Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 258 Destruction

Chapter 258 Destruction
To be honest, Li Tai's slender horse pit, which is about 25 meters away from the tunnel, is not essentially for blocking the opponent.

In fact, when this horse trap was activated, it was a reminder to the crossbowmen who were performing three-stage strikes that they were about to retreat, and they retreated to the facilities in the next stage for defense.

And just because Ren Yaxiang knew about this, he didn't have the slightest intention of letting his subordinates fight to the death.

As the warning trap was triggered, the soldiers were immediately led to evacuate from the tunnel to the second line of defense from both sides.

To be honest, Ren Yaxiang had never thought about this kind of tunnel tactic, because Datang never thought about how to defend first on the battlefield like King Yan. Chasing and fighting.

But I have to say that at least in the case of a small number of people, using this dug tunnel to block the opponent can also play a very good role.

At least the crossbow in my hand, for these Tuyuhun people who are almost only wearing leather armor, let alone one arrow at a time, but under the attack of this covering crossbow, the blocking effect it can play is quite obvious.

To be honest, normally speaking, with the cooperation of horse traps and crossbow arrows, these Huns should retire to rest and recuperate.

At least it is impossible to continue to blaze a path with flesh and blood like this, which really does not regard human life as human life.

In particular, these cavalrymen who were stained with a lot of blood seemed to be quite elite, but they were exhausted here in vain.

Soon, with the preparations made in advance, each group of soldiers who fired the remaining crossbow arrows retreated to the mountain roads on both sides in an orderly manner.

On both sides of the mountain road, Li Tai's army not only built stairs, but also built simple walls for cover.

It's just that the walls of ordinary cities are built with composite soil, but the soil for these walls is excavated from the ground.

But how to make it into a wall is naturally watering the land every day.

The cold climate can naturally make the originally soft soil extremely strong, which is more than enough as a defensive wall.

"So, will these Tuyuhun cavalry continue to choose to walk along the path?!" Ren Yaxiang couldn't help turning his head to look!

In Ren Yaxiang's eyes, he saw that the Tuyuhun cavalry were fearless. The horse pit was only two or three meters wide, and the tunnel was abandoned by the Tang army. They are sure that there is danger in front of them, so they can easily steer the horse and jump over it.

These two gullies are enough to make most half-baked people daunting, but who are these people now? They are Xianbei blood cavalry who have really stepped into the second talent.

To be honest, this is because they have just reached the second talent level, and they still don't know how to use their blood rage talent.

Otherwise, their blood control has reached a certain level. Apart from simply increasing the bleeding of the enemy, it is more important to be able to stop the bleeding in battle. Any injury can be stopped at the fastest speed, thereby minimizing injuries.

When fighting is needed, more blood can be delivered to the required parts, thus providing sufficient strength.

To some extent, the blood rage talent developed based on the talent of endurance is a further explosion developed by Murong Chui based on the talent of endurance.

After all, for Murong Chui, Murong Ke and other famous generals, his purpose is not to endure for the sake of patience, but to seize the opponent's flaws, so he chooses to be patient in the early stage.

It's just a pity that the current war department can only be said to have found the shadow of the Xianbei blood cavalry.

Even so, the three-stage strike arranged by Li Tai did not cause significant damage to the Xianbei Blood Cavalry.

After all, survival is an instinct. They didn't expect it at first, but when death comes, they will instinctively use the talent of endurance and blood rage in combination. The instinct of life will make these fighters choose to survive.

Therefore, unless the crossbow arrow damage caused by the three-stage strike is the kind that hits the heart or becomes a hedgehog, the Xianbei Blood Cavalry is more likely to be injured rather than killed.

Of course, if the horse ran so fast that it stepped on a horse pit and fell directly to the ground, breaking more than a dozen ribs and comminuted fractures, it must be dead.

After all, blood rage only had a direct effect on bleeding injuries caused by sharp blades, and there was no way to deal with blunt or falling injuries.

But this added a lot of confidence to Murong Fuyun, and reminded Murong Fuyun that he brought two talented fighters, not those mobs. This also made Murong Fuyun more aware of commanding the Xianbei Blood Cavalry to continue charging a bit.

"These weak Tang Jun didn't dare to confront themselves head-on.

Yes!If they were really capable, they would have already participated in the mission of the Tang army to encircle and suppress themselves, so why would they build various blocking facilities here! "

Murong Fuyun's heart was firm again, and he commanded to charge towards the Xianbei blood clan on horseback.

At this moment, the Xianbei blood cavalry showed that they were worthy of the elite equestrian skills of the Tuyuhun trump card. Although it was a group action, they successively crossed the horse trap in front of them and Li Tai's tunnel without any difficulty.

That elegant and vigorous figure perfectly demonstrated what is called the combination of strength and beauty, and butterflies fell to the front one by one like wearing flowers.

"Huh? There is no trap!" I thought there would be some conspiracy and tricks waiting for me, but I ran forward a few steps, but there was nothing. Run with confidence.

I don't know if it's my illusion, but I always feel that my horse runs faster!

But don't worry, it only lasted less than ten seconds, and these Xianbei blood cavalry who were running at the front were completely desperate.

Because a vast expanse of whiteness appeared in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a distracted scream, "No!"

In front of him is not snow, but ice, a large piece of ice!

He instinctively wanted to tighten the reins, but in the next second he stepped on the ice layer in front of him, but when he saw the ice layer, he stepped on a white mark.

But that's all, almost the moment the horse stood on its four corners, it rushed over, the horse slid down, threw its body out, and threw it directly on the extremely smooth ice surface.

"Fire arrows!"

Ren Yaxiang asked the trumpeter playing the suona to sound the command to attack the archery, no one hesitated, let alone anyone hesitated.

Arrows shot out from the soldiers' crossbows. Compared with the three-stage strike suppression just now, the crossbows fired by the soldiers on both sides formed a crossfire network. In this desperate situation with almost no shelter, this is the best fatal.

Murong Fuyun wanted to turn around and run away, but at this moment, he realized that he had no right to retreat at all.

Because no matter how good a steed is, it is impossible to jump over it without the aid of running. Those two roads don't look spacious, but they can make them feel deadly tunnels at this time.

Moreover, the current Xianbei blood cavalry is crowded on this road, which is not considered spacious, but it is not considered narrow either.

More importantly, the ground under their feet was still a slope, a slope about [-] meters long, which was why they felt so smooth when they rushed down.

But now let them turn around and sprint up the slope to cross the tunnel, that is to look down on mastery talent, or look down on Yuan Tiangang's calculation ability.

This was not dug out casually, but the distance calculated by Yuan Tiangang!

"What an insidious guy this is. The fortifications that can only be built are aimed at the cavalry from the beginning to the end!"

Murong Fuyun didn't even have time to think about it, because all he could do was move forward, and the only thing he could do was move forward!
But there were too many arrows shot from the cliffs on both sides, so many that he felt that the ice road in front of him was so long.

And the Xianbei Blood Cavalry under his command was devoured by the arrows from both sides in despair.

They, who became the second talent war department, never expected that this seemingly slender ice road would be their end.

At this moment, because Li Daozong chased another team, it was Xue Wanche who led the cavalry to chase this trail.

There were also some soldiers who stumbled and stepped on the horse pit, but after Li Tai's soldiers came to confirm that it was his Tang army, they came to inform them that there was a horse pit in the ambush area where he and others were ambush.

Xue Wanche couldn't help getting off his horse and moving forward depressed. After all, his horse was a top-quality horse. If he accidentally stepped on a pit, it would be a trivial matter to lose face. If the horse was injured, he would be so distressed!

But soon, Xue Wanche saw a scene that he would never forget.

A row of white ice, densely packed with countless arrows, that scene made Xue Wanche deeply understand what it means to be pierced by thousands of arrows.

And the only place on the ice where no arrows were inserted was occupied by the corpses of horses or people!

"General Xue!" At this time, Ren Yaxiang also came to greet Xue Wanche.

"You are?" Xue Wanche looked at Ren Yaxiang with some doubts in his eyes, he didn't know Ren Yaxiang.

"I once talked about General Xue when I was working under Li Shuai!" Ren Yaxiang said politely,
"Our army is cleaning the battlefield here. General Xue is here. It seems that Li Shuai has won again!"

Xue Wanche nodded when he heard Ren Yaxiang's words, pointed to the ice surface and said, "Have Tuyuhun's cavalry break through here?"

"How could the horses run across the ice? We haven't even fought against this Tuyuhun army. Basically, after luring them to the uncovered ice, these Tuyuhun cavalry were all shot to death!" Yaxiang said proudly.

"This isn't a river, is it? How did the ice on your scene be made!" Xue Wanche asked Ren Yaxiang with some curiosity at this moment.

"Here, an old god named Yuan Tiangang told King Yan that the weather won't get warmer until March.

Then the King of Yan asked people to find a place with a relatively obvious drop on the necessary road of this trail to build a pond to fill the road.

Then the old Taoist guided me to pump out groundwater and unfrozen mountain spring water to fill up the pool slowly.

Moreover, the King of Yan will also let us cut wood and make a fire, and pour hot water into it.

It took more than ten days before and after thousands of people to really clear up this terrain, at least the effect is still very good! "

"You really know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom!" Xue Wanche couldn't help sighing after hearing Ren Yaxiang's words.

"To be honest, King Yan arranged it well. The Tuyuhun cavalry that rushed over this time were quite strong, but unfortunately, we occupied a favorable terrain, and they were all shot to death in this ice road before we fought against them. Already!"

Ren Yaxiang didn't know whether to complain that he had never fought such a rich battle, or whether he should complain that he had never fought such an easy battle!
"How did you get out of this ice road? Do you still have plans?" Xue Wanche asked suspiciously.

"At the end of the ice road is a relatively empty flat land, and King Yan's five hundred cavalry are waiting there! It's a pity that they are useless." Ren Yaxiang said, "Using what King Yan said, they managed to escape, so naturally Give them a decent death!"

"It's luck this time. The number of Tuyuhun soldiers who escaped here is not enough. If there are more, what's the use of your arrangements like this!" Xue Wanche couldn't help but said looking at Ren Yaxiang's complacent look.

"The king of Yan arranged a retreat on the mountain. If there are many people, then we should climb the mountain and evacuate decisively." Ren Yaxiang said decisively,
"Anyway, the Tuyuhun people can let them ride horses, but making them climb mountains is not what they are good at!"

Hearing this, Xue Wanche had nothing to say. He took a few steps forward to look at these Tuyuhun warriors who hardly said that they had more than a dozen arrows stuck in their bodies, and even looked at their wounds in person. , "Is there anyone alive?"

"What? Is there an important person in it?" Hearing what Xue Wanche said, Ren Yaxiang couldn't help asking.

"Looking at the degree of hemostasis of the wound, they are Xianbei blood cavalry, second-talented Xianbei blood cavalry!" Xue Wanche said.

"Tuyuhun has a second-talented Zhanbu?!" Ren Yaxiang didn't react when he heard this, and he was even more shocked.

"For those who have just been promoted on the battlefield, if these people are really Xianbei blood cavalry, then Murong Fuyun might be among them!" Xue Wanche couldn't help but get excited at this moment.

"Wait!" Ren Yaxiang pulled Xue Wanche decisively, and said in a protective manner, "General Xue, this is King Yan's military exploit!"

When Xue Wanche heard this, he waved his hands impatiently and said, "I know, I know, I knew I was here to ambush!"

"But does anyone know Murong Fuyun? There should be no more Xianbei people here!" Ren Yaxiang said.

"Huh? King Yan killed them all, leaving no one alive?" Xue Wanche couldn't help being surprised, King Yan was so murderous!

"Some of these warriors were hit by several arrows, and they were still able to fight again. In addition, King Yan ordered them to put down their weapons and surrender, and none of them let go of their weapons.

Therefore, the King of Yan ordered to continue shooting arrows, and for those who died, a crossbow bolt should be added to the heart and head first, and then go to carry it! "

Ren Yaxiang couldn't help sighing, "These people are indeed loyal people from Tuyuhun!"

"No, the barbarians are very afraid of death, how could no one surrender?"

Xue Wanche thought about the Tuyuhun people who had knelt down there after Liang Qucong's death, and really couldn't see how loyal the Hu people were.

He couldn't help asking, "What did King Yan yell?"

"Standard Chang'an voice..." Ren Yaxiang's voice suddenly quieted down, he exchanged a glance with Xue Wanche, and said calmly,
"I don't even understand how to surrender and avoid death when I go to the battlefield. I really deserve to be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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