Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 217 Chapter 216

Chapter 217 Chapter 210 The Mission of the Sixth Prime Minister
"Sound killing, body liberation, control?" Li Tai couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when he heard these talents in the war department.

Su Lie also knew that Li Tai was not very involved in the military, so he explained, "These talents are more suitable as personal guard talents.

For example, Yinsha uses sound control as a sword, which has the effects of investigation, control, and beheading. If you are good at music, you can use music to control sound and display unimaginable combat power. Kill talent. "

"Princess Pingyang Zhao?" Li Tai thought for a while when he heard the name, and suddenly thought that the only Princess Li Xiuning buried by Li Tang with military ceremonies should be regarded as his aunt in terms of identity.

When Su Lie said this, he also felt a little sad. When he was working under Liu Heitai, he really fought against the Women's Army led by Li Xiunian.

What stood out about Li Xiuning's bodyguard was disgusting. This is not an adjective, but an objective fact.

As long as you fight against the Detachment of Women, the military music will sound, and the ear-piercing sound will make the person fighting with it feel sick.

Later, I returned to the Tang Dynasty and got Li Jing's approval, so I read the information of Princess Li Xiuning.

After all, he was convinced that he lost to Princess Li Xiuning, but he just wanted to know what he lost to.

Then I discovered the talent of sound killing, and this talent is still being developed in the hands of Princess Li Xiuning. She wants to integrate illusion into sound killing.

Unfortunately, before the research on this thing was successful, Princess Pingyangzhao passed away due to illness, and there is no result until now.

Therefore, Su Lie still has some research on the technique of sound killing.

"What about the liberation and control of the body?" Li Tai continued to ask in doubt after hearing Su Lie's words.

"Physical liberation is the talent of the Xiaoguo army, that is, the talent of the Imperial Forest Army of the Sui Dynasty.

It is to liberate the limitations of the body and explode unprecedented power. Of course, after this power erupts, it is likely to die on the spot.

This talent is actually not suitable as an army talent, it simply treats people as consumables.

But for the personal guards of King Yan and you, this talent has a miraculous effect! " Su Lie continued to explain.

Because of the Fubing system, for ordinary generals, they hope that their troops can master the talent that is simple to operate but has outstanding lethality. If it is the best, it is not difficult for the Fubing to learn by their side.

On the contrary, this kind of war department talent such as body liberation does not mean that it is impossible, but that it needs enough logistics to nourish the body. At the same time, it is best to have a medical camp that can treat their weak state after each outbreak.

That's why Emperor Sui Yang didn't regard human life as human life, so he used the talent of the war department, which seemed to be able to maximize the lethality as long as the war.

"Then what about control?" Li Tai continued to ask.

"The first talent of the Saint Xuanjia Army!" Su Lie said, "The talent of mastery is to allow people to master their own weapons and armor as quickly as possible, and use them in the most correct way when needed."

"It doesn't seem very strong?" Li Tai thought about Su Lie's words and asked doubtfully.

Su Lie shook his head, and replied, "In the beginning, I just mastered the weapon, so the blessing is not obvious.

But as the mastery deepens, you can master yourself, make your own state extremely clear, and make your own strength stable.

And when you really reach a high level, you can not only control yourself, but also the entire battlefield space!

Relying on such a Xuanjia guard, the saint directly captured the double kings in one battle! "

"So that's it!" Hearing what Su Lie said, Li Tai recalled the scene when Li Shimin asked Xuanjiawei to help cut the rice.

The sickle, which they had never mastered at the beginning, was in the hands of Xuanjiawei, and it was immediately handy to use.

I used to wonder why, but now I understand.

Li Tai was thoughtful, and said to Su Lie, "Is the lethality of the control talent determined by the power of the weapon?

In other words, what kind of elite equipment they have, how much combat power will they have? "

"It can be understood in this way, but the most important thing is..."

After hearing Li Tai's words, Su Lie wanted to correct Li Tai's views a little.

After all, to Su Lie, the so-called control of weapons is actually the least important thing.

The most important thing is to control oneself. Basically, after soldiers reach this level, they can touch any opponent they encounter.

"That's all!" Li Tai said decisively.

To be honest, for Li Tai, what qualities, will, and organizational skills, in the army of the feudal society, he still counted on these things.

Of course, starting from the equipment, the most powerful equipment is the most practical and powerful. As for other aspects, it is best to have it.

In the final analysis, these are all talented personal guards, not a peasant rebel army that is about to collapse at a touch, and they are demanding something.

Well, Su Lie could tell that Li Tai probably didn't pay attention to his explanation at all.

But it doesn't matter, to be honest, Su Lie doesn't think Li Tai can really use him as his bodyguard.

This talent is in the same line as Li Shimin's Xuanjiawei, with Li Shimin's Xuanjiawei present, this can be regarded as a way forward.

If Li Tai wants this war department talent, then choose this war department talent.

Su Lie calmed down and looked at Li Taidao, "Since King Yan has made a decision, I will send soldiers to you to teach your personal guards to master this talent.

However, this kind of innate ability is rather cumbersome, not as simple as those ordinary innate abilities, at least it will take three months to fully master this innate ability, please prepare yourself, King Yan. "

"Three months..." Li Tai nodded and said, "It's quite a long time, but we should recruit all the people first!"

"King Yan, haven't you recruited all the guards?" Su Lie couldn't help being a little dazed when he heard Li Tai's words.

"Of course not!" Li Tai said as a matter of course, "I must first get the talent of the war department from you, and then recruit people for training according to the talent of the war department, otherwise what if the recruited people don't have the potential in this field?" !"

"You're still thinking carefully!" Su Lie didn't know how to complain about this matter, but he said, "I asked Ren Yaxiang to join the army to assist you. Although he is silent and cautious, he is fair and proficient. Military training, I believe it is suitable for King Yan!"

In fact, normal people would never have the idea of ​​adapting to the talent of the legion like Li Tai.

Because all legion talents are universal, that is to say, everyone can master them.

If this is not the case, then what is the meaning of legion talent.

Li Tai also met Ren Yaxiang who was recommended by Su Lie, a tall and thin general.

After seeing Li Tai, he just saluted Li Tai normally, without any intention of sticking to Li Tai.

Looking at Ren Yaxiang's attitude, Li Tai didn't feel satisfied or dissatisfied, but felt that Ren Yaxiang was so confident, and with Su Lie's recommendation, he thought he had some skills, so he left with Su Lie and took Ren Yaxiang went to practice personal guards.

Both Li Tai and Ren Yaxiang were riding horses, Li Tai asked Ren Yaxiang,

"Ren Canjun, I don't know if there is any detailed plan for training my mastery talent? What assistance do I need!"

Upon hearing Li Tai's words, Ren Yaxiang immediately saluted Li Tai and said in a deep voice,
"Back to King Yan, mastering talent is cumbersome and complicated. First of all, we must prepare long-range, medium-length, close-combat, and close-fitting short weapons for the soldiers. Secondly, we need to train the formation of troops during training, understand the military discipline law, and understand the general's orders.

Although it is a talent, the energy it takes is not unusual, because the soldiers have not been recruited yet, so they are all regarded as recruits.

In my estimation, it may take a year to stably master the talent. "

"So long for a year?" Li Tai frowned when he heard Ren Yaxiang's words, "That's not what Su Sima said!"

"Su Sima should use normal soldiers as the standard, but your personal guards have not been seen yet. If you want to train the talents of the war department, you must first train these people to be soldiers!" Ren Yaxiang said to Li Tai calmly.

Hearing this, Li Tai said again, "According to what you said, you can train new recruits into elites with talent in the war department within one year?"

"As long as the food supply in the camp is provided, enough military equipment is provided, and military training is carried out around the clock, one year is enough for any commoner to become a qualified soldier, and it is not surprising that they even have the talent of the war department!"

Ren Yaxiang took it for granted, "But training alone is not enough to make the pawn grow.

Only by fighting against a strong enough enemy, can the normal accumulation of a pawn explode and reach a higher level.

At the same time, after the outbreak, it can also re-accumulate the foundation again, so that the soldiers under the command will continue to become stronger and climb continuously. "

"That is to say, if the food supply in the barracks is the same as the current food supply, it is not difficult to make the soldiers in the government into a talent?" Li Tai asked Ren Yaxiang when he heard what Ren Yaxiang said.

"Actually, the physical fitness of most of the government soldiers is qualified!" Ren Yaxiang looked at Li Taidao,
"Most of our soldiers in the Tang Dynasty are military households. Basically, they don't need to pay taxes. They only need to be responsible for military service every year and participate in the registration of wars during wars.

And the physical fitness of these people is basically at the standard of soldiers, but because most of them are only with the army during wartime, they will return to the countryside to work in agriculture after a war, so their organizational strength is not up to the standard.

The training of all government soldiers in the army is mainly to train organizational skills, and to comply with orders and prohibitions. In that case, most of them can awaken the talent of the war department in a single battle. "

Hearing Ren Yaxiang's words, Li Tai nodded thoughtfully, it seemed that he was still thinking a little too easily.

If you want all the troops in the entire Tang Dynasty to become one-talented troops, it is impossible for the Fubing system itself to do so.

Because this system is essentially a soldier-civilian system that serves as soldiers in wartime and farmers in peacetime.

It's just that the ancient society was more of a rotten society, and this system could be based on the promotion channels of the people, which made the system develop.

"That is to say, as long as the army has enough food and enough discipline, it can stably train a talented army!" Li Tai rubbed his chin and asked Ren Yaxiang.

"In theory, it is true!" Ren Yaxiang added after listening to Li Tai's words,

"If you use the method of melting skills and spend ten years, the soldiers will be able to train to the second-level combat effectiveness."

"Ten years of training have only reached this level, what's the point?" Li Tai was stunned when he heard Ren Yaxiang's words.

"Because after ten years of tempering, it is very easy for a fighter to awaken a new war department talent when he meets an opponent and fights.

But at the same time, because the skills and qualities have basically reached perfection, generally these two war department talents will not be awakened again.

Instead, they will awaken other war department talents to make up for their own lack of combat power. At that time, whether it is to make up for their own shortcomings or enhance their own advantages, this army can become an army that can stand on the top of the world! "

Ren Yaxiang said, "They will be the strongest!"

Li Tai understood a little bit. To put it simply, skill-type talents can be smelted through skills, so that the army itself can be continuously transformed into blank slates, but the attributes brought about by his job change are retained.

In this way, when the attribute is full, when the other war department talents are awakened in the future, the direct lethality will explode.

Li Tai continued, "Why is it ten years, can't it be a few more years?"

After hearing Li Tai's words, Ren Yaxiang shook his head and said, "Basically, 30 years old is the peak of a person. From 30 years old, at most, you just maintain your own state. It is almost unrealistic to make further breakthroughs."

"I see!" Li Tai nodded understandingly when he heard Ren Yaxiang's words, and said, "When Ren joins the army, how do you plan to train my personal guards?"

"The food is enough, so it's natural to practice hard!" Ren Yaxiang said calmly,
"The recruits are selected, let them run for twenty miles first, if they can't climb, then it is a waste of food to come in!"

Li Tai couldn't help raising his brows, he always felt that Ren Yaxiang was cruel, but since he was training his personal guards, of course the more cruel the better.

Li Taidao, "Lu Sima will train with you, but Lu Sima is not good at training soldiers, you should take him with you!"

Hearing this, Lu Anshou couldn't help but frown, but there was nothing he could do. Lu Anshou had always followed the security route. If he knew how to train and lead troops, then Li Tai wouldn't need to come to Su Lie.

"Follow the order!" Ren Yaxiang sized up Lu Anshou, and he could see that Lu Anshou had a big shoulder and a round waist, and he was a good fighter at the front line.

Generally speaking, for generals who know how to lead troops, as long as they can subdue him, they generally have a lot of affection for this kind of rushing general.

"In addition, it's not okay for my soldiers to be illiterate. You need to set a time for them to read and write!" Li Tai added to Ren Yaxiang.

"Hmm..." Ren Yaxiang thought for a while, and said, "I can make a relevant plan, but Mr. Yan needs you to prepare it yourself. After all, I don't have enough people for this!"

"In addition, my soldiers' dormitory needs to be cleaned by itself, even including making the beds into dried tofu. As the saying goes, if you don't clean a house, why sweep the world!" Li Tai continued to add.

"Huh?" Ren Yaxiang's eyes widened when he heard Li Tai's words, always feeling a little unbelievable.

"At the same time, my soldiers need to come out every month to help the people build bridges and pave roads, and build a militia family!"

"Huh!?" Listening to Li Tai's absurd request, Ren Yaxiang felt that either she was crazy or Li Tai was crazy.

"Probably let's do this first!" Li Tai said.

(End of this chapter)

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