When Li Tai devoted himself to the construction of Luoyang, Li Chengqian lived the most comfortable life after he became the prince.

Because Li Tai, the younger brother who seemed to have a headache, obediently went to Luoyang under the arrangement of Empress Changsun.

Originally Li Chengqian was still afraid of Li Tai, but now that others are not in the court, but staying somewhere, there is nothing to worry about.

Especially after he handed over the repaired "Book of Sui" to the sage, seeing the gratified look on the sage's face, Li Chengqian said that he had worked hard for such a period of time, and he had to take a rest.

"His Royal Highness, Du Zuoshu is already waiting, please suspend singing and dancing, and go to today's class!"

Su's girl has a graceful figure and a dignified and elegant manner. At this moment, she salutes Li Chengqian respectfully.

Li Chengqian took a look at the Su family, and said, "Go and tell Du Zhenglun, just say that I am tired today, and another day!"

"Your Highness, how can such a good time be wasted!" Su's daughter remonstrated with Li Chengqian, "Besides, Du Zuoshu is a high-ranking scholar in the Chongwen Museum. How can you be contemptuous? Please move to the study!"

Hearing Su's daughter's remonstrance, Li Chengqian couldn't help but slammed the table, and the sound of vocal music stopped suddenly.

Li Chengqian stood up and looked at Su's nun,

"If you know how to do it, you can make your clay sculptures and woodcarvings well, take care of the affairs of the courtyard, and obey my orders.

Otherwise, if you go overboard, don't think that you are the concubine chosen by your mother, I can't touch you! "

"The concubine has no such intentions!"

When Su's daughter heard Li Chengqian's words, she couldn't help taking a step back with a bit of fear.

"That's good, just go tell Du Zhenglun to go back!" Li Chengqian looked at Su's daughter and said,
"A master who came out of the Chongwen Academy? The teaching people around me are not from the Chongwen Academy. What can I say?"

Su's daughter couldn't hold back Li Chengqian, so she had no choice but to withdraw when she was there.

For Li Chengqian, Li Tai is not here, Li Shimin is more satisfied with himself now, what is he afraid of Du Zhenglun.

At this time, seeing Li Tai leave Chang'an, Li Baiyao asked Li Shimin for a job to edit the "Book of Northern Qi".

After all, Li Baiyao's job is not just to advise Li Chengqian, he has a serious job.

Just like the military advisers of the Three Kingdoms, basically everyone has their own job, and the so-called military advisers are only part-time jobs at most.

After Li Baiyao left, Du Zhenglun stepped forward. Compared with Li Baiyao who turned a blind eye, Du Zhenglun was much more straightforward.

Because he was born in Shizhong, the servant of Zhongshu, all he saw were scenes of Li Shimin humbly admonishing him.

Naturally, I have to take it as my duty to assist Zuo Hao Li Chengqian, and it is inevitable for Li Chengqian to accept the bluntness in the process.

Therefore, it is generally difficult for Li Chengqian to accept Du Zhenglun.

Li Chengqian looked at the stopped vocal music, raised his head to look at the crowd and said, "What are you looking at, keep playing the music, keep dancing!"

Hearing this, the musicians of Taichang Temple immediately came back to their senses, the vocal music was exuberant, cultivated sentiment, and the dancing posture was enchanting, refreshing.

Li Chengqian looked at Le Tong, who was dancing with the vocal music, handsome and good at singing and dancing, and said to Le Tong, "Come here, what's your name?!"...

Although this Le Tong is a man, he has an indescribably feminine beauty, he bowed his head and replied softly, "Young slave is satisfied!"

"Your dance is graceful and brisk. It's very good. I'll reward you!" Li Chengqian said, grabbing a handful of golden melon seeds and handing them to Xinxin!

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward, thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!" Yi Xin hurriedly raised her hands to thank Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian liked the feeling of being flattered, instead of going to the study to suffer from Du Zhenglun's harassment, isn't it uncomfortable to stay here now, isn't it just to enjoy the vocal music?

In the end, although Su's daughter came to explain the reason to Du Zhenglun, she asked Du Zhenglun to go back today.

But Du Zhenglun waited from sunrise to sunset, staggered out of the gate of the East Palace, and the gate of the East Palace closed behind him without a sound.

Of course, Li Tai didn't know what happened in the East Palace. At this time, Li Tai met Li Chun and forced Li Tong to renovate the Tianjin Bridge, which was developed by combining the wisdom of the entire Li family.

To put it simply, it is a special bridge with a turtle-back-shaped foundation. Li Tai can't understand it. After seeing it, he just feels antique.

"It's not good enough!" Li Tai looked at the bridge, and decided to do what a qualified Party A should do!

"I also ask the King of Wei to order!" Facing Li Tai, who is a thorn in the side, even a top bridge architect like Li Chun can only obediently listen to Li Tai's words at this moment.

After all, even if Li Tai wants colorful black, he must find a way to change it!
Li Tai pointed to the bridge road, "The main function of this bridge is to quickly pass through the Luohe River, so it needs to be further widened on your current lane of four carriages running parallel to each other, so that the lanes of eight carriages and horses can parallel each other. "

"It's so wide, the bridge deck may exceed 35 meters!" Li Chun said in surprise.

"We need to continue to expand, so it still can't meet my requirements!" Li Tai said seriously,

"On this bridge deck, pedestrians are not allowed to walk, only vehicles and horses are allowed to sail. I plan to divide the roads on the left and right sides of the bridge into two sections. One section can only go south all the way, and the other section can only go north all the way. The battle report documents sent by the soldiers to Beijing."

"Is this bridge not for pedestrians?" Li Chun was a little puzzled when he heard Li Tai's words.

"It is also possible to walk!" Li Tai continued after hearing what Li Chun said, "This bridge needs to be built with another floor. Horse-drawn carriages run on the first floor, while pedestrians walk on the upper floor. Look at the waves of the Luohe River, the bright moon in Tianjin, such a beautiful day, how can we not say that Luoyang is good!"

"A two-story bridge?!" Li Chun hesitated when he heard Li Tai's words, and said at this moment, "If the base is made of wood, I'm afraid it won't be able to support the weight of the bridge. If you are not careful, a big accident will happen. Use a stone bridge!"

Li Tai scratched his head and said as a matter of course, "Stones must be used to make the bridge foundation. If the bridge can be made entirely of stones, it can withstand wind and rain, and it will not be destroyed after thousands of years. This will be the effect it should be!"

Hearing Li Tai say such words, Li Chun was relieved, as long as Li Tai is willing to make a stone bridge.

Li Chun looked serious and said, "Reporting to the king of Wei, the construction of stone bridges is relatively demanding on the rock materials required, and requires a lot of money.  …

When the Zhaozhou Bridge in Li County was built, my Li family invested a lot of money and food in it. This is a big project. "

"You go to do a good job of the overall design of the Tianjin Bridge first. If you need any materials, you need to go to Mo Ling. He is in Iron and Steel City. He is in charge of the mining industry and knows all kinds of materials. See if he has the rocks you need. !"

"If not?" Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Chun asked curiously!
"As long as there are canals flowing through the area, from north to south, I will go and buy mines!" Li Tai said bluntly.

"..." Faced with Li Tai's arrogance, Li Chun couldn't help feeling deeply, why did he have to be born so early? !

If this pure rock turtle-back-shaped Tianjin Bridge can be built this time, it seems that the matter of building bridges on both sides of the Yellow River is really not something Wei Wang casually talked about. It is really possible for Wei Wang to build it. what!

Yes, after all, Li Chun has eaten salt for many years. He was really excited at first, but when he came out and was blown by the northwest wind, Li Chun came to his senses. It would be too expensive to build a bridge on the Yellow River. Can you afford the money?
But now, even Li Chun has the feeling that I was born to Jun before I was born, and Jun gave birth to the feeling that I am already old!
"Old Li, old Li?" Li Tai looked at Li Chun with tears in his eyes and an excited expression on his face, and trembled unconsciously.

"The old man is here!" Seeing Li Tai calling him, Li Chun quickly recovered and said solemnly to Li Tai.

"Go back and give me the sketch of the bridge. By the way, because the bridge is worth a straight line, the rule that you are not allowed to turn on the bridge will definitely cause congestion and queuing at the entrance and exit. You also need to design a corresponding plan for this. Don't have any accidents!" Li Tai looked at Li Chun and said seriously.

"I know!" Li Chun nodded to Li Tai, turned around, feeling his whole body was on fire.

Li Tai watched Li Chun leave like a raging fire, and couldn't help but mutter:
"Although Li Chun is old, he still looks very energetic, at least his heart is not old.

Let Old Immortal Sun come over and show him, if he is really sick, he can save one or two! "

To be honest, I still let Zhang Sui see Li Chun, but according to Zhang Sui's diagnosis, at least Li Chun has nothing serious.

But because of his age, he can't use it casually, so he can only let Li Tong, who he inherited, take care of him a little bit.

Now that the craftsmen from Li County have come, Li Chun is in charge of the overall design, and the rest of the work is handed over to his subordinates, so he can relax a lot.

However, Li Tai felt that with Ma Zhou entering the Ministry of Officials, Lu Cai was in charge of the school, Li Chunfeng was in charge of Youzhou, and Du Chuke was in Hehuang, he didn't have enough people who could coordinate everything.

I know that Chang Shi Wang Gui is definitely capable of this job, but the problem is that I don't want to integrate into my subordinates, but just want to be a calm bystander.

All in all, now Li Tai lacks a coordinator who can check for leaks and make up for gaps!
"Is Di Renjie born now? I need you very much!" Li Tai murmured, but now he still uses Ren Yaxiang.

At least as an executive, Ren Yaxiang is still very good, especially when it comes to dealing with people, Ren Yaxiang is also very good. …

So Li Tai called Ren Yaxiang over, but saw Ren Ya bowing to Li Tai.

And Li Tai looked at Ren Yaxiang and said, "How many people have signed up for the personal guard?"

"After eliminating those with bad looks, bad conduct, and widows, there are about 3000 people left!" Ren Ya replied with a salute to Li Tai.

"You go to Lu Cai and ask him to use math problems, just take the top 50 people!" Li Tai said to Ren Yaxiang.

"A math problem?!" Ren Yaxiang was a little surprised when he heard Li Tai's words.

But Li Tai waved his hand and said, "If the basics of arithmetic are too poor, they can't stand my personal guard course, so they might as well not enter!"

"Promise!" Ren Yaxiang clasped his fists in both hands and agreed, and immediately went to execute it.

Because Ren Yaxiang knew that, as Wei Wang's personal guard, in addition to the necessary military courses, there were also cultural courses to learn.

There are many people who can and are willing to give up everything for King Wei, but when faced with the test questions given by the teachers of the agricultural college, their faces are pale every time they are tested.

Although he didn't quite understand why, as Wei Wang's personal guard, he still needed to test these things.

However, a large part of the personnel were assigned to the reserve service because they could not answer mathematics and other questions, not because of low combat effectiveness, and these people were now sent to Tubo.

However, Ren Yaxiang had a background in military training, so he had a feeling, especially after more and more people in the personal guards knew mathematics, and found that the overall organizational strength of Wei Wang's personal guards was much higher than that of ordinary troops.

Especially when you want to train an army formation, basically explain the army formation clearly to the people below. After practicing a few times, most of these people will remember the operation rules of the army formation, and even without their own command, they can maintain it.

Therefore, Ren Yaxiang did not object to Li Tai's selection of soldiers, and he also had to add requirements for mathematics.

However, Li Tai also felt that if the guards around him only knew how to fight and kill, it would be easier for them to go to the front line to win battles.

In particular, the war between Tubo and Datang is almost ready to go, either next year or the year after, if you are lucky, you may be able to kill a title.

And those who are both civil and military, if there are any talents among them, because they are born in their own personal guards, they can be used with confidence.

It can be said that as Luoyang slowly entered the winter, Li Tai gradually grasped the rhythm of Luoyang's development.

Li Tai also has to spend his first winter in Luoyang, and the only thing that is different from the past in Luoyang is that there is an endless stream of boats to and from Luoyang, and even after the winter snow, the people who are willing to come out of the city There are also surprisingly many.

And on the entire canal, there is also an activity that is carried out every year until winter-ice digging!
Basically, the canals north of Luoyang will freeze in winter.

If the canal freezes, the entire shipping line will be completely cut off, so in order to maintain the normal operation of the canal, in winter, Jinkou in various places will spontaneously arrange people to dig ice.

Later, Li Chunfeng came forward and united all the ports north of Luoyang to jointly maintain this section of the canal.

To put it simply, in winter, pay and arrange people to dig ice so that ships can pass smoothly.

And this year because Li Tai ordered to build a large number of ice caves in Jinkou to save fresh ingredients for next year.

Therefore, this year, not only is the ice chiselled, but the ice that is chiseled out needs to be processed a second time before being sent to the ice bank for storage.

At this moment, Li Chunfeng looked at the appearance of many people struggling to dig ice on the canal, and he had to sigh,
"The king of Wei is very talented in spending money. He was able to build a large number of icehouses along the mouth of the river and store a large amount of ice. I think the sea fish we catch next year will be sent to Luoyang!"

Li Dejian looked at the scene in front of him, nodded and said, "If that's the case, it's a great blessing!"

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