Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 175 Sun-Salt Method

Chapter 175 Sun-Salt Method

After Li Tai came to Youzhou Academy to have an in-depth exchange with Li Chunfeng, he rode back to his study in his mansion and wrote a letter.

One is to apply to Li Shimin for Li Chunfeng to become a regular five-rank Yanwangfu to consult and join the military.

The other one was written to Li Shimin, Empress Changsun, and Changle, telling them that they had arrived in Youzhou safely, and that they would write letters every month to report their safety.

As for the prince... My coming to Youzhou has something to do with the rumors back then, and I'm not allowed to play my temper anymore.

When these were finished, he handed over the letter and the memorial to Baihe, and asked Baihe to send it to Chang'an through the post station.

And Li Tai asked Lu Anshou to come forward and start buying a large area of ​​flat tidal flats in Youzhou. Of course, it would be even better if there were sandy beaches.

After all, Lu Anshou is also Fan Yang's Lu family, but his branch has moved to Chang'an.

But no matter what you say, Lu Anshou hasn't released the fifth suit yet, so Fan Yang and Lu family are still willing to help out here to buy Huangtu.

After all, no one is going to develop these wastelands, and they will not choose these places for salt production, because they are not suitable.

The most important method of making salt in this era is salt boiling. Even if salt is boiled by the sea, the most important thing is the river where the rivers are connected.

Because the salt boiling method is used to prepare a specific brine, fresh water is required, and the water flow can transport materials stably, such as firewood or coal needed for boiling salt.

Some even large areas of tidal flats are basically regarded as worthless if there is no river nearby to transport supplies.

It is actually not difficult to ask Lu Anshou to come forward to buy and sell some wasteland far from the river.

Although the aristocratic family in Youzhou City felt that Li Tai, the king of Yan, was a bit stupid, and even more like being taken advantage of.

But since Li Tai wants to be taken advantage of, let Li Tai do it, anyway, it's none of his business.

At the same time, Li Tai began to organize the aliens who followed him along the way.

With some students who followed from Chang'an as the foundation, and these foreign races who were responsible for transporting supplies as wings, they were arranged to build villages near the wasteland. There is more or less a place to stay in Youzhou.

Because Youzhou is different from Gaoling.

Gaoling is the center of the empire, so Li Tai's Gaoling did not build a city wall during the period of rapid development.

Because even if it was built, it would be meaningless to Li Tai.

After all, I am afraid that there will be no fighting in Gaoling for the next few hundred years, so what to do to build the wall is a waste of manpower.

But it's different here in Youzhou. After all, dragons and snakes are mixed here. There are Han people and foreigners. Maybe there is a tribe who comes to rob when they have nothing to eat in winter.

So if you want to settle here, you must do a good job of defense at the first time.

Otherwise, it is very likely that "you produce food and others produce guns, and you harvest others to grab it", then it is really stupid.

At the same time, these NTD people who can already speak Chinese, practice Chinese rituals, and have a fairly good organization after working hard, under the command of Li Tai, began to build villages and fences in these barren places, and waited until all these were completed. , Let the excavation road begin to connect with the avenue of Youzhou.

These people can follow Li Tai only because Li Tai treated them well when Zheng Guoqu was being renovated, and Youzhou is closer to their hometown, and the most important thing is that they have no assets in Chang'an, that's why they came premise.

It seems that Li Tai takes good care of the people in Gaoling, but the reality is that it is impossible for people with assets in Gaoling to throw away their assets and follow Li Tai to Youzhou to start over.

And if Li Tai returns to Chang'an in the future, will they abandon Youzhou's assets and continue to follow Li Tai?

This is an unrealistic thing.

Therefore, compared to the people of Gaoling, these duckweed-like aliens came to Youzhou after all.

Because to them, it doesn't really matter where they go.

They didn't even know much about the difference between miscellaneous books and good books proposed by Li Tai.

After all, they also know that they are aliens, and they are inferior everywhere. Is there a difference between miscellaneous and good?

Now, under the command of Li Tai, they built villages and walls near Sanhui Haikou, near the tidal flats.

Sanhui Haikou can be understood as the intersection of the South Canal and the North Canal. Near the Sancha River mouth of Jingangqiao today, although sporadic people have gathered here, strictly speaking, there are no villages here, let alone a name in the historical sense.

This is one of the origins of Tianjin, but the earliest historical name of Tianjin, Zhigu Village, has to wait until the Jin Dynasty.

So now the group of people brought by Li Tai has established a village here, and if it really develops into Tianjin, it can be regarded as the origin of Tianjin.

It has to be said that after they established a village and were allocated their own houses, their eyes began to light up.

At least according to past experience, as long as Li Tai continues to direct their work, their lives will get better and better.

No matter what, at least they still have such a hope in their hearts.

What puzzled them was that originally they were given food stamps for their work, but now Li Tai gave them food directly.

Although the physical food is not easy to get, it is a bit more practical to hold the food.

The enthusiasm for building the house and the fence is also a bit higher. After all, there are so many rice in the rice tank in my house, so how can I not make safety preparations.

In the days that followed, Li Tai mainly managed these NTD people, built villages, erected wooden walls, and repaired roads, all in full swing.

In the beginning, Li Tai rewarded them with various living materials in the form of rewards.

After the orderly dispatch of various supporting personnel by Peacock, they came to Youzhou to find Li Tai one after another.

Then, the newborn village soon had medical buildings, food shops, brothels, clothing stores, bathrooms and other buildings located there. A planned small village of 5000 people, although small but well-equipped, appeared on the tidal flat near Jinkou.

Of course, the town now has a population of only about [-], even including the various technicians who arrived later.

But after Li Tai sent people to build the first layer of walls, he immediately sent people to start building the second layer of walls.

If the area of ​​the second layer of the wall is full of people, then the population of this small village can even reach 2 people, but now even the people on the first layer are not full, and now the second layer is being built, but it is to let Gan It makes people feel a little bit puzzled.

And Li Chunfeng took care of the chores of the Youzhou branch school, completed the handover of the head of the Youzhou branch school, and came to Li Tai's side.

The appearance of the city made Li Chunfeng feel that the original Gaoling was full of vitality.

"King Yan." Li Chunfeng quickly saluted Li Tai when he saw Li Tai, and Li Tai also showed some joy when he saw Li Chunfeng.

Li Tai said, "Chunfeng, you are finally here. If you don't come again, I will go to Youzhou Academy to arrest you!"

"Thank you, King Yan, for your concern. Now that I have handed over the affairs of Youzhou Academy, I am willing to be driven by King Yan!" Li Chunfeng said.

"You really can't do without this matter!" Li Tai said to Li Chunfeng, "But remember what I said about salt!"

"Chunfeng remembers!" Li Chunfeng couldn't help but nodded when he heard Li Tai's words, expressing his understanding of the matter.

"Well!" Li Tai said, "So, this matter needs Chunfeng you to do it, and only you can do it!"

"I also ask King Yan to order!" Li Chunfeng respectfully saluted Li Tai when he heard Li Tai's words.

"Bai He, take notes next to you!" Li Tai didn't tell Li Chunfeng, but first said to Bai He.

Bai He nodded when he heard Li Tai's words, and immediately began to study ink and pick up a pen, and began to prepare shorthand.

And Li Taidao, "This method is called the sun-dried salt method, and this principle comes from the combination of the law of the sun and the law of water!"

Faced with these exotic words from Li Tai, Li Chunfeng accepted them very calmly.

After all, Li Tai's method of proving the Tao was really promoted in the school, and some common theories are called rules.

In fact, Sun Simiao devoted himself to the study of gunpowder, which is called the study of the law of fire. Even if Li Chunfeng did some research on wind, he was formulating his own law of wind.

Therefore, in agricultural colleges, the most studied are the sun's law of the sun, the water law of water sources, and the wood law of crops.

The study of evaporation is naturally related to the sun and water.

Although it is only a superficial observation phenomenon, for Li Tai, this superficial observation phenomenon can already be used in real objects.

And this whole process can be regarded as observing the phenomenon to form a theoretical law, and then applying the theoretical law to practice.

Therefore, Li Tai asked Baihe to record this passage, and it will be handed over to Li Shimin to read later.

The law of the sun and the law of water are not for Li Tai and Li Chunfeng, but for Li Shimin who is thousands of miles away.

"Compared to the time-consuming and labor-intensive burning of coal as energy, if we use the tidal force of the law of water to move tens of millions of seawater, and use the law of the sun to transpire the seawater, wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort to make table salt!"

"As for the sun-dried salt method, in my vision, I use this as the principle, and then carry out further dismantling and realization.

There are a total of five steps: tidal formation, tide collection, brine making, crystallization, and salt raking to produce a sufficient amount of coarse salt! "

"Please, King Yan, explain it in detail!" Li Chunfeng sat upright and listened to Li Tai's words carefully.

"The first step is to complete the beach. The first step is to build a canal around the sea, and at the same time, the land by the sea will continue to be restored.

Make a wide and well-defined salt field one by one. The area of ​​each salt field is smaller than the other from the outermost to the innermost.

Based on the last salt field, we determine the area of ​​the first salt field, and this needs to be calculated by you! "

Li Tai looked at Li Chunfeng, this was also the most important reason why he asked Li Chunfeng to come here.

In the subject of mathematics, at least in this era, there are really too few people who want to surpass Li Chunfeng, and now most of the things I need to do require mathematics, otherwise I can only rely on experience to explore a little bit instead of Statistics are based on science.

"When the beach is completed and there are salt pans and water channels to control the tide, we can use the natural tide to open the gate of the water canal, let the sea water enter the salt pan, and use the law of the sun to expose the sea water and make the sea water transpiration. Leave the salt behind!"

"The next step is to make brine.

The composition of seawater is varied and there are many impurities. The purpose of each salt pan is to increase the concentration of brine and facilitate crystallization.

At the same time, it is also to use various methods to precipitate and remove seawater impurities, so that the salt content in the brine becomes more and more pure.

As the brine continues to converge to the next salt field, the water will become less and less, and the concentration will become higher and higher, so the area of ​​the salt field will become smaller and smaller.

The most feared thing in this process is that it will rain, so Yantian should not only be exposed to the sun, but also be protected from rain when needed.

The easiest thing to do is to build a stand around it and cover it with canvas when it rains.

Of course, I believe that you can definitely come up with a better way, just explore it slowly in practice. "

"After the brine making is completed, it is crystallization. It is best to put a rope in the crystallization pool, and let people stir it in circles for a long time.

Otherwise, the crystallization of salt crystals may not be uniform, but will solidify piece by piece, which is inconvenient for collection and transportation! "

"At the end of the day, it's raking salt. Use a salt rake to collect the coarse salt in the crystallization pool, and then you can get coarse salt."

"It's amazing!" Li Chunfeng said after listening to Li Tai's words,
"This matter has never happened before, but it is logical to reason by combining the law of the sun and the law of water.

Chunfeng took the order, so he planned the salt farm for drying salt according to King Yan's request. "

At this time, Li Chunfeng was quite excited, and even had a bit of the purity when he was looking for the way.

To be honest, building the so-called saltworks and obtaining the so-called first pot of gold are really not the most important things to Li Chunfeng.

At this time, what Li Chunfeng really cared about was Li Tai's theory of proving the way, which was more of a way of internal discussion, but now he can really apply the principles of the way of proving in practice.

This opened Li Chunfeng's horizons, at least compared to the so-called construction of saltworks and opening up a source of income, at least this method of proving the Tao and taking a shortcut seems to be a real way.

A road that does not rely on talking and arguing, but proves the law of the great way with observation and mathematics, and then applies the law of the great way in reality.

If the table salt is really exposed in this way, not to mention surpassing the method of boiling salt, even if it is only one-third of the method of boiling salt, it can prove that Li Tai's method of proving the Tao, taking a shortcut, and then becoming enlightened is a real and feasible pursuit Avenue way.

For a while, Li Chunfeng was full of energy. Compared with Li Tai who only wanted to get the first pot of gold in Youzhou, Li Chunfeng's eyes were shining, and the sudden burst of belief seemed to make Li Chunfeng's body hazy. Indispensable brilliance.

To Li Tai, Li Chunfeng's whole person was like swiping the computer interface that was stuck on the screen, and his whole person became energetic, even a little indescribably hot, like a burning torch!
"What's wrong with Chunfeng? Did I say something that made him excited?" Li Tai looked at Li Chunfeng puzzled, but said calmly, "Since you understand everything, I will leave this matter to you. Tell me what is missing, and I will definitely help you!"

"No!" Li Chunfeng replied forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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