Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 271 Brother Chapter 269 Decent Person

Chapter 271 Brother 260 Chapter Nine Decent People

Li Tai looked at Li Jing's eyes full of suspicion, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he was really helping these soldiers.

After all, it would be easier to say that the soldiers captured were soft gold and silver, but no one would know if they kicked them in their pockets.

But the captures like flocks are living creatures, and generally speaking, they are eaten directly so as not to be wasted.

For Li Tai, this is too extravagant.

You must know that this is livestock, let alone ancient society, even in modern society, such a large number of livestock is a fortune!

More importantly, Li Tai wants to build a city here in Qinghai, and building a city does not mean that you can build a house, but that you need to solve the basic necessities of life for the people in the city. With so many cattle and sheep, that saves money. What's wrong with Li Tai?

Basically, as long as enough population is added, then there is a foundation for building a city on this plateau.

In fact, without these livestock, simply relying on the wealth of Li Tai's Yan Palace as investment, it doesn't mean that it can't develop.

But with these things, I can save a lot of trouble, at least the excessive time that originally took three to five years is left.

Now, as long as Wang Xuance comes over, relying on the students from the agricultural college, a corresponding pastoral care system can be established immediately.

In the process, I just used the scissors to retain a little wealth and earn some hard work.

After all, the soldiers did not suffer. They successfully converted the seized food stamps into salt stamps, or went to Shancheng for consumption during their shifts, or saved them and exchanged them for the daily necessities they wanted when they returned home.

After all, I was exchanging food stamps at the local price. If the quantity is too large, it is not impossible to add another layer.

And if they want to exchange for supplies, they will sell them at the price of Chang'an, and at the same time offer a [-]% discount.

If a high-ranking general came forward, then I would also give the general face, with a discount of [-]%, [-]%, [-]%, and [-]%.

But the lowest is [-]% off the market price, even if Li Jing comes forward, he can only get [-]% off, after all, he can't lose money!

Although Li Jing was really skeptical about Li Tai's loss of money, he finally believed Li Tai's words.

In his opinion, the materials exchanged for Li Tai's food coupons are really [-]% of the market price, if it is any lower, it is indeed a bit unreasonable.

After all, Li Tai is not a merchant, but a very capable prince, why should he suppress King Yan so much that he can't make a penny.

Naturally, Li Tai didn't intend to detain these soldiers, after all, the supplies exchanged from him must be better than those from outside.

He even directly said that if something happens to the exchanged materials, you can go to Yanwang Mansion to find yourself and ensure after-sales service.

In addition, it is the local price to convert into food stamps, but to convert into supplies, it is calculated at the price of Chang'an.

It's not that I don't want to calculate according to the local prices, mainly because there are a lot of materials, which are not available in these poor places.

Even compared to Chang'an, which is rich in materials, some local materials are more expensive, so Li Tai directly calculates everything according to Chang'an's materials.

If you are interested in some local specialties, you can take the food stamps to buy them yourself, and you can take them back with you!
The soldiers quickly accepted Li Tai's one-size-fits-all approach, and Li Tai didn't go to eat the hard-earned money of the soldiers. The product.

At the same time, as the soldiers picked out what they wanted, Li Tai asked his students to make statistics.

Li Tai didn't ask everyone to produce much, but calculated all the data and added two layers, and then sent it to Chang'an urgently through eight hundred miles, so that Peacock could produce these things and do a good job of storage.

When the soldiers return, let the soldiers exchange them by themselves. As long as the data is correct, everything else is easy to talk about.

As for why I sent eight hundred miles to expedite it, the purpose is for the imperial censor who has not done a good job in daily tasks, to play a book for himself when he is idle and boring, to give himself a name for public use and private use, and then take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the seized operation Show it to Li Shimin.

Because this ability to quickly dispose of captured soldiers is also a manifestation of one's own administrative ability.

At the same time, a large part of resources can be retained for local development instead of being directly damaged on the road.

The soldiers are satisfied, the generals are satisfied, the logistics are satisfied, and even Chang'an continues to operate factories, and they are also satisfied with the massive orders, so that the war dividend can benefit the public.

When the army goes out again in the future, Li Shimin should think of letting himself follow, not to mention letting himself participate in the war, even if he is only used as a logistics, it may not be less important than the other generals under Li Jing.

And a very important point is that if I do a good job in the entire exchange system this time, then the recognition of the food stamps or salt stamps I made can be further improved, not to mention others, at least these soldiers can truly recognize Li Tai's food stamps. voted.

This is very important, because compared to other people, Fubing represents the middle class of the entire Tang Dynasty!
They have land, meritorious service, and some soldiers even have servants in their families. After they recognized Li Tai's food stamps, Li Tai's grain stamps were only circulated in the entire Guanzhong, not just in their own sphere of influence. idling.

Seeing such a credit currency being slowly cultivated, Li Tai felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

And as Li Tai captured and exchanged the soldiers, Li Daozong took the initiative to approach Li Tai and said:

"Qingque, I heard that you are collecting the confiscated by the army, can you directly exchange it for the corresponding food stamps and salt stamps?"

"Uncle Clan, are you going to exchange it too?" Li Tai looked at Li Daozong and said, "However, I usually use bills, which can only be exchanged when I arrive in Chang'an. It is troublesome for those soldiers to get rid of the goods, but if you want to send them to Chang'an It shouldn't be difficult to go!"

"But it's troublesome, what to do if there are a few dead on the road, it's not just food for people!" Li Daozong sighed,
"Why don't you give me a bill and let me kick it in my arms, why? You despise the uncle's things."

"What is the uncle talking about!" Li Tai smiled when he heard Li Daozong's words, "Why don't you be the middleman and count all the generals who are willing to exchange, and I will help them replace them all. gone."

"Uncle of the clan, thank you Qingque!" Li Daozong couldn't help but smile with satisfaction when he heard Li Tai's words.

Seeing that Li Daozong was about to leave, Li Tai stopped Li Daozong and asked Li Daozong, "Uncle Clan, I am going to develop Qinghai and implement the "Seed Project" in Qinghai. I don't know if you or other generals are interested!"

"It's you!" Li Daozong sighed when he heard Li Tai's words, but he also said seriously, "Then tell me first, what are you going to do? How do you need the uncle's help?"

Li Tai said calmly, "Just ask, as long as you can collect [-] livestock, regardless of whether it is cattle, sheep or horses, you are eligible to participate.

If other people can collect [-] livestock, then I agree, these are the most primitive shares for investing in the construction of Qinghai City.

Because this is an investment, the profits and losses are at your own risk. For example, because this place was recaptured by a foreign race, it will naturally be gone! "

"You boy, you have a big heart!" Li Daozong smiled and said, "However, what's the benefit of investing here?"

"Qinghai is a sacred place for raising horses. As long as this city develops normally, the generals at least their personal guards don't need to worry about horses anymore, not to mention that if it really develops, it will be a big fortune!"

Li Tai explained to Li Daozong very confidently.

"Then I'll ask!" Li Daozong heard Li Tai's words, but was moved by Li Tai's description, so he couldn't help answering.

To be honest, Li Tai's ability to turn stones into gold is more or less believed by the generals from Chang'an present.

After all, a Gaoling has become the center of Guanzhong from a wasteland, and Youzhou revitalized the entire north because of the establishment of Tianjin. These are all developed by Li Tai relying on his own ability.

Now Li Tai is pulling himself to develop Qinghai. Although the initial investment was difficult, so he came to win over, but I have to say that for these generals, they are all the kind of people who are drunk today and spend money.

Now King Yan is pulling everyone to make money together, it is impossible for these generals not to be tempted!
However, when Li Daozong was pulling people, because Hou Junji saw that Li Daozong was not looking for him, he said,
"The king of Yan is here to implement the "Seed Project". Does it mean that he wants to avoid the prince in Longyou? Will there be any accidents after participating in it?"

In an instant, the generals who were originally in high spirits calmed down a lot.

After all, the generals are just vulgar people. When they saw that there was money to be made, they naturally flocked here.

But now it was pointed out by Hou Junji, if it involved the complicated situation of seizing the heir, then many people would have to weigh it carefully, after all, with his small body, he might be strangled to death.

Since the rumor spread, Li Tai calmly continued to take stock of the soldiers' seizures every day.

After all, for the soldiers at the bottom, this kind of seizing the throne has nothing to do with them, and the benefits they get are the most real.

If there is a coup d'état or something, I don't listen to my immediate superiors, so what am I afraid of.

In the end, it was Li Daozong who went to Li Tai with a helpless face, and said, "Hey, everyone discussed it well at first, and it's all because of Hou Junji's mouth. Uncle threw [-] livestock into it. Uncle is sorry for you. This is the end of the matter." So far, you build well!"

"Thank you uncle for your help!" Li Tai thanked Li Daozong when he heard Li Daozong's words.

To be honest, Li Daozong is a royal family member, so he is the most sensitive about this matter.

But even so, Li Daozong felt that Li Shimin is still a dragon and a tiger, and it is far from the time to consider a successor.

People who don't understand this will be afraid. For Li Daozong, as long as Li Shimin is still there, the day is still Li Shimin's day, and the reason is still Li Shimin's reason. As for Li Chengqian and Li Tai, this is nothing.

Therefore, Li Daozong chose to vote for Li Tai first, after all, he is still far away from winning the heir!
Not long after Li Daozong bid farewell to Li Tai, a burly man walked in and saluted, "I have seen King Yan!"

"General Hou, rare guest, the clan uncle was talking about you just now!" Li Tai looked at Hou Junji and smiled!

"Vice General Li, I'm afraid there won't be any good things to say!" Hou Junji spread his hands and said to Li Tai,

"That's why a certain waited for him to leave before coming in, lest he croak on the sidelines. Now that a certain has [-] head of livestock, it depends on whether King Yan is willing to accept them!"

"General Hou has a heart!" Li Tai looked at Hou Junji, Hou Junji faced Li Tai's eyes but was not afraid, Li Tai smiled, stepped forward and held Hou Junji's hand, smiling It exploded, like a chrysanthemum in full bloom, "The blue sparrow was so disrespectful and accepted it with a smile!"

"I believe that you will not treat me badly, King Yan, so I will leave first!" Hou Junji said frankly.

"General, this way please!" Li Tai personally sent Hou Junji off to let him go.

For Hou Junji, even if Li Tai, the king of Yan, competes with the crown prince, so what? Climb up.

When I first said the words of seizing the heir, I didn't want too many ginseng to join in, because I have so many original shares!

After all, whether Li Tai will compete with the prince is one thing, but making money with Li Tai is another.

Now that Li Shimin is in the prime of his life, seizing the heir is just a joke.

If he really wanted to go there, whether he tied up with Li Tai and cut Li Chengqian, or followed Li Chengqian and stabbed Li Tai's waist, anyway, he didn't mind, and it's not like he didn't do it.

It's just that the most important thing is to get the real benefits now.

Therefore, Hou Junji really came and walked in a dignified manner, and the steps he took were all in a gesture of disapproval.

He is different from others, he really assessed the danger, so he invested in it.

In fact, not only Li Daozong and Hou Junji, but Li Tai's camp has been visited by generals one after another in the past few days.

Compared with Li Daozong's support for Li Tai, Hou Junji's unscrupulous, most people still have to face.

Needless to say, this kind of matter is linked to fighting with the prince, so it is impossible for them to submit it to Li Tai through Li Daozong.

They must have met Li Tai in person to reassure them.

Of course, I would occasionally meet my colleagues, and both of them would smile awkwardly and politely, without saying anything.

After all, we are all decent people.

As for Li Chengqian... Isn't this Li Chengqian still the emperor? Keep a low profile and make money first.

Not long after that, another person came to visit. Li Tai opened the door of the tent, but saw Li Jing, the chief commander of the Xikaidao march, looking at him with a smile, and said, "King Yan, there are people coming and going in your tent these days. , it’s really lively.”

"Hahahaha!" Li Tai immediately put on a smile and said, "Isn't this just a warm-up for your arrival, Mr. Li, why don't we go in and have a chat?"

"Then thank King Yan!" Li Jing said to Li Tai with a smile on his face, and then entered Li Tai's camp without any scruples.

(End of this chapter)

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