Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 284 The magic of self-adaptation

Chapter 284 The magic of self-adaptation

Li Tai stimulated Li Chengqian a little, then restrained himself.

What should I say?

For Li Chengqian, Li Tai doesn't need to target him too much, but he must show his presence in front of Li Chengqian from time to time?
For example, the same father was born, why is it that a certain person is sung as Li Shimin's second by the government and the public, but a certain person is regarded as a copy of Li Jiancheng.

For example, it is also born of the same father, why does someone have healthy limbs, but someone can only drag their limbs to survive.

For example, it is also born of the same father, why is it natural for someone to do things, but it is extremely difficult for someone to do things.

Sometimes, you don’t need to design anything if you want to hit others, you just need to stand in front of the other person and show your brilliance to someone. For some people, this shining brilliance is better than intentionally designed frame Even more dazzling.

It's like, you don't want your friend to be unlucky, but you don't want your friend to skyrocket from now on.

The most fearful thing is that you know that he is developed, and you still show off in front of you every day, no matter how good your friendship is, there will be sharp thorns.

This is the jealousy that no one can avoid.

Of course, there will also be some people who are born with high morals or have a gritty mentality, who can easily accept this situation.

Or take a [-] step back and truly admit that you are not as good as others, that you are just an ordinary person.

But obviously, at least the Li Chengqian that Li Tai knew was not such a person, neither now nor in history.

After the wedding banquet was over, when Li Tai returned home, he immediately called for Bai He. Li Tai looked at Bai He and said:
"Bai He, how much do you know about the Crown Princess and the family behind her?"

"The Crown Princess is the daughter of Su Tan." Bai He said to Li Tai, "She is the candidate carefully selected by Empress Changsun!"

"Go and find out about Su Quan!" Li Tai said to Bai He, "I want to know about this princess."

"No!" Bai He immediately agreed when he heard Li Tai's words, and Li Tai waved his hand to make Bai He retreat.

Watching Baihe leave, Li Tai started to write in his diary. He wrote down what he said today because he was chatting with the prince, but in the end he didn't agree with it. Then he wrote in the last words that he asked Changle to have a good relationship for a hundred years.

After writing these things, Li Tai was more curious about what kind of news Bai He would bring to him.

Needless to say, Li Tai himself still understood very well that he left this matter to Bai He because he wanted to know what kind of news Li Shimin would give him in the end.

If the message given is very concise, it means that Li Shimin does not want to collide with Li Chengqian.

If the information is very detailed, it is best to know how many dogs the Su family has, then Li Shimin just wants to touch it by himself.

After all, I can be sure that the information Bai He gave me was definitely filtered by Li Shimin.

As for the second point, it was that I stimulated Li Chengqian this time.

Although I intend to stop with silence, the key to this matter is to let Li Shimin know.

Facing Li Chengqian's oppression, he could only bear it silently, highlighting that a weak and pitiful person can still eat.

In short, it looks like a harmless panda.

At this time, if he wants to check the details of the princess, Li Shimin should cast his eyes here a little bit.

And as long as it was a little bit, Li Chengqian would definitely be caught by Li Shimin if he really shot at him directly.

I don't expect that Li Chengqian will be punished for one mistake, but as long as he doesn't know how to repent and accumulate mistakes again and again, Li Shimin will have a day when he can't help it. Of course, the biggest possibility is that Li Chengqian can't help it first.

"Hey, you didn't expect it, Lao Tzu's Wei Palace is as leaky as a thatched cottage.

Everything that happened in Wei Wangfu was probably sent to Aye's table the next day.

So brother, you must be more exciting! "

Li Tai couldn't help but smile mentally, he was looking forward to Li Chengqian's move.

However, Li Chengqian was one of the few guys who couldn't afford it. Maybe he would send someone to assassinate him as soon as his head twitched.

Now Xue Rengui, the number one hunk by his side, is stationed at the frontier, but he wants Tian Changgeng to arrange his personal guards.

"Ah Qiu!" Xue Rengui, who was blowing the wind in Qinghai, yawned suddenly, and said with a little emotion, "It's really cold here in winter!"

"We all know that winter is so cold, but you still brought out the soldiers left behind by King Yan for training. Are you planning to court death?" Wang Xuance looked at Xue Rengui.

If it wasn't for this guy, if he insisted on pulling himself up, he would definitely be lying down on the kang again anyway.

"The king of Yan said that if it is as short as three years and as long as five years, there will inevitably be a war here.

We are outsiders in this area. Although we have defeated Tuyuhun, other ethnic groups in this area may not really recognize it! "

Xue Rengui said seriously (the news that Li Tai became the king of Wei has not yet reached here).

"Are you talking about Tubo on the other side of the mountain?" Wang Xuance couldn't help asking when he heard Xue Rengui's words, "Do you think there is really a war?"

"I don't know, but I believe in King Yan!

I watched him develop Youzhou with my own eyes, and I even saw him successfully ambush Murong Fuyun.

I believe in King Yan's strategic vision. He said three to five years, so it must be three to five years. "

Xue Rengui said decisively, "That's why I took the initiative to ask for orders to stay, so how can I slack off!"

Hearing Xue Rengui's words, Wang Xuance also felt somewhat annoyed by the wavering in his heart.

Silently thinking, it is indeed as Xue Rengui said, although King Yan usually does not seem very reliable, but in terms of the overall situation, he has never made any mistakes.

For example, arranging myself to develop in Xihai County is not only the most suitable stage for me, but also gives me a solid enough foundation.

Winter is coming, although some pastures are not suitable for growing in this area, and the growth momentum is not as vigorous as it was below, but for me, I have adapted to it in the first year, at least this year's green storage is definitely enough.

I can even spare my hands to start raising geese in Qinghai Lake, so I can be considered as a firm foothold, and I will be more adaptable next year.

After Li Tai returned to Chang'an, he sent some poultry to Du Chuke in the Hehuang Valley, and asked him to take care of it.

Because in Li Tai's impression, farmers in the mountains usually raise some poultry, and during festivals, or when there are important human relations, they will kill chickens and ducks to add to the fun, thus enriching the food of the local people.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as some benefits that Li Tai gave to the local people, after all, there are too few local people.

And Du Chuke finally carried out Li Tai's thoughts, that is, he established some poultry farms in the local area.

In some of the sites, Li Tai chose to stock them in order to reduce the pressure on the local feed.

Basically, it is stocking all over the mountains and plains, directly enclosing a mountain, and then directly marking an area as a restricted area, and then setting up several fixed-point feeding points in several places with water sources, and let these chickens and ducks fly all over the mountains .

With such an extensive stocking, to be honest, Du Ruhui was quite worried at the beginning whether these birds would fly away, and even sent someone to erect a fence on the entire mountain.

But later, Du Chuke discovered that these poultry herders had good skills, and basically the chickens and ducks would come back to eat regularly, so there was no need to worry.

Especially after it snows in winter, even if they take the initiative to chase these chickens and ducks, they are reluctant to go out, and they all huddle in the nest, because it is warm inside.

But even so, it is still necessary to drive them out on sunny days to breathe, and then clean up their nests to avoid unnecessary diseases.

As for the goose, because this thing is really not a mainstream poultry, Li Tai included the goose and sent it over. It was because the goose, a kind of poultry guard, could almost be regarded as a tyrant in rural households. Head held high, very proud.

When raising chickens and ducks, throwing a few geese in can well protect them from being picked up by various inexplicable creatures in the wild, although this loss is within Li Tai's tolerance. , but if geese come to guard the yard, it will be more effective in scaring away most small predators.

Although I don't understand why it is also a bird, a creature like a goose always gives people a special feeling.

These poultry are mainly to supplement the food and training consumption of the soldiers of the agricultural college.

After all, compared with the growth cycle of various cattle, the growth cycle of these poultry is much shorter.

At the same time, Li Tai also told Du Chuke that Qinghai could treat the local people a little more leniently.

For example, when a woman gives birth to a child, she will send some chickens and ducks there. If someone does a good job, they will also send some chickens and ducks. Even if some Qiang people from other places trade with themselves, these chickens and ducks can also Do something in return.

These chickens and ducklings are bought and sold by others, and the price is basically about three or four pennies, but the official will find a way to donate them to the local people to raise them. The purpose of the people is of course to create the happiness of the local people.

Of course, Murong Fushun knew about this kind of operation. He just sent people to bring in some chickens, ducks and geese. In the end, many of the chickens and ducks were frozen to death by the sudden winter. The goose is still in good spirits!
So Murong Fushun sent someone over again, saying that next year, he would bring in more goose seedlings. As for chickens and ducks, let's eat them directly when he comes to Hehuang Valley in the future!
All in all, through these chickens, ducks, geese and poultry, not only the people in the Hehuang Valley itself are quite supportive of the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

Even Murong Fushun, although he may not have thought of recreating the glory of Tuyuhun in the past, but now he feels that the advanced civilization of the Tang Dynasty is inspired by the civilization of the backward civilization, and he feels that it is not impossible to follow the Tang Dynasty.

And Datang, through these days of hard work, naturally has a little brand in Qinghai and Hehuang Valley.

However, Wang Xuance's main energy is still on cattle and sheep, because Wang Xuance knows that his purpose is to prove the feasibility of the "Seed Project", as long as this plan is feasible, it will be the greatest help to King Yan.

"However, if it is really possible for Tubo to come over, do I have to go to the various tribes around Qinghai Lake?" Wang Xuance thought in his heart,

"In this way, I also feel that it is quite simple to learn their words. Find a guide to learn, and this winter should be able to learn all the surrounding languages."

Xue Rengui naturally didn't know Wang Xuance's thoughts, the only thing he knew was to train the soldiers that King Yan entrusted to him.

If he really wants to fight Tubo in a few years, then no matter what, the only thing he can guarantee is that his men are elite.

Xue Rengui originally planned to insist that the soldiers continue to master their talents, but because of the miasma on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, mastering talents really cannot quickly overcome the miasma.

So Xue Rengui still chooses the adaptive talent training left by Li Jing, no matter what, he can't let the soldiers get down when they run.

Relying on the adaptive talent, the soldiers began to adapt to the plateau environment very quickly. Whether it was jumping, running, or even other training, at least under the effect of the adaptive talent, the soldiers had basically resumed training after half a year.

Now, after staying on this plateau for half a year, Xue Rengui also understands the discomfort of this plateau. Compared with Tubo, who has never fought at all, Xue Rengui believes that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are invincible. As long as he overcomes the weather, he will be fearless .

So as the weather got colder and colder, Xue Rengui took his soldiers to adapt to the severe cold plateau weather.

At least the soldiers now have to adapt. There is a garrisoned healer system who can treat the soldiers at all times, and there is enough food for the soldiers to ensure physical exertion. Slowly adapt to various harsh environments.

It can be said that the talent of self-adaptation was not felt in Chang'an before, but now on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Xue Rengui has to sigh, this talent of the war department is simply a magic skill.

I really don't know which big brother from the military family stayed behind. It is only by his soldiers that he can completely overcome the environment in Qinghai.

It doesn't say how much combat effectiveness the soldiers can increase, at least as long as the general is given time, no matter what harsh environment, at least the soldiers can maintain sufficient combat effectiveness, which in itself is a manifestation of the heritage of a great power.

As long as the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have been trained, they will discuss on their own and learn from each other to improve. Some soldiers even found a better way and would take the initiative to report it.

Of course, I will not hesitate to reward the whole team with chicken legs or large pieces of beef. This is the habit left by King Yan when he led the soldiers.

When the ambush was being dug back then, whoever had a good idea, as long as they reported to Li Tai and were accepted, then the whole team, even the whole team would be rewarded.

Now, compared with the muddle-headed alien troops who led the Tang army, Xue Rengui really looked down on them. In Xue Rengui's heart, the quality of the Tang army was much better than theirs.

This is also the reason why Xue Rengui chose to continue training even in winter, and after telling these soldiers that he wanted to overcome his ice and snow talent by self-adaptation, basically no one objected.

Not to mention for these King Yan, even if it is only for these soldiers, I can't live up to their trust!

The winter wind and snow covered the footprints of the government soldiers led by Xue Rengui, but the footprints quickly stepped up again, and gradually, a clearly visible path was formed in the winter.

(End of this chapter)

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