Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 304 Princess Shang's Conditions

To be honest, Wang Xuance may have a lack of perspective on the overall situation, but his sensitivity to war is extraordinary.

If Tubo fights Xue Rengui, even if Xue Rengui suffers, then Wang Xuance will not regard Tubo as a threat.

At most, they treat Tubo as uninformed barbarians, turn around and shout for help, and then let the imperial court send troops to encircle and suppress them.

After all, after the West Sea is the Hehuang Valley, and the Tang Dynasty will never let go of this land until Empress Changsun recovers from her illness!

But the reality is that Tubo retreated without doing anything, as if he was really frightened by the Jingguan created by Xue Rengui.

This instead made Wang Xuance more vigilant, because he has dealt with the foreign races around him a lot, and found that the foreign races are afraid of power and not virtuous. If you don't really fight with him, it is very difficult to intimidate the foreign races simply by intimidation. .

In other words, if you don't really fight, if you hit the opponent's heartache, then no foreign race will really be convinced.

At this moment, the opponent retreats, which can only show that there are wise men among the opponent, who know that war should not be launched at this time.

But even if there are wise men, it is impossible to change the overall habits of the nation. They will only launch an attack on Datang after they are ready.

Wang Xuance sorted out his judgment and sent it to Du Chuke in the Hehuang Valley.

This is also a reason to ask for sufficient material reserves from the Hehuang Valley to prepare for possible future wars.

Wang Xuance decided to build warehouses in Xihai County, train soldiers, and reorganize armaments. Even the foreigners living in Xihai, Wang Xuance had to use them all.

Still the same sentence, what can three thousand soldiers from the academy do on such a vast and boundless Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, they can't do anything!
But if there were [-] cannon fodder, if Tubo really dared to come, he would dare to meet Tubo head-on.

At the same time, Li Jing was originally sent here to explain to Xue Rengui what legion talent is and how to develop it, and even some basic military tactics books, which Wang Xuance picked up and looked through.

Wang Xuance flipped through the military books that Li Jing sent over, and after reading all of them, he couldn't help but think about it, feeling that it was very inspiring.

"Commanding and dispatching doesn't seem to be very difficult, try to find some servants of foreign races, at least let them understand Datang's military orders and banners.

The basis of Zhanbu's talent is the unity of will and the manifestation of organization. It is not difficult. As long as you win one or two games, you should be able to rise up. Even if you keep winning, it seems that you can directly brush up the second talent or even the army soul.

On the contrary, the military formation can directly increase the combat effectiveness of the army to a higher level. I feel that it is worth learning. This is what I need.

It's a pity that you can't use foreign races for experiments, forget it... If you are a servant soldier, you don't need to think too much, it is enough to be able to charge with the school soldiers, and it should be enough to find a conical formation so that those foreign races can only charge along.

Usually, the cattle and horses raised by livestock are used to train the army formation. When it comes time to use foreign servants, if they win a few more times on the battlefield, they should be able to master the conical army formation.

In this case, it is likely that the foreign slaves will be born with the talent of the war department, so just change the basic structure of the talent. …

The best points of Xuefu soldiers also happen to be willpower and organization, so start from this angle.

Let them attach their will to the school soldiers, and re-disassemble their organizational strength, which can only be perfected by joining the school soldiers.

In this way, even if these foreign soldiers awakened the talent of the war department on the battlefield, if they lost the school soldiers as the core, their talent of the war department would be flawed.

But as long as they follow the academy soldiers to fight, their combat effectiveness will be fully increased.

Doesn't Baiqiang have a tradition of following the strong to fight, let them use this ability to the extreme!

Why does the whole book say that if you win the battle, you can do whatever you want. Isn't there any basic knowledge of the art of war?
For example, I want to hand rub the talents of the war department, why is there no mention in these materials? "

Wang Xuance sighed, always felt that Wei Guogong's military book seemed to be a random copy, and it was not very complete and systematic.

Although the focus was on how the talent of the legion was born and its subsequent development, and even mentioned the way to achieve the ultimate talent, it did not go on to talk about how to train the talent you need, nor did it talk about how to achieve the talent step by step The ultimate solution.

The fastest way to improve talent in the whole article is, you just need to kill the opponent, you can upgrade, the stronger the opponent is, the more benefits you will get if you kill the opponent, from the beginning to the end, it is about winning Take all.

It's not at all like the step-by-step teaching taught by Confucianism, which makes me feel very unreliable when learning.

Maybe this is the art of war, Wang Xuance didn't worry about it anymore, and continued to follow his own method.

If Li Jing knew that Wang Xuance looked at his draft of the war department chapter of "The Art of War of the Duke of Wei" when he had hardly had any real experience with the art of war, he would plan to try to customize the war department talent for the alien race, and lock the development direction of the war department for the alien race. Without any talent, he was afraid of shouting excitedly, "This is absolutely impossible."

Of course, if Wang Xuance really did it, then Li Jing would definitely knock him out and drag him to his home to be his successor.He must hold Wang Xuance's shoulder and said, "You are destined to be with me, so you are willing to join my door and become a good general in the world!"

It's a pity that Wang Xuance didn't know this. He only felt that although the core idea of ​​Li Jing's military book was that as long as he was victorious, he would do whatever he wanted, but it was not normal for him to grasp the essence and modify the details.

After all, if you are a scholar, if you don't "note me in the Six Classics, I will comment on the Six Classics", what kind of a scholar is that.

Anyway, in Wang Xuance's concept, he didn't feel that his operation violated the essence of the art of war, so why not try it.

And I judged that Tubo is coming, that is, to arm Xihe County, and at the same time to arm myself, and be fully prepared.

At the same time, Wang Xuance was not at ease and sent his judgment to Du Chuke, who needed Du Chuke to transport the grain to Xihe County.

After all, there are many livestock farms in Xihai County that the generals paid for.

This year, I have selected some horses and distributed dividends to those generals who have more than [-] shares. Each of them has more or less a dozen to dozens of horses. …

Although it is difficult to expect the rapid development of the local animal husbandry industry, after all, the animal husbandry industry was not the industry that was developed and harvested in the past.

But he picks and chooses some famous horses, and he can still get horses that are a little lower than Qinghai Cong.

As for who will give this level of horses, it is naturally five for King Wei, three for Duke Wei, one for Li Daozong and one for Hou Junji. Invest less money.

Of course, even though Li Tai got three horses, he still donated two horses to the inner court supervisor at the meeting, mainly to show that this is taxation and filial piety.

So don't look at Li Tai earning a lot, but Li Tai also manages a lot up and down.

And Du Chuke also quickly saw Wang Xuance's report and Xue Rengui's application for compensation.

The corresponding pension application was approved by Du Chuke immediately, but seeing the number of casualties over a hundred, Du Chuke was also touched.

After all, compared to those Fubing, for people like Du Chuke who came from a family like Du Chuke, even if they have experienced troubled times, because they are from two worlds, they are more just regarded as the numbers on the report.

But now, these are students from agricultural colleges, and some of them may even have listened to their own teachings.

It's really not a good taste to personally approve their death benefits!
Looking at the pension, and then looking at Xue Rengui's report that he wants to increase equipment,

"I want to add javelins, here I am! I want to add horizontal knives and barrier knives, here I am! I want to add crossbow arrows and heavy armor... I really can't give this!"

There is no way, Datang's management of military weapons is relatively loose because of the military system.

But these two things, crossbow arrows and armor, have been emphasized in all dynasties.

This is not the end of the dynasty, when ghosts and monsters run amok, as long as you have money, you can get anything.

Now is the Zhenguan period, there is an emperor who unified the world by force, and even a saint who came to power by force coup.

That's extremely sensitive to armaments, and even the Du family may not be able to protect themselves if they mess up.

Therefore, Li Tai left a small iron factory in the Hehuang Valley, which is enough to supply normal weapons in the West Sea area, and even Tang Hengdao, who has been making steel for a long time, can be made with time.

But Jia Wei and crossbow arrows, these two can only be confirmed after the approval of the imperial court.

"Heavy armor and crossbow arrows can't be helped, but the supplies can be dispatched there first!"

Du Chuke thought for a while, then wrote a letter and reported it to the Ministry of War to see if the production could be approved.

As for other matters, Du Chuke immediately followed Wang Xuance's judgment and began to consciously transfer supplies to Xihai County.

To be honest, after the experience of rescuing Nuohebo, Du Chuke already understood that Wang Xuance's military judgment is quite sharp, and even the more critical he is, the more bold and careful he is to seize opportunities.

Recalling that King Wei asked him to assist Wang Xuance in logistics, I think he also saw this person's ability in this aspect.

"It's just that Tubo didn't cross the line... It seems that there are masters behind Tubo."  …

Du Chuke and Wang Xuance made the same judgment, but the difference between Du Chuke and Wang Xuance is that because Du Chuke is related to Jingzhao Du's family, he knew that Tubo's behavior should be to make Datang agree to him as Princess Shang.

It's just that Du Chuke also understands that under normal circumstances, Datang would not take the initiative to marry his own princess to the other party for remote control politics.

Only when the other party can threaten his own border territory, but needs to be appeased, will he marry the princess.

Therefore, Du Chuke chose to wait and see what happened, because whether Datang was willing to make a marriage depends on Tubo's strength in the next fight with Datang.

If Tubo wins, Datang will not marry the princess, but will continue to fight.

But if Tubo loses, but Tubo has not yet destroyed the country, then they will marry the princess to make it easier for the court to control the border areas.

In fact, this point can be seen somewhat from the history books of the Tang Dynasty's exchanges with Tubo.

For example, Datang experienced the defeat of Dafeichuan, which resulted in the loss of all Tuyuhun land. Datang did not have the idea of ​​​​marrying, but continued to fight!
Then the famous generals of the Tang Dynasty were given rounds of meritorious service by Lun Qinling. If Lun Qinling was not from Huaxia, he would have been promoted to the 72 generals by Li Zhi and Wu Zetian.

But even so, Datang's choice was to use external tricks, rather than to make peace with relatives.

It was not until Princess Jincheng entered Tibet that the Tang army defeated the Tubo army, and Tubo came to propose marriage, and Datang agreed.

In other words, if Datang had a stick and a sweet date to the enemy, then the princess would be the sweet date.

So Tubo wanted to take the princess. For Datang, it was not that any cat or dog could be the princess. Li Tang had to beat him violently, but the forces that couldn't be killed directly were eligible to be the princess.

For example, the Jieli Khan of East Turkic is another example. If he was beaten violently by Li Jing, even if the whole army was wiped out, as long as he escaped from birth, the next method of Datang is likely to be a marriage.

After all, he can't be killed, so it's better to show kindness with his relatives, let him be more stable in the border area, and at the same time cultivate forces close to Datang within his tribe.

But whoever made him meet Li Jing was arrested and returned to Datang to dance, then there was no need for marriage, and it was not that Datang didn't want to show friendship with relatives, the main reason was that there were no political objects, and the Eastern Turks had already perished.

The princess makes a marriage, and the marriage is never an individual, but an overall political force. This is the key.

So Du Chuke knew about it and didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, I really don't know about Tubo's national power. Under such circumstances, let's wait for Tubo and Datang to really collide and understand the strength of both sides, and then talk about other things!
In the final analysis, countries still have to rely on strength to speak between countries. When you say that you have washing powder, it is best to really have washing powder.

However, the only thing Du Chuke was sure of was that the place of Xihai, at least when Empress Changsun was alive, the saint would never look at Xihai and throw it away.

Because facing Tubo, the West Sea is the barrier of the Hehuang Valley, and the Hehuang Valley is the only place where large-scale Cordyceps sinensis is being experimentally planted. Anyone who wants to touch this thing now will touch Li Shimin's reverse scales!
Therefore, Du Chu judged that the application for heavy armor should still be very likely to be applied.

It's just a matter of the court's reluctance to spend a lot of money on casting. As for spending money, as long as the King of Wei is willing to bear it, I believe it can pass.

However, in order to prevent the imperial court from embarrassing and ignoring this point, I wrote a letter to my brother, as long as I let him know about it, just mention it.

As for how to operate it, anyway, I am not involved.

Of course, this matter is not suitable for writing in official documents. As for the lack of things in Xihai County, I just report it honestly. I believe the court will definitely give an answer.

As for myself, I should be able to go back to Luoyang Order after two years at the latest if I am gilded here.

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