Chapter 194

"It's not like you can come up with the method of drying salt, it's not a waste of the court's energy!" Du Ruhui couldn't help saying.

Li Tai nodded when he heard Du Ruhui's words, "But someone will think about it during this process, even if one more person asks why, it's not a bad thing for me!"

Du Ruhui couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Li Tai's words, but stopped asking Li Tai directly.

Because in Du Ruhui's view, Li Tai is the son of a sage, and the things in his hands naturally belong to the sage, and the things of the sage naturally belong to the Tang Dynasty. .

At most, in this process, I will play a few good words for King Yan, and I believe that the saint will also reward King Yan.

Anyway, the current king of Yan has already been appointed, and he is no longer in Chang'an. No matter how rewarding he is, will he abolish the crown prince and let King Yan return to Chang'an?

But Du Ruhui didn't expect that Li Tai would reject him, which made Du Ruhui a little confused.

And Li Tai looked at Du Ruhui and said, "President Du was born in the Jingzhao Du family. If someone asks you for your Du family's collection in the name of the court, saying that it is going to be handed over to the court, how will you treat this person? Never die!"

"..." Du Ruhui naturally understood that if anyone dared to say that, it would be light to beat him to death with a stick.

Du Ruhui said solemnly, "I'm not going to lie to King Yan, if someone really said something like that, I'll have someone beat Du Shi out with a stick.

However, books and classics are different from these strange skills, how can they be confused! "

"If it's really just a useless strange trick, why is Du Xiang still talking to me here!"

Li Tai looked at Du Ruhui and said, "Actually, in my opinion, both the classics collected by the Du family and the salt drying method we researched are crystallizations of wisdom.

It's just that most of the Du family's classics are the crystallization of Confucian wisdom, teaching how to be a person and an official.

And this sun-dried salt method is the crystallization of the wisdom of teachers and students in agricultural colleges, and the teaching is just how to quickly obtain salt.

Maybe in your opinion, what you have mastered is superior to others, but in fact, in my opinion, they are all the same, they are all crystallization of wisdom.

The reason why I don't borrow it is not because I don't want it, but because if I give you this thing because of your words, it will be a waste of all the hard work that I have put in for this method of sun-drying salt. "

"Du Xiang, unless the sage personally orders me to hand it in, I won't be able to give the court the salt method for nothing!"

Hearing Li Tai's words, Du Ruhui couldn't help frowning.

Although Du Ruhui has been an official all the way to Pushe, he upholds pragmatism even more.

But because it was taught by Confucian scriptures, Du Ruhui was somewhat arrogant to the technique of drying salt.

That's why Du Ruhui directly opened his mouth to express to Li Tai that the court wanted this reward.

However, facing Li Tai's outspokenness, Du Ruhui thought for a while and said,

"However, the King of Yan will still inform the court of the principle of the sun-dried salt method, so what is the difference from the king of Yan directly telling the sun-dried salt method?
Going down that path all over again just to prove you were right? "

"No!" Li Tai shook his head and said, "The important thing is not me but the process, which is to prove the correctness of the way of proving the Tao!"

"The method of proving the Tao?" Du Ruhui was taken aback when he heard Li Tai's words, and he didn't understand Li Tai's words.

But Li Tai said calmly, "This is a short-cut method proposed by our academy.

Find the Dao Truth Three Thousand, and then put it back together into the Unified Dao.

Therefore, we can deduce the rationality of the sun-dried salt method according to the law of the sun and the law of water, and then prove the correctness of the law of the sun and the law of water by the rationality of the sun-dried salt method! "

"This is mutual proof!" Du Ruhui couldn't help squinting his eyes when he heard Li Tai's words.

At this time, Li Tai looked at Du Ruhui with eyes that seemed to be enlightened and continued,

"For Du, money is not a problem, and even if the imperial court has mastered the method of drying salt, can it be popularized throughout the Tang Dynasty at once?

To be honest, with Datang's grasp of the grassroots, it must first be handed over to the aristocratic family, and then slowly spread to the people.

It is an extraordinary feat that it can be popularized in coastal areas within ten years.

And during this period of time, can it resist me making money?To be honest, it didn't affect me very much. "

Du Ruhui also nodded helplessly. After all, the reality is not a game. It is not so easy for a technology to be popularized even if it is pushed by the imperial court. Besides, the imperial court has little motivation to promote this item.

After all, other salt industries would instinctively resist, and the imperial court did not need to sell it externally.

What to do to produce so much salt and further reduce the price!What's the point?

After all, common people can't afford ten dollars a bucket, so why keep the price down.

"Is the king of Yan making such a detour to spread your way of proving the Tao? Thinking about what he said about Confucianism back then, it was not empty talk!"

Du Ruhui looked at Li Tai, and after Li Tai's explanation, Du Ruhui understood Li Tai's purpose.

Li Tai was silent for a while when he heard Du Ruhui's words, and said,

"So if Du Xiang wants the principle, I can give it to you, and let the imperial court find a craftsman to slowly explore according to the way of proving the Tao.

As for wanting to get it directly from me, don't even think about it! "

Du Ruhui looked at Li Tai's posture and said,
"It's just King Yan, are you so sure that your method of proving the Tao can surpass Confucianism and defeat Confucianism!
After all, what you have to face is a great theory that has been passed down for thousands of years! "

"Originally, it should have been passed on for a longer time!" Li Tai said, his gaze sharpened, and he said,
"It just pissed me off. After all, I want to make its long inheritance no longer long!"

Du Ruhui looked at Li Tai's posture, and couldn't help but smiled wryly, obviously some things can be remembered forever.

It's just that normally speaking, when I was hit by something when I was young, it should have left a psychological shadow.

But Li Tai was determined to overthrow Confucianism, and even began to study the so-called method of proving the Tao.

Even if Du Ruhui thinks with his toes, he can still know that this thing is obviously aimed at Confucianism.

Because it is hard to say whether Confucianism is right or not. After all, Confucianism itself is not complete.

But Du Ruhui knew at a glance that things like Daoism were right, and if they were wrong, they were wrong.

If it is right, it can be used as a guiding ideology to derive the so-called sun-salt method, and if it is wrong, it can be overturned as long as a counterexample is found in reality.

As for why Li Tai only provided the principle, but not the technology directly, it was obvious that Li Tai wanted to let more people know the correctness of the method of proving the Tao through this method.

Because there is nothing more impressive than doing an experiment yourself to prove something.

In contrast, the various theories of Confucian classics, no matter which school they belong to, are not so intuitive and clear.

After all, the so-called debate depends more on the individual's logical thinking ability and the political forces behind it, rather than whether the theory is really correct.

But now that the king of Yan has come up with this method of proving the way, he must first prove that this way is correct, and then use this way to show it in reality, and then be thoroughly proved.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with a person's logical thinking, and has nothing to do with the political forces behind him.

Because this law is not based on human will, right is right, wrong is wrong, and even the smarter the person, the more they will prove its correctness.

This kind of thing does not mean that you can suppress it if you want to suppress it, because it exists objectively, and as time goes by, someone will eventually find it out and overturn the case.

As for these suppressed guys, I'm afraid they will be nailed to the pillar of historical shame.

Du Ruhui thought of this, but felt a headache, then raised his head to look at Li Tai and said, "King Yan, did you have a plan to come to Youzhou?"

"How can you say that about me? It's not because you guys forced me to seal it!" Li Tai looked at Du Ruhui and said,
"It's just that maybe even you didn't think that I would seal such a remote border land."

Li Tai smiled and continued, "Only in this kind of border area, where foreign races and Han people merge, can easily accept various theories.

This makes it easier for me to perfect and practice the theory of the method of proving the Tao. Otherwise, if it spreads in the Gaoling area of ​​Chang'an, I'm afraid that Kong Xiannan and other Confucian scholars will not let me go! "

Du Ruhui sighed when he heard Li Tai's personal confirmation, and said, "There is no need for King Yan to do this, Confucianism..."

Li Tai looked at Du Ruhui and said: "I know, after I'm sealed, the Confucianism should not specifically target me.

At most, when writing history books in the future, slander me a little bit.But why should I suffer this stigma, the war is over! "

Du Ruhui sighed when he heard the decision in Li Tai's words, and didn't say anything more.

After all, Du Ruhui is not that kind of pedantic scholar. Li Tai's so-called as long as it does not harm the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, and it seems that if King Yan's method of proving Taoism can have several more techniques comparable to the method of drying salt, then the Confucian classics It is not impossible to change.

It's just that Du Ruhui understands that it is impossible for Li Tai's method of proving the Tao to overthrow Confucianism, and even this method of proving the Tao may be absorbed by Confucianism instead.

For example, through investigating things to gain knowledge, Confucianism can wipe out the entire method of proving the Tao, and after digestion, it becomes a part of the Confucian classics.

In the final analysis, Confucianism is an orthodox political theory, and a purely academic theory like the method of enlightenment cannot replace political theory.

After all, behind the Confucianism is the entire imperial court, even the entire Huaxia.

However, Li Tai rebelled against Confucianism, and Du Ruhui was happy to see it happen. He could even write a letter to Kong Yingda to make fun of him.

Du Ruhui believed that Kong Yingda would be happy to have a ghost like Li Tai come out to challenge Confucianism.

Why the entire Tang Dynasty was the pinnacle of the feudal era, the most important reason is that the doctrines contended by a hundred schools of thought, after the Han Dynasty dominated Confucianism, it has been completely wiped out by Confucianism for nearly a thousand years, allowing Confucianism to develop to its peak.

As for the Confucianism of the Northern Song Dynasty and even the Ming Dynasty, it was basically Confucianism that had no choice but to follow various paths after reaching its end.

The current Confucianism of the Tang Dynasty thinks that Confucianism is already the best and the most beautiful for those poor Confucianists, but in fact, for great Confucians like Kong Yingda, they cannot see how Confucianism should develop, which is the most troublesome.

Now Wang Tong has appeared, taking the path of the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, but in fact this shows that the way of Confucianism has come to an end, and can only continue to walk hard through the path of analogy.

But in the final analysis, Confucianism is the way to enter the world, and the principles of Buddhism and Taoism are at most supplementary to Confucianism.

Thinking that Confucianism can be improved in an all-round way after being thoroughly eaten up like the absorption of Legalism, and even came up with a bluffing saying of Confucianism and Faguism, it is too far behind.

Therefore, for the purpose of subverting Confucianism, Li Tai created a theory to target Confucianism, at least for these great Confucians, it was a very good stimulus.

No matter what Li Tai can finally research, for these Confucian masters, after the crown prince ascends the throne, it is time to reap Li Tai.

After all, for Confucianism, when a hundred schools of thought contended, I completely ate up other theories.

Now that he is completely in control, is he still afraid that Li Tai, who is not even a flame, can escape from his grasp?
Li Tai looked at Du Ruhui, obviously looking like you are right, right, right, right, right, right, and Du Ruhui kept a bit of respect for Li Tai's words, even if Li Tai was the King of Yan.

As for believing that Li Tai will succeed?I'm sorry, but Du Ruhui owed me the slightest bit of belief.

Li Tai understood that Du Ruhui was not his fellow traveler after all, but it was all that Du Ruhui could understand what he was doing.

Anyway, I just didn't want to be hostile to Du Ruhui, so I handed over the principle to Du Ruhui.

Seeing Du Ruhui leave, Li Tai immediately wrote a letter to Li Shimin, and obediently wrote about the principle of drying salt.

At the same time, he said that if the court lacks salt, he will immediately hand in the salt drying method.

It's just that I now hope to have more talents who study the method of proving the way, and if possible, try to spread the principle of the method of drying salt.

To be honest, for Li Shimin, he absolutely doesn't mind having an extra power in his hands.

Not to mention supporting this force to fight against Confucianism, the existence of this doctrine alone can have a certain check and balance effect on Confucianism.

So, soon Li Shimin wrote back to Li Tai, telling me not to talk about fighting against Confucianism, digging into the walls of Confucianism, etc. You aye, I still have state affairs to deal with, so I don't have time to mess around with you.

However, your way of proving the Tao is quite interesting, you can study it in depth, and come up with some more technologies like the method of drying salt that will help the country to become rich and strong.

In addition, it is cold in winter, so you have to remember to keep warm. Wear the cloak woven by your mother in cold weather!
Well, what Du Ruhui can understand, Li Shimin can naturally understand.

Knowing that Li Tai left Chang'an to go to the bitter cold place of Youzhou, it was to avoid Confucianism to study the method of proving the Tao.

He could see that Li Tai was holding a breath in his heart, and he wanted to bite Confucianism hard.

As Li Tai's father, what can I do? If I can support it, I support it. Anyway, it doesn't have much influence in the border areas.

"After Qingque leaves, who will be in charge of the agricultural academy in Gaoling?" After Li Shimin sent the letter to Li Tai, he turned to the king's attendant.

"After the king of Yan was appointed, now the head of the agricultural school is Lu Cai." Wang's servant quickly replied to Li Shimin.

"Send someone to announce the decree, let Lu Cai come to Liangyi Hall to meet me tomorrow, I would like to know what is the method of proving the Tao!" Li Shimin said.

"Obey!" Hearing this, Wang's servant hurriedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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