Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 227 Agricultural Research and Development

Chapter 227 Agricultural Research and Development
This is Li Tai's idea. Who said that without a steam engine, it is impossible to develop a wheat harvester. The steam engine provides the force brought by energy. Could it be that livestock cannot provide energy and force.

At most, the biological wheat harvester is more difficult to operate, the upper limit is lower, and even people need to be there to assist.

But it doesn't matter, although the ideas I put forward emphasize energy and efficiency, but at least I have put forward corresponding ideas. As for how to improve, that is Moke's business.

What Zhang Liang saw in front of him needed at least three people and two cows to successfully harvest the anti-human harvester for the cattle, at least it could still harvest wheat.

The main reason is that there is a common cushion-like instrument on the backs of the two cattle, and the person on the top is responsible for controlling the scissor-like sickle at the bottom to continuously harvest the wheat in front of them.

The two cattle he was sitting on provided the strength to move forward, and at the same time, the students on both sides supported the cattle to prevent the cattle from trampling the rice fields.

Behind them, there is a large four-wheeled box with tires. The width of the tires between the big boxes is just right for driving on the path between fields.

And whenever the baskets were almost filled, the students below said hello, and put the wheat in the baskets below into the big box behind them.

Of course, this operation consumed two cows and three people, and even turned his head to look at another place, only to see those who used the plunder to harvest the wheat fields to work, after all, the three people and two cows came quickly.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Liang couldn't help but feel angry. He just felt that these people were wasting the power of animals.

However, Zhang Liang had only taken a few steps forward when he suddenly heard someone shout, "This is King Yan's farmland, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

I saw a person rushing over to stop Zhang Liang, but Zhang Liang was taken aback for a moment. He involuntarily looked at the young man, and saw that this person was looking at him seriously.

"My lord, I don't know that this place belongs to King Yan." Cen Wenwen hurried forward and said,

"It's just that I have never seen such a waste of cattle power by driving the cattle, so I took a few steps closer out of curiosity!"

"So that's it, as long as you don't enter this field!" The student nodded and said,
"This is the method that I, Moko, plan to use the power of livestock to harvest, and it is still in the experimental stage.

As you all have seen, this utensil is immature, not only does it require multiple people to operate, but it also requires two oxen to support the utensil itself, which is not suitable for popularization in ordinary farms. "

"If that's the case, why do you need to develop such an artifact?" Zhang Liang asked when he heard the student's words.

"Because compared with people holding a plough to harvest wheat, this utensil seems to be slow, but in the end it relies on the power of oxen, so it has more endurance. The wheat field that can be harvested every day is three times that of a person holding a plough. Above." The student said proudly.

"Not to mention other things, the investment of this thing alone requires two cattle and three people, not to mention that the number of harvested wheat fields is more than three times that of an individual, even if it is five times, I am afraid it may not be a profit!
This thing only looks exquisite, but in fact it is too big and useless. I am afraid that no common people will use it! "

Looking at the wheat cutter, Zhang Liang shook his head disdainfully and said.

"My Commander Zhang, just shut up!" Cen Wenwen muttered in his heart when he heard Zhang Liang's nonchalant words.

After all, if you judge someone by yourself, if you change yourself to be the other party, at this time, I am afraid that you will have to drive someone away with a hammer.

However, this person's temper was beyond Cen Wenwen's expectations. Although the student's face was a bit ugly, he did not get angry, but nodded and said, "This wheat cutter is the first version. It can do this kind of thing. We are quite satisfied with it.”

"Why?" Cen Wenwen became interested and asked the student in front of him.

The student said calmly: "Because King Yan said, it doesn't matter how the first version is made or how efficient it is.

This thing can really be made, which proves that the power of livestock can be used to harvest rice.

This is a crucial step in the farming industry. If the cattle are used for livestock, then the first generation of wheat harvester will be a success! "

"Is this a success?" Zhang Liang felt like laughing when he heard it, and said, "This is too stupid!"

Cen Wenwen, on the other hand, looked serious at this moment. He was an official who had been in "Ode to the Field". Although he did not have the practical work experience like Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang, who paid more attention to performance, had a long-term perspective.

Cen Wenwen said, "According to Mr. Lang, this is the first generation, so the second generation is already researching?"

"The research direction of the second generation has been determined, but it needs to be discussed in detail about the feedback from the first generation."

This student didn't hide it, because this thing was researched for the purpose of popularizing the world.

At least that's what Li Tai told them when he went to the Agricultural Institute, and Li Tai had heard a lot about the chicken soup in his mouth. have a sense of pride.

"I wonder if you can tell me?" Cen Wenwen asked the student.

"The king of Yan pointed out two directions. One is to use it for the wealthy family with a lot of land like our King Yan's mansion. It requires heavy consumption and high efficiency. The purpose is to complete the rice harvesting task as quickly as possible.

One is the miniaturization of the wheat harvester that is popularized by ordinary people. It is best to use it with one hand holding the cattle.

However, how to study it specifically, we still have to wait for the data of this device to be reported! "

"What about the cattle!" Zhang Liang reacted, and said with a serious expression, "Where are there so many cattle!"

Hearing this, Cen Wenwen looked at Zhang Liang with some doubts. He didn't expect Zhang Liang to see the problem so accurately.

Because in theory, if there are cattle when plowing the fields, it is normal to have cattle when harvesting wheat, but I don't know why Zhang Liang asked.

This is because Cen Wenwen has never really worked in the fields, but Zhang Liang has done real work in the fields. He knows that the cattle need to be cared for every year. Take good care of the farm cattle, it is also very easy to get sick, so it is actually not easy to raise the farm cattle well.

However, when plowing in spring, cattle are used to plow the field, and cattle are used to cut wheat in autumn harvest, which will cause a lot of loss to the cattle and reduce the service life of the cattle.

"Should I just buy the cattle from Shanzhang Wang?" The student looked at Zhang Liang suspiciously and said,
"The head of the mountain led the animal husbandry department to raise a large pasture, and even sold it to Cangzhou, and even along the canal to Henan.

If we are short of livestock, we should naturally ask the mountain chief for them! "

"Master Wang Shan, Muke?" Cen Wenwen and Zhang Liang looked at each other. From the student's take for granted, they felt as if they had discovered something quite remarkable.

It seems that cattle are valuable to their senses, but not so precious.

"En!" The student nodded and said, "The Youzhou family and the government also participated, but I don't know the details.

However, since Wang Shanchang started the animal husbandry department, there have been more and more cattle in Youzhou. "

"Thank you sir for clarifying the confusion!" The two thanked the student, looked at the wheat harvesting machine and left.

Although it was just a quick glance, they saw a lot of things along the way. They could feel that the whole of Tianjin was thriving and developing, and even the whole of Tianjin was so developed that they couldn't understand it.

The entire Tianjin city was planned in detail by Li Tai for schools, medical buildings, public toilets, underground water pipes...everything, at least in his own opinion, seemed a bit extravagant, but Li Tai arranged them one by one.

The other point is Huang and Gambling in Tianjin City, and Li Tai's management is quite novel.

Li Tai can't isolate these two things, so Li Tai has established a relatively strict system for these two things.

First of all, these two things can only be opened in designated locations, otherwise they will be confiscated. In addition, these two things need to pay taxes.

Forget about the flower building, which somewhat has the effect of easing social conflicts and calming social instability.

But when it comes to gambling, Li Tai requires the casino to pay heavy taxes. Anyone who does not operate gambling in the designated place will have a devastating blow to the place. Bad people caught.

This makes the unscrupulous people very active in cracking down on people's private gambling, or targeting the gambling houses below.

And with the suppression of these two things, the overall order in Tianjin will be much better.

What Li Tai has to do is to strengthen the management of the grassroots as much as possible, and to establish the court's prestige to the grassroots as much as possible.

And when Tianjin is developing at a high speed and people are coerced by dividends, they have to deal with them well.

Otherwise, as they grow up eating the Tianjin bonus, it will be a headache for them to deal with it in the future.

It's not that they can't deal with it, but when Tianjin city is completely entangled with their interests, then if they have to deal with them, they will also be cut.

To be honest, when dealing with these guys, he could only deal with them calmly and slowly. Whenever he dealt with these guys, Li Tai really hoped that he could have a group of legalist officials under him.

Don't ask them to be as caring as they are in the history books, as long as they can be upright and fair, it is enough to sweep the demons and monsters in Tianjin.

Zhang Liang and Cen Wenwen returned to the inn at this moment, Zhang Liang said to Cen Wenwen, "Master, I plan to go to Youzhou City after I finish eating seafood tomorrow, but you plan to continue to stay in Tianjin City, or come with me?" Let's go north together!"

"I thought I didn't need to go north, but if I don't know about the cattle farming, I'm afraid I can't answer the saint!"

Cen Wenwen smiled wryly, "The governor should stay here and eat seafood with peace of mind, I will go north to give Gao Jifu a famous assassin.

He used to have an old relationship with him when he was a member of Zhongshushe. I went to ask why there are so many cattle in Tianjin. "

"Okay!" Zhang Liang nodded and said, "You can go to visit first, I will sit in Tianjin and send all the spies out to see the situation in other places in Youzhou. When this matter is clarified, I will also set off to other places Check out the state."

Cen Wenwen nodded, but didn't say much.

The next day, when Zhang Liang was still in the inn, Cen Wenwen went directly to Gao Jifu's Youzhou Governor's Mansion. From Tianjin City to Youzhou City, with the dredging of the river, Cen Wenwen had to lament the speed.

In almost one day, Cen Wenwen traveled from Tianjin to Youzhou, entered before the gate of Youzhou City was closed, and rushed to Gao Jifu's Changshi Mansion immediately.

Gao Jifu collapsed in the Changshi Mansion, Cen Wenwen lamented his good luck, he didn't need to go to the post station or the store to rest, and just spent the night at Gao Jifu's place.

"Jingren? Is it Cen Jingren?" Gao Jifu received Cen Wenwen's famous stab, and immediately came out with the famous stab.

"Ji Fu, it's me!" Cen Wenwen also said to Gao Jifu with a smile on his face.

"Why did you come in such a hurry, you should send someone to inform me as soon as possible, so I can send someone to meet you at the gate of the city!"

Gao Jifu welcomed Cen Wenwen inside and said happily.

"The light boat crossed the canal, and the day has come." Cen Wenwen said helplessly, "I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

"That's right, since Du Pushe repaired the Grand Canal, it usually only takes one day's journey from Youzhou to Tianjin!"

Gao Jifu sent someone to bring tea, and poured it for Cen Wenwen himself, but now he asked,
"I remember that you were not serving as a servant by the saint's side, how did you come to Youzhou today!"

"Someone was ordered to come to Youzhou to record the administration of King Yan in Youzhou. He didn't want you to be the governor of Youzhou in Youzhou, or he heard about King Yan's past from you!" Cen Wenwen replied to Gao Jifu. .

"King Yan...King Yan!" Gao Jifu smiled wryly when he heard Cen Wenwen's words.

"Jingren, you don't know. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I definitely wouldn't believe that there are people in this world who are like Gan Luo, who can be considered good at the age of 12!"

"Ji Fu..." Cen Wenwen looked at Gao Jifu's posture, but it was a bit indescribable, as if he was a bit decadent, but also a bit excited.

To be honest, Cen Wenwen was very surprised by Gao Jifu's appearance.

However, Gao Jifu regained his composure, looked at Cen Wenwen and said, "After King Yan came to Youzhou, even though he was the governor of Youzhou, he rarely came to our Youzhou City, and most of them stayed in his own Tianjin City.

But if my long history and Yan Wang gave the same order, in my opinion, the whole city of Youzhou would like to follow Yan Wang's order more or less. "

"King Yan has only been in Youzhou for a few years, how can he have such control?" Cen Wenwen was a little surprised when he heard Gao Jifu's words.

Gao Jifu nodded and sighed, "This is the King of Yan, back then he calmly commanded the Chang'an family to bow his head and listen, and let him toss about Zheng Baiqu.

It's the same in Youzhou. Now the Youzhou family can't wait for every family to put a direct descendant in his Jinyiwei.

It's a pity that King Yan's Jinyiwei has a strict income, and some children from aristocratic families have been sent out! "

"Are all Jinyiwei formed by aristocratic families? Has King Yan controlled Youzhou to this extent?"

Originally, Cen Wenwen only came to hear why the King of Yan had so many livestock, but now he heard from Gao Jifu that Li Tai had completely mastered Youzhou in just two years. Yes, and even got the support of the native family.

This is incredible.When did the family become so talkative?
(End of this chapter)

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