Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 314 Terrible Tea

Chapter 314 Terrible Tea
How can it not be used, who can not use it!Fang Xuanling looked at Du Ruhui's posture, but could only sigh.

The food stamps that Li Tai got out, from his private use to the real use on the table now, can be said to be out of control.

At first, everyone was a little skeptical, but after using it a lot, they only found the food stamps to be convenient.

Especially for the country, when carrying out some large-denomination material transactions, it is at least much more convenient to use Li Tai's food stamps than direct material transactions with each other.

But for the imperial court, the right to mint this kind of currency is in the hands of a vassal, and if he can't get it himself, it will be a headache!

Of course, it’s not impossible to get it. To put it simply, if the court wants to take it, the King of Wei will hand it over directly and decisively, and immediately stated that all the rights to the food stamps have been handed over to the court. Anyway, it’s not about him. relation.

The problem is that there are so many ministers in the court, no one knows that without Wei Wang's endorsement, this food stamp is just a waste of paper.

But as long as this thing is in the hands of King Wei, it means that although King Wei is not in the court, he still has the ability to influence the court and even the world.

So, in fact, these important ministers of Zhenguan actually have a headache for Li Tai.

In the final analysis, Li Tai is not the crown prince, but he has blatantly compiled a network that affects the world through his own ability.

As the crown prince, Li Chengqian didn't show an ability comparable to Li Tai's. Instead, he was suspected of deducting points for several actions.

This made these important ministers feel upset.

However, seeing that Li Shimin didn't express his opinion, they didn't dare to say more, and they should do the current thing well.

After all, the sage is still in his prime, so there is no need to worry about this issue for the time being, after all, the sage has more headaches than himself.

Even some of the important officials in the court complained, whether your old Li family can be more reliable in giving birth.

Don't forget that the qualifications and abilities of the eldest son and the second son are so different. This makes it very difficult for us important officials in the court to unswervingly support the eldest son system!
But anyway, with the delivery of the money and food, the court quickly arranged for those craftsmen to go to Luoyang.

And Li Tai also arranged for Tian Changgeng to take the reserve troops of Wei Wangfu to the Qinghai area to replenish the war damage.

It's just that when passing through Chang'an, Tian Changgeng sent a letter to Li Jing, and just wanted to ask Li Jing two questions.

One is whether the medical battalion can produce legion talents, and the other is what kind of equipment is most suitable for an army with adaptive talents.

After all, Li Tai is from modern times, so the first thing he thinks of when researching armor is the most comfortable armor due to ergonomics.

But in this era, no one studies ergonomics at all. Under such circumstances, I can only ask Li Jing what kind of armor is most suitable for an adaptive army.

Now that I have the right to specially build armor, it is natural to make the most suitable armor for my soldiers.

Li Jing shook his head facing the letter sent by Li Tai, and after thinking about Li Tai's question, Li Jing still gave an answer.

"Adaptive talent can theoretically withstand armor as heavy as the body without being affected. If you have money, you can try it."

To be honest, to Li Jing, this was just a joke.

After all, how could anyone in this world actually forge armor that weighs as much as a human? A normal Great Tang Mingguang armor would weigh only sixty to seventy catties.

Of course, what Li Jing said about an armor that weighs as much as a person can quickly adapt by relying on self-adaptation is not nonsense.

But there is an implicit condition in this, that is, the food can keep up.

After all, you can't expect to eat bran and drink water, and then let soldiers wear such heavy armor to fight people, fearing that just after putting on this armor, the body will not be able to support it and collapse.

There are really elites who can wear heavy armor such as self-adaption. Just what they eat, I am afraid they can raise an elite.

Therefore, Li Jing has no interest at all in adaptive troops equipped with heavy armor.

The mention is just to show that the adaptive army has a high upper limit for equipment, so you don't need to worry, even if you can forge a bright armor, it will be enough!

In contrast, Li Jing was more interested in the talent of the medical battalion.
"I'm already old, so why don't I still want to learn medical skills? Forget it, just go, after all, there is no legion talent in the world that I can't get!"

Li Jing came to the Ministry of War the next day, and explained Li Tai's military questions to Li Tai in the form of official documents through the Ministry of War system.

After all, I have already retired, so it is not good to have private contacts with the King of Wei, it is better to deal with business affairs.

At this moment, Xue Rengui, who is far away in Xihai County, is training school soldiers as before. July and August are almost the last season before the snow and ice.

Just like this, Xue Rengui worked very hard during this period. The soldiers of the academy first rescued Nuohebo and then killed the elite male elephants. After all, they have grown up.

Xue Rengui was very proud to see this elite team being born in his own hands!

And when Xue Rengui came here with the academy soldiers, Xue Rengui saw the excitement of Xihai County.

Before winter in Xihai County, all the surrounding tribes came here to exchange supplies.

Relying on Wang Xuance's ability to quickly master various local languages, as well as the prestige of defeating the male elephant and preventing Tubo from advancing northward, these local tribes were convinced enough.

He not only asked them to keep the young and strong in the tribe to help, but also exchanged fair supplies with them, and the most important thing was tea, which is the best commodity for foreigners!

In Li Tai's positioning, tea is the standing supplies of the school soldiers, mainly because tea cakes are easy to store and easy to use. When there is no way to supply vegetables, tea cakes are a very good substitute product.

Meat bricks and tea are Li Tai’s basic configuration for his reserve service. As long as he carries ten catties of fried noodles, six catties of meat bricks, and four catties of tea leaves, any soldier from the school can basically be out of the supply battle for 30 to [-] days. No need to worry about resupply when you have water.

But after Wang Xuance came to live on the plateau, he found that King Wei was really wise, and it would be impossible to live here without tea.

The food here is mainly based on running ranches, so they eat cattle and sheep, and eating too much of this food is hot, greasy, and difficult to digest, which requires tea to digest.

At the same time, the food that can be eaten in the local area is too simple, and eating too much will make people feel depressed. Only with tea as a supplement can Wang Xuance stay in this place with peace of mind.

More importantly, the local area is a bitter cold place, the soil is salty and the water is astringent. Tea can help metabolize harmful components in the water.

It can be said that since coming to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, I was still somewhat unaccustomed to the environment at the beginning, and after the prescription prescribed by the medical camp was to drink more tea, tea has completely become a must for the garrison stationed in Xihai County product.

Things like tea are really attractive to people in the frontier areas.

I didn't see it before and didn't have too many requirements. After all, I don't have what I can say.

But Wang Xuance sent some tea cakes from time to time to express his goodwill to those Qiang tribes who were friendly to Datang.

When these local tribes of Qiang tasted tea, it was completely different, for them it was a necessity.

In the past, there was no tea, and life was muddled, but now there is no tea, it will really kill people!
But the reality is that even Wang Xuance doesn't have a lot of tea. When Wang Xuance informed Du Chuke to deliver the logistics, he asked Du Chuke to send more tea and rice noodles.

Because during this year, Wang Xuance also gradually started raising livestock based on the grass seed system.

To be honest, Qinghai has plenty of sunlight and strong sunshine; winter is cold and summer is cool, warm season is short, cold season is long, rainfall is relatively low, and rain and heat are in the same season, which is completely different from the weather in Youzhou.

So I didn't know much about the climate in the first year, and I didn't expect it to be so cold so fast, causing a lot of damage to the livestock, but in the second year, Wang Xuance got used to it.

The biggest difference from the local nomads is that Wang Xuance will plant a large area of ​​pasture in spring and summer. Of course, it is relatively more accurate to sow pasture seeds so that the pasture will grow wildly in this field.

And unlike the local nomads who live chasing aquatic plants and go to the next after eating one aquatic plant, Wang Xuance will regularly harvest the planted pastures, build houses for livestock to rest, and collect livestock dung and coal for the winter. prepare.

In short, before winter comes, we will do our best to prepare the livestock for the winter, and even let the livestock not go out to run in winter, and maybe let the livestock stay in the house and continue to grow fat, which is difficult for the local nomads. imagination.

To be honest, Wang Xuance's method also encountered a good time, that is, the average temperature of the earth is quite high.

So in the spring and summer, the lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau formed by the melting of snow-capped mountains can be said to be one after another, so that the entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is not short of water, and this also gives Wang Xuance's plan a foundation.

If the average temperature is lower in modern times, and there is no snow mountain melting water at all, Wang Xuance's plan wants to successfully implement the seed plan, which may be surprisingly difficult.

But no matter what, at least with the smooth implementation of this planting plan, at least Wang Xuance proved that Li Tai's idea can be realized here.

More importantly, it is not realized in the way of nomads, but according to what Li Tai said, to go to the borderlands in the form of farming. The meaning brought by this is completely different.

Although it grows grass for livestock to eat, not rice and wheat for people to eat, so it makes people in this era look a bit stupid.

But in a practical sense, the success of this incident is enough to make the nomads no longer the nomads who live by water and grass.

When the surrounding nomads, under the enlightenment of themselves and others, can really build city walls and reclaim pastures, so that they no longer live after chasing water and grass, this is almost a historic step in China's enlightenment of alien races.

After all, Datang is not afraid of these alien races building cities, but they are afraid that they will live by water without a fixed place.

Wang Xuance did not expect that this step was done by himself.

Just because he saw that this possibility could be greatly realized in his own hands, the relationship between Wang Xuance and the surrounding alien races became extremely friendly.

Because in the eyes of Wang Xuance, these people are no longer alien races that cannot be assimilated by the Chinese civilization, but they look like those barbarians who live in the southern regions of China and can be absorbed by the Chinese system.

More importantly, these various Qiang people headed by the Tuyuhun people are also willing to accept transactions with Datang.

This was the effect of Li Jing defeating Tuyuhun from the front, and then Wang Xuance took the academy soldiers to visit them one by one.

Under such circumstances, it is only natural for the weak to accept the civilization of the strong.

Not to mention that Datang was definitely regarded as a world lighthouse in the seventh century, and at this moment they can be bathed in the glory of civilization.

Even Wang Xuance himself has just verified that this road can survive on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, so he has not taken the initiative to promote this matter.

However, the surrounding tribes saw the cattle and horses of the Tang Dynasty grazing in Dafeichuan, and they did not see these cattle and sheep migrating every year.
One after another began to actively explore the secrets inside, after all, for them, this is an amazing technology!

Wang Xuance has not promoted this matter, mainly because this technology needs the approval of the imperial court to spread it.

Of course, another point is that even if you want to spread it, the very important point is that you still lack talents.

After all, the technical personnel needed to support a ranch by himself are a bit stretched. If he wants to spread it throughout Qinghai, to be honest, Wang Xuance himself doesn't know how many talents are needed anyway, so even if he wants to actively promote it, he is powerless.

While Wang Xuance was thinking, Xue Rengui came back.

Xue Rengui looked at the bustling scene in Xihai County, and said, "This place is getting more and more lively."

"It's so lively right now, when winter enters, we're probably the only ones left in the entire Xihai County!" Wang Xuance said.

"What are you eating today?" Xue Rengui couldn't help shivering when he thought of the training scene last winter, so he asked Wang Xuance.

"Would you like boiled beef or boiled mutton?" Wang Xuance looked at Xue Rengui and asked.

Since staying here for a long time, the imperial court's ban on cattle has almost no effect here.

Because the cattle here are herding cattle and not farming cattle, they eat as they eat, and the imperial court's decree can't control it here.

Of course, the most important thing is that the cattle here basically have accidents in batches, and if you don't eat them yourself, it will be a waste!
"Is there anything else besides beef and mutton?" Xue Rengui touched his chin and said,
"If you eat boiled beef, you eat roast beef, if you eat boiled mutton, you eat roast mutton, it's really not human.

I feel that the soldiers of the academy are getting fatter. They didn't have such good food in Chang'an back then! "

"Don't be complacent, it's only these days that the surrounding tribes are willing to exchange livestock for living resources so that the academy soldiers can eat them openly.

Really wait until winter, you can drink a mutton soup every day, I'm afraid it will be beautiful! "

Seeing Xue Rengui getting tired of eating, Wang Xuance complained, this is here, if it is in Chang'an, even high-ranking officials may not be able to eat like this!
Xue Rengui smiled when he heard Wang Xuance's words, but his expression turned serious, and said,
"Compared to eating meat, is tea delivered? Without this thing, I really can't survive a day here!"

"I heard from Du Biejia that King Wei is expanding the tea garden, I think it should be soon!" Wang Xuance replied uncertainly.

However, King Wei has always been reliable in getting supplies. Since Du Biejia said that he is doing it, there should be more tea for himself and others!
(End of this chapter)

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