Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 380 Issuance of Year Chapter Gifts

Chapter 380 Distribution of New Year's Gifts

Following Li Tai's order, the entire system centered on the Agricultural Academy began to fully operate even in early winter.

With various organizations such as Chang'an's medical house, agricultural society, and Jinkou as links, a New Year's gift was sent to every student in this way, and even a school soldier who returned from joining the army had a copy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is Wei Wang's handwriting!"

Several ninth-rank petty officials in Chang'an looked at the students from agricultural colleges, who were full of joy and went to the medical dormitory or the agricultural and social school to queue up to receive New Year's gifts, and they were more or less envious in their hearts.

After all, it is not easy to live in the capital, and the ninth-rank officials can be more or less in charge of one side, but in the capital city of Chang'an, the most indispensable thing here is officials.

Just smashing a brick in this wine shop, I'm afraid it will hit one or two.

As a ninth-rank petty official in the capital, he was more or less a man with his tail between his legs.

Not making mistakes is the top priority. It's true that the censors of the Zhenguan Dynasty were all staring at King Wei.

Wei Wang is just a delicious snack, and the real focus of attention is still these small officials.

Whether something happened to me, or something happened to the thing under my jurisdiction, maybe it would be heard by Datian, and then I disappeared inexplicably.

Therefore, if officials of the ninth rank are paid according to the normal salary, even if they are better than ordinary people, living in Chang'an will somewhat relieve their financial difficulties.

Looking at King Wei's generous New Year's Day now, I'm more or less envious!
"Don't be envious, this year's New Year's Day is indispensable for you!" Li Jingxuan put down the New Year's Day and said,
"The imperial court issued a notice that all officials registered in Beijing can go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to receive New Year's gifts before the Chinese New Year!"

"Why is the imperial court so grand this year?" An official couldn't help asking,

"The Prime Minister manages the imperial court and has always advocated thrift and frugality. It is surprising to give gifts like this year's New Year's Day."

"Maybe it's because of the king of Wei. The king of Wei always gives New Year's gifts to his subordinates, and the court can't turn a blind eye!"

A ninth-rank official stood up and saluted, "I'll go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs first, I'm afraid I'll be gone if I go too late!"

A certain ninth-rank official said: "It has been issued, so can the imperial edict be changed from day to day?"

"That depends on whether the Zheng Guogui will give His Majesty advice to avoid being too extravagant and avoid this New Year's gift!" An official said.

"Zheng Guogong... No way!" Hearing this, the officials present couldn't help being shocked, and said decisively, "Then I will take my leave first!"

Soon all the officials present left one by one, and after a while only Li Jingxuan was left.

Seeing this scene, Li Jingxuan shook his head helplessly, but his eyes were on the school system that was handing out new year festivals.

To be honest, the vast majority of people in the academy are not strictly in the imperial court system, but they are also inextricably linked with the imperial court. They are not so much officials as officials. He is an official.

Therefore, the agricultural school established by Li Tai was not resisted by the aristocratic family, after all, the talents from the aristocratic family were not on the same track.

Not to mention the aristocratic family, even the landlord of the common clan, through the imperial examination system, can fight against the aristocratic family with the support of the imperial power, and has not paid much attention to the cultivation of talents by Li Tai Agricultural University.

But this time, Li Jingxuan expressed a little concern for the whole system, the reason is very simple, because of King Wei.

Because of Wei Wang's long-standing habit of doing things, he either needs to rehearse when doing things, or hides an unbelievable killer under a seemingly normal policy.

This has to make the aristocratic family who are interested in serving the court observe Li Tai.

After all, ever since King Wei established an agricultural school when he was King Yue, the aristocratic family has gradually felt that the rules of the entire Tang Dynasty are changing, but if it is about what the changes are, the aristocratic family can't say anything.

But this time, King Wei handed out New Year's gifts in such a high-profile manner, and even fully revealed the achievements of his hard work in the past ten years, which made people think deeply.

Anyone who has not been exposed to the top meeting of Datang will unconsciously think deeply.

"Jingxuan? Are you also in this restaurant?" Pei Xingjian's voice came from behind Li Jingxuan.

As a gathering place for ninth-rank officials, it is normal to meet Pei Xingjian who is also a newcomer to the imperial court in this wine shop.

"Keeping the promise?" Seeing Pei Xingjian, Li Jingxuan said with some joy in his expression, "Sit!"

"You have already taken this year's New Year's Day!" Pei Xingjian glanced at the New Year's Day next to Li Jingxuan and said with emotion.

"Really?" Li Jingxuan nodded upon hearing Pei Xingjian's words, "This year the court is grand!"

"The annual festival of the court officials is also given by the King of Wei!" Pei Xingjian said to Li Jingxuan calmly.

"Shou promise, it seems that there seems to be some novel news here!" Li Jingxuan couldn't help saying when he heard Pei Xingjian's words.

"It's not a novelty news, it came from Chen Guogong, saying that King Wei has the talent of a monarch!" Pei Xingjian said.

"The king of Wei has the talent of a monarch?!" Li Jingxuan couldn't help but look a little dignified when he heard Pei Xingjian's words.

To be honest, this news is still very important to Li Jingxuan.

At least with this news, Li Jingxuan suddenly understood why King Wei showed his strength so suddenly and in a high-profile manner.

Because only Lixian can fight against Lichang, and it is not the virtuous person that others talk about, but the talent that can only be possessed by a true virtuous person after God's certification.

Wei Wang showed his strength in a high-profile way at this time, not necessarily announcing to the aristocratic families in Chang'an that Datang not only has the current prince Li Chengqian, but also Wei Wang Li Tai.

To be honest, is King Wei weak now?
It’s really not weak at all. Wu Youwang Xuance Xue Rengui, Wen Youwei’s political system built by himself, even if he is far away in Youzhou, Wei Wang also has Li Chunfeng working hard, and even conquered Yuhang’s Chu Suiliang.

To some extent, for the Kanto family, King Wei is a better choice than Prince Li Chengqian.

Strictly speaking, the foundation of King Wei is in the Kanto, and the Lu clan of Fanyang and the Zheng clan of Xingyang are even more friendly with King Wei.

Now, taking advantage of the fact that the prince has achieved nothing, he has shown his talent as a monarch, so he is going to challenge the prince formally!
Li Jingxuan made a judgment in his heart, and even more admired King Wei's step by step to force the current prince into a corner.

He is really a scheming person, I don't know if he will continue to write the story of Xuanwumen!

The turmoil in Li Jingxuan's heart was overwhelming, and Pei Xingjian didn't know. After all, although he had some connections, he was more of a lonely and poor family, otherwise he wouldn't have to work hard to take the imperial examination.

However, Pei Xingjian saw a knight riding a fine horse galloping quickly through the street. Looking at the cotton armor on the knight, Pei Xingjian was more or less envious. It's not easy!

Although the cotton armor is just a simple piece of cotton and iron, it has not been equipped on Chang'an sergeants.

Because the imperial court has not yet collected this kind of armor as armament, and the other is the limited cotton production. At least in Chang'an now, except for Wei Wang's school army, there is really no army that has officially changed its equipment.

However, this kind of armor is fine in summer, but it is really warm to wear in winter. Many generals basically bought one at their own expense, and they don't know when they want to install it in the army.

It's just that Pei Xingjian didn't know at the moment that what was riding out was actually the imperial court's [-]-mile rush.

Although they were not the highest-level postmen, four were released at once, one to Luoyang, one to Youzhou, one to Shanzhou, and one to Yuhang.

It's just that, from the seat where Pei Xingjian was sitting in the wine shop, he only saw the postman setting off for Shanzhou.

To be honest, regarding Li Tai's preparations for the New Year's Eve, Li Tai has already sent a letter to inform him, and has made preparations.

But whether or not this matter should be carried out, we need to wait for the news from Chang'an.

Now that Li Shimin agreed, it was natural for Li Tai to deliver the news as soon as possible.

It is not difficult to save these things, the real difficulty is to distribute these things.

It is distributed to each individual of the system planned by Li Tai, which makes Li Tai's college system busy as winter approaches.

From Xihai County to Shanzhou, from Shanzhou to Chang'an, from Chang'an to Luoyang, from Luoyang to two sections, all the way south to Yuhang, all the way north to Youzhou.

All people from the college system, either from the medical dormitory, or from the Agricultural Society, or from Jinkou, got the news that they had their own New Year's gift, and got meat and rice cakes.

Of course, occasionally there will be some local specialties or adding some drinks or vegetables, so that everyone who has received this New Year's gift will unconsciously have a sense of belonging.

And the people around them who are almost of the same class as them look at them because they are from agricultural colleges, so they have such a new year than themselves. It is impossible to say that they are not jealous, but if they rise to the point of jealousy Not at all.

But when they talk about it, they are more or less envious of their origins in the student system, and think about whether their sons or nephews who are about the same age can find a way to get into that agricultural school through their connections.

After all, graduating from this school not only includes work package assignments, but also New Year's festivals during the Chinese New Year. For a good family who owns good land, what he likes is that his offspring can have such a stable job. He even wishes that he would be younger and want to go in what!
Compared to Li Jingxuan thinking about the struggle for superiority, Pei Xingjian envied the armor of the academy army. For the lower-ranking ordinary people, it is a blessing to have surplus food every year in Zhenguan, a year without war.

Now if you can be born in an agricultural school, you can still have rice cakes and meat during the Chinese New Year. It is really a happy life that you didn't even dare to think about at the beginning!

Those who have experienced the troubled times of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and now have a good family with Tianmu, they just hope that the peaceful rule of the world like Zhenguan can last longer.

It is their greatest hope for the future that their children should never experience the chaotic times of the end of the Sui Dynasty again.

In Youzhou, Li Chunfeng looked at Liu Rengui and said kindly, "Do you need to go to Guangzhou in person?!"

"The king of Wei left behind the layout of the entire navigation industry, which was almost perfected by me bit by bit.

This ship was built by me in the model of a warship, and it was built with a team of retired navy members and students from my agricultural school.

Now I want to send New Year's goods to Guangzhou, how can I miss Liu Rengui! "Liu Rengui replied firmly to Li Chunfeng.

"You, it's too risky!" Li Chunfeng couldn't help shaking his head when he heard Liu Rengui's words.

"There are more or less ice floes on the Bohai Sea, and you may not be able to stop at a suitable port when you go all the way south!"

When Liu Rengui heard Li Chunfeng's words, he just smiled easily and said:
"This is thanks to King Wei's policy of digging ice. The ice floes on the Bohai Sea have long been salvaged by salvage ships, and then sent to the ice bank. There are so many of them!"

To be honest, offshore fishing has flourished in Youzhou, but the freshness of offshore fishing has always plagued the local area of ​​Youzhou.

In order to ensure the smooth flow of Yongji Canal, Li Tai proposed the strategy of storing ice in winter and using ice in summer.

One year after the implementation, the common people took the initiative to start hiding ice even without the government saying anything.

And the ice ticket obtained, in summer, even became the most circulated cargo certificate.

This policy has a greater impact on Tianjin and even the states and counties surrounding the Bohai Sea.

Because here people rely on seafood for their livelihood, after discovering the policy proposed by Li Tai, they prayed every day that this winter would be colder, so cold that the Bohai Sea would freeze, and then ships would go to the Bohai Sea to salvage ice , transported to the warehouse for storage.

This means that it should be winter in the Bohai Sea, and the coast will more or less freeze, causing shipping to stop.

But now, as long as the ice age enters, at least the ice blocks around the ports will be cleared.

After all, as long as things like ice are stored until summer, there is really no shortage of places for consumption in Tianjin.

And as long as something is linked to money, so that the people can taste the sweetness of interests, then there is no need for the court to encourage anything, and interests will drive the people to do what is most in line with their interests.

Hearing Liu Rengui's answer, Li Chunfeng said, "Be careful on the road!"

"When I was in Chang'an, I asked Yuan Tiangang to look at me, and he said that I am definitely not a short-lived person!" Liu Rengui said confidently,
"Furthermore, the Youzhou Navy is well aware of the environment from Bohai to Yuhang, at least the fleet has no problems during this journey, but it is somewhat ignorant of the shipping situation from Yuhang to Guangzhou.

But no matter how you say it, this is the ocean of our Great Tang, so there is no reason why our Great Tang ships are not familiar with this sea area! "

"Okay, okay!" Li Chunfeng stopped talking when he heard what Liu Rengui said, and only saluted Liu Rengui:
"I wish Zhengze a smooth journey, and successfully send this year's New Year's gift to Guangzhou!"

Liu Rengui also returned the gift, and then entered the large ship modeled after the warship, and sailed out of Tianjin Port.

Add more tasks: the old rule is 100 monthly tickets to add a chapter, update at the beginning of the month, seize this last chance, and release more tasks next year will definitely be inflationary.

 I’ve been running a runny nose today, and I’m in a bad state. I don’t know if it’s the sun. Forget it. My diamonds are all guaranteed to be the Thunder General. Come on!

(End of this chapter)

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