Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 376 Follow-up of the Grass Seed Project

Chapter 376 Follow-up of the Grass Seed Project

To be honest, Li Tai's treatment of pollution is actually quite in line with the worldview of China as a whole.

Because everyone pays attention to the unity of nature and man, and the future must be the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Therefore, if such a thing as a steel factory appears, even if the country will carry out large-scale production due to interests, it will actually be in the social environment of the Tang Dynasty. met with considerable hostility.

Because it is difficult for the common people to directly enjoy the benefits brought by steel production, but it is very easy to cause damage due to steel production.

It's a bit like the people in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China would beat the train with hoes. They didn't know what the train could bring them, they just knew that the buzzing sound of the train would disturb their ancestors.

Under such circumstances, Li Tai's environmental protection system, which was originally created to guard against direct criticism from officials, is actually quite acceptable to many Confucian scholars of Confucian origin.

If it can improve the country's strength, they will support it even more.

After all, Confucianism in this era has not yet reached the level of Ming Confucianism and Qing Confucianism, and they also want to develop.

"Okay, then this matter is over!" Li Shimin nodded, not pursuing this matter any more.

After all, this time, Li Tai was able to directly rebuild a steel city in Chang'an. To a certain extent, it was tantamount to handing over the technology. Li Tai has cooperated so much, so what else can I say.

In contrast, Li Shimin is going to have a headache after all, how many craftsmen will be arranged for the entire blast furnace.

Still the same sentence, Li Shimin has no shortage of top talents, but even Li Shimin dare not say that he has a surplus of the backbone of ordinary apprentices to masters.

After all, when Li Tai built roads, he also absorbed many master craftsmen from the imperial court.

The construction of the road on the South Road is not only a matter for Li Tai alone, but a matter for the entire country.

Under such circumstances, even if the imperial court couldn't support it financially, if there was a surplus of talents in hand, then if Li Tai said that he wanted to dispatch, he would dispatch it.

Now that another steel city has popped up, Yan Lide of the Ministry of Industry must have a headache.

"Now it's another matter, whether the Xuefu soldiers should maintain a relatively complete establishment!" Li Shimin said in a deep voice.

"Keep the complete establishment..." Li Tai was stunned when he heard Li Shimin's words.
"It's not necessary. Didn't our Tang Dynasty adopt the military system? Even if the war didn't end and leave, the first batch of people should have retired this year!"

Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Shimin glared at Li Tai fiercely, and said, "I was a military soldier for a day, and I will be a military soldier for the rest of my life. Even if I retire temporarily, I will be recruited to fight when I hear the order later, unless... ..."

Thinking of this, Li Shimin suddenly thought of something, and stared fiercely at Li Taidao,
"You want them to retire so much, could it be that you have already arranged for their future life?"

"I want to recruit them to build roads with me!" Li Tai said to Li Shimin calmly and loudly.

"Building roads?!" Li Shimin listened to Li Tai's words, slapped the dragon chair hard, pointed at Li Tai angrily, and said,
"Do you hear what you're talking about? You actually let these military elites follow you to do corvée. How many soldiers' hearts will be chilled by your words!"

"Um, I paid for it, so it's not considered corvee, it's work!" Li Tai said seriously, "Work for the country."

"Still talking!" Li Shimin was full of anger, what kind of words did he say, saying that he let the corvee work without paying him!
Li Tai couldn't help feeling a little bit afraid, but he still said firmly: "I know this is a bit too much.

But they have the ability to adapt to talent, and the load is really amazing.

Not necessarily doing other work, but doing work on the construction site, I really need them! "

Li Tai is sincere at this moment. After all, even if this society is a little bit fantasy, and the physical fitness of the people has improved a little, but for the transformation of nature, this kind of improvement is really not obvious.

But these soldiers with adaptive talents, let them go to work on the construction site, each of them is an amazing existence that can carry its own weight.

What kind of battle does this kind of person fight, come here to move bricks, how promising is moving bricks, and I will also subsidize you!

"You still say it!" Li Shimin couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Li Tai's words.

Knowing such a soldier, I can't wait to copy one to make my Tang Dynasty more effective.

But after Li Tai found out, he actually wanted to let these soldiers be disarmed and returned to the fields, let them go to Nanshan, and then go to work as a corvee...

What is this all about!

"Anyway, Duke Wei is here. If my father wants these soldiers, he can just train a batch of them. There is no need to keep an eye on the academy soldiers!"

Li Tai said helplessly, "They finally walked away from the battlefield, let them have a good rest, so they don't have to go to the battlefield again, isn't that good?"

Li Jing saw that he was involved in this matter, stood up and saluted Li Shimin, and then said to Li Tai:
"King Wei, this elite army with 50 to [-] troops is still valuable to keep!

Although our Tang Dynasty adopts the Fubing system, generally the main general retains the talents of his own soldiers. When the Fubing is called, he trains while marching, and basically can master the natural ability when he fights on the battlefield.

But the academy soldiers are different. They have completed the smelting of weapon mastery and adaptive talent. It would be a pity to adopt this method.

Because the government soldiers may not follow the same commander in the next battle, that is to say, if they are recruited next time, the commander of the army will be different, and the leading general will be different. In this way, the adaptive talents they have finally smelted their weapon mastery will be washed away.

Therefore, for such elites who have experienced many battles with less and completed the mastery of smelting weapons, they are more inclined to keep them in the establishment.

Instead of adopting the handling method of ordinary generals, retain the personal soldiers and disband the government soldiers. "

"Does Aye mean to keep this academy soldier and continue to be stationed in Xihai County?" Li Tai asked curiously.

"Under normal circumstances, this academy soldier is only suitable for honing his adaptive talent in a special place like Xihai County!"

When Li Jing said this, he couldn't help looking at Li Tai, and then said,

"But since the King of Wei can provide more than 160 catties of armor for the Xuefu soldiers to train, in fact, the Xuefu soldiers can train anywhere.

Then they will have a permanent station in Chang'an, and they will provide support to the surrounding areas at any time, and the support is still heavy infantry, which has a different meaning. "

Li Tailue said with a bit of incomprehension: "Couldn't Duke Wei train soldiers with the same talent?"

"Talent is easy to train, just pick one up." Sure enough, Li Jing did not express any difficulty.

But Li Jing quickly added, "But it's still the same talent, but will the people who master it be the same?!
Although I can directly use the talent in the army formation as needed, but if the soldiers want to truly master this talent, the soldiers themselves need to consume sweat.

Especially the talent of self-adaptation...their food should not be ordinary rice! "

When Li Tai heard Li Jing's words, he thought about it for a while, and said, "Is it a high requirement to have meat in every meal?"

Hearing this, the few people present wanted to sew Li Tai's mouth.

Wei Zheng, in particular, wanted to give Li Tai a good reprimand. I'm afraid that even some landlords might not be able to do so.

When Li Jing heard Li Tai's words, he looked at Fang Xuanling with rather scrutinizing eyes.

It seems to be saying, look at others doing logistics, and then look at you doing logistics, can our army eat meat once every half a month?
Fang Xuanling faced Li Jing's eyes without any fear, not to mention soldiers, even if a scholar-bureaucrat wanted to do it, he needed to have a mine at home.

Look at the guy named Wei Zheng next to you, and see if he can do it.

Therefore, this kind of standard is simply not something that normal people can achieve. King Wei can achieve it because he is a monster!
Although the two just glanced at each other, they had already exchanged thousands of words spiritually.

"Ahem!" Li Jing coughed a few times and said, "Is there so much meat in Xihai County?!"

Li Tai said as a matter of course: "I didn't arrange the grass seed plan somewhere, Wang Xuance is the person in charge of the grass seed plan.

Although the ultimate goal is to allow the local people to integrate from the nomadic people to the farming-based Datang.

But this process must be profitable in order for this plan to continue, not just our Datang unilaterally paying for it!

And the increasing amount of mutton in Youzhou, don't you want to see it? "

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help looking at Fang Xuanling, Fang Xuanling said helplessly:

"Although cattle, horses and sheep are mainly produced in Youzhou, they are basically digested in the Kanto region along the canal. Not a single cattle and sheep can pass Hulao Pass to Chang'an. But horses can be sent over every year!"

In addition to the cattle traded, a large part of them was taken over by the Agricultural Society and leased to the local people for use.

As for sheep, Li Tai thinks about it, he usually likes to eat mutton hot pot in winter, and he likes to eat roasted whole sheep in summer...

It's definitely not my fault, it must be that the production in Youzhou is too low, so that the market in Luoyang can't digest it!

As for pork, it exists in this era, but it is not well-known for one reason or another.

Li Tai occasionally eats pork, but he wanted to mass-produce it and tried it, but in the end the scale still couldn't increase.

It's very simple. There is no feed suitable for pigs. For the grass planting plan of cattle, sheep and horses, the specially selected grass seeds can be used as staple food. I occasionally add some food to them. Generally, cattle, sheep and horses can be raised well.

But pigs are different. If it is just an ordinary individual breeding, it is enough for the common people to get some pigweed and feed the pigs when they go back.

But if I want to raise them on a large scale, I definitely need a kind of feed, and this kind of feed cannot compete with others for food, otherwise at least I will have the possibility of large-scale feeding until the food overflows.

Therefore, the scale of pigs cannot be increased now, at least compared with cattle, horses and sheep, the cost of large-scale cultivation of pigs is much higher.

Cows, horses and sheep have benefited from the Grass Seed Program, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. It must be mentioned that the fields sown by the Grass Seed Program are not the fields where normal wheat and rice are cultivated, so the scale of cattle, horses and sheep is an increase. income.

Under such circumstances, maybe compared to pork, beef is sometimes cheaper than it.

Li Tai further explained: "The mutton in Youzhou can be preserved as much as possible through the canal and the ice cubes that survive in winter, but the mutton in Xihai County is basically not because of the long journey. It may be sold to Chang'an.

So solving it on the spot is the best way. They get angry when they eat meat, and they need to have tea for every supplies! "

"..." Both Hou Junji and Li Jing had been to Xihai County, and they looked at each other but knew that Li Tai was right.

I didn't participate in Li Tai's logistics operations that time, but I was reluctant to part with the cattle, horses and sheep soldiers. Those cattle and sheep with them basically disappeared on the road. They either died and were shared by everyone, or they were lost and shared by everyone. .

The distance from Xihai County to Chang'an may not be far, but unless this journey is for selling horses or something, the merchants will be desperate for freight if they only sell mutton.

No one wants to do this kind of loss-making business.

"In Xihai County, not only mutton, because there is no cultivation, even beef should have the opportunity to eat!" Li Tai said.

"They still eat beef!" Wei Zheng couldn't help but raise his voice a few times when he heard this.

"The yaks in Xihai County can't go down to the plateau, they will be heated to death when they come down, and the taste is so-so, but if you pay more, it should taste better than the beef in the Central Plains!" Li Tai said.

Hearing this, even Li Shimin couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "How dare you comment!"

"Ahem!" Li Tai finally recovered and continued to explain,

"If the cattle and sheep raised by the Grass Seed Project cannot be consumed normally, they can only be eaten.

In fact, I think we can discuss with Tubo, whether they want these cattle and sheep, if necessary, it can be regarded as opening up a business route! "

"Tibetan itself has cattle and sheep, right?" Wei Zheng couldn't help asking Li Tai when he heard Li Tai's words, "Do they need us?"

"It's the same raising cattle and sheep, the cost is different! To be honest, I think it's best to put these cattle and sheep directly in Dongnvguo for trading. It's up to Tubo to decide whether to want them or not!" Li Tai shook his head. road,

"If we can destroy the cattle and sheep industry in Tubo...forget it, the distance is too far, but Xihai County must have an advantage in terms of cost.

If we can turn Dongnvguo into a commercial city, this may also show the sincerity of our Datang! "

To be honest, it is actually very difficult for a commercial city like this to become a gateway to the country.

This is why Li Tai did not use Youzhou City as a treaty port, but specially redeveloped Tianjin from scratch.

To a certain extent, if you want the economy of this place to be active, then the integrity of the people in this place will become quite flexible, and when you let them take on the important role of defending the country, when it conflicts with their own interests , they will hesitate somewhat.

So in fact, if the army on the border is too involved with commerce, it will be very easy to be corrupted.

And with this method, originally Tubo wanted to build a barrier against Datang in Dongnvguo, so it is very likely that this place will become Tubo's weakness instead.

"When Tubo comes to pay tribute this year, you can go to Honglu Temple and ask yourself!" Li Shimin said solemnly,
"It's just that if this is the case, will the food and treatment of the academy soldiers drop when they arrive in Chang'an?"

"That's not enough. There is no mutton and beef, and there is chicken. Besides, we in Tang Dynasty mainly eat rice and noodles. I believe they have eaten meat for three years at the border. Thinking about it, it is not very comfortable!" Li Tai was very happy. Said calmly.

"Wei Wang, look at what you're saying!" Hou Junji, who had been listening by the side, couldn't help it.

Eating meat every day, even my personal guards don't have this kind of treatment!
(End of this chapter)

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