Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 151 Lingnan Great Victory

Chapter 151 Lingnan Great Victory
Hearing the reward for Lu Cai, Li Tai breathed a sigh of relief, anyway, the matter of Lu Cai is over.

In fact, the entire musician program is only a semi-finished product, but the other half is not convenient for me to take out.

That requires musicians to educate the soldiers, literacy and patriotic education for the soldiers, and even let them know why they are fighting.

In other words, the musicians of the musicians program are actually a kind of cover.

But if you really want to implement a complete musician system, then the army will immediately have the question of whose order is the highest order.

Under such circumstances, I was afraid that I would be beaten violently by Li Shimin the next day. If I was lucky, I would be banned for life, or even exiled.

Another point is that in terms of economy, to carry out large-scale literacy for these veterans requires considerable manpower and material resources.

The current Li Tang court cannot afford this expense. In fact, the military expenditure of more than 1000 military musicians alone makes Li Shimin feel a little distressed.

But there is no way, this kind of thing that directly increases the combat effectiveness of Datang's army can only be topped.

Li Tai also understands this, but Li Tai needs to prepare for his future, so he launched this musician plan.

That is, there are really too few people who can read and write in this era. If you want to carry out comprehensive literacy in the army, you need ten years, or even 20 years of training. In Li Tai's view, although he will produce some of them, the rest will be sure. It is from a family.

But it is okay to directly ask the family to pay for it, but if the family sends people to popularize education, it will be too terrible.

Therefore, first put up the military musician's proposal and let them occupy the position of military musician.

In the future, I just need a piece of military order, and the military musicians will naturally start to literacy for the army.

What, if the family's military musicians don't cooperate?
Just kidding, as long as Lu Cai is still teaching books at the agricultural college, some of the military musicians can come from the agricultural college.

No matter what the future holds, military musicians will inevitably become a starting point for me to intervene in the army, and I will carry out military reforms. The military only thinks that Li Tai is strengthening the imperial power, and does not have too much thought.

When the time comes, the aristocratic family will really suffer so much that they can't tell.

After all, as long as a group is not united and there is a rift within itself, the so-called prisoner's dilemma is an unavoidable survival situation for any group.

At that time, if I disobeyed the military order and killed chickens and monkeys, and then arranged a group of students from agricultural colleges, this policy could be implemented almost 100%.

It's just that now I need students from my agricultural school to enter the position of military musician.

It doesn't matter even if they are polished for 20 or [-] years because of the students of the agricultural college, because the more they are suppressed in the army, they can only stay in the position of military musicians. Then when they issue orders in the future, these military musicians more faithful.

The musician plan is Li Tai's move against the Tang army, and it will take time to settle down to where it will go.

After all, when it comes time to intervene in the army, you not only need to promote the army yourself, but also need the strength within the military to promote it.

So Li Tai proposed the musician plan.

What increased the military power of the Tang Dynasty, what made Lu Cai stay in the agricultural school, in reality, Li Tai just wanted to add sand to the army.

It's just that he can't touch the military power now, but he didn't say that he can't exert influence on the army.

After all, to seize the heir, it is normal to bury a pawn that will last for ten or twenty years.

Just when Li Tai reckoned that today's affairs would be over, and was about to take Lu Cai away, someone outside shouted all the way:
"Nan Fu Great Victory, Southern Fu Great Victory, Southern Fu Great Victory..."

Unconscious shouts came, and the messenger came all the way outside the Hall of Liangyi, and sent the information to the servant, who sent it in.

The servant hurriedly sent the memorial to Li Shimin. After reading it, Li Shimin said yes again and again:
"Zhuqing, the Liaoren rebellion in Nanfu Prefecture has been resolved by Feng An and Zhijie. It is really quick to use troops!"

Li Shimin said here to Li Taidao: "The medical soldiers in the medical dormitory system you proposed to establish also played a great role.

If it weren't for them, Zhijie's army would have lost its promise! "

"This matter is Aye's wise decision, and there are doctors who are skilled and benevolent, Qingque should not be praised!" Li Tai said calmly.

Li Chengqian looked at Li Tai's gesture of being praised by Li Shimin, he was really envious, and he really wanted to be praised like this.

"The Eastern Turks in the north have been pacified, and the bureaucrats in the south have been settled. It's really my Tang dynasty. Today, I will hold a banquet at the Linde Palace to celebrate the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and the people's safety. My dear friends, I will never return to you if I am not drunk!" Li Shimin said proudly. .

"Thank you saint for hosting the banquet!" The ministers responded loudly to Li Shimin, dancing enthusiastically.

Wei Zheng watched this scene and was about to get up, because he felt that there was no need to be so extravagant.

However, Fang Xuanling, who was sitting on the side dealing with government affairs, quickly grabbed Wei Zheng's sleeve and shook his head at Wei Zheng. There was no need for Wei Zheng to disturb everyone's interest.

Facing Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng still gave face, and with a flash of skill, the banquet began.

To be honest, the biggest threat to Datang in the Liaoren rebellion in the south was not actually the combat power of the Liaoren, but the non-combat loss of personnel brought about by the almost dire situation in the south was the most deadly.

Time has passed, now Cheng Zhijie led the army to Guiyang on the Jiangnan West Road, and entered Lingnan, it was really getting more and more angry.

Cheng Zhijie said to the army, "We have entered the boundary of Lingnan Road, the whole army has set up camp and set up a fire to cook food, and we will continue to advance tomorrow.

Isn't it already autumn? Why is this place still so hot! "

Cheng Zhijie sighed, fortunately this journey, at least as far as Jiangnan Road, the army can eat wherever they go.

Relying on the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, although the road is spared, the boats travel day and night, which is much faster than land, but when they arrive in Guiyang, although they can still get supplies in the counties controlled by the imperial court, the speed has slowed down.

This area is almost undeveloped for Datang, except for a few avenues overgrown with weeds, there is almost nothing.

Cheng Zhijie felt that he had taken a bad job, and thought about how to beat those bureaucrats violently, so as to vent his hatred.

At this time, Liu Shenwei came outside Cheng Zhijie's camp to report, Cheng Zhijie was slightly taken aback, but let Liu Shenwei come in.

To be honest, as a general, I still respect doctors. After all, people who lick blood on the battlefield clearly know the existence of doctors and how many soldiers they can save.

"Director Cheng, I have something to report!" Liu Shenwei said in front of Cheng Zhijie.

"What's the matter with Doctor Liu?" Cheng Zhijie saw Liu Shenwei's arrival, and asked politely, "Just say it."

Liu Shenwei said calmly: "I also ask Chief Cheng to control the soldiers not to play in the river in the south.

On the other hand, the realgar powder and lime in our medical camp have been consumed seven to eighty-eight, and when we arrive at Lingnan Road, we hope that the supervisor can replenish them.

If possible, the sergeants are prohibited from drinking cold water, and all of them should be changed to hot water. The environment in Lingnan is harsh, and Chief Cheng hopes to take it seriously! "

"The stream is clean, it's fine!" Cheng Zhijie waved his hand and said, "I can't get realgar powder and lime together for a while. After all, I'm not familiar with Lingnan Road. When we join the Feng An tribe, we can go find that place." Ask Feng Shangzhuguo."

"Then the sergeant is drinking hot water!" Liu Shenwei looked at Cheng Zhijie expectantly.

"Drinking hot water requires chopping firewood. The soldiers march fifty or sixty miles a day, so how can they find the strength to chop firewood.

Moreover, the firewood in the south is damp and wet, and the smoke will be billowing when it burns.

You!Don't bring the extravagant atmosphere in Chang'an to the army, as long as you can heal the soldiers well! "

Cheng Zhijie took a few steps forward and patted Liu Shenwei on the shoulder, saying as if I have eaten more salt than you have eaten,

"Although most of these soldiers are Taoists from the south of the Yangtze River, they are all in good health, and nothing will happen to them!"

Hmm, the group of people brought by Cheng Zhijie were really soldiers from the Jiangnan Province, and they were not dispatched directly from Chang'an.

After all, Chang'an also has to consider the consumption of food and grass, as well as adapting to the environment in the south of the Five Ridges. It is impossible to send troops directly from Chang'an.

Although Cheng Zhijie is the airborne leader of Jiangnan Road, relying on his name, the shadow of the tree, and his personal guards, it is not difficult to convince these Jiangnan Road soldiers.

This is also the reason why Cheng Zhijie needs to pass through the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal. After all, medical camps, personal guards, and incidental supplies, especially medical supplies, can be delivered quickly by water.

But now, through the battle report sent by Feng An, Cheng Zhijie can know that the progress of the Liaoren is not fast, or that after overthrowing Chen Longshu and occupying Nanfuzhou, these Liaoren have made many mistakes like the peasant army, and are fascinated by Huahua World squinted.

Even though Gaoliang is just a rural place in Cheng Zhijie's view, to the Liao people who live by the stream, it is almost a paradise, and the prosperity they can imagine is just like this.

Under such circumstances, the chiefs of the various caves of the Liao people began to sit in a row one by one, sharing the fruit and fruit, and began to harm the scourge of being unwilling to make progress.

After all, Cheng Zhijie himself was a member of the rebel army, and he knew exactly what would happen to the rebel army after they were blinded by victory.

Strictly speaking, the original Wagang Village also had this problem, which led to its disintegration later.

So Cheng Zhijie is not in a hurry, as long as his own guards are not in chaos, those soldiers who want to enjoy it can go there.

As long as you don't violate the military order, Cheng Zhijie will turn a blind eye.

After all, war is about to start, why not let the soldiers relax?
"General, this Lingnan area is full of snakes and insects, and there are dangers everywhere. Even the mosquitoes are much bigger than those in the north. Don't underestimate them!" Seeing that Cheng Zhijie didn't pay much attention to them, Liu Shenwei couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Don't worry, if there is nothing else, I still have to rest, and I will continue to march tomorrow!" Cheng Zhijie said.

Liu Shenwei saw that he couldn't say anything about Cheng Zhijie, so he opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything more.

After Liu Shenwei settled the camp, he took some medical campers to gather medicine.

Because a large part of the medical camps are students, most of the medicinal materials they come into contact with are in the medicinal garden, or simple Chinese patent medicines that have been dried and processed. Many people have never seen such almost original medicinal materials. been.

After all, the former medical students were basically one-on-one with apprentices slowly, collecting herbs in the mountains, and how to find the antidote within five steps, these are the basic common sense of doctors.

But for this group of students, because they came out of the fast-track mode of agricultural colleges, this part of the knowledge is somewhat lacking, and now they just make up for it.

At the same time, Liu Shenwei is also looking for some local repellents. After all, the realgar powder and limestone are about to run out, and he also needs to get some homemade repellents. The worst thing is to throw them directly into the fire and burn them. The smell of smoke has the effect of repelling mosquitoes. For Liu Shenwei, this is the limit of what the medical camp can do.

Cheng Zhijie didn't believe his own judgment, and Liu Shenwei couldn't do anything about it. After all, it was Cheng Zhijie who really made the decisions in the barracks!

As usual, Liu Shenwei took an hour to identify the herbs, and then returned to the camp.

However, soon at night, some soldiers in the camp developed dizziness and diarrhea, and some even developed a high fever!

This incident alarmed Cheng Zhijie almost immediately, because there is no special medicine for fever in this era, and one can only rely on one's own physique to cure it. It can be said that after a fever, even if he is not sentenced to death, he is still resigned to his fate.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Cheng knew that Jie was a veteran of marching and fighting, so he immediately quarantined all these people and invited Liu Shenwei to come over.

To be honest, Cheng Zhijie basically treated this group of people as a plague and dealt with them directly.

After a long time, Liu Shenwei, who was seeing a doctor, put the sweat towel on his face into boiling water, and then said to Cheng Zhijie:
"Mr. Chen, this plague came suddenly. I have obtained local materials and combined with acupuncture, I have temporarily suppressed the disease.

But these soldiers are afraid that they will not be able to follow the army, at least they will not be able to recover in a short time. "

"Thanks to the genius doctor Liu!" Cheng Zhijie said with a serious expression, "It is a taboo to have plague in the military camp, and the genius doctor has a way to avoid it!"

"Every time we set up camp, we need to cover the ground with lime and clean it with realgar. Only in this way can insects and ants be kept out.

Soldiers can no longer easily wade through water every day, and drinking water needs to be boiled before drinking.

It is best to look for the large nearby villages and towns first, as these villages and towns have lived here for a long time, and they should have corresponding medicinal materials and earthworks.

More importantly, these soldiers can also be arranged temporarily so that they can have a place to rest.

Otherwise, if they continue to run around, they will definitely die! "Liu Shenwei said seriously.

"Please don't worry about Dr. Liu, Dajun will definitely do it!"

Cheng Zhijie also understood this, but he still underestimated the harsh environment in this poor place in Lingnan.

He had only just arrived at the border of Lingnan, yet he was so underwhelmed.

However, Cheng Zhijie also knew that the most important thing at this time was to stabilize the morale of the army.

After setting up camp every day, he personally patrolled to appease the soldiers. As for the soldiers who had the plague, he did not abandon them. Instead, under Liu Shenwei's guidance, he sent people to carry these patients forward on simple stretchers.

It took almost three days to arrive at Linhe in Hezhou. Although it is a rural area, it is a city at the county level. There is no problem in arranging some sick soldiers.

The most important thing is to get in touch with Feng An. The coalition forces of the two sides soon converged in Wuzhou. There are about 3 people in total. For Lingnan Road, it is almost a force that can sweep the entire Lingnan Road.

(End of this chapter)

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