Chapter 63
"Boss, I want the best room!" Qin Huan shouted.

Lan Youyou, who was holding it in her hand, was still thinking about the chicken she hadn't finished eating, when she heard these words, she suddenly became sober.

"Two rooms!"

She pulled her hand away from Qin Huan's hand.

Qin Huan just looked at her quietly, his deep eyes were calm.

Lan Youyou stubbornly met Qin Huan's gaze, and was defeated in a short while.

"I heard that Bailu City is haunted at night..."

Qin Huan said quietly.

"One... one room is fine."

Lan Youyou shrank her head, and returned the hand she pulled away to Qin Huan's hand. Her face turned pale, and she finally compromised.

A cultivator who is still afraid of ghosts is really hopeless!

Qin Huan shook his head, but he felt a little refreshed in his heart. He caught Lan Youyou as a trick, and he would bully her sometime in the future.

Of course, the same room is also particular, how could it be because of the desire for beauty?

He is a pure and warm boy in Qin Huan, a friend of women, and he has never forced others to sleep together.

The main reason for this is safety issues. Egret City is indeed not peaceful at night, and the weirdness and mystery in it are not an empty nest.

Some people rumored that they saw a strange figure by the window at night, with a distorted figure, not humanlike, crawling on the roof tiles, and disappeared after a while.

This rumor came from many people. Although it is suspected of being exaggerated, it is generally true.

Actually... Qin Huan was also in a panic!

Now not only is he wanted all over the continent, but he may also encounter ghosts, which is really heartbreaking.

There are always bad people trying to harm me!
Under the teasing expression of the boss, Qin Huan paid the rent for three days, and took Lan Youyou upstairs to find a room.

"Have fun!"

The boss's laughter came from behind.

Qin Huan: "???"

Shouldn't it be a pleasant stay?
After climbing several flights of stairs, we reached the top floor.

There is only one room on this floor, and it is the best private room here.

Take the key to open the lock hanging on the door. As soon as the door is opened, a delicate fragrance comes to the nostrils.

It smells good... Qin Huan nodded, expensive also has its reasons, this best private room is always lit with incense, not only to repel mosquitoes and insects, deodorize and refresh the mind, but also understand the mood.

Qin Huan felt a little fascinated when he smelled it. At this moment, he felt that Lan Youyou's breathing became short of breath, and his face flushed.

etc!This room is a bit unorthodox!

But we can't stand outside, as long as we restrain ourselves, nothing will happen.

Qin Huan dragged Lan Youyou into the room. The furnishings in the room were neat and symmetrical. The most conspicuous thing was a big double bed, pink...and a love peach was painted on it.

Qin Huan was a little speechless, this is not the best room, this is a special private room!

In short, it has the taste of the Rose Hotel in Soto City.

"It's so hot!" Lan Youyou yelled, she didn't bother to complain about the shape of the bed, she walked to the wall and opened the window.

As soon as she entered this room, she felt weak all over, every part of her body became hot, but her mind was extremely clear.

The martial artist feels very clearly about every part of his body. In short, although the fragrance smells good, he can't inhale it too much. Besides, there is Qin Huan here? !
Suck a little more, and after ten months, there will be three people sleeping on the double bed.

After pouring a cup of tea, Qin Huan took out the storage scale, took out a thousand-year-old tea essence from it, and soaked it in the tea.

Either don't drink it, drink it if you want to drink it, and I will choke my throat if I drink it otherwise.

While making tea, he called Lan Youyou to the opposite side, his face became serious.

Seeing him like this, Lan Youyou didn't make any fuss, and was extremely well-behaved.

"Do you know why I am going to Xiaomu City?"

Lan Youyou was stunned for a moment, not knowing why he asked such a question, but she still shook her head.

After a pause, she said: "You are Zi Yun, wherever you are, Seven Star will be there."

"You are actually very smart." Qin Huan stared into her eyes, and suddenly said solemnly: "I believe you!"

"Huh?" Lan Youyou was wondering, but her eyes suddenly widened for a moment.

Black and white brilliance flickered in the room, and Qin Huan stood in the brilliance, slowly blurring.

Until the light beam shrank, a snow-white hoof stepped out from the light ball, and then a figure suddenly rushed into Lan Youyou's arms.

"Oops!" The sudden shock made Lan Youyou back away in fright.

At this time, she looked down into her arms, and her eyes immediately lit up.

A snow-white fawn engraved with gold patterns was curled up in her arms, looking at her with big eyes twinkling.

"so cute!"

Lan Youyou stroked the fawn's furry head, but was kicked away by one of its hooves.

"It's me." Little Lu uttered.

Lan Youyou was stunned for a moment, looking at Qin Huan in disbelief at this moment, or rather, this adorable little deer.

"Surprised?" Qin Huan raised his deer head and trembled, looking at Lan Youyou's appearance was quite frightening.

"Even if you become a deer, can't you change your cheap attributes?" Lan Youyou calmed down and said lightly.

Qin Huan's deer's face darkened, and the glazed antlers that sprang up like bamboo shoots pushed Lan Youyou, but Lan Youyou suppressed the whole deer on the spot.

Qin Huan marveled at the power in her palm, and couldn't break free for a while.

Although his deer body is not as strong as a human body, it is at least at the level of a soul king, and at this time it is actually inferior.

"This is the magic of a martial artist." Lan Youyou said, ignoring Qin Huan's displeased expression, and stroked Qin Huan's dog's head again, "The strength is far greater than other systems."

"You didn't drag me back then." Qin Huan refused.

"There are many people, and the seven stars belong to Dayan, but the outside world cannot know. The dance troupe is the dance troupe, and the identity of the martial artist must not be revealed, because the martial artist is unique to Dayan."

At this time, Lan Youyou was extremely cold, and Qin Huan was a little confused by his detached appearance.

Is this still that silly? !
The clown turned out to be me, and I have exposed my real body, so why isn't she shocked!

Afterwards, Qin imagined that Lan Youyou was the seven-star Lan Wei, so he felt normal.

Perhaps, this is her appearance that belongs to Seven Stars alone, this is the appearance of Fairy Lan Wei!

That silly girl is called Lan Youyou.

Qixing used to expand the territory with the Lord of Dayan, and fought like Gu worms since he was a child, which one would be easy?

"I'm that big devil deer, aren't you afraid?!" Qin Huan fidgeted restlessly in Lan Youyou's arms, trying hard to climb the mountain and feel the ups and downs of the mountain.

He always wanted to do this. In the anime in his previous life, those lsp cats like to drill there to keep warm ⊙_⊙?
Don't think I don't know what you're thinking!
And now, Qin Huan can do the same, hehe.

But as soon as he climbed up, he was grabbed by the neck by a hand, and the whole deer was lifted up in the air.

"What do you want to do?" Lan Youyou looked at him expressionlessly, and slapped his butt with the other hand.

revenge!It must be revenge!

Qin Huan roared in his heart, but he was too small at this time, and his body was still locked by an inexplicable energy, so he could only stick up his butt in humiliation.

The burning pain made Qin Huan straighten both of his hind legs. He looked at Lan Youyou pitifully, begging for forgiveness.

But this guy doesn't seem to want to let him go.

Lan Youyou put Qin Huan on her two round thighs, as a baby warmer, the fur is very comfortable.

Then she picked up the tea that Qin Huan had just brewed and drank it.

Qin Huanlu's face twitched, and his flesh was extremely painful.

My millennium tea essence!

"I am the consciousness that was born when she was in despair. I have appeared since she held the dagger." Lan Wei took a sip of tea, as if talking to herself, or to Qin Huan.

Sure enough, the serene, spoiled deer on his lap moved, as if a little shocked.

"You told me your biggest secret, and I'll tell you my secret too." Fairy Lanwei smiled lightly. At this time, the coldness was no longer there, but it was infinitely gentle, like water that embraced everything.

The incense filled the air, and Qin Huan felt the coolness of the woman's body. He raised his head and looked at the world-shaking fairy face, feeling a little infatuated for a moment.

"Thank you for taking care of her, she is the only smile I have left." Fairy Lan Wei continued, with a leisurely tone, "The freedom and leisure I yearn for..."

Oh, it's been a luxury since five years ago.

"It's time for me to go back. If I want to avoid being traced, I will practice martial arts with her." Lan Wei caressed Qin Huan's body and explained to him: "The ninth grade of martial arts is horizontal training. My family's kung fu has been practiced to perfection. Memorize every move, and you will be able to cultivate it over time."

"The eighth grade is strength. At this time, you can start to breathe out the breath, so that every move can be integrated into the breath, and the hidden strength hurts people. The invisible strength is at your fingertips."

"When you reach the seventh pint bone, you can be regarded as officially entering the ranks of martial arts. The bone-bone state should be called the bone-shattering state. This is a real transformation."

"At this level, you can be familiar with the operation of every muscle in your body, control every strand of power in it, and make it cohesive like a rope, sending and receiving a little bit. In simple terms, it is to control yourself, such as tampering with the structure of bones, so that you Snake-like cartilage." Lan Youyou said, and under Qin Huan's gaze, she stretched out her hand and gently wiped her face.

After a crackling sound of bones shifting, Xiao Lu showed a stunned expression on his face, which was a little cute.

Qin Huan jumped up as if he had seen a ghost, but was held down by Lan Wei again.

At this time, Qin Huan looked up and saw Lan Wei's face was blank, he was a faceless person!
Only then did he jump up in fright.

After a while, the outline of the face became prominent, and Qin Huan was stunned, feeling a little familiar.


Take a closer look, isn't this himself? !Specifically, it should be Qin Huan's face in human form, and Lan Wei has turned into his appearance.

This is the seventh rank of the martial artist—Boneless?
It's a bit miraculous, Qin Huanlu's face is a little excited, and he can't wait to practice.

Is the beautiful face of his previous life finally coming back again?
(End of this chapter)

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