Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 212 The Arrangements of the Students

Chapter 212 The Arrangements of the Students
This year's time passed extremely fast, Li Tai looked at the people Li Chunfeng sent from Henan one after another with relief on his face.

Although the faces of these common people were still full of numbness and fear, and they were even cautious when they came to Tianjin City with a certain degree of bewilderment.

To be honest, the Henan local aristocratic family was very happy to see that Li Tai sent people to gather these victims, otherwise no one could guarantee whether the gathering of the victims would become a banditry.

Some people who still have land at home may stick to their land even if they die, but more people are just tenants and they have no land.

With this flood, not only the direct damage caused to them at that time was destroyed, but more importantly, as the flood flooded the fertile fields, all the grain that was about to be harvested in autumn was naturally drowned, and they naturally lost all hope.

This is a bit like a group of migrant workers coming to a big city to work, and their wages will be settled at the end of the year.

As a result, natural disasters came, the company disappeared, and I didn't know who to go to collect debts.

Those local people who have land can still rely on their savings to continue looking for the next job, but for the vast majority of wage earners, it is completely dead.

In fact, the tenants are even more pitiful than the wage earners, because the wage earners still have the old way to return to their hometowns, but for these tenant tenants, they have nothing after a flood.

At this time, conscientious landlords showed great mercy, exchanged their land for food, took their daughters to help them tide over the difficulties, and even recruited a few servants, all of which were doing good deeds.

More landlords still hide in small buildings by themselves. Who cares about the life and death of these tenants? Even if Du Ruhui wants to save them, he usually starts with the family of landlords with land.

These tenants only maintain stability by donating porridge to keep them from causing trouble, and let the local aristocratic families restore order first, so as to provide disaster relief.

There is no way to do this, because the imperial court's control cannot reach the grassroots level, so the only way to save the people is to save the officials first.

This is not necessarily a debate about corrupt and upright officials, but a government whose executive power cannot reach the grassroots, it can only cooperate with the local wealthy and aristocratic families, otherwise the grassroots people will not be touched by the court.

Originally, once a disaster occurs, the local people will be cleaned up, and more middle-level people will slide down to the bottom.

The uppermost local wealthy family will take advantage of this opportunity to annex the land or keep slaves.

As for the people at the bottom, they can survive the disaster in the winter, and they will be thankful for it until next spring.

And the people of Huaxia lack the spirit of resistance. If they really can't survive, as long as someone raises their arms and shouts, it will be interesting.

The powerful local families, including Du Ruhui and others, knew that they couldn't really push the low-level people into a desperate situation, such as opening porridge sheds to give the people a little hope of life, so that the people would not mess around.

The people also know that this bowl of porridge can only keep them alive, but it cannot change their plight.

But in a feudal society, even if it was a feudal society ruled by the Tang Dynasty, could they have any other higher expectations!
For the people at the bottom, there is only one channel for them to be promoted, and that is to participate in the war against foreigners as a government soldier, and fight all the way from the people at the bottom to the top by fate. There is no other way.

At this time, Li Chunfeng sent people to collect the victims and went northward. For the victims, it was not so much a ray of light that entered their lives, but it was just that after a flood destroyed the lives of the victims, they followed the food in a daze. .

As for Li Chunfeng's propaganda that there are steamed buns to eat every day and everyone has clothes to wear, who would believe such things.

For these tenant farmers, they know the cruelty of the world best, and it depends on Li Chunfeng's management, so they are just obedient.

However, Li Chunfeng was already very good at managing these people. Basically, he put twelve people in a carriage with four people and forced them to Dezhou, and then sent them to Tianjin City after being loaded on a ship.

Don't ask Li Chunfeng how he did it, after all, after removing the carriage on the top of the carriage, he could still squeeze some space out, at most, the horses pulling the goods were struggling.

This group of people is most likely to die during the distance from various places in Hedong to Dezhou, but after arriving in Dezhou, there are medical camps to help them, which reduces the damage on the road.

And the doctors sent by Li Tai were divided into two groups, one wave set up a medical camp in Dezhou to treat those people who went to Youzhou.

The other group followed Du Ruhui and rescued people in Xuzhou, the place where the flood was the most intense. At the same time, they also began to use some methods, such as disposing of corpses or cleaning up debris, in short, to prevent the plague from appearing after the flood.

It can be said that as the beginning of October came one after another, the imperial disaster relief envoys finally came down, but even if the relief envoys came with food, they could only cooperate with the local wealthy and aristocratic families for disaster relief in the end.

However, Li Tai was very measured, knowing that he could not extend his hand directly to Henan, so he told Li Chunfeng to set up a temporary shelter in Dezhou, which is adjacent to Henan, and send a commoner who had gathered in Dezhou to Tianjin City.

To be honest, Li Tai is already very handy in dealing with the fleeing people.

When they arrived in Tianjin City, let them take a bath and change their clothes immediately, and then organize them to build their own houses in some places. When they live in the houses they built, they can intuitively experience the When Tianjin City can create wealth by relying on its own labor, it will naturally be honest.

"King Yan." Wang Zhenru came to Li Tai's side and said, "Tianjin Ferry, Tianjin City, and the road to Tianjin Port have all been completed, and the entire road can be put into use!"

"Very good!" Li Tai nodded and said, "Next, you continue to build roads, mainly from Tianjin City to the surrounding cities, counties, city gates, and villages, and build eight parallel roads and six parallel roads respectively. , a road with four carriages in parallel, and a road with two carriages in parallel!"

"This will be fatal!" Wang Zhenru, who had just repaired the road in Tianjin, couldn't help opening his mouth.

"No way!" Li Tai said helplessly spreading his hands,
"A large number of these people have gathered in Tianjin City, and it is necessary to give them a chance to work so that they can survive.

Otherwise, if they have nothing to do in Tianjin City, troubles will inevitably arise after a long time.

And after thinking about it, you have always been short of people, so I won't make up for you!
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern!" Wang Zhenru heard Li Tai's words, what else could he do, he must follow the order first!

"Plan the journey of the entire Youzhou well. There is nothing right now. When Youzhou continues to be lively, if there is any problem with the road you built, I'm afraid you will be scolded to death by poking your spine!" Li Tai said with a smile.

"Probably not!" Wang Zhenru murmured when he heard Li Tai's words, but he couldn't help thinking about it.

But looking at the entire Tianjin city becoming lively at a speed visible to the naked eye, when the city was first built, Tianjin city was just some corvee brought by King Yan from Gaoling.

But now the population of the entire Tianjin city has exceeded [-] households, which is already the number of some lower states!

But Wang Zhenru quickly came back to his senses and saluted Li Tai respectfully, saying, "I understand."

Li Tai waved his hand and asked Wang Zhenru to continue building the road.

To be honest, it seems easy to build roads throughout Youzhou, but it is actually a sinkhole.

In counties and counties, it might still be possible to struggle, but if the roads in the city walls and villages also need to be repaired, Li Tai doesn't know if ten years is enough!
However, Li Tai didn't care too much, because asking Wang Zhenru to build the road was just to give those people who came to Tianjin a place to work, and at the same time, he hoped to reform these people through the labor of building roads.

After all, in this era, it is basically unrealistic to want to educate the common people, but to transform the common people through labor, to some extent, is the cheapest way to make these common people familiar with their working mode.

"Your Majesty, Inspector Xue sent a letter asking when road construction in Cangzhou will start!" Bai He came to Li Tai and asked.

Li Tai shook his head and said, "After the wheat is sown and the farm work in the fields is done, we will send corvees over here.

Let him also promote wheat first. As for the road construction, we will wait until winter to talk about it. "

Hearing this, Bai He wasn't too surprised, or it could be said that he had done too much of this kind of thing, so he didn't feel much anymore.

Li Tai said, "By the way, have all the materials needed for winter construction been sent to Cangzhou through the canal?
After all, it is winter work. If you are not careful, you will die. You must not take it lightly! "

Bai He replied seriously to Li Tai:
"When students from agricultural colleges were sent to teach them how to grow wheat, warehouses were built locally.

All kinds of materials needed in winter are stored, especially the granary for storing wheat, which is built according to fire prevention standards.

Now the height of the rim has been raised to prevent food from being ruined due to floods! "

Li Tai nodded when he heard this. In fact, the biggest function of the fire-proof granary stored underground is to prevent those who are corrupt and accept bribes. The dog jumps over the wall and wants to burn the grain.

If the food is simply destroyed, for example, if it is flooded with water, there will still be a little remnant left to know how much corruption has been committed.

But if the fire burns, it will really be gone.

"By the way, in addition, Chief Lu Shan sent an order to say that according to your order, the students who graduated this year have been arranged in succession for the disaster-stricken counties in Henan to help them resume production as soon as possible.

These students have established an agricultural society in the local area, and began to spread the agricultural knowledge of the agricultural school nearby, so that the local people can replant wheat. "

"This matter is very important!" Li Tai nodded, and said solemnly, "Write a letter to tell Lu Cai to let him pay close attention to this matter."

"No!" Bai He nodded, looking a lot more solemn.

To be honest, these students would have been arranged to come to Youzhou one after another after graduation in July and August.

After all, the city of Tianjin is still waiting to be rebuilt, and there are really many places that need them, but what Baihe didn't expect was that after the flood in Henan, Li Tai directly ordered the students who had already arrived in Luoyang to be sent to Henan disaster relief.

After Li Chunfeng arrived, with Du Ruhui's consent, these students, as long as they assisted in disaster relief, were basically directly appointed and dismissed as local agricultural officials to spread the knowledge of wheat cultivation.

To be honest, for Du Ruhui, the most important thing is to resume production in these areas as soon as possible after the disaster.

Although the autumn harvest is gone this time, if the wheat planted can be harvested in spring and summer, then the whole lean years can be shortened by several months, and these few months are likely to be life-saving for the low-level people .

Therefore, when Li Chunfeng approached Du Ruhui for arranging the farm officials, Du Ruhui couldn't ask for more, so he naturally agreed.

These students who came out of the agricultural college became agricultural officials in various regions of Henan in a trance.

To be honest, although Li Shimin agreed to let the colleges of these agricultural universities become agricultural officials, there are differences between agricultural officials and agricultural officials. For example, agricultural officials in border areas were able to become agricultural officials in the past.

But these states and counties in Henan Province are not frontiers, but the essence of the entire Tang Dynasty. Under normal circumstances, if you want to become an agricultural official in these places, you have to wait in line slowly.

Of course, you can also pass as an intern, but only God knows when you will become a regular.

Although in the whole Tang Dynasty, out-of-town officials seemed to be looked down upon by the children of aristocratic families, just like civil servants looked down on down-and-out employees of state-owned enterprises, but for the people at the bottom, out-of-town officials were at least part of the system.

At least for students from agricultural colleges, as long as they become exile officials, they will be able to earn a living by themselves.

As for Li Tai, he hoped to infiltrate his power to the grassroots, um... no, it was Datang who could control the executive power to the grassroots like Qin and Han.

And the agricultural cooperatives represented by agricultural colleges are their first tentative first step.

Under normal circumstances, these rural cooperatives are basically handled by the local aristocratic families when they arrive in the local area.

But after a natural disaster, although the power of the top powerful families will be strengthened, the decline of some middle classes and the unpredictability brought about by the disaster will somewhat free up some space.

Rather than being eaten up by the local aristocratic families, this part of the living space should be used as a foothold for the students of the agricultural college, and the agricultural society has become an organization for them to connect with the grassroots.

Of course, such an organizational structure will definitely be wiped out by the local family in the confrontation with the local family.

But who let himself support them behind their backs,
Especially in Henan, as the population decreases and the land is devastated, the demand for productivity will naturally increase significantly.

The students who I slowly assisted the agricultural colleges to fight against the local wealthy families also provided a relatively relaxed environment, which should be enough for the agricultural students to compete with the local forces for a period of time.

But whether they can really stand still depends on themselves!
(End of this chapter)

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