Douluo: a deer

Chapter 60 Dawn City

Chapter 60 Dawn City

Five years, three thousand cities and counties!
This is a legend, but also a huge territory!

Qin Huan's eyes swept across the map, and he felt a little dizzy. There were so many big states, provinces, cities and counties, he suddenly had a headache.

Finally, he pointed to a place in the picture.

Twilight City!
Bordering on the edge of the sunset forest, it is a hub for hunters or businessmen in the mountains to enter Dayan.

Among them, the soul beast business is booming. Because of the proximity to Sunset Forest, a large amount of fur, flesh and blood, and even soul rings and soul bones are sold, making the local economy extremely developed.

People's livelihood is not only guaranteed, but also they can go to Goulan to listen to music when they have spare money...

Of course, these are irrelevant. It can only be said that listening to music in Goulan also promotes economic development.

But this has never happened before. The Dayan Dynasty really knows how to play and give blessings to the living people.

In the past five years, a thousand wastes have been waiting for prosperity, and the Dayan Dynasty has flourished. So far, the common people no longer blame the person who provoked the five-year dispute.

They only care about what is in front of them and what they have in their hands, such as the silver soul coins in their pockets.

Life is much better than before. They also allocated land and can farm for a living. In the past, only nobles could own land.

So Dayan is what the people want... On the top of Sitianjian's glazed pagoda, the supervisor is sitting on a wicker chair basking in the sun.

From here, it is a magnificent mountain and river!
This is the country laid down by Dayan.

In Jianzheng's eyes, a golden dragon lying on the ground for more than ten thousand miles slowly opened his eyes, Jianzheng nodded, and muttered to himself: "When the national fortune increases, the next step will be unification."


Soto City, Goulan.

Tang San and the others were extremely anxious, they walked around one after another, caught one and asked: "Have you ever met a man who is so handsome!"

As for the reason, that is...

Qin Huan is missing!
The man nodded, Tang San suddenly became excited: "Where is he?!"

"Here, isn't it right here?" The man pointed to himself, and took off his hood in front of Tang San, revealing an ordinary but confident face.

Tang San:"……"

Sure enough, you can't count on these people, where can the guys who come to Goulan play seriously.

Everyone is talented, and they speak nicely.

After another meeting, a group of people gathered in the original square.

"Have you found it?" Tang San ran over, but seeing the disappointed faces of several people, he couldn't help feeling lonely.

"Let's look for it again..." Tang San sighed, "It's impossible for such a big person to disappear for no reason. If there is no hook, maybe he went back."

In the crowd, Ning Junyi's face was dark, he was still hesitant to speak, and finally put down his clenched fists.

Tell them that Qin Huan was a prostitute in Goulan? !

Ok? ? ?
Ning Junyi closed his eyes, still remembering Qin Huanyin's smiling face.

Unexpectedly, he is actually a member of Dayan, and he is no longer a fellow!

We can no longer be each other's friends, woo woo woo!

If Qin Huan heard this here, he would definitely jump up, who is the same as you, hey!

The most taboo for men is people in the same way, or people in their classmates.

It is straight men's belief to hit the nail on the head. Only by doing it yourself can you know how valuable it is.

Otherwise, what's the difference between you and that Cao thief? Other people's food is always delicious?

Just when everyone was at a loss, an old woman in the distance came over shaking her buttocks and twisting her waist.

"Ah, my lords! Here is a letter from my slave's house to pass on to you."

Everyone was stunned, and suddenly realized.

Tang San pondered.

As expected, this was left to them by Qin Huan.

Ma Hongjun was impatient, he went up to his mother and hurriedly asked for it, and wiped his swaying buttocks a few times.

Sehuo swallowed his saliva, and immediately calmed down when he thought of Zhu Zhuyue.

Dai Mubai!You are already a mature licking dog, you must be dedicated!You can no longer be as wild as you used to be.

Just lick hard!Lick it all to the end!
"Where's the letter?!" Ma Hongjun asked.

Everyone was also puzzled, this old lady came empty-handed.

But the next moment, a scene appeared that made everyone want to spurt blood.

The old lady stretched out her hand and took out the envelope in the huge gully. The fullness that was about to come out could not hide the faint temperature and strong smell of rouge on it.

Ox!This is much better than that group against A.

Even Ning Junyi couldn't help complaining in his heart, feeling more and more bored.

Ma Hongjun inserted the envelope, and it turned out to be Qin Huan's letter: When you opened this letter, I must have left you as a handsome man.

I am deeply sorry for dropping out on the first day of school.I wanted to get along with you as ordinary people, but what I got in exchange was alienation.

But it doesn't matter, I won't play anymore, it's a showdown!
The Lord of Dayan is my best friend, I don't want to work hard anymore, I'm going to eat soft rice, alas, it's just for fun!

See you in three years, don't miss this handsome competition, the soul master competition in the whole continent, if you are a brother, come and kill me!

There are two other letters, one for Xiao Wu and one for Zhu Zhuyue.

Ma Hongjun: "..."

After flipping through the envelope, there were indeed two letters inside. After putting them away, Ma Hongjun raised his head.

Four heads came together.

"What did you say? Did you talk about me?" Tang San's eyes lit up.

The corner of Ma Hongjun's mouth was slightly twitchy, and he handed the letter to them to read one by one with a dark face.

When everyone finished watching, there was a speechless expression.

Tang San sighed in disappointment.

"As long as he's fine, let's go back..."

The tone was low, mixed with inexplicable emotions.

Why did Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuyue have envelopes, but he didn't?

Damn it!Obviously I came first...



Qin Huan sneezed fiercely, a little happy.

I don't know which sister is thinking about him?

You are already a mature fish, you have to learn to think of him and love him as the fish pond master.

But Lan Youyou's reaction was bigger than his.

His eyes were as big as copper bells, fixedly staring at where Qin Huan's fingers were, and his mouth was choking with cold air.

She didn't come back to her senses until half the time.

"What's wrong?" Qin Huan was a little confused.

"This is Twilight City. Li Fu is going there." Lan Youyou explained.


Who is Li Fu?
As if seeing Qin Huan's confusion, Lan Youyou's hair was covered with black lines: "It's the one you kicked away."

"Oh oh, it's him."

Qin Huan came to his senses, but still didn't understand what Lan Youyou meant, "Then...?"

Lan Youyou continued: "This person knows how to try first, and he passed through Suotuo City this time to go to Xiaomu City."

"Go to Xiaomu City?"

"Yeah. Xiao Mucheng claimed that Xiao Yu disappeared in the city lord's mansion last month, so he closed the city gate to search for it. Thousands of soldiers and soldiers dug three feet, and even searched for it in a radius of ten miles outside the city. Unfortunately, there is still no city lord. The news. The whole person seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

After saying that, Lan Youyou's voice became quieter, with a look of fear: "Someone suspects that it's haunted."

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Qin Huan rested his hand on his chin and pondered, feeling that this matter was quite miraculous, but he suddenly froze: "So what's the matter with that Li Fu?"

"He is the new city lord." Lan Youyou stuck out her tongue, obviously still a little scared.

She is a martial artist, with mellow energy and blood, avoiding evil and evil.

Hmph, of course it can't be because I'm afraid of ghosts!
"City lord? A Huiyuan, who has never passed the palace examination, and has not been recruited, so he just took office?"

Qin Huan was a little confused.

But who would have thought that Lan Youyou suddenly said, "What is the imperial examination?"


"Didn't Dayan have a palace exam?" Qin Huan asked in shock.

Lan Youyou thought for a while: "It doesn't seem to be, I don't know, it's all others said, I haven't been back to Dayan for a long time."

"Who made him an official?"

Qin Huan was suspicious, but he still asked this question.

"Li Fu said that he was approved by the Great Master." Lan Youyou recalled, "He also said that his father is the chief envoy of Qingzhou."

There is no palace test!No announcement!The Great Master approves the scarlet letter!

Qin Huan was shocked.

Where is the king? !

These are the affairs of the head of the country, where is she?Are all the memorials written by the national teacher?
The water in Dayan is deeper than he thought... Qin Huan frowned: "Is Xiaomu City directly under the jurisdiction of Qingzhou?"

Lan Youyou nodded, and said: "Qingzhou has nine counties, Xiaomu City is one of the twelve cities in Canglan County."


It's a bit big. If a county is this big, how big should a state be?

Qin Huan took a deep breath and almost choked.

His father is the chief envoy, so that's fine.

Qingzhou chief envoy has been a high-ranking official from the second rank to now.

Hmm... There is nothing wrong with arranging a city for my son!

Is there a pendant on the big man's leg?

Talking about the city hurts my feelings!I just really like business simulation.

Forget it, the specific situation will not be known until then.

Qin Huan simply didn't want to think about it anymore. After slapping Lan Youyou's butt and threatening her to go out, Qin Huan took off his shameful clothes.

Immediately, I felt light all over.

Well, come back again!
(End of this chapter)

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