Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 26 Building a Shop

Chapter 26 Building a Shop
Medicine King Sun Simiao is the most consummate existence in the entire Tang medical system, and it usually takes hundreds of years to give birth to one.

The real role of such people is not only to maximize a certain skill, but also to build a system from scratch for future generations. This is the most precious thing about this kind of people.

It's like Sun Wu, the sage of soldiers. Among the military strategists of later generations, there may not be no talents comparable to Sun Wu.

Baiqi from Qin Dynasty, Han Xin from Han Dynasty, and Li Jing from Tang Dynasty, although they have their own specialties, they are equal in terms of ability, but Sun Wu is the only one who can be called a soldier.

Because Sun Tzu's Art of War built the military system of the entire feudal era and wrote down the military principles.

And Sun Simiao's ability in medicine has the qualifications to be called a saint. Unfortunately, Zhang Zhongjing first proved the Tao with "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases", so Sun Simiao did not get the title of medical saint, but got it based on "Thousands of Gold Prescriptions" The title of Medicine King.

But no matter how you say it, if such a person with the ability to prove the Tao is willing to build a medical system, then this medical system will basically be more than enough for hundreds of years until it is eliminated with the development of society.

After Sun Simiao agreed, Li Tai asked Liu Shenwei to stay for a while, and Li Tai asked him to choose several herbs that can quickly replenish blood and stop bleeding for large-scale planting.

At the same time, he proposed the idea of ​​using plaster to fix wicker and other things to immobilize the injured, and asked Liu Shenwei to find a few dogs to break the broken legs to see if they could be reattached.

For the development of medicine, only these dogs can work hard.

Liu Shenwei felt that this was a bit tricky, and after hearing Li Tai's words, he planned to give it a try.

And Li Tai began to pay attention to medical matters, because even though he paid great attention to the reclamation this year, this first wave of winter wheat can be harvested with a stone, and he is thankful.

After all, no matter how intensified and technologically advanced, if the soil fertility cannot be improved, then there is nothing you can do.

As for the fields that have just been reclaimed, unless modern fertilizers are used, even if they are fed Jinkela, they will not be able to deliver good enough results in food this year.

My agricultural goal this year is not only to cultivate more new fields, but also to use various methods to compare the most suitable options for local farming, and then to do a big promotion next year.

After all, it is agriculture. If you want to verify whether an agricultural method is good or not, it will definitely take a year to test it.

Only by really seeing how the harvest is, can we spread the excellent agricultural methods.

Because this is related to the rations of the common people, if others have not seen what the food you grow is like, it is generally difficult to follow your way to change the farming method.

But I need to come up with new things every year to let Li Shimin focus on himself.

If I want to compete with Li Chengqian, I definitely do not rely on the talents that others talk about, but on actual meritorious deeds.

These meritorious deeds don't mean much to me, but if these meritorious deeds are given to the people who really work under me, then in this imperial court, my political group will become stronger and stronger. This is the true meaning of meritorious service.

If one day, Li Shimin finds out that if he does not become the crown prince and takes over his position, then his political group will even affect the operation of the entire Tang Dynasty. .

But for Li Shimin, this will allow him to take over the power and authority from him smoothly.

Because he is his son and the most suitable successor of the Tang Empire in the future.

And before his agricultural school can really make meritorious service in his job, and even form a real political group, what he needs is to let the main business of the agricultural school continue to work in a low profile.

But other side businesses can take advantage of opportunities to develop. After all, if you only rely on your own investment, the development speed must be limited.

And Li Tai aimed at Li Jing, who was in the third year of Zhenguan, who led the army to crusade against the Turks, and wanted to take advantage of this feat of destroying the country.

To be honest, although the Great Tang mobilized more than [-] troops this time, and even dispatched the military god Li Jing, strictly speaking, no one in the court thought that Li Jing could destroy the Eastern Turks in one battle, capture Jieli Khan, and directly From war to extermination.

The Tang Dynasty has always regarded the Turks as the Xiongnu of the Han Dynasty, and both sides believe that they will fight for at least a hundred years.

After all, the Turks were in their heyday. At their peak, the territory stretched from the Liaohai Sea (upper reaches of the Liaohe River) in the east, the Caspian Sea in the west, the North Sea (now Lake Baikal) in the north, and the Amu Darya River in the south, with a population of tens of millions. They created their own Turkic language and established their own Mandarin system.

Even though it later split into East and West Turks, East Turks still manipulated the Sui and Tang wars behind the scenes and supported many northern princes.

If it weren't for Li Shimin, the stalwart man from heaven, who insisted on seizing the precious window when the Eastern Turks were caught in the internal struggle of their heirs, directly killed all the northern princes, established and improved the northern defense system, and did not give the Turks a chance to interfere again, no one would have done it. Know what the future holds in history.

At the same time, Li Shimin signed the Weishui alliance on the bank of the Weishui River, just like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty experienced the change of Ganquan Palace. The wave will be served.

Therefore, Li Tai took advantage of this opportunity to let his initially established medical camp follow Li Jing.

After all, these days, it is not only the siege of the city that can make meritorious deeds. If you do logistics yourself, it is not too much to benefit from a little profit.

As long as the medical battalion can save a few more people, even if he doesn't reach out to the army, the army will still have some goodwill towards him.

Li Tai doesn't know how much value this favor can have, but Li Tai can be sure that at least this is his only chance to gain some military merit. If he wants to directly contact the army, this is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for me to let go!

"Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Even if there are only a few hundred medical students in this batch, as long as the expected effect is exerted, with Aye's character, it should not be a problem to invest in him to train medical personnel. What a problem."

Li Tai squinted his eyes, and knocked on the table with his fingers unconsciously.

As things are arranged, all I need is to wait patiently for the flowering and fruiting, and now I have the most time.

Li Tai had a rest at the agricultural school for one night, and then returned to Yuewang Mansion.

For the agricultural school, Li Tai only made plans for the direction, and it still depends on the heads of the various departments to really implement it.

As for the daily chores of the agricultural college, it was naturally left to Ma Zhou to handle.

To be honest, none of these people expected Li Tai to do specific things. After all, the eight-year-old Li Tai was already astounded by his ability to plan well. They expected Li Tai to do something in detail. To be honest, as long as A normal person would not have such an idea.

Of course, after planning things in the direction, Li Tai himself returned to his usual life, either studying etiquette, studying literature, or exercising, patiently waiting for time to ferment.

At this time, the most lively thing in Chang'an was that more and more students came here to prepare for the annual scientific examination.

The boiling water bathhouse and the cheap hotel next door that Li Tai created became the gathering places for poor students.

They danced here, competed for their talents, and showed their talents to the fullest. Naturally, the rich were not here. They went to the Flower House of Kanglefang, where the rich and talented spent their money like water.

But no matter how you say it, all the talented people at this moment just want to show their talents as much as possible. Only with a little reputation can they attract the attention of the superiors, so that the exam will be easier.

"This exam is really exciting!" Li Tai couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the figure below.

"King Yue? Why did you come here today?" Peacock was originally checking the accounts in the store, but when he saw Lu Anshou standing upright behind Li Tai, he naturally hurried over to salute with some doubts.

"You run a lot, but you haven't lived in the palace a few times." Li Tai said, looking at the peacock.

"It's my dowry after all, I'm afraid it will disappear somehow!" Peacock replied with his head down.

After all, this time is still too short, and the peacock is not used to the Yue Palace.

In addition, Li Tai gave the peacock a certain degree of freedom, so the peacock would rather stay in the inn than go back to the Yue Palace.

For the peacock's thoughts, Li Tai understood to some extent, but Li Tai didn't care, as long as the peacock was willing to work, it didn't matter to Li Tai whether the peacock was familiar with the Yue Palace or not.

"It's up to you, I have two things to ask you this time!" Li Tai looked at the peacock and said.

"I also ask the king of Yue to order!" Peacock immediately replied respectfully when he heard Li Tai's words.

For Peacock, who was forced to mature precociously, she can now run a store in Chang'an safely because Li Tai is behind Peacock.

If it wasn't for the Yuewang Mansion brand, with her net worth in Chang'an, she might have been eaten up long ago.

Li Tai said to Peacock: "The first thing to do is to formulate a uniform style of school uniform for the students of the agricultural school.

School uniforms are divided into two seasons, spring and autumn. I remember that they all have to work in the fields, so the clothes must be durable.

It is best to add the words of Gaoling Agricultural University, and each student must receive two sets. "

"Please don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely make arrangements for this matter!" Peacock breathed a sigh of relief, this is not a difficult task.

"In addition, do a good job in the design of girls' school uniforms." Li Tai thought for a while, and added to Peacock.

"There are women?!" Peacock couldn't help being stunned when he heard Li Tai's words, obviously he didn't expect there to be women.

"It's normal for men to farm and women to weave books. When the school grows bigger, women will definitely enter!" Li Tai said, "Of course, it may take a long time until women come in. You just need to do the design first."

Peacock nodded. Although he looked at Li Tai with doubts and curiosity, he didn't dare to intervene.

Li Tai continued, "Second thing, I need you to build a special store in Gaoling, as long as it's not illegal, you can sell everything in it!"

"Sell everything?" Peacock frowned when he heard Li Tai's words.

"Yeah!" Li Tai nodded, "Vulgar as far as firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, as elegant as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and hops.

All in all, I hope to rely on Chang'an's channels to build a super large store in Gaoling.

In that big shop, basically everything is available, and there is no need to buy horses in the East Market, saddles in the West Market, bridles in the South Market, long whips in the North Market, and travel all over the city to buy something.

As long as a customer comes to this store, he will definitely be able to buy what he wants in this store. "

"This way..." Hearing Li Tai's words, Peacock couldn't help frowning, he had never seen this kind of shop before.

Li Tai looked at the peacock puzzled, but continued, "It is not an easy task to build a store like this.

This not only requires a considerable network of contacts in Chang'an, but more importantly, it is necessary for each family to negotiate sales channels and prices. "

"King Yue, can I ask a question? Why do you want to build such a shop?" Peacock asked.

"This..." Li Tai thought that he couldn't just say that he wanted to know the price of every daily necessities.

After all, nothing like price is more real than opening a store to find out.

"Agricultural institutions continue to develop, and there will definitely be businessmen gathering. Instead of letting others eat the market there, it is better to let us eat the share there.

And with such a trading venue, I reckon that the land near Gaoling should be able to grow a little bit! "

Li Tai touched his chin, as if he thought of a way to get money quickly.

Of course, Li Tai, who is speculating on land, just thinks about it. After all, Gaoling is different from Chang'an. Chang'an has a thick wall, and Gaoling is protected by walls only where the agricultural school is located, but Gaoling itself has no walls.

Although Li Tai chose not to build a fence on purpose, after the refugees settled down, they instinctively surrounded their homes with fences.

After all, since the invention of the fence, Chinese people feel safe only when there is a fence.

This habit seems to be restrained in the genes, and even this habit of fences has been preserved to this day.

It's just that the scope of the wall is smaller. It no longer surrounds the entire city, but only surrounds individual communities.

And Li Tai didn't intend to build the city wall, but wanted to take advantage of the curfew regulations in Chang'an City to use some of the resources in Chang'an City.

Li Tai wanted to build Gaoling, an agricultural school, into a small satellite city around Chang'an. After having a certain population and infrastructure, it would be easier to become a commercial center attached to Chang'an than Gaoling, which does not have a curfew.

And the location of this shop will basically become the center of the city of Gaoling, and all I have to do is to buy all the surrounding land, and then renting the land is enough for the future development of the agricultural school.

"However, at that time, I am afraid that we will need to form an urban management team..."

Li Tai couldn't help tapping the table with his fingers, thinking,

"Forget it, don't think so far ahead, the land where the department store is going to be built is still barren.

At that time, some retired Guanzhong veterans should be accumulated by the medical battalion. Maybe these people can form an urban management team to patrol Gaoling City! "

(End of this chapter)

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