Chapter 197
When everyone woke up the next day, the maids were responsible for changing their clothes and cleaning them up. They also prepared soups to sober up and protect the liver, as well as light porridge, so that they could nourish their spleen and stomach.

Most of these people still have things to do. If there is no special reason, they basically come to say goodbye after sobering up.

Forget about the others, they basically talked about everything, except Wang Xuance, because he gave the cow, so he was invited to a banquet, but in fact, Wang Xuance and Li Tai are not very familiar.

So yesterday's atmosphere was not suitable for pulling him to say, now that Wang Xuance is awake, Li Tai wants to ask him to do some serious business.

"Xuance, how is the grass seeding plan going this year?" Li Tai asked Wang Xuance.

Wang Xuance originally thought that he would leave after reporting, but he didn't expect that Li Tai would actually drag him to chat.

But in the end, he handled it himself, Wang Xuance said, "The "Grass Seed Project" is advancing in an orderly manner around the Sanggan River.

Before the heavy snow fell, enough pasture was harvested to make silage, and a pasture house with a fireplace was built.

The coal saved this year is enough to last until the spring of next year, so no cattle and sheep will freeze to death this year! "

To be honest, Wang Xuance is very proud of what he said, after all, he really implemented the "Grass Seed Project" bit by bit.

After this winter, I can be regarded as having complete experience and various technologies that can be improved.

When all these are done, under the implementation of the "Grass Seed Project", this new method may really affect the grassland.

Li Tai nodded and said, "As long as it goes smoothly, there is another thing that needs your attention.

In the next year, under the smooth implementation of the "Grass Seed Plan", pasture resources will be favored for cattle. "

"Farming cattle?" Wang Xuance nodded upon hearing this, "Please rest assured, King Yan, I will try my best to raise cattle!"

Li Tai carefully instructed: "When the cow is born, add a nose ring to the calf to speed up the transformation from herding cattle to farming cattle.

Because Youzhou is a frontier area after all, it is naturally sparsely populated, so it can only think of ways to deal with cattle and other farming tools.

If you want to promote wheat on a large scale next year, the farm cattle in your hands are the most important thing, so don't take it lightly! "

When Wang Xuance heard Li Tai's words, his expression suddenly became serious.

If the "Grass Seed Project" was originally a grand plan to turn grassland people into farming people, then now Li Tai hopes to shift nomadic resources to farming cattle, which is naturally a big matter related to the reality of eating.

As long as they are normal officials, they more or less know the significance of this matter.

Naturally, Wang Xuance also understood how much change this would bring to the entire north after having this cattle herding.

If it wasn't because Li Tai basically couldn't touch the military power, then Li Tai must have diverted resources to horses immediately. .

But now there is still Zhang Wansui, and there is a horse racing field in Gaoling, so there is no need to worry about the horses.

After all, the entire Tang Dynasty was almost considered to have the most horses in the feudal era, with a total of 70 war horses, not counting the poor horses. This shows that the Song Dynasty was a direct problem, so Li Tai didn't worry about the horse issue.

I still use the "Grass Seed Project" to cultivate cattle with peace of mind. These cattle may not be suitable for the southern buffalo in the south of the Qinling Mountains and the Yellow River, but the cattle in the north are the leading cultivated species.

Under such circumstances, there are special products exported from other places in Youzhou.

Relying on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the productivity can be further liberated. After all, in this era when mechanical energy cannot be developed, the power of livestock is really too reliable.

Wang Xuance didn't know Li Tai's layout for the entire area north of the Huaihe River in the Qinling Mountains after the opening of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal.

Needless to say, when a farm cooperative is established in the future, the cattle will become part of the assets of the farm cooperative, and the common people will also be able to borrow the cattle to cultivate land. Naturally, the influence of the farm cooperative at the grassroots level will be further spread.

However, although Wang Xuance did not know about these changes in Li Tai, it is very meaningful for the officials that the cattle from the "Grass Planting Project" can be provided to the Youzhou area, so as to plow more food. .

A person's work is beneficial to himself and the country, so there is no need for Li Tai to say anything more.

At this moment, even if Wang Xuance was completely burned out, he would be willing to devote himself to this career.

Wang Xuance left in a hurry after knowing his mission, but Li Tai also knew that things like cattle and sheep, like food, could not be delivered the first day and produced the next day.

But with the inclination in resources, especially the inclination in pasture, Wang Xuance will at least focus on selecting cattle for cultivation. He doesn't ask for much, and it is somewhat consoling to be able to slaughter one or two thousand head this year.

The old year passed, and the new year came. This time Li Tai celebrated the New Year in Youzhou for the first time.

From the second day of the new year, I went to the homes of officials to pay New Year's greetings, such as Du Xiang, Gao Jifu, Ma Zhou, and other people under my command, and tried to finish visiting before the fifteenth day, and even gave New Year's gifts to Chang'an early His parents sent him over.

What was sent to Li Shimin was coarse salt from Tianjin, and what was sent to Empress Changsun was a piece of water jade, the Jade Buddha Avalokitesvara.

Although Li Tai doesn't like Buddhism, Empress Changsun likes it.

Everyone else gave gifts, and even Li Zhi prepared a set of the Four Treasures of the Study for this four-year-old kid. I believe he will be very grateful to himself when he is in primary school.

However, such happy days will not last too long.

"Boss, it's been two days since I've been away, even Anqing has passed, haven't I arrived yet?"

A woman is pulling a child, holding a backpack with one hand, a bit timid, both confused and fearful of the way ahead.

"It's just ahead, this road has been built all the way to Yongnu County, let's continue along this road.

I remember that there was a camp in front of Yongnu, and I served corvée there.

When we get there, as long as we are willing to work, we will have something to eat! "

The middle-aged man carried a large package on his hands, which could even be regarded as all his belongings, but he still came towards Tianjin.

After turning a corner with the whole family, the middle-aged man saw the gate of the camp, but he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

At the moment, a lot of people gathered at the gate of the camp, more or less all of them were family members, including a few corvée whom he knew.

He didn't expect that after a new year, there would be so many corvees, bringing the whole family with them like himself.

At this time, a scribe stood up and said, "Everyone, don't worry, King Yan already knows about your coming.

As long as you are willing to serve King Yan as Tianjin corvee, King Yan will accept all of you.

You register your household registration first, and wait for the King of Yan to send over the ox carts and horse-drawn carts, and send you to Tianjin City! "

"Zhang Jinling, can't we continue working here? Are we going to Tianjin City?" someone asked.

Zhang Jinling said: "The roads to the north of Yongnu are almost repaired, and now the road from Tianjin City to Yongnu is mainly repaired.

What kind of work do you have here, it is reasonable to go to Tianjin as soon as possible, otherwise the work will be taken by others, don't blame me! "

"Zhang Jinling, is this going to die?" The corvee present was shocked when they heard this, it was terrible!
"Don't worry, the most important thing you need to follow King Yan is to live!"

Those who can become Jin Ling are basically from agricultural colleges. They know Li Tai's habits to some extent, and said quickly,
"The road has been repaired, but the canal is still waiting to be dredged! The canal is dredged, and Tianjin City still needs to be built!

It's just that I went late, maybe the person in front of me became a steward, but you still can only do corvée! "

Hearing this, the corvee workers on the scene quickly signed up, for fear that they would be a little late and suffer a big loss.

As the new year passed, some people dragged their families back to find their place of corvée, requesting to continue to do corvée.

Originally, Li Tai's corvee model wanted to spread in Youzhou, especially in the traffic-blocked environment of ancient times, it was really not an easy task.

But last year's corvée helped Li Tai a lot, allowing the people of Youzhou to see a different world.

They discovered that working as corvée for the King of Yan not only provided them with enough food, but also earned them a lot of money!
Under such circumstances, if the people in the family have fields, although they feel a little envious of this corvee, they are just envious.

After all, the land is the one with the most sense of belonging. They will not abandon the land as long as they have to.

However, those tenants who have no acres of their own and are working for the landlord have to do the math when they go back in winter.

I feel that if I work for the landlord for a year, I can barely eat enough. It is almost impossible to eat well, let alone dried bacon and fish!

Although the dried fish and bacon that everyone got in exchange was really not much, but Li Tai's care for the people would naturally be felt by the people themselves.

Especially for those who celebrate the New Year, transport them to the county where they are, and let them eat fish and meat with their families during the New Year. For many people, what more can they ask for when they are officials!
Therefore, those corvees who left last year went back to discuss with their family members, took advantage of this winter to make careful calculations, and decided that instead of being tenants for those landlords, it would be more cost-effective to come out and hang out with King Yan.

After all, those without property have no perseverance, and the most unloyal people in feudal times were tenants.

So they are the smartest bunch.

Their shrewdness is for them to survive in this era, even if they only live for a year or two longer.

Therefore, every cent of their survival resources is calculated and calculated.

Especially in the eyes of the vast majority of the common people who have worked in corvee, Li Tai is full of food and shelter.

Wouldn't it be a pure profit to get food from Li Tai in this way?

The landlord didn't treat them so well, because the food they worked so hard to grow would be good if they were exploited seven layers by the landlord.

Thinking of this, the people with little wealth in their hands dragged their families over to Tianjing City.

The migration of these people one by two is at best regarded as a joke by the local people.

But the number was too large, and the local county quickly discovered something, but they wanted to stop it, but found that they couldn't manage it at all.

Still the same sentence, the imperial court decreed not to go to the countryside, these ordinary tenant farmers left instinctively, and it was difficult for the county to manage.

After all, most of the tenants basically live in the corners of the county seat, and some of them are not even in the county seat, but in the mountain depression, which makes the county town manage it.

But population loss is no small matter for county officials.

After all, there is one item in the assessment of officials that examines the increase in population. One of the reasons why Li Tai's Gaoling was directly given a top class was the sudden increase in population.

Not to mention that with the passage of the population, the reduction in labor force will definitely affect the spring plowing!
The officials in these counties realized that their official positions were shaken, and immediately mobilized the local rich families to keep the tenants.

These powerful local landlords were not happy at first, but these officials were quite astute when it came to their official positions, so they quickly said,

"It's only the first month, so you don't mind if these sharecroppers leave.

But when it comes to March, there are not enough sharecroppers, who will help you farm! "

Hearing this, these local tycoons and aristocratic families immediately realized the importance of this matter.

They don't even need to remind them, as a large number of people gather towards Tianjin,
The Lu family, the Wei family, and the Zu family approached Gao Jifu and asked Gao Jifu to come up with a solution.

To be honest, Gao Jifu was also stunned by this matter.

Because I just had a stable new year, I didn't think about the first thing in the new year, and I had to deal with this terrible thing.

The most important thing is that this matter has nothing to do with me!
Gao Jifu himself had served in corvee, and he knew the attitude of these common people towards Li Tai's corvée.

That treatment is simply the life in the dreams of the common people. Compared with each other, it can be said that the common people's choice is taken for granted.

The reason why Gao Jifu didn't want to deal with this matter was that although these people had lost population at the county level, to Gao Jifu, this part of the population did not disappear, but went to Tianjin City.

Tianjin City belongs to Youzhou, and these people still belong to Youzhou, so it really doesn't affect me.

Even after these tenants recompile their household registrations, some people who the landlords concealed in private may appear on the household registrations, so the population will increase!
Therefore, from the perspective of Youzhou, Gao Jifu was happy to see this matter.

"Everyone." Gao Jifu looked at the people around him, and said first,

"These lost people are mainly tenants without property and land, and they all went to Tianjin along the road newly built last year.

Along the way, Wei Xu and other unscrupulous people were arranged to patrol because of the construction of a camp for corvees to live in last year.

So as long as you walk this road and arrive at the corvee camp, you are basically in the pocket of King Yan.

Do you want me to rob someone from King Yan? ! "

"Gao Changshi, even if King Yan is a first-rank prince, he can't, can't..."

The subordinate bureaucrats couldn't help but open their mouths, but what did they want to say, saying that Li Tai recruited refugees and tenants?
But who treats tenants as human beings these days!

If it wasn't for the fact that the tenants went to Tianjin City to do corvée, it would have spread almost spontaneously, resulting in the loss of a large number of tenants. Who would put a tenant in their eyes if they were replaced.

After all, every tenant has sold his ancestral land early, and can only sell his labor force to the landlord's house to cultivate the field.

But everyone knows that the landlord's family has corvees for the tenants to take over, and the landlord's family has to pay taxes to collect the tenants first, and the tenants are nothing.

If a large number of tenants hadn't fled and there wasn't enough labor to cultivate in the spring, then which landlord would take the tenants seriously!
But now that the year is over, spring plowing is coming soon!
(End of this chapter)

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