Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 16 Zheng Fengchi

Chapter 16 Zheng Fengchi

When Li Tai came out of the palace, he immediately found a messy and red-eyed Ma Zhou.

"I said, what's the matter with you?" Li Tai looked at Ma Zhou in a mess, and couldn't help being a little stunned.

"Aha~" Ma Zhou yawned loudly, and then slowly said: "Arranging these refugees to build houses and cultivate fields, do you think it is such an easy thing? I haven't slept for three hours in a long time these days gone."

"Did you work so hard..." Li Tai changed the subject with a bit of embarrassment on his face, "But why don't you arrange for the people below to do it? If you leave it all to you, it will be quite troublesome, don't be like Zhuge Liang I'm sick from overwork!"

"Bah, bah, bah, bah?" Ma Zhou looked at Li Tai and said, "Although I understand what you mean, I am also very touched by your concern.

But it is not easy to think of this university as a city. After all, we are not a city but a university.

This is doomed that we cannot recruit scholars like the imperial court and let them help manage them, but there are no scholars among the refugees! "

"Why do we need scholars?" Li Tai didn't understand. "Directly appoint them, for example, those who cultivate more acres or those who build houses well. In short, those who perform well should be the managers."

"Can they manage it?" Ma Zhou said with some doubts on his face, "They don't even know how to read!"

Li Taidao: "Most of them are converted refugees, and what they need is nothing more than food, clothing, housing and transportation.

If these four things are resolved, even if there is any trouble, there will be no big trouble.

So directly recruit the best among them as small officials, and then you make a standard and throw it to them to follow.

Then next year, we will conduct a thorough investigation. If anyone does anything wrong, just throw it to Dali Temple! "

"It's really simple and rude!"

The corner of Ma Zhou's mouth twitched, and he had to admit that Li Tai's method was good.

It would be unrealistic to say how detailed the planning is by this method.

But if there is any problem, just wait for the refugees to give feedback, and then continue to modify it.

As Li Tai said, as long as food, clothing, housing and transportation are solved in this world, most people are very happy to be ruled.

"How long will it take to implement this matter?" Li Tai asked Ma Zhou.

"It will take half a day, whether it is the selection of small officials or the implementation of this system, it will take time." Ma Zhou said.

"Too much time! Just three days." Li Tai shook his head and said,

"You must have a record of people who perform well, just let them go.

As for the system, you can spend a night listing a few basic ones, and if you have problems later, you can add them slowly.

Let them implement it first, and then check it every month when they have time. I think there will be no problems in a short time. "

"What happened! Time is so urgent!" Hearing Li Tai's words, Ma Zhou couldn't help taking out a good wine to calm his shock.

Li Tai didn't pay too much attention to Ma Zhou's habits, after all, Li Tai was not very particular about etiquette.

Li Tai said, "I asked for an errand from Aye, just to find a way to let the people of Chang'an survive the winter safely!"

"Puff! Cough cough!" Ma Zhou almost choked on the drink, but he didn't spit on Li Tai's face, but spit on the ground. Ma Zhou raised his head, looked at Li Tai and said, "King Yue , do you know what you are talking about?!"

"I know!" Li Tai took a deep breath and nodded seriously to Ma Zhou.

"You really know?" Ma Zhou couldn't believe it, but finally couldn't help sighing, and said, "What do you want to do!"

"Let them mine!" Li Tai said, "The small mines in our hands need to be activated.

Aye has agreed to use the [-] mu of land as collateral to give me priority in supplying food. "

"It's winter, let them dig mines?" Ma Zhou's face was a bit unbearable.

"It's impossible to raise them for nothing, I must find something to do for them!"

Li Tai said, "As long as they are willing to dig coal, then I will at least give them a chance to have a full meal, and even occasionally let them eat duck eggs and drink duck soup."

"Among the remaining refugees, there are very few physically strong people. If they are asked to dig coal, they will almost let them die!"

Ma Zhou shook his head and said, "Maybe they can survive the winter by drinking gruel, but they can't survive if they go to mine!"

"Then there is another way, and that is to boil water!" Li Tai said after a moment of silence.

"Boil the water?" Ma Zhou didn't realize it, and looked a little dazed.

"En!" Li Tai nodded and said, "The biggest problem with boiling water is coal, and we now have two small coal mines, while recruiting refugees who can work to mine and make coal, and then send these coal mines to Chang'an City for burning coal." Boiling water for fuel.

Because it is directly cooked in a large pot, the iron pot can be made larger, and one pot can cook enough.

Then sell the boiled water to the surrounding people or make bathrooms to return funds.

The task of boiling water is believed to be capable of being performed by ordinary refugees. "

Although Datang has a curfew, it is just that people are not allowed to move freely between workshops.

However, the feasting and feasting in each square city are still carried out normally, and the supervision is basically turning a blind eye.

In other words, there is no communication between the workshops, but the workshops have their own economic systems, which can be regarded as the characteristics of this era.

"It's not a small amount of money to build land and rebuild houses in every square city." Ma Zhou looked at Li Tai and said seriously, "Strictly speaking, we don't have any income now, and even the food in our hands is owed. From the imperial court!"

"We can only sell down jackets first!" Li Tai pressed his head and said:

"What luxury merchants are there in the city? Tell them to prepare their money, and let them go to the hotel in Kanglefang tomorrow. I want to sell the agency rights of down jackets to keep out the cold!"

Ma Zhou didn't think that these businessmen would not accept Li Tai's invitation, but he still said,

"If you, King Yue, are directly involved in business affairs and let Yushi know, I'm afraid you will go to His Majesty to play a book again. It's better to let the people from the duck farm come forward for this kind of thing!"

"Okay!" Li Tai heard Ma Zhou's words, and thought for a moment that it was really not suitable for him to come forward directly. After all, he had just finished the matter of fighting locusts during this period, and the censors were probably staring at him for making mistakes.

Li Tai nodded and said: "Then sell all the agency rights for the down jacket for one year in a secret auction!
If all the shoppers who go there are luxury merchants, then they should be able to see the value of this thing in winter, especially for shops like silk and silk, when every new type of cloth enters the mall, they will pay attention to it.

This amount of money should allow us to complete the plan! "

To be honest, if Li Tai arranges it well by himself, since he almost monopolizes the raw materials of the down jacket, the profits obtained by the down jacket will definitely be more than that.

You must know that this is Chang'an, there is absolutely no shortage of people who are stupid and rich, and who give face to King Yue.

But Li Tai knew that it was really meaningless to him to earn a lot of money. His real goal was to complete every task promised by Li Shimin.

My own reincarnation is not as good as Li Chengqian's reincarnation, so if I want to fight for the position of prince, besides not making mistakes, I have to strive for merit as much as possible.

In contrast, all Li Chengqian needs is not to make mistakes.

After the deliberations were over, Ma Zhou promoted some small officials neatly to manage the affairs of the school.

After the matter was settled, the agency right of the down jacket was acquired by Zheng Fengchi, the richest man in Chang'an, at a price of [-] gold.

At the same time, every down jacket was sold to Zheng Fengchi at the usual ex-factory price. As for how Zheng Fengchi sold it, Li Tai didn't care.

And this money entered the account, which made it very smooth for Li Tai to acquire the land in Chang'an.

In fact, it is not difficult to buy and sell land in the name of the Yue Palace, but in any case, the purchase and sale must be done at the market price.

Otherwise, a group of censors who are idle are staring at him, and as long as he does something outrageous, impeachment memorials will frantically flood in.

However, when buying the land, there was a small episode. Ma Zhou came over to Li Tai with a wry smile and said, "In Pingkangfang, the piece of land we were interested in was taken first, but the other party not only did not take the money, but also wanted to buy it." Give it to us?"

"Zheng Fengchi?" Li Tai immediately reacted when he heard Ma Zhou's words.

Ma Zhou nodded.

To be honest, although Ma Zhou's spare money is only enough to drink a few pots of fine wine, he really looks down on Zheng Fengchi, the richest man in Chang'an.

Because to any official, the so-called merchants are nothing but pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Change the place!" Li Tai said, "He bought the entire vacant land in Pingkang Fang if he has the ability!"

"That's not good, how can we say that the five thousand gold in our hands is all sent by others!" Ma Zhou hesitated.

To be honest, Ma Zhou really didn't think Li Tai's down jacket was worth much.

But it's just using the down jacket to let this reason cut Chang'an rich people with a knife and make them bleed.

To a certain extent, Zheng Fengchi's purchase of five thousand gold was a transaction of money and power.

Regarding this kind of money, Ma Zhou knew that the money was used to alleviate the refugees outside the city, and it was also to alleviate the winter cold in Chang'an City, so Ma Zhou used it with peace of mind, but even so, Ma Zhou did not deny that it was money. trade.

Zheng Fengchi had to become the white glove of the King of Yue, so he didn't hesitate to spend a huge sum of five thousand gold.

Li Tai doesn't see Zheng Fengchi directly now, which violates some unspoken rules.

"Zheng Fengchi is in the silk business and has business channels all over Chang'an.

The one-year agency right for down jackets is in his hands, monopolizing the entire Chang'an market, which can be described as a cornucopia.

It's rare to earn ten thousand gold this winter. The relationship between me and him is purely economic, so you don't need to complicate things! "

Li Tai really felt that if he didn't need the money urgently, the down jacket might not be cashed out directly.

Ma Zhou is not as good as Li Tai in terms of making money, and he doubts whether the down jacket that Li Tai said is really making so much money.

But Li Tai said so, and Ma Zhou also knew that Li Tai didn't want to see Zheng Fengchi, so he said to Zheng Fengchi after returning:

"The king of Yue said that his one-year agency rights for this down jacket are enough for you to earn more than ten thousand gold, so don't be greedy anymore!"

Zheng Fengchi was a white-haired middle-aged man in his late fifties. At this moment, he saluted Ma Zhou respectfully and withdrew.

At the door, Zheng Fengchi's son Zheng Mingshang immediately came up to meet him, seeing Zheng Fengchi's ugly face, he couldn't help saying,

"Father, we have already paid five thousand gold, is it true that the King of Yue still refuses to see us?!"

"Go back!" Zheng Fengchi said, "Sell down jackets at the price of five guan in all stores!"

"We've always sold cloth directly, where can we sell clothes directly!" Zheng Mingshang couldn't help but said to Zheng Fengchi.

Zheng Fengchi nodded when he heard Zheng Mingshang's words, but he still said: "Since he thinks this down jacket can earn ten thousand gold, then I want to see if this down jacket can sell ten thousand gold!"

"If you can't sell it, let's see if the king of Yue will still pretend to be noble, your lord is wise!" Zheng Mingshang said temporarily after hearing Zheng Fengchi's words.

"Yeah, just be afraid, this down jacket can really sell me for ten thousand gold!"

Zheng Fengchi couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, as the richest man in Chang'an, there are times when he is afraid of selling things for too much money.

Zheng Fengchi couldn't help shaking his head, impossible, absolutely impossible, Li Tai heard that he was only eight years old, how could he be so proficient in business.

In fact, with the arrival of the end of autumn, there will be a burst of autumn rain and a burst of coolness, and when the temperature drops below ten degrees, it is hard to find a down jacket that is directly made into ready-to-wear, not to mention five, even twenty.

As for wanting to make it himself, Zheng Fengzhi found that he had no way to imitate it.

The surface fabric can be from silk to silk, but the down that is constantly filled in the regional grid can't be made by itself.

Zheng Fengchi could guess that this thing was made of duck down, but even if he knew, would he be able to obtain it?
The free slaughter duck shop established by Li Tai has been buying feathers and offal in unlimited quantities, not to mention the places in Chang'an that can breed more than [-] ducks.

It would be easy to talk about bribing the Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Husbandry to buy some ducks, but even the Department of Food and Animal Husbandry dare not compete with Li Tai for the market.

Even if you get ducks and raise them, it will take time to explore how to degrease and remove the smell when plucking.

By that time, the entire market in Chang'an had already been eaten up by Li Tai.

Zheng Fengchi recalled what Li Tai said at the beginning, it seems that this is really not a trade of money and power, but a big bargain for himself.

But I don't need to make money!

I am already the richest man in Chang'an, no matter how much money I earn, it doesn't make sense.

Now I just want to pass on the Zheng family steadily, because no matter how much money I can make, I am afraid that the court will think that I am fat enough to be slaughtered!

"Is it so difficult to send money and find a reliable backer these days?"

Zheng Fengchi didn't understand, but after this incident, Zheng Fengchi understood that King Yue really had a thigh, and he had to find a way to catch it!
(End of this chapter)

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