Chapter 289


In the Prince's East Palace, Li Chengqian used the skill of cleaning the table, and all the books, copywriting, jade, and graphite on the table were knocked to the ground, but it could be seen how uncomfortable Li Chengqian was.

"Why did the crown prince lose his composure!" Li Baiyao said to Li Chengqian when he came to the crown prince's uterus.

"Qingque assisted Du Ruhui in fighting the plague in Hedong, and was praised by the sage every day.

On the contrary, it was me, but I only allowed Jingzong to use someone improperly, and I was a little bit negligent, and I have been remembered by the sage to this day.

Didn't Xu Jingzong successfully carry out the grass seed plan? Didn't the Husi who caused the trouble have been solved by Xu Jingzong? All the problems have been solved well. What is there to be dissatisfied with the saint!
Yes, yes, Qingque is right in everything!I do everything wrong!This prince might as well let Qingque do it! "

Li Baiyao heard Li Chengqian's words, and immediately took a step forward, "Prince, please be careful, and please don't say such frivolous words again!"

Li Chengqian was furious, but seeing Li Baiyao's upright face, he knew that it was useless for him to continue to be angry with him.

After venting, his arrogance dissipated a lot, or in other words, it didn't make any sense for him to vent his anger in front of Li Baiyao.

But Li Baiyao said slowly, "Prince, the King of Wei pays attention to secular affairs, so he has a temporary family member.

But the prince must not forget that you have participated in an important event that will last forever, and this is the most important thing for you! "

"You mean "Book of Sui"?" Li Chengqian came to his senses when he heard Li Baiyao's words.

Li Baiyao nodded and said, "Compiling books and history is a major matter for the country, this matter has come to an end, the crown prince can't let it fall by the wayside.

Only by understanding this matter with Duke Wei, and dedicating the "Book of Sui" to the saint, can the saint be pleased.

After all, although a sage builds a country by force, in the final analysis, he must rely on the rule of law to rule the country! "

"Mister's words are really insightful, I will go to Wei Guogong and arrest this "Book of Sui"!" Li Chengqian said.

Seeing that Li Chengqian was so obedient, Li Baiyao couldn't help but stroked his beard, very satisfied.

And in Li Chengqian's view, he only lacked opportunities to perform, which made his status lack achievements as a support.

But now that the "Sui Shu" is about to be compiled, when the "Sui Shu" is finished and given to Li Shimin, wouldn't it be easy for him to regain Li Shimin's sacred heart? Li Tai's mere rescue of some common people is nothing.

At the same time, Li Shimin was in the Taiji Palace and received a briefing from Du Ruhui.

After reading it, Li Shimin handed the briefing to Fang Xuanling who was at the side, and sat on the table in silence to meditate.

After Fang Xuanling finished reading it, Fang Xuanling looked at Li Shimin and said, "After Wei Wang and Keming quelled the plague in Tongzhou, they have gone to rectify the plague in Hedong. Now it seems that it is going very smoothly."

Li Shimin continued to remain silent when he heard Fang Xuanling's words, only frowning, obviously thinking about something.

In the end, Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling, and said slowly: "Xuanling, you said that the system of medical practice... is Qingque doing it on purpose, or is Qingque doing it unintentionally?"

Fang Xuanling was startled when he heard Li Shimin's words, but said seriously, "Since King Wei is willing to use this system to help the imperial court suppress disasters, it means that King Wei has a righteous heart and no evil thoughts!"

Li Shimin smiled bitterly and said:

"Yeah, I never thought that I could use the healer to bypass the aristocratic family and the rich family, and successfully pass the order to the bottom!
But Qing Que was only nine years old when he proposed this plan, and I even asked people to find the ashes-pressed approval document in the Tai Hospital.

Obviously at the beginning, he had already seen the scene today, but who can see so far! "

Although Li Shimin had always thought that Li Tai's internal affairs capabilities were only about the same as his own military capabilities, but this time Li Tai's system of medical practitioners really surprised Li Shimin.

Compared with the food stamp system that I don't understand at all, this system of doctors and practitioners allows the rights of the country to be implemented reasonably and legally at the grassroots level, and it will not let the aristocratic families and wealthy families at the grassroots level oppose it, and even win the support of the people at the bottom.

Li Shimin was amazed by the profession of the chosen doctor, not to mention that Li Tai waited patiently for seven or eight years for the entire system to be laid in the Kanto region.

Even if it wasn't for this plague that made Li Tai take out this system, how many years would this system continue to bury? To be honest, Li Shimin was a little dazed when he saw this memorial for the first time.

Right under his nose, Li Taizhen cultivated a force that was ignored by him before, but very useful.

But fortunately, Li Tai is really dedicated to Datang, as long as there is a need, he will take out this system.

But at the same time, Li Shimin also has a headache. Li Tai is really too dedicated to the public, and being able to serve the public so wholeheartedly, does this mean that Li Tai is a born saint?
No, it means that Li Tai just wants to defeat Li Chengqian, and wants to sit where he is!

So when Li Tai brought out the medical practice system, Li Shimin understood that although Li Tai didn't say anything, he wanted the throne.

However, Li Shimin can also understand Li Tai. After all, he is better than the prince in everything, but because the prince is older than him for a year, he is naturally unwilling to be under the prince.

Didn't I see Li Jiancheng's unhappiness in wanting to sit back and enjoy the success at the beginning, but just because of this, I don't want my children to go back to the situation I was in at the beginning!
At this time, Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling and said, "Xuanling, what do you think of Qingque's medical practice system!"

Fang Xuanling heard Li Shimin's words, fell silent for a while, and said, "Very good!"

Fang Xuanling understood that Li Shimin had already seen the significance of this medical practice system.

For the feudal emperors, it is not important to save the people, what is really important is to allow the emperor's orders to bypass the aristocratic families and wealthy families to reach the grassroots.

This makes the medical system extremely meaningful.

Not to mention that it can bring benefits to the people, even if it can't bring direct benefits to the people, this kind of medical practice system will definitely be maintained, because it has the value of sustaining.

However, Fang Xuanling said:

"However, this medical distribution system requires two key points, the first requires qualified medical personnel, and the second requires adequate drug reserves.

It's not that the project can be developed by transferring people in.

After all, there are only more than [-] doctors in the entire Tai Hospital, and our manpower is too small! "

"The number of people is so small?" Li Shimin was a bit stunned when he heard Fang Xuanling's words, "Where did Qingque get so many medical personnel?"

"They are medical students who graduated from agricultural colleges. Some of them entered the medical dormitory system and became apprentices. After apprentices study for a period of time and understand the basics of prescriptions and medicines, they can become doctors!"

Fang Xuanling said, "So almost every year, about [-] to [-] medical students are added to the hospital system.

As for the medical camp, it is only the most mature doctors in all the hospital systems, and only 500 to 1000 people have been selected from them. "

"That is to say, even if I want to insert some manpower into the hospital system, you tell me that there is no one, right?"

When Li Shimin heard this, he couldn't help being a little bit stunned. When did the cost of sand mixed with sand become so high?

"Actually, I think we can wait for King Wei!" Fang Xuanling looked at Li Shimin and said,

"Since the king of Wei is willing to use this system when he rescues the people, it shows that the king of Wei puts state affairs first.

He will not refuse you, saint, to add sand to this medical system, and maybe he even wants you to add sand to it! "

"Huh?" Li Shimin couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Fang Xuanling's words, and said, "Tell me in detail."

Fang Xuanling shook his head and said, "This minister can't answer, but I believe King Wei will give you the answer when he comes back."

To be honest, Fang Xuanling himself did not think of building a medical system. After all, Fang Xuanling couldn't figure out whether it was a reserve of medicinal materials or a reserve of talents.

But after Li Tai came up with this medical practice system, Fang Xuanling was able to simulate Li Tai's vague idea that Li Tai came up with this system on purpose. King Yan was not afraid of the court's involvement in this system, and he even wished to add sand to it. The more the merrier.

After all, how did King Wei's men come here? They were not all sent to King Wei by the court at first, and they are not working happily under King Wei now.

Therefore, King Wei never cared how complicated his subordinates were, as long as he was obedient and worked.

Fang Xuanling also believes that since Li Tai has come up with this system of medical practice, he doesn't care about Datang's participation in the sand here. However, perhaps King Wei didn't expect that Datang wanted to participate in the sand. , the result is that there is no suitable candidate.

After all, medical treatment is much more difficult than reading the Four Books and Five Classics.

I have memorized all the Four Books and Five Classics and several books, so I have no problem saying that I am a scholar.

But to become a qualified doctor, you not only need to memorize medicinal materials, pathology and medical records, but also do odd jobs under the doctor's hands, at least one or two years before you can say that you are a qualified apprentice!

And at this time Hou Junji strode in. Ever since Li Jing came back, he had almost stayed behind closed doors. After all, his final battle against Tuyuhun had been completed perfectly.

After all, Li Jing is a cautious person. He said that the old man is already 60 years old and it is time to retire. Let the old man spend his old age peacefully.

After Li Jing retired, Hou Junji took over the position of Minister of War, responsible for the military affairs of the Tang Dynasty.

It includes the reform of the military system, the adjustment of the Fubing system, and the establishment of the central management agency of the Twelve Guards and the Sixth Prince Donggong as the Fubing.

At the same time, the central government office was in Nanya, also known as Nanya or Nansi, but there were only two forbidden troops, one was Li Yuan's Yuan Cong Forbidden Army, and the other was the Habayashi Forbidden Army established by Li Shimin.

And the replacement of all these systems is basically the reform completed mainly by Hou Junji, thus comprehensively strengthening the imperial power's control over the military system, especially the control of the military in Guanzhong, but the control over the border areas is not obvious. increase.

After all, there is no way to do it. It is impossible to send a message to Chang'an about the frontier affairs, and wait for Chang'an to give a reply.

In fact, Datang has always had great autonomy over the frontier army, especially in the prosperous Kaiyuan period of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, even the financial and personnel rights were handed over to the frontier army.

And the person who completed the basic reform of the entire system was Hou Junji. This was also an important reason why Li Shimin was willing to trust him until he rebelled, because Hou Junji was really capable!

"Sage, there is news from Xihai County that Tuyuhun Gandou Khan Murong Fushun was assassinated by powerful officials, and Tuyuhun fell into civil strife. May I ask whether the saint sent troops to Tuyuhun to protect the safety of Gandou Khan Murong Fushun's widow and son?" Hou Junji asked. road.

"What is Murong Fushun dead?!" Li Shimin's face was ugly. Murong Fushun had been a proton in Chang'an for many years, and he still admired the Han culture. Taking the initiative to contact Du Chuke in the Hehuang Valley shows that he is a person who knows current affairs.

But Li Shimin didn't expect that such a foreigner who was suitable to be the king of Tuyuhun and assist Datang in managing the frontier would be killed by his subordinates in the rebellion, which caused Li Shimin quite a headache.

Li Shimin calmed down and thought about it, and said, "Shanzhou speaks like this, does Shanzhou have a source of soldiers?"

"Reporting to the sage, because the King of Wei took the initiative to develop Xihai County and herd cattle there, there are still branch soldiers in Xihai County." Hou Junji replied after hearing Li Shimin's words.

"I remembered, because Qingque wanted to implement the pasture plan in Qinghai, so Qingque sent his army soldiers to station in Qinghai, supplemented by students from the agricultural school every year, and returned after three years!" Li Shimin nodded and said, " Is the strength of this army reliable?"

To be honest, Li Shimin really doesn't know how powerful this army is.

Because Li Jing had given Li Shimin the report on Li Tai's war, Li Shimin knew that Li Tai had only harvested the remaining blood from Murong Fuyun's blood cavalry, but Li Shimin didn't know how strong this army was.

"In any case, this army must be dispatched to protect the life of Murong Fuyun's legacy son, Nuo Hebo!"

Hou Junji opened his mouth and said, "Murong Fushun is the Khan established by our Tang Dynasty, if we can't even protect his bequeathed son, it will definitely cause turmoil in the old land of Tuyuhun.

Therefore, since there are troops nearby, let's dispatch them to the emergency first, and we will talk about the follow-up after we rescue Nuohebo.

After all, this time is gradually approaching winter, and the beginning of spring will soon be, it would be bad if it affects the spring plowing! "

"Saint, Hou Shangshu is thinking exactly!" Fang Xuanling said,

"The land of Tuyuhun is not suitable for farming, even if we can implement the grass planting plan, we are still trying.

Conquering him for years would be a waste of national power. Since there is an army of government soldiers nearby, let the army of government soldiers go to rescue Murong Fushun's bequeathed son.

Wait until you are rescued, and then think about how to act next! "

"Since this is the case, we should send eight hundred miles to rush to pass the news to Shanzhou, and let the soldiers stationed in Xihai County take action!"

Li Shimin gave an order after thinking about it, no matter what he said, let Nuo Hebo be preserved before talking about other things.

 This Murong Fushun in history was really assassinated during this period of time, I didn't make it up

(End of this chapter)

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