Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 133 Unexpected Gains

Chapter 133 Unexpected Gains

Li Tai saw that Li Shimin agreed to this matter, and used state means to investigate, but he didn't get entangled in this matter anymore.

Because for Li Tai, doing this matter to such an extent can be regarded as helping Changle.

Li Tai never thought of stopping the marriage between Changle and Changsun, even if this kind of marriage does not conform to modern ethics.

But to be honest, the main reason why modern close relatives cannot marry is the child's disability and cerebral palsy.

But for the royal family, even if their child has cerebral palsy, it is nothing for the royal family to raise one more person, not to mention that the probability of a professional being born in a marriage of close relatives will be higher to some extent. I won the SR!
Moreover, the marriage between them is a political marriage, which means that the royal family has closer ties with foreign relatives and meritorious groups.

In the face of political interests, this kind of ethical and moral issues that cannot be proved at all in this era has no meaning at all.

Taking ten thousand steps back, their two sons, Changsun Yan, also got mixed up in Shuidu Envoy, so he must be a normal person, which made Li Tai follow Changle's wishes on this matter, and delay it for a few years if he wanted to several years.

Moreover, Li Tai can be sure that a comprehensive census was conducted on this data, and even if the correct conclusions were drawn, it would not be easy for the people to delay their childbearing age.

Such as legal regulations are just a matter of mouth, and to really delay the age of childbearing for the people, what is needed is the improvement of the people's own economy, not just administrative orders.

Because for the common people, the economic benefits brought about by marrying a wife and having children at the age of 12 are completely different from those of marrying a wife and having children at the age of 16.

Because they do not have enough economic rights in their hands, they can only hope for the next generation, and at the same time provide more labor for their own production.

This is also very similar to the attitude of the poorer the more children in modern society.

Therefore, this is not to know that women at the age of 16 are better able to give birth to offspring, and the people at the bottom will change.

Because this kind of thing is more or less like eating minced meat to the people at the bottom.

For them, it is enough for a woman to live and carry on the family line. As for other things, they really have no way to fight for them.

In the end, even if the data obtained prove that it is better for women to marry after the age of 16, and their health will be better, it must be the royal clan, aristocratic families, and these classes with selective conditions will accept this matter more quickly.

Because they have money and food in their hands, if they raise a daughter for three or four years more, they will raise a daughter for three or four more years.

But for the people at the bottom, short-sighted, they can only feel that they have three or four more years to raise their daughters, and they have to pay for three or four years.

To be honest, this kind of custom change, or wait for these rich and nobles to gradually become common people with the inheritance, so that the common people can understand this truth.

Either a strong government forcibly reverses this matter, but it is also likely to trigger a strong backlash from the people at the bottom.

After all, in the consciousness of the people at the bottom of this era, women are the water that is thrown out, and they may not consider their daughters.

For these people, it is enough to get the bride price, and the daughter belongs to someone else's family anyway, so they don't care whether they will die or not.

To be honest, in Li Tai's opinion, instead of popularizing relevant knowledge to the common people, it is better to find a way to provide women with jobs so that they can achieve financial independence. Even if others give up on them, at least he still has a chance to save himself.

Of course, these things just passed through Li Tai's mind. Seeing Li Shimin's edict to investigate, Li Tai continued,

"The next step is to carry out some plans for population increase from the perspective of doctors, mainly three kinds.

First, it is necessary to continue to increase the number of clinics and train more medical talents to treat basic diseases for the common people.

The second is to hope that the government will increase the number of female doctors, standardize the process of delivery, and even send the birth to the hospital as soon as there is a need for delivery, or send female doctors to the designated place for delivery.

As for the third point, I hope that the imperial court can increase coal investment in the coal industry, collect a large amount of coal, and supply coal to the people, so that the people can realize the freedom of boiled water! "

Li Tai said these words one by one, making the people present a little bit puzzled.

Wei Zheng stood up and said, "You, King Yue, have been implementing the plan of the hospital, but the progress has been slow because there are not enough doctors.

According to the current progress, it may take one or two years before the agricultural college can train the first batch of doctors to enter the hospital.

At that time is the time for the hospital to expand in an all-round way, I remember right! "

"Yes!" Li Tai nodded when he heard Wei Zheng's words, "In addition, after entering the hospital, they need to be trained for another one to two years. They are not required to become qualified doctors, but at least they must become qualified medical assistants.

It will take three or four years before it is fully rolled out. The first step is naturally to focus on the Guanzhong area, and then slowly roll out to the whole country. "

When the ministers heard Li Tai's words, they looked at each other, but didn't say much.

To be honest, as officials, they prefer policies that can be short-term and quick to bear fruit. Li Tai's policy of making steady progress and planting trees for future generations to enjoy the shade is really a bit unaccustomed to.

"We understand the role of doctors, but the second point, do you mean increasing midwives?" Wei Zheng asked again.

"It's not just about increasing midwives!" Li Tai pondered, "According to the inference of my information report, raising the age of women to 16 years old is more conducive to childbirth.

For everyone present, it doesn't really matter if the women in the family stay for a few more years, but for ordinary people, one more person means one more mouth to eat.

Therefore, we need to increase jobs for women to a certain extent, and give women financial support as much as possible.

Therefore, increasing the number of female doctors is not only to increase the number of midwives, but more importantly, it is to give women their own legal economy and the right to make their own choices! "

When Li Tai said this, he sighed, "Even now, Gaoling still receives abandoned baby girls from time to time.

Because raising girls is a relatively disadvantageous thing for the people at the bottom, so if there are no mandatory regulations, then the people must feel that raising girls is profitable, so that the childbearing age of women can be raised to above 16 years old. "

"It does make sense! But on this matter, we have to wait until the imperial court investigates the production situation of the people in the Guanzhong area before making a judgment." Hearing Li Tai's words, Xiao Yu asked doubtfully: "Then what does the so-called coal have to do with this matter?" !"

"Rather than saying that coal is related to this matter, it is more appropriate to say that boiled water is related to production!" Li Taisi thought,
"Because according to the statistics of doctors, families who drink boiled water have a lower disease rate than families that do not drink boiled water.

Even if you encounter any disease, people who drink plain water will recover more easily.

So it is worth further spreading the matter of boiled water, not to mention increasing the population, at least it has the effect of prolonging life. "

To be honest, for Li Tai, if he can take advantage of this opportunity to completely integrate the coal industry and further reduce costs, then Li Tai would naturally wish for it.

So after discovering this matter, I took the initiative to bring it up.

"Can't we use firewood to boil water? Why do we need to increase investment in the coal industry!" Dou Jing stood up and asked Li Tai in confusion.

"Dou Shangshu, there are mainly two aspects!" Seeing Dou Jing coming forward, Li Tai immediately explained to Dou Jing,
"One is that firewood needs trees, not to mention that most of the mountains and forests in the world have owners, and what is more important is a ten-year plan, nothing like trees.

In contrast, it is better to use charcoal fire instead of firewood, which is more cost-effective in terms of cost and environmental protection. "

Yes, compared with modern times, coal was used instead of firewood in ancient times, which is more environmentally friendly.

Although it seems a bit unbelievable, in reality, why Guanzhong could not stay in the Tang Dynasty after almost the Tang Dynasty, one of the very important reasons is that the trees around Chang'an were cut down, and the water and soil were very eroded. serious.

Burning coal can alleviate the speed of human destruction of forests to a certain extent. After all, in addition to construction needs, burning firewood is actually a large consumer of wood.

"Secondly, the combustion efficiency of coal is much better than that of wood. There is no shortage of coal mines in the Tang Dynasty. This kind of project is suitable for cost reduction. At least compared with a large pile of firewood, coal is more likely to enter the civilian population at a lower price. People's homes!"

"Integrate coal resources?" Li Shimin couldn't help thinking when he heard Li Tai's words.

The real large-scale utilization of coal resources will have to wait until the Song Dynasty. Although the Tang Dynasty has paid attention to coal, it does not really think that coal is an important material like salt and iron, and there is not even an official governing organization.

Now that he heard Li Tai's words to strengthen the management of coal, Li Shimin hesitated a bit.

It's not that he didn't believe in Li Tai, but that the entire early Tang Dynasty adopted a policy of streamlining officials, so when adding officials, he would be more cautious.

"Don't you have a lot of coal industries under your command, let's integrate them first and see the effect!" Li Shimin thought to Li Tai again and again, "After all, this matter is related to the people's livelihood, so it's better not to act rashly, it's better to let nature take its course."

"Aye, can you give me a certain degree of support?" Li Tai said immediately after hearing Li Shimin's words.

"I knew you were not that easy to deal with!" Li Shimin smiled when he heard Li Tai's words, "What support do you want?"

"First of all, can you support me with some masters who understand mining technology, so that I can improve the overall work efficiency.

Secondly, can extortionate miscellaneous taxes be reduced or exempted to a certain extent during the transportation of coal.

Finally, can I hire foreign labor or felons who have broken the law to mine coal! "

Li Tai was not polite, and took advantage of this opportunity to quickly put forward his request.

"These are trivial things. If you need me, I can give you approval?"

Li Shimin thought for a while, and to be honest, he didn't think Li Tai's request was too much.

However, Li Shimin said solemnly:
"However, let's talk about one thing first. Are you sure that with this method, people can drink boiled water?"

"After integrating coal resources, I can at least guarantee that the people of Chang'an can drink cheap boiled water. At the same time, if there is five to ten years of precipitation, I think the people in all the prefectures and counties in Guanzhong should be able to drink it!" Li Tai assured Li Shimin road.

"Yeah!" Li Shimin nodded, thinking that it would be fine to let Li Tai try it.

Even if Li Tai didn't finish, at least the court didn't lose anything.

Moreover, Li Tai's previous suggestions were all let go. No matter how much he disagrees with this opinion now, it is a bit too much.

Li Tai was a little surprised to see that Li Shimin passed his suggestion smoothly, but he was immediately overwhelmed by ecstasy.

After all, compared to the previous requirements, allowing himself to fully integrate coal resources is of great significance to Li Tai.

In a big way, for the first time, I have mastered the basic resources in the name of an official.

From a small point of view, as long as the replacement of firewood is completed for such things as coal, even if you only earn one penny per catty of coal, I am afraid that it will gradually become an astronomical figure in a year. But consumables!
"Xie Aye, I will definitely deal with this matter!" Li Tai felt a little emotional, but quickly suppressed this matter, and continued to Li Shimin,

"In addition, I hope that Aye can send a group of soldiers to station near Zheng Baiqu!"

"Oh?" Li Shimin was taken aback when he heard Li Tai's words, and said, "What do you want these soldiers to do?"

Li Tai replied: "Because with the assistance of Honglu Temple, some foreign labor was added to the construction of Zheng Baiqu to start the whole project.

It's okay to have less foreign labor force now, but if there are more foreign labor force, the Hu people are afraid of prestige and not virtuous, and they are afraid that troubles will happen.

Even if something happens at that time, there is an army to cover the situation, at least it can avoid the crisis to the greatest extent! "

"Saint, after all, it is indeed easy to cause troubles when a large number of foreign races gather. It is indeed a prudent measure just in case!"

Tang Jian stood up at this time and immediately agreed with Li Tai's words.

After all, this matter is regarded as a cooperation between Honglu Temple and Yuewang Mansion, although there is an attempt to change the model of Honglu Temple.

But in this process, if there is one more guarantee to share the risk, then Tang Jian will definitely not refuse.

"Why use a foreign race? Isn't it true that we people in the Tang Dynasty cannot serve corvee?" Wen Yanbo asked in confusion at this moment,
"Now it's actually necessary to send an army to guard the side. Isn't this a waste of money?"

"Because it's spring now, and the spring plowing season is coming soon, the common people naturally focus on plowing the fields, how can they be sent to serve in corvee!" Li Tai said after hearing Wen Yanbo's words, "So it's the first choice to let foreigners serve in the service first!"

When Wen Yanbo heard this, he decisively shut his mouth, and the matter of spring plowing instantly killed all problems.

For ancient times, there was really no more important production activity than spring plowing, and even many political actions had to give way to it at some point.

As for the comparison of letting foreigners serve as corvees with spring plowing, there is naturally no comparison.

Li Shimin saw the result of this matter, and said, "Li Qing, what do you think?"

Li Jing, who has been making clay sculptures and woodcarvings for a long time, never thought that he would one day speak in court.

(End of this chapter)

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