Chapter 57
In the third year of Dayan, Guozijian announced to the world that the sacrifice of wine was clear and guarded.

He waited half a year for the style of writing, and finally it came...

At this point, the Wuhun family is no longer dominant, and a new cultivation system was born out of thin air.

In the same year, a book of martial arts came out from the Dayan Forbidden Army, and martial artists appeared in front of the world.

At this time, everyone suddenly realized that Dayan Army practiced this method, casting the body and refining the soul, and the blood was like a rainbow just now.

For a while, a hundred schools of thought contended in the capital of Dayan Emperor, and after the emergence of major systems, various heretical schools emerged as the times required.

Among them, the most famous ones are Confucianism, Buddhism, Martial Arts, Warlocks, Mechanism, Taoism and other systems.

Thinking of this, Lan Youyou's eyes became even more admiring.

Li Fu, the chief poet, will take a first-class exam. Not surprisingly, he will definitely be a master of Confucianism and Legalism in a few decades.

There are even rumors that this Li Fu did not awaken his martial soul when he was six years old, but he awakened his soul with a poem during the imperial examination, which shocked the world's students.

And his martial soul is even more linked to Confucianism and legal poetry, and he is well-deserved as the young poet.

That's what happened now.

Li Fu smiled faintly, raised his glass higher than Lan Youyou, and said, "Fairy Lan Wei praises you absurdly, Li only knows a little about poetry, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning!"

He spoke humble words, but his face was full of arrogance, and his head was raised high.

Lan Youyou frowned slightly, but she still put away her cup and drank it all in one gulp.

"Sir is the number one young poet in mainland China, and Xiang Ning has admired him for a long time."

The oiran next to Li Fu filled him with tea, his eyes rolled and he was full of love.

She is the oiran of this "Youlan Pavilion", and Lan Xiangning, who is known as the Fairy of Youlan, is a top card in this Goulan, and she is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

It is said that she was originally a well-known talented woman from all over the world. Five years ago, Dayan and the two great empires went to war, and the war continued. She lost her hometown and went to Goulan to make a living.

But I never thought that relying on her superb pipa technique and graceful dance steps, she would be the top card.

If Qin Huan knew about it here, he would definitely feel emotional: Now that he has no skills, he really can't be a seafood merchant.

It is precisely because of these skills that Lan Xiangning's business is booming, and wealthy businessmen often work day and night for several days in a row in order to buy her abalone tycoon Zheng Qianjin.

After going back and forth, Lan Xiangning's reputation spread far and wide. She was the famous oiran in Limaping. There were rumors about her deeds in the entire Barak Kingdom, and even the Fasno province bordering the kingdom could hear about her.

Really go out of the world, and the fame spreads far and wide!

Hmm... that's imported seafood, and you have to pay extra.

It was for this reason that Li Fu came all the way to Suotuo City, and at the same time, he also wanted to see the beauty of the Seven Stars.

He is a prodigal talent, famous for his poems and prose, and he is the most popular with this kind of women. First, his scholarly demeanor is not as vulgar as a martial artist, and second, his talent and taste also please the oiran.

As mentioned earlier, most of these seafood merchants are talented women, not to mention rhyme and dance skills, at least they have studied for a few years.

The guests visited the pavilion, sat at a table, and had to have a tea round to decide who would stay overnight and complete the transaction with the seafood merchant.

Therefore, most of the oirans who come to accompany the wine must have some knowledge, and they can't understand everything the guests say.

If I can get in the conversation, I will say a few nice words, won't the other guests be happy?
Consumption naturally went up, and the more pleasing oiran was redeemed by the guest and returned to freedom.

Not to mention the main wife, being a concubine can be regarded as climbing a high branch.

However, what excites the girls the most is not a wealthy businessman or a domineering official, but a world-renowned scholar.

Since ancient times, there have been stories about oirans and gifted scholars. There are often prostitutes who are famous through the ages because of the poems written by talented scholars. Scholars want to be famous forever, let alone these oirans?

Because of their profession, they care about reputation extremely.

It's nothing more than being famous during his lifetime, and he can't get on the stage.They also save face, at least they will make a good story after death, so talented scholars are the people they yearn for.

If one day she is presented with an ancient quatrain, not only her status will rise, but people will think of her as a famous prostitute when she reads it many years later, and she will also be more respectable in front of her peers!
Lan Xiangning trembled at the thought of this, and even felt a little wet under her body. She looked at Li Fu with eager eyes.

Her hand touched Li Fu's back and gently teased her, her charming words were like silk.

"Mr. Suwen's poems are widely spread all over the world, and the soul of poetry has been awakened. Xiang Ning admires her very much and her heart is surging."

She glanced at Lan Youyou next to her, and continued: "It just so happens that Sister Youyou is here, why don't you write a poem to open the eyes of my slave and sister?"

Li Fu frowned, how could he not know Lan Xiangning's plan.

He has seen this kind of prostitute a lot, and he really thinks that he can go whoring for nothing if he has some qualifications, at least let him eat abalone first!

He turned to look at Lan Youyou, his eyes were more tender and startling, he had heard that the Seven Stars were all beautiful like immortals, and seeing them today really deserved their reputation, compared with these crude and vulgar fans, they were like heaven and earth.

This is the woman Li Fu wants to get!

Thinking of this, Li Fu hated Lan Xiangning even more, but on the surface he remained calm. He glanced at Lan Youyou, put away his secret prying eyes, and tapped his middle finger on the table.

With half the salary, he agreed under Lan Xiangning's excited eyes.

"If you want me to write a poem, it's naturally possible..." He pondered for a moment, then asked Lan Youyou.

"But I have a request, I wonder if Yoyo can agree to it?"

Lan Youyou naturally agreed, she came here for poetry, but she didn't expect it to be a success.

It's just that she doesn't like this person a little, he always has a haughty look, and doesn't look down on others at all.

It's more like a pervert, not only staring at her mischievously, but also calling her name directly, those who don't know think they know her very well.

It's just that I can only let go of these things now. This person is known as the young poet, and he probably has some skills. Lan Youyou listens attentively.

Li Fu said with a smile: "Reciting poems is right, drinking and having fun is of course indispensable. The tea is light and has no charm. Let's make a bet. How about it as a lottery?"

Lan Xiangning heard this, and quickly responded: "Okay, okay! The slave's house for drinking and drinking is exempt from sir!"

Almost done!

She was so excited that the mere money for wine was exchanged for a quatrain, it was blood money!
"How to bet?" Lan Youyou asked.

At this time, the wine was also delivered, in two large jars.

Li Fu patted the jar and threw one in front of Lan Youyou. He pointed to the wine: "Just bet on this, if I can compose a poem within fifteen breaths, how about the fairy drinking this jar of wine?"

He looked at Lan Youyou provocatively, and Lan Youyou naturally refused to accept his arrogant face.

"Okay. I promise!"

Slap the table and bet on the result.

Lan Youyou looked at Li Fu disdainfully, and sneered in her heart.

Oh, 15 seconds to write a poem? !
I'm afraid that the old gentleman of the Imperial College can't do it!

Poetry is not popular in the Douluo Continent, and it has only begun in recent years. Looking back at ancient history, there are only five quatrains in the ages.

This person is really not afraid of chewing his tongue!
Seeing Lan Youyou's winning ticket, Li Fu shook his head and smiled, but he was also not angry.

There was just an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hehe, you're hooked, can you still run away?

(End of this chapter)

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