Douluo: a deer

Chapter 77 Canghui College

Chapter 77 Canghui College
"Is it true that brother won't accompany us to the Star Dou Forest?"

Ning Rongrong took Ning Junyi's hand, tugged gently, and asked again.

Ning Junyi still patiently refused.

"Next time, Rong Rong. Brother and Elder Jian are going back to the sect."

"Okay... I only feel sorry for Geigei!" Ning Rongrong couldn't hide her disappointment, she turned and ran towards the crowd waiting for her.

Ning Junyi waved goodbye to everyone:

"Please also take care of Rongrong, Junyi is very grateful."

He looked at Tang San in the crowd and nodded, finally relieved.

The most reliable one is only Tang San.

Zao Wou-ki led the team, the teacher might not be able to count on him.

Ning Junyi jumped onto Chenxin's flying sword, and the two of them disappeared into the sky in an instant.

On the other side, Tang San and the others also began to set off officially.

Because of the long distance, everyone rushed on without stopping.

Along the way, with Oscar's food supply and Ning Rongrong's acceleration buff, at dusk after a day, everyone finally arrived at the small town on the edge of the Star Dou Forest.

It is a small town under the jurisdiction of Dayan, and it cannot be named.

A few years ago, it was still the territory of Tiandou, but now it is included in the territory of Dayan.

While everyone lamented the power of the Dayan Dynasty, Tang San once again refreshed his worldview.

I used to think that Holy Soul Village was everything, but then I went to Notting City, which is dozens of times larger than Holy Soul Village, and then I witnessed Soto City, which is more prosperous than Notting City, and now I have walked out of Barak Kingdom and out of the sky. Dou Empire.

Came to another legendary country - Dayan Dynasty.

The world is really big!I really want to go out with... for a walk!
Tang San was in a happy mood, and couldn't help but speed up his steps.

This place is in the Star Dou Forest, and there is still a half-day's journey, and the night is approaching, so everyone decided to stay in the small town tonight.

In the hotel, the lobby.

Everyone was just about to order a table of wine and food to clean up the dust, when they met a guy who didn't have long eyes.

"Which academy are you from? Do you know who we are! Don't let us get out of the way!"

A group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old soul masters in uniform scolded Tang San and the others.

"Canghui Academy?"

Dai Mubai sneered and said: "Just you bastards, are you worthy of letting us make room? Why don't you take a pee and take care of yourself?"

In the restaurant, everyone burst into laughter.

Tang San frowned, to be honest, it wasn't Canghui Academy who provoked the trouble.

But Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.When the two saw the people from Canghui Academy, they muttered a few words, what kind of rubbish, and when the people from Canghui Academy heard about it, they naturally became upset and came to find trouble.

But Shrek Academy, naturally cannot be afraid of causing trouble.

Tang San just felt a little disgusted with the behavior of Dai Mubai and the others. For him who memorized the tenets of the Tang Sect, people will not offend me, and I will not offend others. These rules and regulations make it difficult for him to violate his heart.

The head of the group of soul masters blushed, "You guys are bullying too much!"

As he said, he waved his hand, several people from Canghui Academy became angry instantly, released their spirits and walked towards Dai Mubai.

All soul rings lit up on his body, white, yellow, yellow.

"It is indeed a little... weak..."

Tang San was obviously stunned in place, feeling that he had been slapped in the face, this Canghui Academy was too disappointing, there was even a white spirit ring.

There's nothing wrong with what Boss Dai said!It's really weak!

After staying with these gangsters for a long time on weekdays, Tang San was a little dazed, only then did he realize that the configuration of these people's spirit rings is normal.

Gong Qingsanhuan's little brother who was hanged and beaten back then is also a rare genius!
Tang San thought at the time that the soul masters outside were all of this level.

This made him feel like he had come to Xinshou Village from a dungeon of hell, and he felt relaxed for a while.

Bang bang bang!
Tang San watched Dai Mubai take down several ordinary three-ringed spirit masters three times, five times and two times, without even releasing his martial spirit.

The full-bodied and mellow soul power at level 39 directly crushed the nerves of the opponent, and he couldn't even raise the slightest thought of resistance.

For a while, there was a feeling of an adult playing house for a child.

The rest of the Canghui College students who were still standing were startled and angry. Seeing their companions rolling on the ground, they were afraid to move forward for a moment.

At this time, Xiao Wu jumped out like a pink plush rabbit.

"Hey, fight! My favorite! Big brother, can you fight with me?"

Facing Xiao Wu's tender request, the remaining few students were instantly charmed.

"Okay, okay!"

Seeing that it was a pink and tender girl, they were relieved a lot.

They can't beat Dai Mubai, but will they still be afraid of a cute girl!



"do not want!"

"It hurts!"

"Woman, spare your life!"

All kinds of screams and wailing echoed in the hall.

Everyone in the restaurant looked at Xiao Wu in disbelief, the little girl was so pink and tender, how could she beat someone so hard? !

"Enough! Which academy are you from?!"

At this time, a middle-aged man who was dressed in the same style as the group of students walked over, his face extremely gloomy.

Beside him was a young man in a plain black robe, with a strong body that bulged the clothes on his shoulders. This man's spirit was restrained, his eyes were calm, and he didn't seem to care about the things in front of him.

The middle-aged man gave an apologetic smile to the young man beside him, and the young man nodded and smiled slightly:
"Don't worry about me, just take care of your business."

"I'm just kidding, Mr. is too tired to travel, it's because of a poor reception." The middle-aged man felt ashamed, "When I get to the college, I will contact the dean and clean up Mr.'s dust."

The young man nodded.

At this time, the middle-aged talent breathed a sigh of relief.

Pulling the fallen student behind him, he then looked at Tang San and the others:

"My name is Ye Zhiqiu, and I am the external director of Canghui College."

Dai Mubai sized him up, and replied:

"Shrek Academy."

"Shrek Academy?" Ye Zhiqiu was puzzled and frowned.

It's a little strange, why haven't you heard of this college?
But no matter what academy he is, if he beats our people, he will have to pay the price.

He sneered and pointed to the student with a bruised nose and swollen face: "How to solve this matter?"

"How else can it be solved, the skills are inferior to others, and you still have the face to howl?" Dai Mubai rolled his eyes, not giving Ye Zhiqiu any face.

Tang San frowned, after all, they were to blame for this matter.

Just as he was about to step forward to stop him, he was stopped by Ma Hongjun: "Little San, go away!"

Tang San hesitated for a moment, then sighed.

He knew he couldn't persuade him anymore, so he had no choice but to follow them.

Teacher Zao Wou-ki went to deal with the room, and he won't be back until a while.

I can only hope that they know the severity of the attack.

"It seems that you are dissatisfied?" Ye Zhiqiu's face was gloomy, as if dripping water, looking at the students who were still wailing behind him, he gritted his teeth:

"Then it's my fault!"

"Mysterious turtle, possessed!"

(End of this chapter)

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