Chapter 54

Qin Huan's heart skipped a beat, he even forgot what he was doing, and his mind went blank.

I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't even realize that the performance has been completed, and I am confused.

Until Lan Youyou worriedly put her hand on his forehead.

Only then did Qin Huan react.

"I asked you to dance, wouldn't it be like this?!" Lan Youyou looked contemptuous, but there was still a trace of tenderness on her face, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Qin Huan shook his head, forced a smile, took Lan Youyou's little hand off, and quietly opened the distance between the two of them.

At this moment, he panicked in his heart, he didn't expect that after so many years, the old man still didn't want to let him go!

Calculated according to the time, Qian Daoliu issued a soul-hunting order a while ago, and Qin Huan guessed that his injury was healed before he could do it again.

You must know that Xing Dao's attack on Shenlei had hurt his origin, but he didn't expect this guy to be alive and kicking again after just over ten years.

He even wants to arrest Qin Huan across the continent. He is really energetic, but his mind is also meticulous. Guessing that Qin Huan will transform into a form to seek revenge, he began to arrest fire-type soul masters across the continent.

The Wuhun Palace only covers the sky with one hand, it is the number one power in the mainland, with branches all over the world in all major kingdoms, cities and counties, because of awakening the Wuhun and maintaining order, the number of people at the grassroots level of the Wuhun Palace is simply huge. quantity.

To put it simply, as long as there are soul masters, there is probably a Wuhun Temple.

Therefore, most of the fire-type soul masters who are wanted in the whole continent this time dare not speak out, they can only accept investigation, and dare not offend the eyebrows of the Spirit Hall.

As for Qin Huan, White Fire Black Flame is very special in itself, and facing such a severe search, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as impossible to escape.

I'm afraid Tiandou won't be able to stay...

Qin Huan frowned. Originally, he wanted to follow Tang San, wait for the main plot, and push the Wuhun Hall all the way. Now he is afraid that it will be cold. If he is found out, Tang Hao may not be able to keep him.

You must know that Qian Daoliu has the task of finding the godhead, which is related to the rise and fall of Wuhundian.

In this kind of matter, if he knew Qin Huan's whereabouts, he would definitely come directly to arrest him.

Although Tang Hao is strong, there is still a huge gap compared with the Ultimate Douluo equipped with the three red soul rings.

Besides, Qin Huan thought he was not familiar with Tang Hao, so he would never protect him just because of Tang San's persuasion.

So, now I can only hide first.Qian Daoliu's move was simply too ruthless. He expected that even if Qin Huan didn't take shape, and was still hiding in the depths of the forest, there would be desperate people tempted by a huge reward to test the background of the forest core, so that he could Figure it out slowly.

No matter whether Qin Huan will take the bait or not, his line has been put down now, because he believes that Qin Huan will emerge sooner or later, and bloody feud cannot be resolved with a single sentence.

Today, no place is safe.

Qin Huan was stunned and felt a sense of loneliness that was the enemy of the whole world. He looked at Lan Youyou in front of him, and silently backed away. He didn't want these people who were kind to him to be hurt by Chi Yu.

After that, Qin Huan decided to bid farewell to Tang San and the others, and went to hide in the uninhabited extreme north.

The world is complicated and full of intrigues, Qin Huan only then remembered that it was a soul beast from the beginning to the end, maybe the tall forests and green trees and the gurgling streams are his affiliation.

This world is too tired...

When the great hatred is avenged, I don't want to be superhuman and stand on top of the world, I only want to be comfortable and contented for the rest of my life.

In the past, I was still too young after all, young lies, ignorance and ridiculousness.

But this God Realm still has to walk around, don't talk about father's hatred, just want to see the truth.

When the angel is sent to the gallows, will the sanctimonious appearance remain? !

Qin Huan looked forward to that day.

But at this moment, Lan Youyou had a resentful look on her face.

Why is he hiding from me? !

Sure enough, you still like Miss Hongzhi?Just because of the size?Men are so shallow!

Ignoring the somewhat angry Lan Youyou, Qin Huan walked down the stage in a sense of unspeakable pain.

Girl, don't try to be interested in me, or you'll regret it!
Qin Huan left, leaving only a lonely figure behind, Lan Youyou watched quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The voices in the audience did not disappear because of the end of the dance and music, but became more intense. People gathered together, there were discussions in full swing, there were fanatical and obsessive shouts, and there were passionate Zheng Yan.

Under the dark cloak, they come from all corners of the country, they don't know each other, they are remote and fearful, but at this moment, they have a common voice: Swing the Seven Stars!

This is a group of fanatical fans, fanatical people, some of them threw off their masks, trembling like the young man just now, stood on the high platform, shouting with arms folded, some embraced and wept, as if meeting a confidant, pouring out their life.

In short, Seven Star brought them together, this is their carnival!
At this time, Hongzhi walked out with a bit of guilt on her face: "Guest officers, Fairy Ziyun is unwell and she is off stage to rest, please forgive me."

It was Qin Huan who stepped off the stage, and Hongzhi had no choice but to explain.

However, there were not many people in the audience who were embarrassed, and they all understood, and some people made jokes.

The people they follow naturally try their best to protect them.

"The fairy is sick, and she should take care of it. Unfortunately, I happen to have a Qingtian oolong ginseng, which nourishes blood and removes blood stasis. It is a treasure handed down from generation to generation."

"Hehe, I was joking upstairs. This ginseng is paired with my two Vajra Qi Storage Pills, it is a peerless match, and it has the magic of shaking the heavens and weeping ghosts and gods!"

"Come on! Kill me and add to the fun of the fairy!"


The noise was still in my ears, but Qin Huan had disappeared like a sea of ​​people.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and there was still some discomfort for a while. Qin Huan came to the resting compartment, and the dim light flickered. Qin Huan recognized that it was a kind of soul guide, similar to a candle.

It's just that there is no wick, and when I walked over to take a closer look, it turned out that a few glowing bugs were caught and thrown into the lampshade.

It is said to be a soul guide, that is, the soul power at the bottom can ensure the survival of the bug, and give it energy and provide it with light.

They flew helplessly, and one of them hit the lampshade surrounding it and fell down, but after a while, it got up again and flew again and again.

Maybe it doesn't know, it will never fly out... Qin Huan was in a daze, curled up on the bed alone, his clothes were messy, and the white and luxurious phoenix feathers hung down weakly, as if another layer had been painted on the whiteness. pale.

It would be great if there was a net to suppress the clouds, Qin Huan thought dully, he could still hear the sounds of ritual and music outside.

Give me another classic of Chinese studies, so I won't be afraid of depression.

Since Qin Huan just started, it was rare for him to be amused by himself, but after a while, he looked at the ceiling above his head blankly.

I am very tired, I just want to sleep like this, and I want to wander in the warm whiteness...

At the same time, there was the sound of waves outside.

Hongzhi supported her side with one hand, and the man's arm, which was as clear as a plum blossom, couldn't help but have a rosy face: "The special prize of this lottery - Mr. Ning Junyi!"

Ning Junyi smiled, incomparably gentle, he lowered his eyebrows and nodded lightly, with a personable demeanor: "But Ning is ashamed of his disrespect."

Afterwards, he accepted the prize that Hongzhi gave him, and he couldn't help but see a wave of emotion in his eyes.

The original embryo of the magic weapon!

He really couldn't refuse, even if it was a trap, he had to jump. He thought that he would never be able to gather the raw materials again, but he didn't expect to get the original embryo here.

Ning Junyi's mind sank between his eyebrows, a blood-red tower towered with demonic energy, and a broken long sword stood on the top of the tower.

When Ning Junyi approached, the long sword buzzed!

Ning Junyi gently stroked the hilt of the sword, and said to his long-lasting lover: "Wait a minute, the original embryo has been obtained, soon..."

As the saying goes, cannibals have short mouths and soft hands.Ning Junyi put away the original embryo, and followed behind Hongzhi nervously.

According to the process, now that he has got his baby, there is only the last step left.

Spend the night with Fairy Ziyun? !

Um? !Bah... It's a long talk!

To be honest, Ning Junyi is still a little flustered. Don't look at his appearance as the king of the sea, but the only woman he has ever met is his younger sister. Now that his magic weapon has been collected, he has no choice but to rush forward in a daze. .

As the saying goes, talking about war on paper cannot verify the actual combat standards, so you have to do it once with real swords and guns.

So this purple rhyme...haha, nothing to be afraid of!

Even if you are like a wolf and a tiger, I can still fight!
Ning Junyi regained his confidence, his face was still gentle.

The two walked outside the door, Hongzhi Zhiqu walked away, but there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of her mouth.

Ning Junyi took a deep breath, and the door opened!
However, in just an instant, he was dumbfounded...

(End of this chapter)

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