Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 106 Women's Weaving Academy

Chapter 106 Women's Weaving Academy

Of course, these things have been going on for too long, and not all of them will follow what Li Tai thinks.

And what Li Tai did was just bet on a probability.

According to someone, there is a [-]/[-] probability that you can gamble with your life. Although the probability of Li Tai's arrangement is less than [-]/[-], at least you don't need to put your life on it!
With the completion of the autumn planting, although Gao Ling dare not say that he is idle, at least the whole pace of life has begun to slow down.

When Li Tai saw this kind of thing, he couldn't help thinking, how can this be possible, how can the people be spared!

When the common people are free, gossip will breed at least, and knight-errants will run rampant at worst.

The most important thing is, how do they create wealth for Gaoling and consume Gaoling's products after they rest.

It must be that they are required to work a lot, and only by working can their value be reflected!

Therefore, Li Tai approached Du Chuke immediately, thinking that he should find something to do for the common people.

After completing the autumn planting, it was already completely autumn, and when Li Tai called Du Chuke, the cold wind also felt biting.

Du Chuke braved the autumn rain and put down his coir raincoat. When he saw Li Tai, he said respectfully:
"I've seen the King of Yue. It's raining in autumn today, but the King of Yue has been waiting for a long time?"

"Shanbin, let's drink a bowl of ginger tea first. There will be autumn rain and cold, but don't let the wind and cold enter the body." Li Tai said.

As he spoke, he saw the waiter bring over a bowl of ginger tea, and when Du Chuke drank it, he took the ginger tea cup away with him.

Du Chuke's concern for Li Tai still felt very warm.

In other words, working under Li Tai always received such humane treatment.

Although these things were relatively small, they gave Du Chuke more recognition for Li Tai's work.

At this moment, the two parties chatted politely about personal matters, but soon Du Chuke got straight to the point.

Du Chuke looked at Li Tai and said, "I don't know why the King of Yue came to me, but to report on the dock?"

Li Tai shook his head and said, "I don't worry about you doing things. We will report together at the end of the year. It's another matter for me to find you."

Hearing Li Tai's words, Du Chuke couldn't help but feel a bit of warmth in his heart, and saluted, "Please speak clearly, King Yue."

"The main reason is that after the autumn planting, the common people like to stay at home in winter and don't like to go out. I wonder if you have any ideas?" Li Tai couldn't help asking Du Chuke.

"It's a good thing!" Du Chuke complained silently in his heart.

But looking at Li Tai's face, Du Chuke quickly said: "The things that go into the fields in winter are greatly reduced. It's true that the common people are a bit lazy at home, so how can they be happy and healthy?"

"En!" Li Tai nodded when he heard Du Chuke's words, thinking that Du Chuke still has a good eye!

"Then what kind of work is there in the Gaoling area in winter? Can it be done for these people!" Li Tai said to Du Chuke.

If he hadn't stayed with Li Tai for a long time, Du Chuke knew that Li Tai paid the people to work.

Otherwise, if people who don't know hear Li Tai's words, they will think that Li Tai is planning to call up corvee work in the winter!

"I still have a lot of work to do in Gaoling!" Du Chuke looked at Li Tai and said,
"First of all, at the beginning, the king requested that all roads be built within the boundaries of Gaoling, even between villages, at least a loess road with a width of two carriages should be built.

Although this road has been being repaired, it was slightly delayed because some of the corvees were taken away by the ma county magistrate to repair the water transport.

If King Yue thinks it is appropriate, let these common people build roads! "

"No!" Li Tai shook his head and said, "These people have never learned arithmetic, so it's easy to ask them to move bricks and help them.

If they are the main body of road construction, not to mention low efficiency, what is more important is that the roads they build may not be qualified! "

When Du Chuke heard this, he thought for a while and said, "That's the racetrack under construction.

Because of your order, the construction has already started. If the people are willing to help, it should be able to speed up the process. "

Hearing this, Li Tai thought about it: "It's better to let the common people do chores and get food and shelter.

After the work is done every day, food coupons of two kilograms of grain are distributed. Presumably, some people will be happy to work. "

"Isn't that a little too much!" Du Chuke heard Li Tai's words and said, "The common people earn [-] kilograms of grain in one month!"

Li Tai now looks at the price of grain, which is only five cents per bucket. Relatively speaking, two kilograms is now about one or two cents.

Ordinary people work hard for a month and only get about a hundred coins, but they don't know where the complaints are.

After all, in Li Tai's view, he needs to give money to the people, so that the people can spend money!
The kind of guy who wants the people to get free [-], no, it should be the guy who wants the people to get [-] for free, but also wants the people to spend money, I don’t know what’s going on in his head.

The people don't even have money in their hands, and they don't even have the time to spend it. As a result, the other side wants the people to spend a lot.

If this can be realized, this is the legendary art of creating something out of nothing!

And these ordinary people are quite flocking to Li Tai's attitude of issuing food coupons to work.

At the beginning, many people still had doubts about Li Tai's distribution of food stamps, especially because they didn't know the kilogram unit.

After getting the food stamps, he immediately exchanged the food from Li Tai, and he was really relieved when he saw the food in hand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Tai popularized units such as catties, kilograms, and tons, as well as centimeters, meters, and cubic meters.In order not to appear, that kind of situation where big fights enter and small fights come out.

After all, the units of weight and measure in ancient China are really bad, and this is a unit that will become larger with use!
Don't think the people are too stupid. Basically, as long as it is related to their own interests, they will quickly master the corresponding knowledge and skills.

No one likes to be cheated, but they found that this kind of mastery of weights and measures helps to further accurately pay and pay taxes. The adaptability of the people is almost unimaginably fast.

But the imperial court didn't say much about this scene.

It is mainly the taxation of the water transport system, which makes the old weights and measures no longer suitable for the new taxation system.

Compared with the perfect supporting standard created in precise units such as kilograms, tons, meters, and cubic meters.

The incompatibility brought about by other old systems of weights and measures has seriously affected the efficiency of material operation.

Because the container designed by Li Tai is matched with the transport vehicle, the weights and measures that vary from place to place are a headache.

Therefore, the imperial court also intends to implement the new weights and measures introduced by Gaoling in the cities along the Weishui River.

This is one of the reasons why these people are sent to agricultural colleges for a year, because the basis of measurement has changed.

Of course, the social changes brought about by this are far-reaching to ordinary people, but they do not directly feel them.

For them, whether it's buckets or kilograms, as long as they don't lose money in exchange for rice, that's enough.

Even though the common people didn't believe in food stamps at first, after unknowingly hoarding a crock of rice at home, they began to choose to put food stamps in their hands as a general transaction currency.

After all, their family only has such a large land, so they really can't afford too much land.

In the Tang Dynasty, money shortages existed when Kaiyuan Tongbao existed.

Since the beginning of the Qin and Han Dynasties, gold has been the representative of precious value, coupled with the turmoil in the Wuhu chaos, the value of gold has always been the most stable.

So in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, people were obsessed with gold and were willing to accept it as a means of payment for large amounts.

However, the unit difference between copper coins and gold coins is too great, so the Tang Dynasty generally allowed physical transactions as a supplement for medium-amount transactions.

In the beginning, especially at the beginning of Zhenguan, because of the lack of food, food was a strong currency.

But as time went by, after people enjoyed a certain stability, silk, a cloth that was easy to store and easy to cut and trade, naturally became a medium currency.

At the same time, even silk cloth itself has different fabrics such as silk and satin, as a medium currency, and later "both money and silk" has even become an official transaction method.

Just like in "Pipa Xing", the teenagers in Wuling quarrel with each other, and there is an unknown number of red silk, so the way to reward is cloth.

And food stamps are just a kind of food equivalent that circulated among the people because the cloth has not yet fully established its currency status, and the people's instinctive desire for food during the Zhenguan period.

However, Li Tai saw that these people had accepted the food stamps, so he asked Peacock's big shopping mall to release news, allowing food stamps to be traded in the big shopping malls. After all, the food stamps issued by Li Tai were not only one catty, but five catties. , ten catties, fifty catties, one hundred catties... even tons, for ordinary people, basically one hundred catties is enough for their transactions.

In this way, Li Tai can also consciously circulate these food stamps and take them back along the way.

When these ordinary people found out that the food stamps issued by Li Tai could buy what they wanted in the mall, they naturally accepted this new currency very quickly. It's all right.

And with this kind of sufficient purchasing power, for the common people, they will naturally have more energy in their work!
"Hmm..." Li Tai thought for a while, and said seriously to Du Chuke:
"People earn two catties of food stamps a day, which is still a little low, so they are not active in their work.

Hitting workers can't risk their lives to work, how can they be faster.

You think of a way to turn that racecourse into a piecework job, so that the common people can earn more, and let them work harder! "

"Chuke understands!" Du Chuke couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead when he heard Li Tai's words.

I have to say, if I didn't know Li Tai personally, and knew Li Tai's personality, most people would think that Li Tai was a careless person after hearing Li Tai's words.

Although Du Chuke obeyed Li Tai's words very much, he still said to Li Tai:
"King Yue, to let the people work in winter, you need to prepare warm food for the people, otherwise if you do too much, I'm afraid it will be dangerous!"

"That's right, we really need to pay attention to this point!" Li Tai nodded and said:

"I will let people make winter clothes and gloves, and open a bathhouse near the horse farm, which can deliver boiling water, at least to avoid non-work reduction in winter!"

"The king of Yue can have such thoughts, so I won't say more!" Du Chuke breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Then I'll go back immediately and make a charter to recruit the people to go to the racetrack to assist in the work."

"Just go!" Li Tai nodded when he heard Du Chuke's words, "Then I won't stay any longer!"

After the two discussed things, Li Tai sent Du Chuke out the door. The rain stopped, and it was time for Du Chuke to work.

But Du Chuke hadn't left for a long time, when Bai He knocked on the door and said, "Your Majesty, the peacock is back!"

"Oh?" Li Tai said in a daze when he heard this, "I'm back now, let her in."

Strictly speaking, Peacock and Du Chuke are not in the same system, because Peacock serves the Yue Palace, while Du Chuke serves Gaoling County.

So gradually, many business affairs in Li Tai's hands were handed over to Peacock to take care of them.

To some extent, the peacock has become Li Tai's white glove, the person responsible for earning money for the Yue Palace.

"I've met the king." Seeing Li Tai, the peacock couldn't help but salute respectfully.

"How's the situation?" Li Tai looked at the peacock and asked straight to the point, "How's the white mat harvest?"

"The average is about one hundred and fifty catties per mu!" Peacock said excitedly, "This is only the first year, and there will be more in the future!"

"Yeah!" Li Tai nodded and said, "Don't take out this kind of cotton cloth this year."

"Eh?" Peacock was stunned when he heard Li Tai's words, and said, "My lord, why is this?"

"The first reason is because of the agreement with Zheng's down jacket that they plan to sell it for another year. If cotton cloth appears, they will definitely compete for the market."

Li Tai said calmly: "As for the second point, it is because of the preliminary experiment of white mats this year, the planting area is not enough.

As a novel winter cloth on the market, it is also necessary to consider whether the output can keep up with the market demand.

So I'd rather hoard another year's worth of cloth than just throw the cotton out in the market now and have prying eyes.

As for the third point, it is because our technology for cotton cloth is not mature.

What is the effect of the clothes made in winter, and will there be problems such as hair loss like down jackets.

Therefore, we don't need to worry, just experiment and experiment first! "

"The peacock understands!" The peacock saluted Li Tai after hearing Li Tai's words, expressing his understanding.

And Li Tai smiled calmly and said:

"However, although it is not sold to the outside world, some of the cotton clothes can be used by the people in the Yue Palace.

After all, how this new material is, you can only know it by wearing it yourself.

In addition, weaving is a skill for women. You need to find a way to recruit enough women workers to be weavers next year. It is best to complete the production of cotton cloth in Qinzhou (Tianshui).

Of course, if there is really no way, then set up a factory in Chang'an, and after the cotton is initially processed, it will be processed into cotton cloth in Chang'an.

And when this step is completed, I think it is necessary to establish a weaving school for women, and you have to find a way to prepare corresponding teaching talents. I don't understand this aspect, so I can only leave it to you. "

"Establish a women's school?!" Peacock was a little dazed when he heard Li Tai's plan.

"Yeah!" Li Tai nodded calmly, but he didn't feel that what he said was shocking, and said flatly:

"It is normal for men to farm and women to weave. Since there is an agricultural school, it is normal to establish a women's weaving school.

Peacock, if you want to become the priest of the academy at that time, maybe you will be famous in history and become the first female master! "

(End of this chapter)

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