I'm looking for longevity in Liaozhai

Chapter 51 You should be an ancestor

Chapter 51 You should be an ancestor
Taoist Baihe raised his hand, and the fire snake roared, and went straight to the man in black, but the ferocious fire was blocked by the soft and clear brilliance.

"He has a magic weapon!"

At this moment, Yu Liu drew out his sword, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder when the sword came out, and he arrived beside the man in Xuanyi in an instant, and slashed on Qinghui with his sword, unexpectedly breaking a hole.

The man in Xuanyi waved his hand, and the brilliance sprinkled on Yu Liu.

Yu Liu's sword was extremely fast, and the sword was shining brightly, blocking the clear light with the sword in his hand.

The Taoist Baihe at the side urged the fire snake to circle around the man in Xuanyi non-stop.

Accidentally burned an unconscious Baiqisi.Seeing this, Zhuo Siwei hastily rescued his colleague and stepped aside.

The figure of the man in black flickered and disappeared.

While Yu Liu and Taoist Baihe were looking around, he suddenly appeared in the woods not far away, as if blocked by something.

He wanted to go again, but was stopped by Yu Liuyijian.

Yu Liu and Taoist Baihe cooperated very well, but the brilliance of the man in the black robe was also very strong, both offensive and defensive, and the two of them couldn't help him for a while.

Suddenly the man in black staggered, and the radiance from his body disappeared.

Yu Liu took the opportunity to step forward and slashed down with his sword, a layer of white light like snow appeared on the man in black to block the sword.

Taoist Baihe threw out a talisman,
The white light suddenly broke.

The man in Xuanyi hurriedly retreated, Yu Liu followed closely.

Taoist Baihe sent out two more talismans,

Exorcise ghosts and exorcise demons, and manifest magic spells!
The mantra fell on the man in black, and his figure froze.Yu Liu's sword was already in front of him, suddenly a blue light flew out of the man in black, like a drizzle.

Yu Liu swung his sword to block it, and there was a clanging sound.

Taoist Baihe suddenly took out a bronze mirror and recited the magic spell.

A yellow light flew out of the bronze mirror and landed on the man in black, who was instantly frozen.

Yu Liu's sword pierced out quickly, like a thunderbolt, and stabbed him.

"Well, the skills of these people are obviously higher than those people I met before." Wang Zhe hid in the dark and watched the battle of several people,

After wounding the enemy with a sword, Yu Liu retreated suddenly, the white light flashed on the man in black, breaking the fixed light, and then took the opportunity to float away, but a fiery snake chased after him.

"Hey, don't run this way!"

Seeing the man in Xuanyi running towards his hiding place, followed by a fire snake roaring all the way.

Wang Zhe's figure flashed, his figure was like a ghost, and he was behind a rock several tens of meters away in an instant.

"Well, is there anyone else in the dark?"

Wang Zhe looked around, and his spiritual consciousness spread out, within twenty steps, every detail was revealed.

There was silence all around, and there was nothing unusual, but he always felt that something was weird.

The figure of the man in Xuanyi flickered a few times, then suddenly fell to the ground, and Yu Liuyi slashed down with his sword.

In an instant, a huge coercion emanated from the man in black, and Yu Liu was thrown away, and the surrounding trees were uprooted.

"Big monster!"

Yu Liu and Taoist Baihe covered their heads, snorted, and their expressions changed drastically.

Wang Zhe's brain buzzed for a while, and he shook slightly.

"A bit confused!"

Looking forward again, the man in Xuanyi had already fallen on the ground, only ten steps away from him.

"You say you, you can't go far and then faint."

On the other side, the bronze mirror in the hands of Taoist Baihe had emitted a yellow light, swept across the forest, and soon landed on the man in Xuanyi.

"Mother!" Wang Zhe heard the man in Xuanyi utter two words in a faint voice.

"Still a woman? That can't be saved, you lie here first, I'll retreat first!"

Just when Wang Zhe was about to leave, his heart skipped a beat suddenly, and a black light flew out from the ground not far from him, piercing his back silently.

Wang Zhe's figure flashed, and the black light sank into the tree trunk beside him. Suddenly, the tree trunk melted into a big hole, and black smoke came out.

"Who are you, with him?"

Yu Liu and Baihe found Wang Zhe, and immediately put on guard.

With a gust of wind, Yu Liu took a step of ten feet, and within a breath, he had already reached Wang Zhe's side. He held his sword and slashed.

Then he saw a ray of light, it was the light of a sword, coming first, and a sword intent, an unrivaled sword intent,
So fast, so sharp, so domineering!
He wanted to retreat, but it was too late, he blocked with his sword,

With a click, the iron sword in his hand shattered,
Then his head was severed, blood spattered,

Jian Guang continued to move forward, and in a flash, all the trees within a few tens of meters in front of him were cut off in half.
"Yu Liu!" Daoist Baihe was stunned for a moment, then turned and ran.

Sword intent, it's sword intent!

Damn it, how could there be such a swordsman here!
Suddenly, he sensed mortal danger,
Fire Dragon Road,
A fiery snake danced wildly, circling around him,
Then more than a dozen talismans flew out and turned into streamers around him, and four more floated in front of him, forming four light curtains to protect the whole body,

Hum, a sword light cut across,
More than a dozen talismans in mid-air were chopped to pieces,
Coiled fiery serpents were cut in half,

The four talismans suspended three feet around Taoist Baihe shattered in an instant and turned into ashes.

But there was still a talisman standing in front of him. That talisman was kept close to him, and the pale golden light emitted was like a door, blocking the sword.
First Grade Talisman!
Wang Zhe withdrew his sword and cut again.

If one sword can't cut it, then two swords, ten swords, there will always be a time to cut it,
Kacha, the next moment a crack appeared in the talisman.

"How is it possible, even first-grade talismans can't stop it!"

"Master, spare me!" the panic-stricken Baihe Taoist opened his mouth to beg for mercy.

Before the words fell, the sword had already broken through the first-grade talisman,
The Baihe Taoist still wanted to speak, but he just opened his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound because his head flew up,
"Yu Liu, who killed 140 innocent people indiscriminately, and exterminated three times, should be punished and rewarded, "Nanzhai Sword Code" (fragments)."

"Luo Baihe, who killed [-] innocent people indiscriminately, deceived teachers and exterminated ancestors, should be punished and rewarded, "True Explanation of Talismans"."

A ray of rainbow light flew into the body, giving enlightenment, and a lot of knowledge suddenly filled his mind.

These two people really did a lot of evil, full of evil!
But this skill is not very good, how about a master?

Wang Zhe turned his head and glanced at Zhuo Siwei who was protecting two unconscious colleagues in the distance.

"It's broken!" Seeing Wang Zhe looking at him, Zhuo Siwei's hairs stood on end.

Sword intent, that is sword intent!

Second grade master!

"Shouldn't such a person be enshrined as an ancestor in the palace, a powerful family, or a certain practice sect?
They should devote themselves to practice, comprehend the wonderful principles of heaven and earth, in order to see through that hurdle and break through the barrier between immortals and mortals.

How could it appear in such a small place! "

"Senior, I'm just passing by, I didn't see anything just now, I'm disturbing senior's pleasure!" Zhuo Siwei cupped his fists, his face was covered with sweat, and his heart was already beating in his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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