Chapter 269

The peacock came in a hurry and returned in a hurry.

Although due to the development of the Weihe River at the beginning, Li Tai did not have no roots in the Longxi area, at least in Qinzhou and Weizhou, there were cotton bases.

It's just that the cotton technology is not advanced enough, and the Silk Road has not yet been developed, which makes these two places not so conspicuous in Li Tai's plan.

It is not easy to build a commercial channel directly to the four counties in Hexi, but with Weizhou and Shengzhou as bridgeheads, it is much easier to quickly send supplies to Shanzhou, the Hehuang Valley, as long as Lanzhou is opened.

After all, for Li Tai to develop the Hehuang Valley, before the Hehuang Valley is self-sufficient, he needs Chang'an to deliver supplies.

In any case, as the peacock transported the supplies to Li Tai, Li Tai expressed that he was rich.

Needless to say, at least the soldiers who have been cultivating the land have found that their staple food has gradually changed from fried noodles, barley rice, and barley rice to fragrant big white steamed buns. more spiritual.

At the same time, Li Tai also issued quotas to each chief and member. Each member can recommend one person who he protects to become a member, and each leader can recommend five members to join In the Fengyi Army.

It wasn't that Li Tai didn't want more people to participate, but because of Murong Fuyun's recruitment and the Tang army's plundering of the local area, there were few workers of the right age who survived.

Not to mention the number of places he gave, the number of Fengyi soldiers exceeded five thousand.

Based on the basic local population ranging from [-] to [-], if your purpose is not to organize this construction army but to resume production, it will definitely cause the local population to have a generational gap.

But now, the quota released by Li Tai is quite tempting to the locals.

Needless to say, as long as you follow the Tang army to reclaim the fields, you will not only have food and shelter, but also food and salt to take home when you go back every week. For the people who have just experienced the war, there is nothing more exciting than this. Heartbroken.

After all, in their simple values, as long as they have this quota, it can be regarded as eating the public meal of Datang.

For ordinary people at the bottom, even those of a foreign race, there is nothing more caring than this.

Yadoli returned home. There was his mother, two younger sisters and a younger brother. He put the rice noodles and salt into his mother's hands, which made his mother's eyes light up. After taking it, he put it away carefully.

Although there are few rice noodles here, for the family, one share is enough to last for several days, especially spring is coming, and after a while, they can also find some wild vegetables to eat, at least in this difficult winter, It's over.

"Mother, Datang has given me a quota. Brother is 14 years old. I want brother to work with me!" Adori said.

Yadori's mother heard Yadori's words and said, "Tang Jun still needs people, and will they all be provided with food and lodging?"

"En!" Yadori nodded, "Tang Jun keeps his word, you won't be hungry if you follow them!"

"Then let him follow you!" Adori's mother nodded.

In fact, this scene happened in many people's homes, and the time was enough to convince these people of Tang Jun's promise.

In the feudal era, including food and housing was quite good treatment, not to mention being able to take food home.

For the local people, at least for the current people, this treatment is enough.

It must be worth mentioning that if it wasn't for the war that caused the local population to drop sharply, the quota given by Li Tai might not be enough, but even so, some people still come to ask if women can be recruited?Still got rejected.

As this group of people followed Li Tai's personal guards for food and lodging, and after they brought back their own flour, they worked harder.

But soon, these workers discovered that the Tang people who worked with them basically did not receive flour, but received something called food stamps.

At first, I thought that people in Tang Dynasty didn’t need it. Later, I saw that people in Tang Dynasty used these food stamps to pay when they entered and exited shops opened by people in Tang Dynasty.

It was also time for Li Tai to increase their weekly wages, so that one person could support three people after bringing food home every week.

This made these people dare to exchange part of the food for food coupons and buy the daily necessities that Li Tai delivered through the peacock.

And Li Tai didn't mean to exploit them. On the contrary, Li Tai understood that if they didn't have money and food in their hands, they would not dare to spend it. A suitable business system has locked them in, so how can they be united with Datang.

To put it simply, without Datang's guarantee, the food stamps in their hands would be just a scrap of paper.

If they fight Tubo in the future, even if they want to keep the wealth in their hands, they must fight Tubo desperately.

Of course, this kind of thing is just a nail for Li Tai. The most important thing is to let them get used to using food stamps as a currency, so as to strengthen their economic connection with Datang, so as to promote cultural integration. .

But soon Liu Shenwei approached Li Tai again, this time not to collect medicinal materials, but to build a local medicinal garden.

After going down the mountain, the conditions of the soldiers were somewhat stabilized under the careful treatment of the medical camp. However, it is not easy to recover from this chronic altitude sickness, and it requires self-cultivation.

In addition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a lot of medicines have been consumed, and in terms of time, it was winter at that time, so picking medicines was not an easy task.

Therefore, Liu Shenwei mainly focused on taking care of the wounded. After all, he used sufficient food to increase the resistance of the wounded to fight hard.

Because of the influence of Li Tai's thinking, or the establishment of the entire medical system, Liu Shenwei knows best that the current hospital system is very dependent on the medicinal materials supported by logistics.

It's like the various medicinal powders brought by myself, basically a war will consume more than half of them, but it takes at least two years to make them.

But now, with spring coming, everything recovers, ordinary people are plowing in spring, and Liu Shenwei feels that it is necessary to open a medicine garden in the Hehuang Valley, where the medicines are mainly for the treatment of altitude sickness.

"I didn't expect that I didn't tell you, but you walked ahead of me!" Li Tai couldn't help smiling when he saw Liu Shenwei came to discuss this matter with him. Be positive yourself.

"Is King Yan prepared?" Liu Shenwei asked solemnly when he heard Li Tai's words.

Liu Shenwei knew Li Tai's habits. Since Li Tai said so, he would usually make preparations and arrangements.

"I originally planned to ask Master Yuan to survey the hills and build terraced fields, just to prepare for the construction of a medicine shop!"

Li Tai looked at Liu Shenwei and said, "The construction cost of terraced fields is high, and it is more difficult to realize scale and mechanization.

If it is only used to grow staple foods such as wheat, the value is low, and it is more cost-effective to grow some cash crops.

Not to mention, if Datang wants to control the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, altitude sickness must be resolved.

Therefore, the establishment of this pharmacy is definitely imperative, but because Master Yuan still has to teach students, he cannot escape.

So this matter, I just plan to let it go for a while! "

To be honest, terraced fields can be said to be a miracle created by man and nature.

However, with the development of society, the efficiency of this production mode is indeed not as good as that of large-scale mechanized production.

Although Li Tai hoped that the Hehuang Valley would become a grain production base, he did not intend to let the Hehuang Valley just grow grain. Relatively speaking, planting some cash crops was a way to get rich.

"Since that's the case, then I will first build a medicine garden near Shancheng, and I will transfer the medicine garden there when Master Yuan completes the mountain and river survey and builds terraces in the future!"

Seeing that Li Tai agreed, Liu Shenwei prepared to let the medical camp open a medicine garden.

Li Tai shook his head and said, "Go to Tian Changgeng and ask him to give you a piece of land to build a medicine garden, and you can give him the specific amount.

In addition, you draw all the medicinal materials for treating miasma, or show the specimens to the local people.

I issued a corresponding task, asking them to find the corresponding herbs, and take you to the picking locations of these herbs to collect them.

Compared with the medical camps to explore by themselves, relying on the local people to build the pharmacy quickly! "

"Thank you King Yan!" Liu Shenwei quickly expressed his gratitude to Li Tai when he heard that Li Tai still supported him.

But Li Tai waved Liu Shenwei back, and didn't take this matter to heart.

But no one believed it at the beginning, but there really was a brat who took the newly emerged Rhodiola rosea, which was dug up and brought over to try it out, and then brought everyone from the medical camp to it After returning from the Rhodiola field, a food coupon that could be exchanged for five catties of grain was put in his hand, which was regarded as a real reward.

After having the first person to eat crabs, the people in and out of Shancheng soon became enthusiastic.

Especially the local old people, for them, they will definitely not be able to work if they want to, but they know how to direct their grandsons to dig herbs.

As the number and types of various medicinal materials gradually increased, especially the living environment of local herbal medicines, Li Tai canceled this task.

This has disappointed the local elderly and children for a long time. After all, it is so easy to get money to work. I am afraid that this shop will not exist after passing this village. They are really reluctant!

But for Li Tai, this is the end of the matter. After all, it is mainly for the construction of Liu Shenwei's medicine garden.

However, with the help of the search for medicinal materials to establish a reputation, Li Tai started to use this notice to recruit workers and so on, and it became smoother.

At least for the people of Shancheng, they gradually understood that regardless of what was said in the notice, what the people of Tang said with this notice counted and could make them money.

However, because it was the spring plowing period, Li Tai did not act recklessly. Under such circumstances, Li Tai allowed Shancheng to resume spring plowing in almost two months, and he was able to lure the local people with food. Make your fingers work.

Of course, Li Tai did a good job in maintaining stability in Shanzhou, and Li Jing, who was also on the front line, was also killing people randomly!

Because of altitude sickness, Li Jing really didn't expect it, so he chose to camp on the spot and use the adaptive talent to speed up the army's adaptation to altitude sickness.

At the same time, Li Jing returned Murong Fuyun's body to Tuyuhun, saying that he would give you half a month to consider whether to surrender or continue the war. The main reason is that the Tang army is adapting to altitude sickness and is not suitable for battle!
Facing Murong Fuyun's corpse, Tuyuhun immediately began to fight for the front.

Some of them rejected the conditions proposed by Datang, but some of them felt that it was fine to submit to Datang.

The two sides quarreled and even broke out into an armed conflict, which Li Jing did not expect.

In fact, strictly speaking, because Tuyuhun was originally from Xianbei, some people in the tribe were sinicized, and they longed to live the life of the Tang Dynasty.

However, some people have inherited the living habits of the grassland peoples, and still prefer a nomadic life.

The two factions were originally at odds with each other, but with Khan Murong Fuyun suppressing them, the two factions barely survived.

Even when Murong Fuyun plundered Liangzhou, it was more or less meant to shift the contradiction outward.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would run into a ghost directly by transferring the conflict to the outside world.

Datang originally intended to recover the four counties in Hexi and restore the territory of the Han Dynasty. Murong Fuyun bumped into it, and for Datang, it naturally made his head explode.

It would have been fine if Murong Fuyun hadn't died, maybe the conflicts between the two sides in Tuyuhun could be suppressed, and there would be another decisive battle with Datang, but he left and the corpse came back, and the suppressed contradictions in Tuyuhun would naturally disappear It exploded.

Facing the opportunity of surrender given to them by Li Jing at this moment, the conflict between the two sides was directly detonated, and the prime minister King Tianzhu and the prince Murong Fushun directly broke out in conflict.

At this time, King Tianzhu had more authority than Murong Fushun, so he directly killed Murong Fushun.

By the way, Murong Fu brought the remnants over to join Li Jing.

Li Jing looked at Murong Fushun's remnants coming, and his eyes were somewhat incomprehensible. He sent the corpse there just to delay the time, and waited for the soldiers under his command to recover. Why did you directly break out the civil war?

I really let myself miss a good opportunity!
But anyway, with the arrival of Murong Fushun, at least there is no need to find a guide on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Learn about the tribal situation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau through Murong Fushun, and the soldiers have also recovered.

Li Jing made a decisive decision and divided his troops into two groups. Li Jing himself, Xue Wanjun and Li Daliang attacked the northwest, Hou Junji and Li Daozong attacked the southwest, and finally fought a decisive battle with the Tiandu tribe in the west of Qinghai.

On the day of the decisive battle, the armies of the two sides converged precisely and attacked from front to back. They defeated the three tribes of Tuyuhun Tianzhu at the minimum cost and collected 20 miscellaneous animals. In the first battle, Tuyuhun completely lost its power to restore the country.

However, Tuyuhun was not regarded as destroying the country, because of Murong Fushun's surrender and Datang's dislike of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. After Li Shimin's consent, Murong Fuyun was allowed to continue grazing in the west of Qinghai Lake and the south of Dafeichuan.

But the north of Dafeichuan, Qinghai, and the east of Qinghai are all owned by Datang, because Li Shimin thought that Li Tai would build a city here for fun, which should give Li Tai enough strategic depth to experiment with the "Grass Seed Project".

Since then, Tuyuhun has been completely calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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