Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 391 The ambition of association rate

To be honest, Li Tai knew that the five surnames and seven surnames had a strong foundation, but Li Tai really didn't know that the foundation of the five families and seven surnames could be so strong. people around.

My Mo Ke has been held for so long and has built so many projects, but it has slowly hoarded three to 400 master craftsmen.

But these master craftsmen were not all casually handed over to Wang Zhenru to build bridges and roads.

There are master craftsmen who study steam engines in Moko or the forging in the steel city, and even some relatively large mines.

To be honest, Li Tai was a bit surprised by a master craftsman like the Wang family who casually gave him 50 people.

"Our Zheng family has nothing to do with it, but when the Sui Dynasty was chaotic, it took in some skilled craftsmen!" Zheng Laosan said,

"In that era, people who had no special skills were considered worthless even if we wanted to save them, so we kept a lot of them down.

Relatively speaking, these people signed a death contract with us. Now that there is a shortage of people for road construction, they should be transferred to King Wei. "

Soon Zheng Laosan respectfully took out a stack of contracts between master craftsmen and elite craftsmen and handed it to Li Tai.

Li Tai accepted the Zheng family's contract more or less, and he didn't stay in the Zheng family any longer. He sent someone to bring over his guard of honor and personal guards, and escorted these craftsmen to Wang Zhenru first. of the men.

I believe that Wang Zhenru would go crazy with joy seeing this group of people join his project.

However, because these people are self-made masters, they don't know the standards of agricultural colleges.

So at the beginning, they just followed suit, and after they became familiar with the work process of the agricultural school, as well as weights and measures, the progress of the entire project would be raised to a higher level with their joining.

Li Tai reckoned that next year or the year after that, this project road should be successfully built.

After Li Tai paid a visit to the Zheng family in Xingyang, he didn't stay in Zhengzhou much, and set off in the direction of Bianzhou.

People from prefectures and counties went to each prefecture and county, and if they found some valuable local specialties, they would ask Baihe to record them.

But in exchange, I will also search for the craftsmen in the hands of these aristocrats, and then pack them up and give them to Wang Zhenru.

Because the aristocratic families that Li Tai chose were all families that had paid money and wanted to build highways.

Although everyone expressed disdain for Li Tai's behavior of poaching people, but Li Tai really wanted it, and they gave it decisively. After all, they also hope that the road will be repaired to their place soon.

Li Tai patted his chest when he accepted him, saying that he would definitely cultivate to your place soon.

If people take it away, then I will leave. Don't look for me for progress or anything, go to Wang Zhenru.

After all, the person has already been obtained, and now he has changed from a begging grandson to a debtor.

The expressway has been being repaired all the time. I didn’t lie to you. At most, you don’t know when it will be repaired.

At that time, whether you are crying or making trouble, you should line up obediently for yourself.

After all, debt repayment is a matter of first come, first served. Didn’t you see that there are so many aristocratic families queuing up ahead!
Of course, after a few years, when these aristocratic families are really cultivated, I am afraid that these aristocratic families will need to contribute money and efforts.

However, Li Tai was somewhat humane. Almost when the expressway from Luoyang to Xingyang was built and the engineering team had experience in building expressways, the team could be split up.

After all, so many top craftsmen gathered together to build and build, how could it be compared to splitting them up after they were familiar with the work progress of the weights and measures and agricultural colleges, and started them in different regions at the same time.

It's just that in this process, the consumption of materials will be several times that of the current one, but the problem of materials is still tolerable for Li Tai.

At that time, I will throw the talents into the corresponding land, and then let the respective craftsmen find their own mothers. It depends on whether these aristocratic families are willing to pay for the construction themselves.

If you spend your own money and contribute people's efforts, then build it faster. If you don't want to spend money and just want to get the wool of Datang, then build it slower.

After all, I definitely need to build slowly according to the plan. If you want to speed up the construction of a certain section, it is very reasonable to spend some resources. It depends on whether these aristocratic families have this awareness!
As for those who are reluctant to spend money, just wait slowly, it will definitely be your turn.

It’s just that it’s very possible that other road sections have already been opened to traffic and can collect money. As a result, when it comes to your section, you can see those vehicles getting off the expressway and taking ordinary roads.

He just watched the Kaiyuan Tongbao of Bling Bling that he could have earned flowed into other places.

These days, if you think about watching others make money, it must be more uncomfortable than being in debt yourself.

If the two are carried out at the same time, the spiritual damage received will be even more critical.

Just walking slowly along the way, Li Tai arrived in Laizhou unknowingly, but the place is sparsely populated, except that Jiaozhou Bay is the place where the Datang Navy is stationed, Li Tai in Laizhou actually doesn't pay much attention to it.

Moreover, because it was the camp of the army, idlers were not allowed to approach, and soldiers in the barracks were not allowed to leave the barracks at will. In addition, Li Dejian was Li Jing's son, so he still attached great importance to military discipline.

Therefore, the army did not have much interaction with the local people.

Even if there is any lack of supplies that need to be replenished, although it is more troublesome to go around the Bohai Sea, Tianjin now almost integrates the resources of the entire Youzhou, and what the army lacks can be obtained directly from Tianjin.

Even if there are not enough craftsmen in the navy, they can go to Tianjin to get a lot of craftsmen to repair the ships.

All in all, as long as the navy itself overcomes the distance problem, then Tianjin is really not a difficult task for the Datang Navy in Laizhou Bay.

Even if Youzhou Agricultural University encounters any problems, the sailors of Laizhou Bay are willing to help.

Because they also found out that after staying in the navy for several years, they can go to Tianjin after they retire in the future, because there is a huge demand for sailors there.

After all, offshore salvage gradually led by agricultural colleges has almost unlimited demand for high-quality marine talents.

Especially these retired soldiers from the Youzhou Navy, they have rich sailing experience.

Compared with cultivating new sailors from scratch, it is much more convenient to directly grab recruits from the Youzhou Navy.

And Li Tai looked at Jiaozhou Bay, wanting to see the shadow of the city of Qingdao, but unfortunately, he didn't even see a shadow. Li Tai understood that in a world dominated by the right of way, it is impossible for Qingdao to develop up.

However, with the prosperity of sea power and the importance of Jiaozhou Bay, it is necessary to build a supporting city for Jiaozhou Bay, so that the city of Qinghai can be born slowly.

"And I don't have enough population to support a top county!"

Li Tai thought for a while, but in the end he could only shake his head helplessly. If he wants to develop a city, he still cannot do without the population.

Like building Gaoling by yourself, first take advantage of Chang'an's geographical location, and then use the Weihe River to absorb the surrounding population.

Or the development of Tianjin also absorbed a lot of foreign populations and transferred a part of the population of Henan.

But with the development of time, this kind of city building model is afraid that it will become more and more difficult.

The most important reason is nothing else, but the development trend of society as a whole, which is becoming more and more stable.

The common people can live in the local area smoothly, so the common people are rarely willing to migrate.

Therefore, compared with the population cost that was basically zero at the beginning, it may not be easy for the people to migrate.

Of course, if the urbanization reform is completed, it is easy to say, but Li Tai has no such urgent motivation to complete the urbanization reform in every city.

The people are forced to go to work in the city, stay in the local area no matter what you do, you will lose money, even the last land will be confiscated for you, and you have never considered that once the city chews their youth like sugar cane They didn't even have the money to return it to the original place.

In Li Tai's view, it is enough for him to complete the urbanization of several big cities and form a complete production system.

As for Li Tai in the countryside, he prefers the kind of enterprise that promotes enterprises to go to the countryside. Each village can have one or two enterprises that allow the whole village to work.

Let them produce basic materials as much as possible, so that the country can come forward to buy them. Although in terms of profits, they can barely be considered a loss, and even subsidies are required, but it is much stronger for the stability of the country.

To put it simply, everyone should hesitate a little when choosing between a job with a monthly salary of [-] more and far away from home and a monthly salary of [-] less and a job close to home, and then choose the one with more money under the pressure of the environment.

But in fact, no matter which one you choose, it is impossible for you to achieve five admissions with normal work.

Where there is more money, there will be more money. Where there is less money, there will be less money.

In the final analysis, as long as you don’t survive the money-making game, it’s the same everywhere.

Li Tai took a look at Jiaozhou Bay, but he didn't stay for too long, so he chose to leave.

At least until the problem of Goguryeo is resolved, there is no need for the city of Qingdao to appear.

But after Goguryeo was settled, the navy could go to a wider world, and then a city could be built in Jiaozhou Bay, which became an important outlet of Henan Province.

Relatively speaking, compared with the development of Jiaozhou Bay, at least Lianyungang in the Aolai Country of the East China Sea, Li Tai feels that it has more potential for development.

While Li Tai was observing Henan Road step by step, the news in Chang'an became tense.

Because Li Tai's departure did not mean the end of the assassination, on the contrary, for Li Shimin, this incident was just the beginning.

At least until now, the suspicion on Li Chengqian has not been washed away.

Because the assassin who assassinated Li Tai was killed by Li Tai, the servant who contacted the assassin is also dead, and the clues have been cut off.

At this moment, all the clues point to the Turkic people, which forced Li Shimin to focus on these Turkic people.

In fact, if the Turkic people themselves are clean, it's fine, it's almost a cutscene, without any clues, then Li Shimin might ask someone to look in another direction.

But these Turkic people can't stand the investigation, at least the association rate of the Turk Khan's brother can't stand the investigation!

The association rate does a lot of scoundrel things at home, and blames Tuli for blaming him, and Li Shimin doesn't like him. The most important thing is that everyone doesn't look for him when they have money to make.

The clansmen who betrayed themselves are the most diligent, but most of the money they get is spent in those fancy worlds.

All in all, there was no one to hang out with them, except to hang out with some outlaws who were also hated by dogs.

And when the association found out that someone seemed to be following him, he also felt a burst of anger, decisively summoned his subordinates, and fooled the son of Jieli Khan, He Luohu, and said,

"We killed Li Shimin, took his head and ordered the Turkic Headquarters to rebuild the Turks if we advance, and escape from the customs when we retreat."

"Uncle Association Rate, aren't you crazy!" He Luofu looked like a fool when he heard Association Rate's words.

But the rate of association is very clear, to kill Li Shimin, He Luohu is really indispensable.

Because even if he was caught at that time, he would be able to run a little longer by leaving He Luo Ful.

Therefore, the leader of the association came up and hugged He Luohu and said: "My nephew, don't you want to continue to be a dog by the side of the Han emperor instead of a wolf running on the grassland?!"

"This..." He Luohu felt moved when he heard the association rate's words.

After all, since the Turkic state was destroyed, Heluohu still has a bit of a dream of his homeland.

But there is no way, Datang is getting stronger and stronger, but their people are constantly integrated into Datang, especially those slaves who have passed through the hands of King Wei. At first, they were only worthy of crawling on the ground and licking their own shoes.

But now they look at themselves proudly one by one, holding the Han Chinese household registration in their hands to show that they are Han Chinese, try it yourself!
Naturally, He Luoful wanted to slap these people's faces with a whip, so that they could clearly know what a master is.

But I dare not, because behind them is King Wei, the guy who won the loyalty of these traitors without a sound.

Even if King Wei is not in Chang'an, as long as he expresses the corresponding intention, his way of selling his clansmen to him as corvee will be cut off, and if those clansmen of his own don't sell them, other nobles will.

As soon as he thought of this, He Luoful gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will act with you! What is your method!"

"Tomorrow we will bring our men and go straight into the palace. The tense atmosphere caused by King Wei's assassination has become much better. Datang never thought that we would rush into his palace tomorrow!"

The association rate at the moment is very confident and said, "This plan is very good, it must surprise Tang Jun enough!"

He Luofalcon really wanted to get off the boat at this time, this was a surprise, maybe it wasn't a fright!

He Luohu said, "I'm going to rest, so that I can do it tomorrow!"

The leader of the association hugged He Luohu and said, "You are right, let's sleep together, let's get better together first!"

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