Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 30 The foundation of the family

Chapter 30 The foundation of the family

"Well, the library!" Li Tai nodded and said,

"Cai Lun improved the papermaking technique in the Han Dynasty, which reduced the cost of paper.

But even so, the people who are really benefited by this matter are only royal children like me, or other wealthy families.

It is still difficult for ordinary people to have access to books after all these years. "

Hearing Li Tai's words, Ma Zhou sighed. This is the way of the world. It is too difficult for ordinary people to study.

Even if he was born in poverty, but he can afford to read, no matter how poor he is, how poor can he be!

It seems that no matter how the gentry class falls, it is always higher than Tian Shelang.

Li Taidao, "So I want to build a library here, with thousands of books in it.

As long as our school students are willing to watch it, they can keep watching it.

And make a student ID card for each student. The original books are not allowed to be borrowed, but with the student ID card and credits, they can provide paper and ink for them to copy.

Yup!credit! "

Li Tai squinted his eyes. It was inconvenient for him to get money on a large scale, but it should be possible to get some credits in school, and he could also conduct simple experiments on paper money in the future.

"What? What did you think of again!" Ma Zhou looked at Li Tailue and asked curiously.

Li Tai said: "Although the school includes room and board, it is impossible to provide value-added services to these students for free to prevent them from becoming nerds.

So I want to use the credits to develop their respect for knowledge.

For example, the private stir-fry in the cafeteria, for example, the library provides pen and ink for transcription.

Even enough credits can ask you to teach them privately. "

"It sounds like Kaiyuan Tongbao, which is only used in schools? Can it be traded with each other?" Ma Zhou asked.

"No!" Li Tai shook his head, "Because we need to make them realize that knowledge is precious.

But if it can be traded, as time goes by, as long as there is a little temptation, it is very likely that the credits will be traded, and it will definitely be concentrated on a few people.

However, the resources exchanged for credits are circulated in the hands of students, and we don't care about them.

After all, after leaving the school, you have to deal with the most cunning and simple people, and someone will definitely take advantage of them.

Now let them know that this credit is not easy to get in school! "

"Just formulate rules, and leave it alone as long as it doesn't cross the line? It's a bit of Taoist thought." Ma Zhou was thoughtful.

When Li Tai said this, he was a little bit dancing:

"And it is convenient for us to provide credits. For example, we will provide credits for the reclamation in spring and autumn.

For example, the grade exams every quarter will also provide credits, and even some teaching tasks can also provide credits.

What the credits represent is the proof of their sweat and hard work in the agricultural college.

Therefore, the records of credits are also divided into two types, one is the current credits, and the other is the highest credits.

How to better obtain credits proves their achievements in this institution.

And how to use credits is to prove his excellent use of resources. "

"I understand a little bit!" Ma Zhou nodded and said, "This is a system that works well in the school."

"Now that this matter has been clarified, I'll leave this matter to you!" Li Tai patted Ma Zhou's thigh and said optimistically, "Believe in this matter, you will be able to do it well."

"Yes yes yes!" Ma Zhou nodded wryly when he heard Li Tai's words.

However, Ma Zhou quickly frowned and said, "However, the topic returns to the library. It is easy to say that you want to build such a building, but the most important thing about this building is not only the building itself but also books, and a lot of books." .”

"Then I can only go to Aye to ask for it!" Li Tai said with a slight sigh.

"It's a bit impolite to copy from the royal collection!" Ma Zhou said with some difficulty.

"It's nothing difficult, shameless can always get some!" Li Tai put on a desperate expression,
"In this case, we must first develop movable type printing, otherwise we will not be able to print the books in the palace by engraving!"

Li Tai gritted his teeth, he had to finish this matter no matter what.

Li Tai knew very well that it was really too difficult for ordinary people to compete with the gentry.

All I can do is to give them a channel for fair competition as much as possible.

But whether they can really compete, no one knows.

"Let Chuke's Moke do some research, first make the reverse characters of individual characters, and when needed, select the individual characters according to the manuscript, arrange them in the character plate, apply ink and print them, and then remove the characters after printing. Save it for reuse in the next typesetting.”

Li Taidao, "According to this idea, let the people of Moke do more research and see if movable type printing can be researched."

Ma Zhou nodded and said, "Sounds interesting, I'll try to talk to him about it!
But recently he has put all his thoughts on the bobbin, don't expect this kind of thing to come out quickly! "

"We don't even have a library now, even if we wait until the library is built!" Li Tai said.

"I'm relieved!" Ma Zhou nodded and said, "Then what else do you have?"

"Go back to Chang'an, the sooner this matter is implemented, the better!" Li Tai waved at Ma Zhou and said directly.

Hearing Li Tai's words, Ma Zhou didn't say much, and soon Li Tai went to Chang'an East Palace.

And Ma Zhou went to find Du Chuke, and to put it simply, Li Tai gave him another job!

Li Tai didn't go directly to Li Shimin, after all, even if he was his father, he didn't see him whenever he wanted.

Moreover, strictly speaking, this matter is to take advantage of the imperial court, and it is fine to do it in private, but if it is really discussed in the imperial court, Li Tai feels that even if those Confucian ministers agree, they will come in miserable. But also troublesome.

So Li Tai came to see Empress Changsun immediately, and Li Tai felt that it was more convenient to get help from her in this matter.

"Today is neither the first day nor the fifteenth day of the junior high school. Why do you have time to come back to the palace to see me!"

When Empress Changsun heard Li Tai, she looked at Li Tai with a smile and said,

"However, you came just in time. Let's have a taste of this newly made dragon beard cake."

As he spoke, he brought a pot of golden dragon beard crisps to Li Tai. Li Tai was not polite, so he took a piece of jade chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and said,
"The taste of this dragon beard crisp is crispy and delicious. It really is the best here!"

"You're the one with the sweetest mouth!" Empress Changsun nodded Li Tai's head and said, "What do you want me to do today?"

"Mother, Qing Que is so careful, you can see through it right now, Qing Que can't say anything!" Li Tai said.

"If you really couldn't say it, you wouldn't have gone to eradicate the locust plague, and now you have to build an agricultural school!"

Empress Changsun paused at this point,

"You, I have seen it since I was a child. If you really want to do something, you will lose half your face to the other side!"

Hearing what Empress Changsun said, Li Tai couldn't help but think, is this looking down on him? He must not look down on himself!

"In this way, you will have shameless face and shameless face at the same time!" Empress Changsun nodded Li Tai's cheek and earnestly said.

"Mother~" This voice is quite eloquent, and anyone who hears it will be afraid that they will tremble uncontrollably.

"Okay, okay! Don't make fun of you, it's not easy for you to open an agricultural school." Empress Changsun sighed, "What's the matter?"

But Li Tai said seriously: "I want to build a library, like the Chongwen Library, I want to collect thousands of volumes.

But the difference is that as long as you are a student of an agricultural college, you can enter it to read it, and even transcribe it. "

"This matter is a bit difficult to handle..."

Empress Changsun thought for a while after hearing Li Tai's words, and said:
"Do you want to choose to transcribe from the classics in the Chongwen Museum? But I don't agree with this!"

"Why?" Li Tai was somewhat puzzled when he heard Empress Changsun's words.

And Empress Changsun said, "Since you have established a mansion and made great achievements in exterminating locusts, I will no longer treat you as a child.

And you know that since your father came to the throne, the country has never been safe, and soldiers, droughts, locusts and locusts have come one after another.

The most important thing during this period is to get all the civil and military officials of the imperial court together to tide over the difficulties, instead of doing things to irritate them, so as to cause unnecessary turmoil in the originally peaceful court.

So, you want me to allow you to copy the books in the Chongwen Museum, but I don't agree!
Even if you go directly to you Ayer and say it, I will stop it.

It's not that it's not a good thing, it's that it's not the right time! "

"That's it..." Li Tai had a bad start, but he didn't expect that it would be so difficult for him to persuade the eldest grandson empress smoothly.

To be honest, there is a difference between the Li Shimin that Li Tai thinks and the real Li Shimin.

At this time, Li Shimin was not the Li Shimin who kicked Turks and beat Goryeo.

The first few years of the Zhenguan Dynasty were almost the most aggrieved time for Li Shimin to be emperor.

In the sky, God is bombarded by various disasters on the land of Datang in turn.

If it's just that, it's fine, the Turks are still eyeing the Tang Dynasty outside, looking through the history books, the best record of the Tang Dynasty against the Turks, unless it is Li Shimin's personal conquest, otherwise it has basically never won.

If Li Shimin hadn't launched the Xuanwumen Change, or even the Xuanwumen Change had failed, then under the leadership of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuan, the shame of Jingkang might have been staged in advance.

Internally, Li Yuan was unwilling to be reconciled to Li Shimin taking the emperor's seat, not to mention that he was ambitious to restore the throne, but when he really let go, he still had to wait until Jieli Khan came to Chang'an to dance.

So if there is a rift between Li Shimin and his courtiers, then Li Yuan will definitely find a way to regain the throne.

We must know that Li Yuan is now in the Taiji Palace, and Li Shimin is temporarily living in the East Palace. It can be seen that Li Shimin wants to unite all forces that can be united, and first work hard to get through this difficult period.

Li Tai couldn't see this, but Empress Changsun could see it clearly.

If Li Shimin were to be asked to copy a copy of the Chongwenguan's books to Li Tai's agricultural school, it would not mean that it was impossible, but for many officials of the aristocratic family, there would be some murmurs in their hearts.

After all, Li Tai's school recruited not even poor families, and many of them were mud-legged.

After the development of the Great Han Dynasty, the extreme development of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and the devastating blows of the Wuhuluanhua, there was a tendency to return to the light after the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

At this moment, as long as the aristocratic family survived, they would all cling to the family education in their hands.

Because compared with the land, family education is the only bargaining chip to ensure that even if they fall into the dust, they can still soar into the sky.

The most typical of these is the Wang family. Ever since Wang Yun started, did the Wang family activate the legendary supernatural power of offering sacrifices to the whole family and bringing good luck to heaven?

Wang Ling, Wang Huilong, Wang Xuan... Although this family is wiped out every time by the whole family or several lines, as long as there is one person who survives, then this person will directly fly to the sky by relying on the knowledge of the Wang family. Top of the world.

Then kill the enemy with his hands, rebuild a new Wang family, and wait for the next strong man who can't help but attack the Wang family to appear.

All in all, under normal circumstances, the Wang family belongs to a first-class family, and it may be one or two points behind the other five families.

Other aristocratic families generally don't take the Wang family to play, but if something happens to the Wang family, other families will definitely help.

Because during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Wang family was too famous.

Not only the phrase "the king and the horse share the world",

What's more important is that as long as the Wang family is wiped out and one of them escapes, then this person will become the Long Aotian of this era.

In this unreasonable world, use unreasonable ways to run rampant in the world.

No matter who the enemy is, anyone can destroy the other party's entire family. It is the powerful minister who kills the whole family, and the king who is the king destroys the community.

After a lot of experience, five surnames and seven Wangs feel that this family is too evil, and it seems that it is not a bad loss to take the opportunity to invest.

Therefore, the other five surnames and Qiwang are all staying on their own one-acre three-point land to carry out family inheritance, but the Wang family seems to be able to appear everywhere in the entire Central Plains.

It is because the Wang family was destroyed more, fled more, and the seeds of fire were sown more.

But this also proves the preciousness of the Wang family's family learning. With the Wang family as an example, which aristocratic family does not cherish the family learning knowledge in their hands.

How can this be indifferent to the imperial court's wanton dissemination of knowledge? After experiencing the chaos of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, who would think that his family would be able to pass it on for thousands of years?

Therefore, the imperial examination is only a rough path for poor scholars, relying on their family background and aristocratic families, they can still look down on all living beings.

But if the imperial court even unconditionally show these collections of classics to the common people, it is not a showdown with the children of the aristocratic family!
How could the people of the aristocratic family endure it? At least for the current Li Shimin, it was definitely a matter of shaking the foundation.

Don't look at the entire Tang Dynasty slowly developing the imperial examination system, and even forming a party struggle between Niu and Li, but that was in the middle and late stages.

And now, during this period of Zhenguan, it is the only few times that the aristocratic family has returned to the light, and the entire Zhenguan famous officials are basically from the aristocratic family!

(End of this chapter)

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