Chapter 74

Star Dou Great Forest.

On the emerald green lake of life, a crimson fire is lit up, and the mist rises.

In the hazy white mist, a wisp of flowing white hair was faintly swaying, and a graceful figure leaped to the top of the lake, almost like a red sun soaring up, and a rainbow streaked across the sky.

By the lake, Di Tian covered his hands and watched, his usually majestic face was now full of tenderness:

"That's right. Luck has overlapped... The traction of fate is really miraculous."

Since the day Qin Huan left, Emperor Ruishou's luck had miraculously awakened. Di Tian didn't know about it, but thought it was a magical effect brought about by the traction of fate.

But it's a good thing anyway. The cultivation of a large area of ​​soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest has doubled, and the success rate of crossing the catastrophe has also increased a lot. Xingdou's luck is booming.

Ditian watched the lake of life, and there was a layer of purple light in the breath of life floating on it.

Looking to the east of the star from here, every day it rises, it is a magnificent view of the purple air coming from the east!
I am so strong!
Ditian was very happy, and decided to add a plate of peanuts for lunch, drink some more wine, and then go to get some gold soul coins from his treasure mountain, and buy a few plates of delicacies from mountains and seas in the human city.

And the only thing that made him a little nervous was Wang Qiu'er's cultivation.

Because of the awakening of destiny ability, it has gained 5000 years of cultivation base for no reason, so Xiao Ruishou clamors every day to change form and go outside to find his brother.

The noise was turned upside down, and his ears were calloused all day long.

To change form!You are a ghost!

Give me a good time in Xingdou!

Ditian made offerings to her like an ancestor, coaxed her every day, caught and cooked whatever she wanted to eat, and made all the spirit beasts panic, fearing that one day they would be caught and eaten.

Ditian decided in his heart that she must not be allowed to go to the human world like that silly nephew.

So Wang Qiu'er became even more arrogant, wherever he went, wherever he shook his body, he bullied the weak and weak soul beasts every day, with incomparable awe and prestige.

She grabbed the tail of the Wannian Tiger King, pulled out the red crown of the Chicken King, and used the Mamba Snake King as a scarf. Wherever she went, there were bursts of mourning...

More and more soul beasts came to report to Ditian, but Ditian closed his ears and just refused to listen. When he met someone who was not afraid of trouble, Ditian roared, and that guy would just go down.

Wang Qiu'er ran out every day, and every day there were spirit beasts complaining, and finally one day, Ditian was too busy dealing with the verbal criticism from representatives of several 10-year-old spirit beasts, so he was negligent.

Wang Qiu'er pushed away the Red King who was protecting her, and ran towards the human city with her short legs.

In the end, Ditian found Wang Qiu'er in a restaurant in the human city with a look of fear on his face. She was hiccupping and staring blankly at Ditian with a round stomach.

Di Tian: "..."

Finally, under Wang Qiuer's attack of begging for nothing, crying, making trouble and hanging himself, Ditian had no choice but to agree.

Change shape! ! !

Stop tossing, my little ancestor!

Ditian wanted to cry but had no tears, he didn't eat a few peanuts for lunch that day, so he lost his appetite.

One day later, the steps were the same as Qin Huan's last time. After gaining experience, Di Tian took care of him personally, and Wang Qiu'er successfully transformed.

What surprised him was that the appearance of the human being constructed by Wang Qiuer was no different from Qin Huan's appearance.

She is simply the female version of Qin Huan!It is nothing more than two more balls on the top and one less ball on the bottom.

The corner of Ditian's mouth twitched slightly, as expected he still kissed his brother!Otherwise, why not change according to her Uncle Ditian's appearance!
Wang Qiuer: Uncle is too ugly!
It seems that they really look like two brothers and sisters... Ditian suddenly realized that he was a little worried about his nephew who was freed outside.

When Hongxia landed, the rippling ground was bursting with crimson light, and a terrifying spider web spread away, and the ground trembled and the mountains shook amidst the rumble of huge force.

The ultimate fire, the ultimate power!
Di Tian laughed loudly, waved his hand, and the collapsed ground was completely intact in an instant.


"Cut, old man!"

Di Tian: "..."

Wang Qiu'er gathered her long snow-white hair, clasped it tightly with bare hands, and a swirling butterfly ring of fire served as a headband. She was tied into a single ponytail, and even her peaceful pure white hair could not hide her lively energy. up.

Di Tian looked at the child with a bit of a headache, as expected it would be better to give him a spanking if he was disobedient, but he was reluctant to spank the daughter he brought up with his own hands.

Qin Huan: Are you willing to give up on me? !

"Uncle gave you two presents."

Ditian's eyes brightened, and the space in front of him suddenly collapsed, and a fiery red Phoenix hairpin with golden patterns slammed into Wang Qiu'er's hair with a "swoosh".

Wang Qiuer touched it and liked it.

"Thank you uncle!"

Then he stretched out his little hand again.

Di Tian: "???"

"There's one more thing? Uncle!" Wang Qiu'er giggled, and obediently turned to Ditian's back, stood on tiptoes, and patted his back.

Di Tian has a black line all over his head.

Nothing to do with the smelly old man, something to kiss uncle!

Reluctantly, he took out another long spear covered in gold and surrounded by dragon shadows.

Di Tian closed his eyes and became serious.

Countless golden scales surrounded the spear, and when it peeped out from the space, Wang Qiuer felt a throbbing in her heart, as if the call from her blood was pulling her to hold the spear.

The surrounding space suddenly vibrated and shattered in an instant, a huge force from the wild seemed to shatter the world, and the sharp spear tip seemed to break everything.

In a trance, Wang Qiuer saw a golden dragon that was ten thousand feet high. The galaxy shattered while roaring, the sun and the moon sank, its wings spread to cover the sky, and its sharp claws urged everything. The mainland disappears!

At this time, Ditian's voice suddenly came from her ear:

"This is the Golden Dragon Spear. It was forged from the spine of the first-generation Golden Dragon. It is unparalleled in strength and invincible! It is a perfect match with your Golden Dragon Spirit. Don't insult it."

Wang Qiu'er came back to her senses, her face was serious, and she also felt that this was an incredible artifact.

My brother will definitely like it when he sees it!

She picked up the spear without feeling any weight, and the inexplicable sense of fit was like the fusion of flesh and blood.

Seeing this, Ditian nodded in satisfaction and sighed a little.

The old man is never far away, the imprint of the times is washed away by a new round of waves, and new poems will be sung by future generations...

On top of the dense old trees towering into the sky is a dense canopy, and above it is a vast vault!
further up...

Ditian couldn't see clearly, he only knew that it was a prison cage, so where is the real way out? !
Perhaps only the Lord knows!
Di Tian was silent, turned around and walked towards the tree house.

The smell of tea overflowed in the room, which was not Bi Ji's handicraft.

Well, someone is waiting for him...

"Long time no see, Beast God."

An old man in Xuanyi wearing straw sandals and hanging a gossip plate on his waist stroked the teacup, the tea miraculously floated into the air, and he sucked it into his mouth with a "swoosh".

"Human, I haven't seen you for 50 years, and I can't see through you more and more." Di Tian flipped his robe lightly and sat on the ground.

His brows were erected, without anger and prestige:
"But you still overstepped!"

"Hey!" The old man chuckled, "Don't be angry! Don't be angry!"

"The situation is unpredictable, so I should introspect myself. If you don't enter the game, you are also a child."

"What a joke!" Ditian was startled and furious.

The space in front of the old man suddenly shattered.

The next moment, Ditian's pupils shrank sharply.

The old man just smiled and waved his hand, under the wishes of all, this should be invalid!
"The power of all beings..." Di Tian was silent.

"In Dayan, I can kill you!" The supervisor put away his smile and stated a fact without disdain.

Ditian didn't respond, so it was his default.

Half pay, he sighed: "How is it outside?"

"Da Yan founded the country, divided the world into seven parts." The supervisor smiled lightly, "You have to see and touch the road of soul beasts by yourself. If you work behind closed doors, you will end up dead."

"If you know yourself and know yourself, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. If you want to win, you have to go out for a walk."

"Go for a walk..."

Ditian murmured, secretly making a decision in his heart.

"What do you want here?"

Asking straightforwardly, Ditian fixed Jianzheng's eyes firmly.

"Deer Spirit King's inheritance... the soul beast has a child, this situation should be resolved."

(End of this chapter)

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