Douluo: a deer

Chapter 79 Fu Qingyun

Chapter 79 Fu Qingyun


There was a shrill howl.

After the ice splattered and their eyes were unobstructed, everyone looked at Ye Zhiqiu one after another.

A dark mark running across the waist and abdomen is particularly eye-catching!

The blood overflowed uncontrollably, and the pure white ice crystals wanted to mend the wound, but were eaten away by the faint moon marks.

Ye Zhiqiu sobbed weakly, at this moment his proud tortoise shell could no longer play any role.

He turned his back to the sky, sucking in breaths one after another, in a state of embarrassment, with deep horror in his eyes.

He was almost killed by a third ring!
The Arabian Nights, it is simply the Arabian Nights!

how can that be?

At the same time, the rest of the crowd also looked at the elf standing under the shadow of the moon in astonishment.

Some eyes were shocked, some yearned passionately, and some were so terrifying...

Without exception, they were all terrified.

Even the young man sitting cross-legged suddenly stood up in shock.

But Tang San and the others all stood in place in bewilderment, at a loss for what to do.

That's it?Strongest turtle shell?
I lay down, and I was caught in seconds!

The fierce battle that was promised was over in a flash.

Ma Hongjun froze in place, his pupils constricted.

"I, I... I haven't gone up yet!"

"Zhu Zhuyue missed me!"

His eyes were red, and he was aggrieved with tears.

The agreed plan A doesn’t work, what about implementing plan B delaying tactics?
At that time, everyone will force Ye Zhiqiu to die in the tortoise shell, and finally he will come out, spray high-temperature flames to roast the tortoise shell, and serve Ye Zhiqiu in a steamer to complete the final lore.

This is also what Tang San said about mutual generation and mutual restraint, by surprise!
But now?So I couldn't help but get cold.

Zhu Zhuyue stole the limelight!

Ma Hongjun regretted that he silently retreated behind everyone.

I'm so damn steady!
But for Dai Mubai, the dog licking, at this moment he was ecstatically surprised, barking loudly.

She is indeed my fiancée!Wang!
This kind of surprise is even more exciting than Zhu Zhuyue's pregnancy and giving birth to a deer!

Dai Mubai always had a heavy mountain in his heart, which crushed his aristocratic backbone, his arrogance, his kneecaps, everything about him!
At this moment, he seemed to see hope, he had the confidence to go on with Zhu Zhuyue and face the uncertain future.

"Big Brother, Second Brother..."

The corners of Dai Mubai's mouth bite bloody scars fiercely, the veins on his fists bulged, and a blood-biting light flashed in his eyes.

The students of Canghui College were extremely pale at this time, some even started to tremble, and some had silently retreated behind the crowd and ran away.

Teachers are defeated!
The tree fell and the monkeys scattered, but there were all ruthless guys on the opposite side, so if you don't run now, it's time to wait.

But there were still a few conscientious students who staggered and trotted to Ye Zhiqiu to check the situation.

"Hiss, Teacher Ye seems to be getting cold soon."

"Quick, quick, artificial respiration!"

A boy fell down immediately.

"Can you?!"

"Why?" He mumbled, but his cheeks were agitated with enjoyment.

"...Well, the worker's breath... is towards the mouth, not the bottom!" A girl blushed, turned her head hastily, and said in a timid voice.

"..." Everyone.

"Ahem!" Tang San coughed a few times and sighed:

"Xiaoyue, go and help him untie the handle of Moonscar, it's not good if you kill someone."

Zhu Zhuyue obeyed.

Teacher Zhao is not here, Tang San is the team leader, his wisdom and calmness are unmatched by Dai Mubai, everyone has a faint sense of tacit understanding that he is the leader.

This sense of security mainly comes from IQ.

They were assured of Tang San's sophistication and meticulous workmanship.

Zhu Zhuyue walked towards Ye Zhiqiu, no one stopped her along the way.

A few classmates kicked the boy who was still lying on Ye Zhiqiu's body away.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu had rolled his eyes and was foaming from his mouth.

Are you saving lives?
Everyone looked at the group of students strangely.

Is this Canghui Academy? !
The corner of the mysterious young man's mouth twitched, apparently he had no expectations for the college he was going to.

Zhu Zhuyue took out a moon gemstone, the faint trace disappeared in an instant, and was sucked in by the gemstone.

The penetration of the wound finally stopped bleeding, ice crystals blocked the wound, Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes, kicked his feet, and woke up.

But he stared fiercely at Shrek and the others, his senses were dazzled by shame and shame, he clearly felt what that male student did just now...

And it's under the watchful eyes of everyone!

His eyes were red and his mouth was pursed.

I feel that everything is thanks to Tang San and others!
Ye Zhiqiu wanted to stand up, but was unable to get down.

A figure flashed in front of him, it was that mysterious young man.

The young man took out a pill and fed it to him, and at the same time said softly: "You lost..."

"Sir!" Ye Zhiqiu hesitated, the wounds on his waist and abdomen were repaired visible to the naked eye.

"Losing is losing."

"I know!" He was hysterical, and then fell silent again, with hope:

"Please, sir."

The young man grinned: "It's pretty smart."

"That's what I meant."

Tang San and the others: "!!!"

At this moment, they felt a chill in their hearts, and the young man looked over.

With just one glance, Tang San felt that an abyss beast was staring at him, and his hairs stood on end immediately, as if struck by lightning.


The seven were silent, but they saw the horror in each other's eyes.

At the same time, they felt the huge aura that was as deep as the sea.

The young man shook his body, his white robe was broken, revealing his strong muscles and iron fists.

He clasped his fists and said:

"Dayan Royal Academy, the eighth seat in the outer court——Fu Qingyun, the fifth-rank martial arts master, please enlighten me!"

(End of this chapter)

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