Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 231 Ready to leave

Chapter 231 Ready to leave
Although Li Tai felt chills down his spine, he still had to do the work that should be done.

As May passed, the farmers had finished harvesting the wheat. At this time, with the experience of last year, the peasants would already take the initiative to go to the Tianjin government office to see if there was any government notice posted, looking for some work.

After all, it's not yet autumn planting time, and it's a waste of food to be idle at home, but now I contribute to the government, at least the government provides food and housing, and there are food stamps.

In fact, Li Tai and Li Chunfeng had already started to prepare a lot of things when these common people started harvesting wheat.

The local water conservancy in Youzhou needs to be repaired, and the roads in Youzhou need to be repaired continuously. They can't do without the work they can do.

Especially this year, Li Tai has gradually freed up his hands. The winter wheat is harvested in May and planted in October, and there is a window period in between.

As for the fishery, especially the inshore fishery that is developing towards the deep sea fishery, April to November happens to be the best fishing season. I can also guide enough manpower to this industry and let them produce various fishery products. .

Moreover, although human fishing in this era is almost a drop in the ocean for nature, even so, I hope that the common people can fish in accordance with nature, not without any respect for nature.

As for what is driven by interests, it is a matter for individual people, and a little bigger is a company or even a trade union. But for policymakers, they must be in awe of nature and follow the order that nature should have.

So if before May, Tianjin was just Tianjin in a normal agricultural society, but after the wheat harvest ended, people from Youzhou and even surrounding areas began to flock to Tianjin, and Tianjin began to become lively at a rapid rate.

The entire Youzhou market is extremely prosperous, and some foreigners think that the transactions in Tianjin City are fairly fair, so after coming to Youzhou, they gather here to trade in Tianjin.

There are also a large number of Goguryeo merchants who bought a large number of special products of the Tang Dynasty at Jinkou and sold them.

But the most important thing is the fishing boats that come and go in and out of Tianjin City almost every day.

All the fishing boats bought insurance from Li Tai, which gave Shengdou Xiaomin the confidence to go fishing in the sea.

This makes the fishermen on the beach willing to risk their lives for the future. After all, for the people at the bottom, the most worthless thing for them is their lives.

It is this wave of fishing boats entering and leaving Tianjin port that has become the engine of the most important market from May to October.

The various fish, shrimp and crabs they caught from the sea were first sent to Tianjin Port for the first step of classification.

Li Taiyue Palace or local restaurants picked out the freshest and biggest ones, and sorted the rest.

Those who can be transported along the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal for a week without dying are another classification.

I don't know who proposed to throw a natural enemy of these guys in it, so that they can be transported to their destination alive and kicking in a week.

And this time limit is almost the limit speed of 24 hours day and night. After Du Ruhui dredges the Grand Canal, it can be transported to Zhengzhou at least, and sometimes even Luoyang under the wind.

(The length of the Grand Canal in the Sui and Tang Dynasties is 2700 kilometers. In 611, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty toured Zhuojun (now Beijing) from Yangzhou, starting from February 4 of the lunar calendar (April 7 of the Gregorian calendar) to April 6 of the lunar calendar (2th of the Gregorian calendar). January 55) arrived and took [-] days.

I think Du Ruhui dredged the canal, and Li Tai built more scientific ports along the way. In a state of rapidity, it should be possible to travel from Tianjin to Zhengzhou. As for the canal from Zhengzhou to Luoyang, it is actually not easy to walk and often gets blocked. It can be achieved, but against the wind and the current is not necessarily the case. )
To tell the truth, in the Tang Dynasty, except for carp, all other fresh fish that had just come out of the water could be cut into thin strips or small slices of carp, that is, sashimi.

This dish is extremely thin and tender, served with chopped green onion, mustard, fermented soy beans, etc. It is fresh and sweet after eating. For the people of Tang Dynasty, it cannot be said that people know this dish, but it is very normal to entertain people with fish carp.

Not only fish and carp, but also aquatic products such as modern fish, shrimp, crab shells, squid, jellyfish, frogs and turtles have entered the recipes of Tang Dynasty people. Of course, there are more coastal areas in the south of the Yangtze River. It is not difficult to eat.

But because burning is a very costly thing for the common people, the main way to eat it is to eat it raw.

So if it wasn't for the people from the coastal areas who traveled to the past, I'm afraid they wouldn't be used to the things made by the Tang Dynasty.

But later in the Song Dynasty, coal as a fuel began to become popular, and eating raw seafood gradually became less common.

As for Japan, why did they learn how to eat fish carp in the Tang Dynasty, but now they keep the way of eating sashimi to the greatest extent, and even package it as a special product of the island country, as if drinking blood and rubbing hair is a thing? It's an honor.

One of the big reasons is that Japan has been a country that lacks energy for a long time.

There is not enough energy for the people to eat cooked food, so the way of eating sashimi has been preserved, and even in modern times it is the epitome of the lack of energy in island countries.

Therefore, in fact, people in Datang are very accepting of marine products, and of course this is only fresh marine products.

For products that cannot survive the extreme transportation distance of a week, they can only be made into salted fish.

At this time, the importance of table salt is naturally highlighted.

Ancient table salt is not just a simple trace element needed by the human body, it has a more important mission, which is to become an ancient refrigerator and help ancient people preserve food.

Especially in China, which has a vast land and rich resources, it is not easy to let the nobles of Longyou eat fresh seafood, so the salted fish naturally made their debut.

Even for many people living by the water, salted fish is an important staple food for them during winter.

But if you want to deal with such a large system, it will naturally require a large number of people to deal with it.

And a large number of people who were idle because of the wheat harvest came to Tianjin City and let them do more work. They are not afraid of their hard work, but they are afraid of not wanting to work.

Of course, the attractiveness of Li Tai's Tianjin city is the limit to attract the people around Youzhou a little bit.

After all, for the people of this era, not to mention whether their county magistrate will let them go out, it is just that the people have a good harvest all year round, and they are easily satisfied with nothing to pursue, and then they don’t want to go out again. tried.

This is a very normal thing. Normal people like to stay in the comfort zone they are familiar with, and do things that cost less and are closer to home. As long as they pay taxes honestly, they are a good citizen.

If it's not that you can't survive, who likes to toss!

And now many people are actually in the same situation. Although Li Tai's Tianjin seems to be booming, there are still many people in the land of Youzhou who have the mentality that it is enough to plant a field for one year.

This gave Li Tai a headache. After all, for a capitalist like Li Tai, seeing abundant labor but not being able to exploit them, that would really be a pain in the ass.

It's probably like a headache for real estate developers to see that the new generation of ordinary people choose not to take over the real estate market with drums and flowers, but choose to open it directly.

The only difference is that Li Tai has a bottom line, and he really can't do it like the British penning sheep movement, which caused a lot of farmers to go bankrupt, forced them into factories, and made them a screw in the flesh and blood factory.

For Li Tai, he came to this era just to create such a flesh and blood factory, so what's the point of coming to this era? Anyway, following the development of history, Datang is also the world's most oriental overlord.

So these guys can do it if they want to. Whoever makes them lucky to be born in Huaxia, just take them to fly.

It's just that I have a small request, and they will let it go, but they must have a few more children for their own exploitation!

Because the bustle of Tianjin City is due to the intermittent nature brought by fishing boats, which puts the entire management mechanism of Tianjin City to the test.

Regardless of the security risks brought about by the influx of a large number of refugees with different identities into Tianjin City, or the rigid needs for food, clothing, housing and transportation, the management of Tianjin City has encountered considerable challenges.

Even if the plan was made in advance, it still poses a considerable challenge to the management of the city when the people enter Tianjin in an endless stream.

So as a last resort, Li Tai was forced to propose a temporary worker system.

To a certain extent, if small officials are at least included in the establishment, then temporary workers are not even included in the establishment.

Whether it is running errands at the most basic level, or assisting Wei Xu's bad guys to maintain order, a lot of people are needed.

And after the fishing season has passed in the past few months, they are no longer needed when the crowds have dispersed.

Under such circumstances, temporary workers are inevitable. These temporary workers are also given food stamps for public meals, but they are not paid.

In the midst of this busy schedule, someone from the imperial court came, and Li Tai was a bit surprised that the person who came to declare the decree was actually his uncle Li Daozong.

Li Daozong saw Li Tai read out the will for Li Tai to return to Beijing, and then handed it over to Li Tai.

Li Tai accepted this order, looked at Li Daozong and said, "Uncle Clan, Aye is going to implement the seed plan?"

"Yeah!" Li Daozong nodded and said, "Qing Que, you are indeed remarkable. In five years, you actually made it happen."

"Then what should I do with a lot of things that I have spread out in Youzhou? Who is Aye going to hand over to?" Li Tai asked puzzled.

"The sage said that, except for the manpower needed for the "Seed Project", the appointment and removal of official positions in Youzhou is up to you, but there is only one month, and after one month, you will leave for Chang'an with me. " Li Daozong said.

"One month!" Li Tai nodded, "I'll deal with this as soon as possible!
Uncle Clan, you can stay in Yanwang Mansion with peace of mind, and I will arrange for someone to take you around Tianjin City, which was built by me, and taste Tianjin’s delicacies. "

"It's up to you to arrange everything! I also have time to relax!" Li Daozong waved his hand when he heard Li Tai's words.

Li Tai was not polite when he arrived, and immediately issued an order for an emergency call.

Almost at sunset, Li Chunfeng, Wang Zhenru, Wang Xuance, Lu Anshou, and Wei Xu arrived one after another. As for Bai He, after serving tea to everyone, he sat down and prepared paper and pens, and started to prepare meeting minutes. She was already used to these procedures. up.

As for the guards at the gate, it is Zu Changming and Xue Rengui, who seem quite mighty.

Li Tai also generously took out the imperial decree, showed it to everyone, and said,
"Since Aye has issued the order, it is a foregone conclusion that I will go to Chang'an. The most important thing now is that the affairs of Youzhou cannot be left halfway. Someone needs to be in charge!"

"Leave it to me to deal with it!" Li Chunfeng took the initiative to stand up and said.

To be honest, Li Chunfeng really wanted to hang out with Li Tai, but Li Chunfeng knew better that Li Tai basically made a general plan for the current situation in Tianjin, and he was responsible for filling and modifying the data.

Apart from Li Tai, he is the only one in Youzhou who can take over this responsibility, and Li Chunfeng is very clear about this.

"The Youzhou project needs to develop slowly. If you accept this task, you may have to stay here in Youzhou for a long time!"

Although Li Tai also knew that Li Chunfeng was a very suitable person, but he hoped that Li Chunfeng would be by his side!

"But it is Chunfeng's wish to be able to escort the plan you made, King Yan!" Li Chunfeng said.

Li Tai looked at Li Chunfeng and said, "I will give the memorial to Gao Chang, Shi Quanyouzhou, and you are the governor of Quanyou, Shi Ling, the county magistrate of Tianjin. I will send the memorial to Aye in an expedited way of eight hundred miles." Send it over, and the reason will be explained clearly.

At that time, you can develop Youzhou little by little according to my original plan for Youzhou! "

"Thank you King Yan!" Li Chunfeng thanked Li Tai.

To be honest, Youzhou governor is more or less a fourth-rank official position. In theory, it should not be given to Li Chunfeng.

But Li Chunfeng had military achievements back then and was recommended by Li Tai. Now that Li Tai is transferred away, there must be someone left who can grasp the development of Youzhou.

To be honest, Li Tai didn't think that the official position of governor of Youzhou would be handed over to Li Chunfeng easily.

Li Tai still asked the court for the official position of Tianjin County Magistrate. With this official position, Li Chunfeng might be able to develop Tianjin from a county to a state.

After all, regardless of how the population of Tianjin came about, at least the current population of Tianjin is 10, and the population of Xiazhou generally exceeds [-] households, and less than [-] households. Maybe the future political divisions are possible. Turn Tianjin into a state.

"Next is the Agricultural Institute. You bring enough animal husbandry students and various materials that need to be prepared, but the local pastures in Youzhou can't be abandoned. In addition, you have also arranged for the branch of the Agricultural Institute in Youzhou!" Li Tai said to Wang Xuance.

"Please rest assured, King Yan, give me a week, and I will be able to arrange things!" Wang Xuance replied.

Li Tai nodded when he heard this, turned his head to look at Wei Xu and said, "Keep some of the bad people and transfer some of them, just like what we did in Gaoling."

"Subordinates understand!" Wei Xu quickly received Li Tai's words. Although Wei Xu was only a soldier in the Yan Palace, he was always in charge of bad people.

Then Li Tai turned his attention to Lu Anshou and said, "The families of the soldiers will take them over after we return to Chang'an and settle down. You will do the ideological work of the soldiers!"

"This subordinate understands!" Lu Anshou replied in the same way.

"The most important thing is that the news that I'm going to leave is blocked, at least it must not be leaked before I leave, otherwise no matter who it leaks from, I will definitely not go around him lightly!" Li Tai said seriously, "I don't want ghosts Unnecessary riots in the state."

"No!" Everyone present replied in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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