just think it looks good.

After all, who would have thought that such a precious Xuanbingsui would be placed in front of the public in a grand manner?
Qin Huan finally got close to the ice cube, and the cold breath hit his face, which made him shiver, but he couldn't restrain the fire in his heart.

The hand stretched out slowly.

Thirty centimeters... twenty centimeters...

Ten centimeters!
He was extremely excited until the moment he touched it, feeling the cold touch from his fingertips, Qin Huan felt so refreshed that he even wanted to cry out.

Great!bumped into!
But at this moment, Qin Huan was startled when a soft shout came from behind him.

"what are you doing!"

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(End of this chapter)

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