Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 278 The real benefit

Chapter 278 The real benefit
"It can be done, but it can't be done!" Facing the situation in front of him, Li Tai stepped forward resolutely, and said with a little force.

Nonsense, if you say you can do it, what will Li Shimin do if you keep asking him for money in the future!
After all, I didn't really create something out of nothing, but relied on the system I created to resolve it.

"Why?" Li Shimin frowned a bit confused when he heard Li Tai's words.

As for the other important officials of the court, it was a pity to hear Li Tai's words. For these ministers, they needed Li Tai the most who could print money directly. For example, there is a shortage of money everywhere!
Li Tai said: "Simply put, the food stamps here are not real food stamps, but the reputation of my Yan Palace.

At least my Yan Palace can repay the money, and others believe that I can pay the money, so there is a basis for operating this matter.

Secondly, the money spent every time is not just a simple expense, but also an investment.

If you simply ask for it from the money and food system, then sooner or later the money and food system will collapse!

Therefore, it is not impossible for me to issue food stamps of 100 million shi, but I must earn money through the food stamps issued, or maintain the operating costs of the food stamp system. "

"King Yan, then this time the military supplies are exchanged for food stamps... You also made money?" Li Jing suddenly asked curiously.

"Huh?" Li Shimin also looked at Li Tai curiously when he heard Li Jing's words.

That's right, according to Li Tai's explanation, then Li Tai must have made money this time, but he couldn't tell how much he made.

Facing Li Shimin's gaze, Li Tai knew that he had to explain this matter clearly.

No way, who let himself be his son!
If I enjoy the convenience brought by the prince of the Tang Dynasty, I will also have the responsibility of the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, Li Tai stretched out his finger to gesture, and said, "Yes.

Because it is inconvenient to bring livestock back to Chang'an, and Tuyuhun was developed at the same time, the food stamps can only earn a little travel expenses.

But the money I earned was not brought back to Chang'an, it was all invested in Tuyuhun, and I didn't take any money myself! "

Hearing Li Tai's tough words, all the ministers present were somewhat suspicious.

But doubts are nothing but doubts, but they really couldn't see where Li Tai made his money and how much money he made.

At most, according to their thinking logic, Li Tai only earned a few cents for the toll.

Because there is no so-called account book, based on normal grain transportation, Li Tai should only earn about 10,000+ shi in travel expenses.

This was already the limit that the ministers could imagine. After all, in their opinion, Li Tai could only earn this amount of money.

After all, in their view, Li Tai really paid out 100 million food stamps, but don't those supplies that are sold to soldiers need money?
Don't those offers cost money?And Li Tai also discounted the market price by [-]%, aren't these costs?

Although 10,000+ stone tolls are quite a lot for an individual, for the whole country, because of Li Tai's existence, the confiscation is directly converted into food stamps, which almost completely improves the administrative efficiency of the whole country.

At least even if there is no official reward for the soldiers, the soldiers are still quite enthusiastic and flocking to this battle, and they are still quite positive in the next war.

But in fact, for Li Tai, the military exploits he obtained following this war were secondary, and the operation of exchanging food stamps for seizures after the war was the real profit. As for the 100 million shi food stamps, it was just a fraction.

Yes, the 100 million shi food stamps are really just a fraction of Li Tai's real profit this time.

First of all, I intercepted the wealth that originally belonged to Tuyuhun from the army, and I exchanged food coupons of about 100 million shi, but Li Tai was the one who actually set the price. Even Li Tai himself did not know how much wealth was cut. data.

But what Li Tai knew was that the wealth he had harvested was definitely several times more than the one million shi food coupons.

Otherwise, he would not brazenly say that he would develop Shanzhou and Xihai County, because to some extent, he developed it with the accumulation of the Tuyuhun Kingdom.

But at the same time, the 100 million or so food stamps given to the soldiers further stimulated the renewal and development of their own production system.

The most important thing is to allow myself to test and integrate the production system that I have developed along the way.

These are not specific money and food can be described.

To put it simply, with this experiment, Li Tai can be sure that his production system has achieved a small success, at least for general feudal consumption, and he can make corresponding consumption expenditures.

For example, if Li Shimin wants to build a palace, he can completely use his own production system. Even if he can't achieve the legendary free construction, he can at least reduce the cost of construction to a level that others can't believe.

But for this kind of thing, can I follow everyone present and say that I can do it without any problem!

Even if it wasn't for me starting today, the imperial court would ask me for money in various ways, and it's still the kind that only wants money and doesn't pay back, so no one can stop it!

"Then if you want to write another 100 million food stamp, can you write it?" Li Shimin asked again.

"I can write, but if so, Qingque's Yanwang Mansion may be emptied before I can repay the debt!" Li Tai smiled wryly,

"In fact, the 100 million food stamps were not written by me in essence, but were exchanged for the seizures obtained from Tuyuhun.

Qingque itself only serves as a transfer, and it is Qingque's credit value of 100 million food coupons, not Qingque's real 100 million food coupons!

If Qingque can't return the 100 million money and food, then Qingque will lose his promise and will no longer have this ability! "

Hearing this, the ministers present nodded in understanding, and now they more or less understood what Li Tai meant.

Although they still don't understand how Li Tai operates, they know that Li Tai is not a so-called money printing machine, just write a number at random, and how much money and food can be conjured up.

But it is undeniable that from the second year of Zhenguan to now the eighth year of Zhenguan, Li Tai has been turning stones into gold, and his ability to develop out of nothing has convinced the world that Li Tai is very rich.

So Li Tai was able to write down the IOUs for the common people to accept temporarily, but the IOUs are only IOUs after all, which can solve temporary difficulties, but it is impossible for Li Tai to print money for the rest of his life.

"If this is the case, in the actual operation process, as long as the food stamps are printed on your seal, the king of Yan, the people will recognize it. Then sometimes, can you let the king of Yan save the country in an emergency!" Fang Xuanling asked suddenly road.

Hearing this, everyone present looked at Li Tai unconsciously.

For the country, Li Tai only needs to use his reputation as a guarantee, and a lot of money and food can be bypassed, which is too convenient.

"If Prime Minister Fang wants it, I will give you my seal of the King of Yan tomorrow, but just ask Prime Minister Fang to announce that I will never touch food from now on, or I can be any other prince." Li Tai shrugged and said, " Anyway, I don't get involved in the matter of King Yan's food stamps."

"This is a matter for the country, and there is the court as a reliance, why do you do this, King Yan!"

Fang Xuanling didn't expect Li Tai to react so violently when he opened his mouth lightly, which surprised Fang Xuanling a bit.

Because in Fang Xuanling's impression, Li Tai has always been quite soft, or in other words, many things that are important to him, in Li Tai's view, are a bit calm.
Whatever the imperial court asked him to do, he would do it, and even dispatched him to those remote and cold places in Youzhou, Li Tai never showed any displeasure.

But this time, I was just testing it out, and I didn't expect Li Tai's reaction to be so strong.

Nonsense, for Li Tai, what he lacks most now is time for the good family from his agricultural school to continue to grow. It doesn't matter how you greet him. I said that after 20 years, the grassroots will be my own people, so what should I worry about.

Of course, An An sat down and ate watermelon, waiting for his brother to rebel!
So, if you have any tasks, just come, just be bored and pass the past 20 years.

But this right is different, if you play around, you will really die.

To ancient people, this is just a plug-in tool, but doesn't Li Tai know how this kind of thing will work in the hands of these guys who know what it is and don't know why it is.

It must be that after printing money for the first time, you can't stop!
After all, this thing is like a national flower, as long as you use it for the first time, there will be countless times in the future. As for the so-called morals...

Hehe, there are still people who believe in the integrity of politicians!
"It seems that this right is more important than I imagined!" Fang Xuanling looked at Li Tai's reaction and couldn't help thinking.

Anyway, Li Tai killed himself and ate the fruit of face, and his face can be worth a loan of 100 million shi for grain, believe it or not.

If you insist on not believing it, then go out and create an industry worth 100 million shi, and naturally you will know whether you are telling the truth. Anyway, it is impossible for you to print money for you.

Facing Li Tai's attitude of never letting go, the ministers present looked at each other, but they also knew that this matter involved Li Tai's bottom line. If they continued to entangle, not only would it be meaningless, but it would be difficult to end.

So in the end, it was Li Shimin who came out to smooth things over. After all, if Li Tai refused to withdraw, then no one could do anything about it, because it was something Li Tai made himself, not bestowed by the court, and only Li Tai knew how to use it.

"Don't make trouble!" Li Shimin glanced at Li Tai and said seriously, "However, you, King Yan, are at an end!"

"Ah?!" Li Tai glanced at Li Shimin, and said in astonishment, "Aye, what did I do to me? My King Yan is gone?"

"I should treat you well, how can I talk to Xuanling like this!" Li Shimin glanced at Li Tai dotingly, and said,
"You were named king of Wei, and the fiefdom was changed from Tianjin in Youzhou to Luoyang, Gyeonggi Province. Henan Biejia (renamed Henan Fuyin during the Tianbao period) Didn't you always plan to develop in Luoyang? It's just what you want. , I will give you another thousand households!"

When Li Tai heard this, he immediately said to Li Shimin, "Thank you, Aye!"

Li Tai feels that Li Shimin is very handsome at this moment, it is simply exuding colorful brilliance all over his body!
"Then you may use this technique of making money and food out of nothing again?" Li Shimin decisively changed the subject and came back.

Nonsense, it's fine if you didn't know it at first, but now that you know Li Tai's ability, why don't you use it.

Since Li Tai has already used it once, it also proves that this thing is not unusable, but that it cannot be abused.

But whether it is abuse or not, isn't Li Tai blocking it? What are you worried about, just ask directly!

Faced with Li Shimin's question, Li Tai, who had just taken the title of King of Wei and was likely to go to Luoyang for development, could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

It's not easy to get something if you want it. You just got the benefits, so you can't deny people.

After all, Li Tai explained to Li Shimin, "Simply put, when the project is making money or not losing money, I can use this method, because my money is just a transfer, and I can't really create something out of nothing.

How should I describe it... It's as if a piece of meat has passed through the hands of a butcher, and a few drops of oil will get on the hands, and these few drops of oil and water are to keep the entire food stamp system running!
Such as overcoming confiscation transactions, infrastructure construction open to the common people, or some basic material transactions, etc.!
After all, I need others to recognize my credibility before I can recognize my loan! "

Li Shimin was thoughtful when he heard Li Tai's words. If the administrative ability of the entire Tang Dynasty was ranked, Li Shimin might not be the first, but he would definitely be a favorable contender for the top three. Hearing Li Tai's words now, he understood What Li Tai meant.

With Li Tai's operation of confiscating the army to exchange food stamps and earning travel expenses as a foreshadowing, Li Tai's idea of ​​earning a few cents was even more accepted by Li Shimin and others.

But Li Tai was slightly relieved seeing Li Shimin accepting this statement.

To be honest, there are many things that must be explained to the other party after they discover the clues.

Whether this explanation is true or not is not important, what is important is to stop others from thinking about it.

After all, the thinking between people is completely different. No one knows what kind of reaction a person will have in the face of a completely incomprehensible operation. The other party's random behavior will cause unnecessary damage to the system. .

If Li Tai wants his industry to gradually increase the proportion of the country's economy, it will inevitably be discovered by the court one day.

After all, the imperial court is not a fool, how could it be possible to see your growing industry without any idea.

But now that Li Tai has opened up his words, he has also shown his importance to the country's overall economy. In order to maintain the stability of the country, Li Tai's importance to the entire Datang will become very high, and even a little bit useless. alternative role.

To be honest, Li Shimin can't see this effect now, or don't need to care about it.

But as long as time passes and Li Tai is really irreplaceable, then it's not that Li Tai wants to be the crown prince, or even wants to take the position, but the entire Datang forces themselves will push Li Tai to take the position.

Because going one step further, when Li Tai's food stamps spread all over the world, as soon as Li Tai dies, the food stamps guaranteed by Li Tai's personal credit will instantly become waste paper, and Li Tai's importance is really greater than The emperor is more important.

After all, if the emperor dies, it is enough to change someone, but if Li Tai dies, the economy of the entire Tang Dynasty will collapse!

In Li Tai's view, what would be the consequences of the collapse of the Tang Dynasty's economy?

But when it came time to seize the heir, this matter itself would inevitably become Li Shimin's key consideration.

After all, any emperor hopes that his dynasty will be passed on normally, instead of dying directly.

Therefore, the money and food system created by Li Tai has gradually moved from private to public, from dark to bright, and has been officially recognized and endorsed. Even the court itself will not reject the development of this system. This is why Li Tai participated in this event. The real benefit obtained from the crusade against Tuyuhun.

 It's National Day... so I went out to play (crossed out), ahem, I spent money for the country's economic development, it's reasonable

(End of this chapter)

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