Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 189 The Confused Gao Jisuke

Chapter 189 The Confused Gao Jisuke
Soon, notices about the construction of the canal began to be posted in the streets and alleys of Youzhou.

In order to make it easier for the people to understand, Li Tai also specially sent the literate students from the school to the place where the notice was posted to read aloud, so that the people in Youzhou knew that it was time to serve corvee.

At the same time, it also explained that after the corvee service, the outstanding ones will be selected and arranged to become more professional Tianjin corvees, so that they can enjoy the excellent treatment of food and housing, and food for work.

To be honest, the common people in ancient times almost had a fixed time every year to go out to serve corvee, which made the low-level people have long been used to it.

Li Tai also didn't want to change this system, because this move was the foundation of the entire country.

What's more, there are people who work for you for nothing for a month. Except that you are a little less active in your work, you can always do it. They even bring their own dry food. This is the special treatment that modern capitalists will cry when they hear it.

And Gao Jifu, under Du Ruhui's order, immediately made the big and small yamen and aristocratic families in Youzhou start to act, and cooperated with Li Tai in recruiting corvee.

After all, this is not virtual data that can act immediately with a click of a computer mouse, but real people.

From the order to the grassroots, and then let the grassroots prepare these corvees and send them to the designated place, even in the border of Youzhou, the process will take at least seven days, even if there are waterways.

But Li Tai dragged Ma Zhou back to Tianjin that day, and sang and drank with Li Chunfeng, Wang Zhenru, and Wei Xu.

After all four of them drank and got down on the ground, they asked Baihe to send these guys to their respective bedrooms.

The next day they woke up a little bit, Li Tai didn't show any sympathy, and let these guys start working decisively.

Ma Zhou and Li Chunfeng need to calculate the budget of the entire Youzhou project together, including the required materials, the living quarters of the corvees, and the materials of the entire project, etc., and include whatever they can think of. The more complete the whole plan, the better. .

I have to say that this matter made Li Chunfeng very excited, and even gave Li Tai the calculation data the day after accepting the task. The data was so detailed that Li Tai wondered if there was a 3D printed map of Youzhou in Li Chunfeng's head. .

"King Yan, didn't you let me know about water conservancy? I know about all the rivers and rivers in Youzhou." Li Chunfeng laughed.

For a moment, Li Tai felt like he was a scumbag who forgot about his ex-girlfriend and met again, feeling a little bit guilty.

After all, when I fooled Li Chunfeng to come to Youzhou, I hoped that Li Chunfeng would master more water conservancy as an excuse.

As a result, Zheng Guoqu was completed, and he came to Youzhou himself, and Li Chunfeng never returned to Chang'an.

"Chunfeng, I'm really counting on you this time!" Li Tai solemnly asked Li Chunfeng, somewhat apologetic in his words.

"King Yan, it's all the same, all the same!" Li Chunfeng looked at Li Tai's posture, and Chen Ken replied.

In any case, with the help of Li Chunfeng and his unparalleled computing power, in just one day, Li Chunfeng and Ma Zhou worked together to come up with the entire plan, and the various data were unimaginably accurate.

"Chunfeng, I always feel that your calculation ability seems to have become stronger?" Ma Zhou looked at Li Chunfeng with some doubts.

Although Li Chunfeng has always been in charge of data calculation in the previous partnering process, but the calculation ability is in the category of normal people, but this time when he met Li Chunfeng, Li Chunfeng did not say that various data can draw the fastest conclusions in the first time.

What's more important is that he just mentioned a lot of things, and Li Chunfeng gave reference data.

This feeling is as if all kinds of data have been imprinted in Li Chunfeng's mind, and they can be retrieved as long as necessary.

Just like this unbelievable data processing ability, the two of them came up with a plan the next day.

"Maybe it's just that I read more books on mathematics!" Li Chunfeng calmly replied to Ma Zhou.

Well, Ma Zhou found that Li Chunfeng not only had stronger data calculation ability, but even became more calm as a person.

I think when I was drinking in the restaurant, he gambled next door, but now he is not the same as before.

Of course, let's not say that Ma Zhou discovered some changes in Li Chunfeng. In any case, the enhancement of Li Chunfeng's ability is extremely beneficial to the entire core team.

For example, before Li Chunfeng joined the group, under Li Tai's order, he disposed of the rough salt.

Because the original saltworks were studying how to process coarse salt into fine salt.

After all, after the table salt is produced through the sun-dried salt method, basically as long as the brine ponds are not frozen, the table salt can be produced stably.

However, these table salts are coarse salt. It can only be said that if you eat less, it will not be fatal, but it is not necessarily fatal if you eat too much.

Therefore, coarse salt can be produced in large quantities through the sun-dried salt method, but it is technically difficult to convert coarse salt into refined salt.

Now that there is the task of the Grand Canal, these coarse salts are naturally collected.

Naturally, it is not sold to the people, but in winter, it is necessary to speed up the melting of ice and snow by sprinkling salt.

In winter, it is normal for Youzhou to snow. Even though the average temperature in Datang has been rising with the rise of the Tang Empire, it should be below zero in Youzhou in winter, but it is still below zero.

At that time, if you want to dredge the canal in the twelfth lunar month of winter, from the land, you need to clear the snow on the land first.

As for the canal, it may be frozen, and it is even more necessary for the common people to dig the ice to break through the ice.

Therefore, it is better to prepare a large amount of salt to reduce the difficulty of working on ice and snow, thereby increasing work efficiency.

Even if you take ten thousand steps back, in order to dredge this canal, let the people build a road along this canal first, and honestly speaking, you may not really suffer in the future.

After all, as long as the Grand Canal is dredged, it will be the busiest golden waterway in the north and south. The shops built along the Grand Canal will not make money. I wonder if anyone believes it.

Of course, Ma Zhou and Li Chunfeng did a great job as coordinators, and Wang Zhenru and Wei Xu didn't do badly either.

After receiving Li Tai's consent, Wang Zhenru decisively dismantled the corvee teams in his hands, and turned the corvees under his command into the principal and deputy captains of each team.

The main thing is to arrange the corvees to work after the corvees from the Youzhou area come over, and at the same time, these people will also conduct a certain degree of assessment on the corvees.

To put it simply, in the process of the corvettes' work, the team that completes the task on time, then let them be promoted to become the chief and deputy captains, and the corvee establishment will be retained.

If there is no way to complete the task on time, then select a part of the corvee, and the rest of the corvee team will be disbanded after the corvee period, and they will come back to become a new corvee.

All in all, Li Tai gave them a chance. Whether they will become the captains responsible for managing a corvee team and successfully enter the management team, or they will be sent back to the corvee team because they failed to complete the task, depends on their performance. up.

And Wang Zhenru is reorganizing his corvee system, and Wei Xu is also reorganizing his bad person system.

Because Wei Xu understands that the bad people under him are responsible for maintaining the stability of the entire project, so as the whole project almost runs through the entire Youzhou, Wei Xu also needs to expand the number of bad people to about 1000.

Compared with the Chang'an area in Youzhou, to be honest, there are actually quite a lot of veterans.

Because it is close to the border, before the East Turks were destroyed, it was common for border areas to be harassed. Even now, there are occasional foreign attacks.

After all, Youzhou was positioned as a big fortress from the beginning, preventing the invasion of alien races from the north.

And the people in Youzhou often fight against other races to survive, so it is really not difficult to find the embryos of bad people here.

These people know that they are disabled, but they will still be recruited by unscrupulous organizations, and they cherish this opportunity very much.

But Wei Xu also knew that the reason why Li Tai took a fancy to the team of bad guys was because the veterans who entered it had basically fought on the battlefield.

When something really happens, the people here really dare to kill people.

To be honest, Wei Xu also knows that his work as a bad person is actually relatively easy after hanging out with Li Tai all these years.

There are not many times when there are really fights, it's just daily patrols or other things to manage small businesses and hawkers.

Although it looks like a retired life, but when you encounter some corvee riots, the bad people need to really step up!
Therefore, after the bad guys are recruited, they should do drills and drills every day, even if they are all veterans or even disabled soldiers, at least make sure that when these people are needed, they will be able to do so!
Especially in Youzhou, there are many foreigners living there, and there are even people of different races who are not as safe as Chang'an.

So I have to be more cautious and do a good job in the security work of the whole project.

However, Wei Xu was most assured that the corvees under Li Tai were different from other corvees, at least he didn't need to keep an eye on whether these corvees would run away.

After all, at the beginning of their work, these corvees may still be a little uncomfortable, but when these corvees eat enough food every day, can take a bath every day, and live in a house that does not leak every day, they will soon be stable.

But Li Tai's actions were all seen by Du Ruhui. Almost only on the third day, he saw Tianjin Town. Apart from leaving some people to continue to build Tianjin and Yantian, they were all invested in Ma Zhou's arrangement. The Grand Canal is under construction.

And their main task is to build the camps in the future work area marked by Li Chunfeng one by one before winter comes, stock up the supplies for the winter, and make preparations for dredging the Grand Canal.

Li Tai's control over Tianjin City really made Du Ruhui amazed, even a little scared.

Because during this period of time, relying on the entire bureaucratic system of the Tang Dynasty and the local aristocratic family in Youzhou, Gao Jifu was unable to achieve such an unimaginable mobilization ability.

Even if the local service work in Youzhou, even if Li Tai promised to provide food and accommodation, it would take at least seven days to complete the dispatch and delivery of the corvee, or even half a month for the entire process of arriving one after another.

This still depends on the Grand Canal, and there are many sections that can be transported directly.

"Du this the King of Yan?"

The emaciated Gao Jifu appeared in front of Du Ruhui, but his face couldn't hide the tiredness.

Gao Jifu has never had a good rest these days because of the conscripts.

But even so, he was called by Du Ruhui, and he was still full of disbelief when he saw Li Tai mobilize the people in the city of Tianjin.

How could the people be so obedient, how could their actions be so efficient.

Not to mention the common people, even if the army can have such efficiency, I am afraid it is an unbelievably strong army!
"Look at it!" Du Ruhui looked at Gao Jifu and instructed:
"You are the supervisory censor. In the past few years, you have impeached King Yan's behavior and corrected his behavior.

This is also the reason why the sage asked you to be the governor of Youzhou and assist the King of Yue.

But being a censor is your advantage, and it is also your disadvantage. The sage once gave you a medicine stone, so he has high expectations for you.

I asked you to assist King Yan this time, I hope you can always be alert to King Yan, but at the same time I also hope you can understand King Yan's ability.

It has to be said that in terms of accumulating luggage and corvee construction, the ability of King Yan is second to none in my Tang Dynasty.

Even if King Yan left, Gaoling is still the most prosperous county in Guanzhong.

You can closely observe the opportunity of Yanwang Anmin's construction, and you should provide more assistance, so why push back and make troubles unpleasant. "

Gao Jifu looked at Du Ruhui with a sincere attitude and said, "Constructing large-scale construction and recruiting corvees will definitely damage the power of the people.

Maybe King Yan has the ability to manage the world, so he can quell the anger and grievances of the people, but what about other people after King Yan?
Can they also do what the king of Yan did, raising corvees without no one complaining, and building great buildings without no one hating?
It is a long-term strategy to choose and appoint talents lightly and lightly! "

"It's just words of loyalty! If King Yan can do it, then he can do it!"

Du Ruhui shook his head, but said in a deep voice, "Stay with me these days, watch more and do more, talk less and obstruct less.

Wait until this section of the canal in Youzhou completes the "Water Transport Plan", not to mention the credit, but your hard work is indispensable! "

"Thank you, Pushe!" Gao Jifu expressed his gratitude when he heard Du Ruhui's words, but looking at the Tianjin corvettes who were constantly building corvee living quarters on the side of the canal, Gao Jifu's eyes were somewhat confused and incomprehensible.

After all, the education that Gao Jifu has been receiving all along is to ask the king to lighten the tax and pay less, and to have the court cherish the power of the people.

But Li Tai did it in the opposite direction, and often achieved good results, which caused a great impact on his three views.

This kind of impact does not exist for the famous ministers of Zhenguan in the court, because they have experienced the troubled times of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and in the process they clearly know what is called pragmatism. It doesn't matter.

But it's those middle-level talents who are born as speech officials and have a great impact.

Because Li Tai is doing things that should subjugate the country and exterminate the species, but he often manages an area very well, which completely refreshes their cognition.

This kind of confusion is also the reason why Li Shimin and Gao Jifu put Li Tai beside him.

After all, Gao Jifu still has great potential, and Li Shimin felt that he could return to the imperial court to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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