Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 102 Respective Envy

Chapter 102 Respective Envy

"It must be an illusion. What is the path of treacherous ministers and courtiers? How could my majestic King Yue of the Tang Dynasty take this path!"

Li Tai thought a little bit in his heart, he must have been a little too tired recently, that's why he had such an illusion.

Because he stayed in the palace for dinner, Li Tai also waited silently in the Tai Chi Hall, watching the ministers handle their affairs.

This time, not only did he stay for dinner, but even Zhang Xuansu, the admonisher who came forward to speak out, was rewarded with two hundred pieces of silk.

Obviously, Li Shimin still encourages direct advice, and more importantly, Li Shimin can accept direct advice.

There are many things to happen next, for example, the news of Jieli's destruction has spread to the Western Regions, so the Yiwu City Lord sent someone to express his attachment to Datang, and Datang is naturally happy to accept the bridgehead of the Western Regions, and is discussing how to respond.

For example, Lu Deming wrote "Classic Interpretations", which can be described as a review of the origin of the teaching of Confucian classics, and what kind of praise the country should give.

Another example is that Zhang Jian is very good at the post of governor of Shuozhou.

However, what Li Tai was more interested in was that, from Tang Jian of Honglu Temple, he learned that Japan had sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty, the dog Kamisantasu (also known as Oda Shovel), and the pharmacist Huiri, and it was the first time for Japan to send envoys to the Tang Dynasty.

Prior to this, Inugami Mita was sent to the Sui Dynasty in the 11th and [-]th years of Sui Daye.

In other words, because Datang killed the Eastern Turks, Japan also began to recognize Datang as the boss.

Li Shimin is still very satisfied with this feeling that all nations come to court and all nations proclaim their vassals.

Especially the Japanese envoy, who behaved so-called meekness and humility, and even wished to be the son of Datang, I am afraid that no one would think that Japan would become so vicious after 1000 years.

Li Tang did not express any dislike for Japan.

After all, Japan is such a nation, and it has always bowed its knees in the face of the strong.

He used to be a dog for Datang, but now he is a dog for the United States. As long as he is still weak, he doesn't mind being a dog.

But if the strong man who drove him became weak, then Japan would definitely not mind turning around and eating the flesh and blood of the strong man to become stronger himself.

Li Tai kept a record of dealing with Japan, but in fact it was very difficult to deal with Japan in the Tang Dynasty.

One of the most important reasons is that Japan is an island country, a tasteless island country.

If it borders the Tang Dynasty, it will never say anything to the ministers of the Japanese court who went to war.

But when Japan becomes an isolated island country, even if Japan is defeated, when Japan obediently becomes a vassal, the people inside and outside the imperial court will definitely be satisfied with the result, and will not want to completely destroy Japan.

This feeling is like the so-called foreign race to the big man, except for the Huns, they are just servants!
Even in the era of the Three Kingdoms, when the power of the Han family was three-thirds, it was the foreign races around the blast hammer, and there was no pressure at all.

The ghost knows that the descendants of a great unified country can't even deal with these servants.

In the end, it was also blamed for the death of too many people in the Three Kingdoms era, so there was no power to suppress the surrounding areas.


In the Han Dynasty, one Han tops five beards, even if there is only Gongsun Zan's white horse righteous follower, it is chasing and killing foreigners!

And Gongsun Zan was actually eliminated in the preliminary round when he was fighting for hegemony at the end of the Han Dynasty. It is impossible for the Jin Dynasty to be weaker than the warlord Gongsun Zan.

Therefore, the same is true for the Tang Dynasty.

Japan can be regarded as the most docile vassal country, especially after the First World War at Baijiangkou, it continued to send envoys for hundreds of years. Even after the Anshi Rebellion in Anlu Mountain, Japan did not change its attitude towards Datang.

For the next 1000 years, Japan did not dare to wage war against China again.

To be honest, basically except for the Battle of Baijiangkou, the entire Tang Dynasty could not find a reason to fight Japan.

Still the same sentence, can Datang still manage the safety of future generations after a thousand years?
Of course, if Li Tai had the chance, he would trip up Japan, and that would be it.

It's just that right now, there really isn't anything of interest between Datang and Japan.

Even though Datang still had slave trade, it was the Kunlun slaves who were able to work.

Because Japanese men are under six feet, throwing them in the toothbrush is a waste of food, and no one buys it!

Finally, today's affairs were handled, and all the ministers who had handled the government affairs left empty-handed, and those who had not finished handling the government affairs left with the government affairs.

And Li Shimin asked Li Tai to stay and have dinner with the family.

Of course, it is said that the meal is a family meal, but in fact it is a meal sharing system, and one is just prepared for Li Tai.

Li Tai showed the excitement that a cook should have. Although he has been trained in eating etiquette since childhood, under the training of these people, Li Tai can indeed do the movements, but the frequency of eating by himself is completely different from other princes.

Basically, those people are always watching Li Tai destroying the food in front of him at an unimaginable speed.

But looking at Li Tai's movements, they are still the standard movements in the palace, but this frequency is the frequency of a cook.

"One more bowl!" Li Tai handed the rice bowl to the maid beside him without hesitation, and asked her to serve it.

The maid took the empty rice bowl with both hands, and immediately served rice to Li Tai, because everyone in the palace knew that Li Tai liked to eat rice.

"Vulgar!" Li Chengqian looked at Li Tai's wanton gesture, and said a word without empathy.

Li Tai didn't care, just lowered his head and continued cooking, and ate all the side dishes such as flower-wrapped Yunmeng meat, water-refined calf, and milk-stuffed fish one by one. As for the supporting vegetables, don't even think about it. Vegetables, that is lettuce.

Empress Changsun, on the other hand, was satisfied and distressed seeing Li Tai eating with gusto, and said, "Qingque eat slowly."

Li Tai chuckled, and didn't say much. He had to eat the meal first, and he said that all the food should be finished.

After the food was removed and refreshments were served, the family began to chat.

Li Shimin looked at Li Tai, thoughtfully said: "Lu Anshou taught you how to fight evil spirit."

"Aye has a unique eye!" Li Tai nodded and said, "Qing Que is already ten years old. Lu Sima saw that Qing Que's physique has been good these years, so he formally taught me the method of fighting evil spirits. Tai is also learning."

"En!" Li Shimin nodded, "During this time, we need blood food the most.

From now on, the palace will send one cow, three sheep, and five deer every month to prevent you from running out of energy and blood.

You need to remember that you are the prince, and there is no need for you to charge forward now, and you don't need to force yourself to fight evil spirits.

Let nature take its course and endure slowly, and you must not act too hastily and leave hidden wounds. "

"Qingque understands!" After all, Li Tai heard Li Shimin's concern, and quickly agreed.

To be honest, Li Tai also practiced with the longing for martial arts novels for such things as fighting evil spirits.

Because he is a prince, the method is proper and nutritious. Not long after Li Tai got started, he quickly felt a warm current flowing in his body.

Li Tai came to ask Lu Anshou if he was the one-in-a-kind cultivation genius in the legend.

Then Lu Anshou said very realistically that it is really not difficult to awaken this warm current, basically anyone can awaken it.

Lu Anshou said that those who fought on the battlefield would survive ten battles, and those who survived would basically be able to stimulate this wave of warmth.

And those who can't be stimulated are basically dead on the battlefield, so there are also awakening faster than you.

After listening to Lu Anshou's words, Li Tai felt that Fan Yang's heir to Lu's poems and books suddenly became such a thing, and it was actually very reasonable to kick him out to practice martial arts. Maybe he thought that Lu Anshou's existence would pollute Fan Yang's Lu's gene.

Even so, if Lu Anshou was able to be directly placed in his Yue Palace as Sima, he must be a direct descendant of the Lu family.

Lu Anshou said that it is not difficult to awaken this warm current, but it is not easy to maintain this warm current.

The most important thing is the lack of food. If there is not enough food, it will be difficult to grow, even if it is born, it will gradually wither, or even disappear.

Basically the only way I know now is to eat, and it is best to eat meat to maintain this warm current.

Of course, what this warm current brings is greater strength, quicker speed, quicker reaction, and stronger endurance, but after all, it has not reached the category of superman, and it even makes you hungry faster. personal……

And Li Shimin said to Li Taidao, "What do you think about the staffing arrangement for the establishment of the branch school of the Agricultural University?"

"I just hope that Ayer can send more people in, preferably between 30 and [-] years old.

When this group of people is drawn out when the school is built in the future, the system of a school can be built directly.

Otherwise, I will have to transfer staff from my current agricultural school, which is very hurtful! " Li Taisi said.

"That's not a problem. Whether it's a son of a family, a scholar in the imperial examination, or even some generals, they can all be arranged in the agricultural school." Li Shimin heard Li Tai's words and asked, "What do you think?"

"Now that the agricultural college has a formal grade, it's no problem to let some young masters who have not yet formally become officials come in."

Li Taisi said,
"However, Aye, you have to prepare the funds for the construction of the branch of the Agricultural Academy.

If we copy the agricultural school model, it will be very short of money! "

"Is it short of money to build an agricultural school?" Li Shimin was a little surprised when he heard Li Tai's words.

Li Tai nodded fiercely and said, "It's really lacking. It's okay if the scale is small, but as long as the scale is large, it's really short of money!"

When Li Shimin heard Li Tai's words, he was a little bit suspicious, always wondering if Li Tai was fooling himself.

After all, in reality, I have never seen Li Tai short of money, but Li Tai took out all kinds of money out of nothing.

However, Li Tai changed the subject. After all, no one would like to keep mentioning the lack of money. Instead, he asked Li Shimin:
"Aye, do you have any thoughts on those things that fill the three thousand granaries?"

Hearing Li Tai talk about this, Li Shimin said that he was really energetic, Li Shimin said, "What do you think, Qingque?"

"I think under normal circumstances, it would take quite a long time to fill all the three thousand granaries."

Li Taidao: "Because the righteous warehouse is all voluntary, you can't force the aristocratic family to fill this righteous warehouse!
And if you want to rely on Datang's own savings to slowly fill up the warehouse, you need to avoid any natural disasters in the future.

In recent years, the Tang Dynasty has not been peaceful. I am afraid that only five or six hundred warehouses have been installed, and the court ministers are staring at these righteous warehouses, wishing to spend all the food in them! "

Li Shimin heard the remonstrance of Li Tai, who has the attributes of a traitor, and thought about it for a while. Others can't guarantee it, but Wei Zheng is afraid that he can use this to kill Li Shimin.

Relying on Jun Wu's joking words, I am afraid that I will not be able to repair the garden in my life.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Shimin understood that this was a trap at all.

If I want to achieve my goal, I must either look forward to the good weather in the Tang Dynasty and avoid any disasters, or look forward to the integrity of court officials and aristocrats!

But the problem is that even if the court officials have integrity, they will never mind throwing away their integrity in order to restrain the emperor from making large-scale construction projects.

Anyway, Fang Xuanling would never mind.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help looking at Li Tai, thinking silently, this should be his own son!

Li Tai said that he knew that this was a trap, but since the emperor made an agreement with the important officials of the court because of his own reasons, he had to settle this matter, otherwise he would not be able to please Li Shimin.

I just simply feel that what I can do in Gaoling is very limited with the construction of the Weishui Water Transport.

How to show your value if you don't find something to do.

Li Tai showed a kind smile to Li Chengqian, he was really envious of Li Chengqian.

Because I am different from Li Chengqian, Li Chengqian is more quiet, and grows prestige and reputation with age, these things are everything.

But Li Tai's words are exactly the opposite. Li Tai needs to keep doing things, and needs to constantly show his value to the country.

So, only make trouble, make trouble?Make trouble!Only in this way can he have the possibility of being an emperor.

So Li Tai said to Li Shimin, "I think Zheng Baiqu can be refurbished to increase farmland.

The most important thing is that the food grown here can be filled into these righteous warehouses. I don't think Fang Xiang will object to it! "

"Who does the reclaimed land belong to?" Li Shimin squinted his eyes when he heard Li Tai's words.

"Whoever contributes belongs to whom!" Li Tai said calmly, "There is a part of the agricultural school, and a part of the Yue Palace, and the family that is willing to contribute will naturally receive a part, and our Li clan also has a part.

Because these fields are not fields given to the aristocratic family, but fields that have been reclaimed.Therefore, even the royal family, nobles, and official families still have to pay taxes. "

"Pay taxes?" Li Shimin looked at Li Tai in surprise when he heard Li Tai's words. He didn't expect Li Tai to be so active in paying taxes.

And Li Tai said calmly: "Well, in name, you don't need to pay taxes, but in fact, as long as the food grown here needs to be filled up in the warehouse, the rest is the food for each family.

In this way, even if Aye does not build Luoyang Palace in the future, but builds other palaces, as long as the Yicang is empty, he will build it when the Yicang is full. As long as there are no natural disasters, Fang Xiang, Du Gong, Wei Yushi and others Probably nothing to say.

After all, even if Aye wanted to repair the garden, he didn't spend money from the treasury! "

"Hahaha!" Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Shimin patted Li Tai's shoulder heavily and said, "Qingque, not bad, not bad!"

Li Chengqian looked at the scene of Li Shimin and Li Tai's father being kind and filial, but there was an unnatural desire in his eyes.

He also longs for Li Tai and Li Shimin's way of getting along, but he can't do it. As a prince, he must be prudent!
(End of this chapter)

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