Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 339 Propagation

Chapter 339 Propagation
Li Tai put down Bianji's name for a while, relatively speaking, he didn't need to deal with him now.

After all, Bianji is really famous, and he has to wait until Xuanzhuang returns from the Western Regions to become Xuanzhuang's apprentice and help translate "Da Tang Western Regions".

When Xuanzhuang came back, I asked a Taoist to write a copy of "Journey to the West", and definitely helped to promote Buddhism.

Compared with these few guys who knew the basics, Li Tai was more curious about Li Jingxuan, Zhang Daan, and Pei Xingjian.

In this day and age, if one is said to be able to play Go, it is a talent. It is somewhat arbitrary, but it is undeniable that one can play Go well, and even be able to squeeze into the top ten. At least in terms of careful thinking, it is much more reliable than ordinary people.

And still the same sentence, in this era, people who can afford to play Go and play Go well are really seldom ordinary people.

It would be strange for one or two to say that there is no family prestige behind them.

Li Tai didn't care much about this, but called Chen Kai, who was the one who wrote the Ma Jing.

It's just that now all the affairs of Chang'an are handed over to his deputy Liu Xiaoming, and he was dispatched by Li Tai to be responsible for the compilation of the agricultural magazine "Friends of Farmland Talents" of the agricultural college.

The current "Friends of Farmland Talents" not only covers agricultural knowledge, but also spreads animal husbandry knowledge, marine fishery, silk weaving and other different sections to maximize the dissemination of knowledge that can improve basic productivity.

Therefore, for the convenience of information exchange, the editorial team of the entire Agricultural Society magazine was brought to Luoyang.

"I've seen the sacrificial wine!" Chen Kai immediately saluted Li Tai when he saw Li Tai.

"Is the record of Shibanqi ready?" Li Tai asked while looking at Chen Kai.

"Juban chess, a total of five groups of games, one game in the morning, one game in the evening, a day off, and then rotate the opponent to play the next day.

It has lasted for eighteen days, and I have sent someone to record every game of their juban chess.

According to the king's will and the final chess record, it is the first book of Luoshui Game, to remember the chess method of this Luoshui game. "

"En!" Li Tai nodded and said, "Very good, but there is a need to add a little bit, and the chess records that are played every day should be sent to the printing yard for publication.

Afterwards, it was sent to all agronomy associations up and down the canal for sale, and Chang'an could not be left behind. The official post station was not allowed for this matter, but every game of Juban chess needed to be known as quickly as possible to the literati in Chang'an. "

"This subordinate understands!" Hearing Li Tai's words, Chen Kai couldn't help but worried, and said,

"For offering wine, there is the Grand Canal. It's okay to transport the printed chess records to the Agricultural Society along the canal, but Luoyang and Chang'an are all land. If you ride a fast horse all the way, it's only two or three days away, but the horses are afraid. He will run to his death, why bother!"

"Then run and die!" Li Tai calmly said, "This matter must be arranged.

What's the point if the whole world can't feel the progress of this Luoshui game. "

Chen Kai didn't know what kind of medicine Li Tai was selling, but Chen Kai knew very well that since Li Tai had made such a decision, he could just listen obediently.

And Li Tai knew that this was aimed at Li Chengqian.I need to make some actions from time to time to let him know.

If he was quietly acting as his own king of Wei, he was afraid that his elder brother would not know how to be happy in the East Palace.

But the more vigorously he did things, the greater the pressure on Li Chengqian's heart, I'm afraid.

Li Tai can't be blamed for what Li Chengqian does at that time.

After all, I am far away in Luoyang, so what's wrong with letting people from all over the world come to play chess!

As for other people, it doesn't matter if they say they are arrogant, extravagant and lustful, or they are striving for fame and fortune, as long as Li Shimin can tolerate him, with his current reputation in Confucianism, can it be lowered any further.

Anyway, Li Tai didn't care. Ever since he offended Confucianism when he was a child, Li Tai never thought of getting benefits from Confucianism.

After hearing Li Tai's order, Chen Kai asked the editorial staff to get the first copy of the game record, and held a meeting overnight, saying:

"Copy a copy of this chess record immediately, ride a fast horse to Chang'an's agricultural school, and hand it to Liu Xiaoming.

Let him print it as quickly as possible and sell it through the Agricultural Society.

At the same time, our editorial team has arranged enough manpower during the [-] days, and we need to work day and night shifts to print and sell chess games up and down the entire canal through the canal as quickly as possible.

Wherever there is our Agricultural Society, there must be a record of this game. "

"Then we in Luoyang are going to sell this chess record?" Someone asked weakly at this moment.

"Of course!" Chen Kai waved his hand and said,
"The sacrificial wine wants us to make the game of Luoshui lively, so we must make it prosperous.

If anyone drops the chain on me at this time and resigns by himself, I will be ashamed to be a student of the Agricultural College! "

"No!" Hearing Chen Kai's words, everyone couldn't help but become serious.

If it was Chen Kai's order, it didn't matter what he did as a laborer, but Li Tai's task was completely different.

As a student from an agricultural college, he has a natural affinity for King Wei.

What's more important is that what King Wei has done these years is really practicing the school motto of the agricultural school.

Although the king of Wei is young now, as long as anyone from the agricultural school does not regard the king of Wei as his belief.

He personally issued the task, no matter who was behind, it would be difficult for him to forgive himself!
Under Chen Kai's order, the editorial department within the entire agricultural school organization began to move efficiently.

Except for the chess record that needs to be sent to Chang'an in one night, the contents of the other chess records are directly printed into ten newspapers, and then the contents of the chess records are transported throughout the canal through the shipping organization.

To be honest, even though the newspaper industry is simple, if the whole newspaper industry system is to operate, it really requires a strong grassroots organization.

Needless to say, just for the inspection and acceptance of newspapers during the transit process, at least someone who can read and write must come over.

And Li Tai consciously wants to see if he can distribute these Go newspapers from his initial layout to the current establishment of Jinkou, and whether he can complete the smooth flow of information from the top to the grassroots.

To be honest, information will be lost in the process of transmission, which has not been solved even in modern times.

The only good thing is that Hyundai has a variety of communication tools, so that the information transmission from the top level to the grassroots level can be accurately and quickly, thereby reducing administrative costs.

This is the biggest benefit of the newspaper. It can become the mouthpiece of the top level, allowing the top level to communicate information to the lower level.

And Luoshui Zhiyi, and the newspaper that distributed Luoshui Zhiyi this time, was Li Tai's attempt.

After all, the "Friends of Farmland Talents" of my agricultural society has been running for several years, and has accumulated hundreds of copies since the fortnightly.

At least in terms of talent pool, he is definitely enough to run a newspaper, and the students from the agricultural college have graduated better.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Compared with the newspaper industry going through the process and then dying, it is better to go through this game of Luoshui to know clearly that the time difference between the distribution of a newspaper from Luoyang to Tianjin and Yuhang basically only needs to be within a week. That newspaper can be made by itself.

Moreover, with the saturation of Tianjin and the establishment of Luoyang Academy, now I need to create more jobs for students who graduated from the Agricultural Academy to join them.

The students of Jinkou Agricultural College are fully responsible for reading the information in the newspaper to impart corresponding knowledge to the people.

With newspapers, there is the possibility of further enlightening the lower class people to literacy. Otherwise, in this era, it would be a dream to achieve literacy!
Of course, Li Tai's idea of ​​the newspaper was only a preliminary idea.

As for the specific effect, we still have to wait until the effect of Luoshui Game comes out, and see how much traffic Luoshui Game can win.

In basically one night, the chess record of Luoshui Zhiyi was published under Chen Kai's red-eyed supervision.

In Luoyang City, the sales started almost the next day. Five newspapers for one penny, with detailed records of yesterday's Juban chess situation on both sides. You can see chess players playing games.

What's more, these chess records were sold in Chang'an's Agricultural Society almost three days later.

Soon, the whole Chang'an was originally curious about the game of Luoyang because of Li Tai's conscious propaganda.

It's just that this era is not modern, and people are not encouraged to travel around to stimulate consumption.

Most of the people who can really travel freely are landlords from aristocratic families or common people.

Although this game of Luoshui is very curious, what does it have to do with the common people? I have to eat and work, so how can I care about the game of Luoshui!

But now, the Agricultural Society, which has always been quite close to me and imparted its knowledge, started to talk about this game of chess, and the common people naturally began to listen to it more or less.

But for Chongwenguan, Guozijian, and even many courtiers and aristocratic families, there are not many interesting things in this era. Now there is suddenly news about the game of Luoshui, especially the high-level chess skills, so why don't you take a look at it? !
And such a scene naturally fell into the eyes of Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui.

As the sun was setting, the two rode side by side on horseback. Du Ruhui looked at the newspapers of the agricultural college in the passers-by's hands, and smiled and said, "As expected, this King Wei just doesn't stop."

"What do you think King Wei wants to do?" Fang Xuanling glanced at Du Ruhui and asked.

"No way, with your spiritual talent, how could anyone be able to hide from you what other people want to do?" Du Ruhui asked suspiciously.

Fang Xuanling said: "The king of Wei's plans have always been ambitious, but down-to-earth.

At least the original water transportation plan, if he hadn't said it himself, the Weishui water transportation was just a preview of the Grand Canal water transportation, would we clean up the Grand Canal? "

Hearing this, Du Ruhui couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Even though we know that river dredging is beneficial, where do the people come from and where does the money come from? If King Wei hadn't cleared the Wei River himself, I'm afraid it would not be easy for me to build a mouth." .”

"And after Jinkou is established, all Tianjin orders can only come from agricultural schools!" Fang Xuanling couldn't help sighing.

"There's no other way!" Du Ruhui said helplessly, "Do you think I don't want to use other petty officials?

But have they read, can they read, can they count, do they know the new weights and measures? ! "

Fang Xuanling said: "That's the reason, the king of Wei has mastered all the canals in such a silent manner.

The last time the King of Wei ordered that ice storage be dug at the ferry in the north, even without an order from the court, Jinkou in the north consciously began to build an ice storage.

Because of this incident, Zhang Xuansu also impeached King Wei Yiben, saying that King Wei formed a party for personal gain.

If the sage hadn't just laughed it off, who could deny that the king of Wei ordered the entire Grand Canal to be used by him through all the mouths! "

"The canals are blocked in winter, and the King of Wei ordered ice to be dug in winter, and ice to be harvested in summer. It is good government to take one and use it according to the weather."

Du Ruhui said, "As for the issue of Jinkou, after all, Jinkou in the north are all graduates from agricultural schools in Youzhou and Gaoling.

King Wei didn't know his power very well, so he didn't order the southern canal to store ice at all! "

"You're still talking!" Fang Xuanling glanced at Du Ruhui, and said, "Since he knows that the Jiangnan Academy exists to check and balance him, and he is secretly giving and receiving with Chu Suiliang, can't we see it!"

"Chu Suiliang, you don't know, Chu Liang, don't you know? Without his acquiescence, Chu Suiliang dared to take the initiative to find King Wei." Du Ruhui shrugged and said, "It's not all the one from the East Palace who keeps stopping!"

"Speak carefully!" Fang Xuanling interrupted Du Ruhui, and then said,
"So, I don't know what the ultimate purpose of King Wei's making such a show is, but it is more or less aimed at the East Palace.

But thinking about the one in the East Palace, I feel uncomfortable thinking about it. It's good for Xu Jingzong to win all the way and get the chess master position.

If Xu Jingzong is eliminated, I'm afraid that the Eastern Palace will cause trouble! "

"You want me not to say it! Aren't you worried too!" Du Ruhui sneered when he heard Fang Xuanling's words.

"I don't understand either. When His Highness the Crown Prince was young, he was obviously handsome, benevolent, filial, and pure. But the more he grows up, the more he looks like the former Crown Prince Yin. On the contrary, King Wei is becoming more and more like a saint."

Fang Xuanling couldn't help sighing, raised his head to look at Du Ruhui, and said thoughtfully, "Are you really going to let King Ma Bin take over your official department?"

"Otherwise?" Du Ruhui said, "The whole court, can you find someone more suitable than him!"

"Are you going to take sick leave?" Fang Xuanling looked at Du Ruhui thoughtfully.

"What sick leave!" Du Ruhui corrected, "I've been sick before, but it just recurred, okay?"

"When?" Fang Xuanling asked, looking up at the sky.

"Let's see when King Wei returns from Luoyang!" Du Ruhui curled his lips and said,

"Do you still want to participate in the matter of Xuanwumen? Even if it is me, I can't guarantee that I can make the most correct decision!"

 I know, there are twelve shifts in total. If there are two shifts a day starting tomorrow, it will take about twelve days. Well, I will start working hard to pay off the debt tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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